Vol. XV. Upper â€" List of the Upper Pupils ong Subject cent. on ject. attSPECIAL Thursday, August 14th, 1930 The Goldfeld Drug Co. The Rexall Store For Constipation Take Bedtime Pills 25¢ FRIDAY, AUG. 22nd o SATURDAY, SEPT. 6th Brilliant Setting of World Attractions and Exbhibits to mark " Allâ€"Ganada Y ear" ALLâ€"CANADA PERMANENT FORCE BAND 2000â€"VOICE EXHIBITION CHORUS FIFTH MARATHON SWIM ART, AGRICULTURE, MUSIC, INDUSTRY, SCIENCE â€" A COLOSSAL INTERPRETATION OF WORLD PROGRESS SALT S Internationally famous choral organization of 2000 glorious voices trained and directed by Dr. H. A. Fricker, M.A., ER.C.O. Four concertsâ€"Sat. Aug. 23rd, Thurs. Aug. 28, Tues. Sept. 2 and Sat. Sept. 6. General Admission 25¢, Ground floor 75c, Boxes $1.00. Romantic spectacle cssccially attuned to the theme "Allâ€"Canada Year," eclipsing in magnitude and interest all past grandstand pageants General admission 25¢, Reserved Seats $1.00, Box Seats $1.50. for world championship. Friday Aug. 22nd (women); Wed. Aug. 27 (open). Renowned natatorial sport spectacle. Tenâ€"day aquatic sports features. Canada‘s greatest annual athletic meet. historyâ€"making musical organization of Canadians recruited from anada‘s permanent military units to feature the band programmes of Allâ€"Canada Year" (by permission Dept. of Militia and Defense). Reservations now being accepted for Exbhibition Chorus concerts and Grandstand Pageant performances. Mail cheque or motey order. SAM HARRIS, Presigent | â€" A despsiich from Mocoonbeam says that Deputy Minister Cain, with treaty party, arrived at Remi Lake Wednesâ€" day night after an uneventful trip. Dr. Jack O‘Gorman, of Sioux Lookout was picked up on the going journey at : Osnaburgh, and accompanied the party 'on the trip. Dr. Mitchell leaving the ‘ party at the place and returning to Sioux Lookout. Three new Indian treaties were ] formed, the last being Fort Severn, the \ farthest northern post on Hudson Bay. The party was compelled to make forced landing on account of rain at the mouth of the Winnisk River, and l while taking off, a float on one of the | planes was punctured by a large rock, | delaying the party for one day, it being | necessary to build a crib float machine on this and then wait until the tide went out before the damage could be ’ repaired. When this was repaired they were held up on account of storms at iWinnisk for four days, and also two ‘ days at Severn. INDIAN TREATY PARTY HAS COMPLETED WORK FOR YEAR The Indians were found to be in fair condition, but suffering somewhat from the poor trapping season lg.st, winter. A great number, especially at Moose Factory, were found to have taken up gardening, several splendid crops of potatoes being noticed. The party left for Ottawa on Thursâ€" day, Dr. O‘Gorman returning to Sioux Lookout by train that evening. St. Mary‘s Journalâ€"Argus:â€"A satisâ€" fied customer and a knocking competiâ€" tor are a merchant‘s two best assistâ€" ants. H. W. WATERS, General Manager FINAL FIGURES FOR VOTF IN NORTH TEMISKAMING The following are the figures for the voting on July 28th in this riding of North Tqmiskammg, despatches from Cochrane last week placing Mr. J. A. Bradette‘s majority over Mr. Dave Chenier at 2564:â€" Polling Sub. Bradette Chenier I Advance poll ..............26.............:. 28 I ADiIQIDL® .....::;.. ... 22 w H 2 ol i it T 0Cs iL ies J ~AmMCSORDN ) i.......l............... s in x8 4 hi. cce b Barber‘s Bay 41...;............10 C e ies Un iss " BIifigle D. O : :s s sls 10 O BOWMRIL ... i .cc 38 1O i 4 AO ies i icb 41 TL CaATYL lï¬ es > â€" 13 12 â€"Casgrain 18 13;:Coral Feapids.:.......... (20,.....:. iT 14 CAaNYOIL ..ï¬A 43 15 ;Cochrane .1 16 ; y O . 101 IT6 Wls . 132 1" Cochrane .3‘ 84 18 Cochrane‘4"...... ... .9A 141 19 Connaught .......... FPYi: s zcss 81. 20:Coppéell ... 62;;:........ 100 F 21 Calstock *................... i 4 s2@Clute 1 :........... 18 25 2:ï¬ s iss asaise 4D. 50 24 CINECE °B 3 J .L. .mt 16 20 1 .................. 197.;:....,......40 20 XGRIVErL. 2 3. 1953;;...,,. 50 27 :Calvert 3: . all... ....60 29 â€"CAIVETG 4 is se arere 1 d Sow Calvert 4 cÂ¥ x L.+ 0 29¢ 20; DrifftWOOQU®> O L ADUSWAL seï¬ es S l d 32 FPAUUUICLE® csmm 130::...%:4x1.09 39 ‘FOurnier >::.... O .99 34 Frederickhouse ... :snnd 1 O a ® 130 33 FTOUrnIer: se 34 Frederickhouse ........ 62 3O : :::..... 36 Gardiner ... .. 49: 38 Glackmeyer 2 ... ... 42 40 Glackmeyer 4 ... 62 402 Goldlands ... 15. 41 Gregolre ... . 50. 41a ‘CGregoire ‘.......:........ . * 0 8A . 60 43 Hearst 1 ....................1 083 44. 2 OB. 40 HIslOD @O. 4GHMISIOD B 14. 48 Hallewood â€"::::.:::....... 18. 49 Homer Siding ... 27. 50O esn 62 ..;;. .. iss 24 52 Hospital, Cochrane 10 53 Hospital, Timmins .. 7. 54 Island Falls ............. 3. 55 Iroquois Falls 1 ... O1. 56 Iroquois Falls 2 ... 37. 57 Iroquois Falls 3 ...... 115. 58 Iroquois Falls 4 ..... 55. 59 Jacksonboro ............. 21. 60 Kendall ...................... 06 (l «Kennedy ..::::::::;.7a:... 16. 62 :.:. tss ic ids 64 63 Kapuskasing 1 ........152. 64 Kapuskasing 2 ... .. 132 65 Kapuskasing 3 ........144 86 Kapuskasing 4 ......171 662 Kapuskasing 4 ... 124 67 Lakeview ................. 29. 68 5 69 LeMarierville ..........128 "0O Lowther 04 "NT MABACE: s y 7 "a Mahaffiey :....::s:::man 30 N3 MaAtHESON i1 74â€" MattiGe.................+::.... 107 NS 12 76 Monteith ... 78 77 Moonbeam ..................1 62 78 Moose Factory .. ... 04 79 Mountjoy .. ....... 190 80 MacIntosh Sprmgs 22. 81 Montrock ..................1 20 2 o 28 83 Nellic Lake ................ 42 84 Norembega ............ iss 8 S42 NANSCIL + o 86. Onegan ....................... 16 87 O‘Brien ... $3 O‘Brien‘...................... Td 88 Opasatika .............._.110 91 Porcupinge ... 32 92 Cochrane Rural ... 93 Ramore ................. . 102 94 Ryland â€"........ P O g5. Sandy Falls ........... 2. Y6 . Shillington.......:.......:., 1¢ 97 Smooth Rock ........_114 98 Smooth Rock 2 ......14« 4( 100 Strickland (............... "C J01 Smoky Falls .............. 11 102 Stimson W 103‘ Teefy SA 104 ‘Termimal ;...;..;............ j 105 ‘Tyin®Falls:.....:.."...,... 1 106 ‘Tisdale 1 .................... 0 107 ‘Tisdale 2 ..:......... ....... 5 108 ‘Pisdale 3 .................... 0 109 Tisdale 4 :................... 4 110 Tisdale 5 ........ 0 111 Tisdale 0 ... o nc T12 ‘Tisdale‘1‘................ d 113 Pisdale 8 :.:‘".......,........ 5 114 Tisdale 9 d 115 Tisdale 10 :...;,........... o m 116 ‘Tisdale 11~...l....... s g 117 Val Gagne ... e : II8 xB 119 Vimy Ridge ........... 120 Watabeag t B 121 Wawaitin Falls c o 122 Wybormn 6 123 Yorkston ........ s 124 Timmins 1 ... > C 125 Timmins 2......... 20 126 Timmins 3 ................ 18 12] Timmins 4 ... 4 128 Timmins §â€"................ $ 1239 Timmins 6 ........ € 130 Timmins 7 d C 131 Timmins 8 :............. € 132 Timmins 9 ............ .1C 1984 Timmins 10 ............ ! 133aTimmins 10 ............ € 1934 Timmins IL ............ 11 135 Timmins 12 .........;....1{ 136 Timmins 13 ... ficial Count Gives Mr. Bradette a Majority of 2564 Over Mr. Chenier, List of the Figures by Polls. Bradette Chenier es .. s ris e i 22 in LAE Y evee mm iss i. Ainid 1903 | :A . ied M ds in rarive 16 c 00 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO 67 129 158 67 44 82 67 56 82 28 HUGE ARMY OF 15,000 _ NORTHERN OMTARIO LADIES DEMAND SARGON DAILY: â€" GOLF TOURNAMENT EVENT (By Richard L. Simms) ATLANTA, GA.:â€"More like a tale from the Arabian Nights of old than a record of modern business achieveâ€" ment reads the story of the marvelâ€" lous growth and development of Sarâ€" gon the New Scientific Compound which has become the sensation of the drug trade throughout Canada, the United States and other countries. The old illustration of the pebble dropped into the pool best describes the phenomenal and unprecedented deâ€" mand and its fame is rapidly spreading over the entire Continent. T The only explanation of Sargon‘s triumph in the Medical World is Sar-‘ gon‘s true worth. Back of its triumph in the drug stores is its triumph in the homes and it is the grateful endorseâ€" ments of its millions of users that has made it the most widely talked of ‘medicine in the world toâ€"day. Sargon is extensively advertised, it is true, but no preparation, no matter how extensively advertised, could posâ€" sibly meet with such phenomenal sucâ€" t cess unless it possessed absolute merit and extraordinary powers as a medicine. | There can be but one possible explanâ€" i ation for Sargon‘s amazing success and | it can be told in one wordâ€"MERIT! | _ Sargon may be obtained in Timmins | | at The Goldfield Drug Store. | Recently compiled figures reveal that approximately 15,000 men and women are marching into drug stores daily for Sargon and Sargon Soft Mass Pills, the marvellous new treatment that is reâ€" storing health to countless thousands by new and remarkable methods unâ€" dreamed of only a few years ago. Already more than 5,000,000 suffering men and women have put it to the test and have told other millions what it has done for them. Marching regulation army fashionâ€" single fileâ€"this vast army of Sargon users would reach from New York to San Francisco and at the present rate of saleâ€"would, in a few years time, enâ€" circle the entire globe. ast Growing Army of Sargon Users, Miss B. Gordon, of North Bay Winner Marching Single File, Would of Ferguson Cup, Emblematic of Encircle Globe in Only Championship. _ Timmins Few Years Time. Ladies at Event in Sudbury. NEW LISKEARD GIRLS FOR HAMILTON AND TORONTO (From The North Bay Nugget) New Liskeard is sending six girl athletes to Toronto and Hamilion meets, this action being made possible by the generosity of the council and Kiwanis Club. The girls have a very good chance of winning several events and will go south with the best wishes of evervone. The following letter was received yesterday from P. R. Craven, president of the Alerts Club, who has been largeâ€" ly responsible for the excellent trainâ€" ing that the New Liskeard girls have been given: Editor, The Nugget, North Bay, Ont. Dear sir:â€"On behalf of our club I wish to thank you for the splendic write up given in Wednesday‘s Nugâ€" get of the races in North Bay Saturâ€" day and Monday. We aporeciate this very much and it has helped us conâ€" siderably in getting backing here for the girls to go to Toronto on August 16, and Hamilton August 19. Both the town council and the local Kiwanis Club are helping to finance the trip and we have sent in the following enâ€" tries: Marj. Frisby; junior and int. dash, 60 metres. Doris Frisby, int. and sen. hurdles. Verna Kelly, jr. and int. 60 metres dash and sen. relay. Dot. Purdy, int. 60 metres dash, int and sen. hurdles and sen. relay. Mary Vandervlisct, sen. 100 metres and 200 metres dashes and sen. relay. We are hoping that North Bay will also be well represented at Toronto and Hamilton, and trust that our two towns will be heard from at these two meets. Again thanking you, Mr. Dan Saya, Mr. Troy and the many other North Bay citizens who did so much to enâ€" tertain us and encourage the girls in the races, I remain, 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 Timmins Timmins Timmins Timmins Timmins Timmins Timmins Timmins Timmins FTimmins 1462Timmins 147 148 149 Timmins Timmins Timmins 1482 Timmins B.S.A., B.V.Sc. Specializing in â€" small â€" animals, including, Fur Farming, Parasitic Discases, Nutritional Diseases (feeds and feeding), Anaesthetics by W. J. Warren, who is in charge of the music room at Burke‘s Drug Store | Pine St. N. Phone 7| Expert Radio and Gramophone Repairing A. H. Kennedy Yours sincerely, The Alerts Club, P. R. Craven, President 111 There was much interest here last week in the Northern Ontario Ladies Golf Tournament at Sudbury, a numâ€" ber of ladies from Timmins Golf Club taking part in the ecvent. The followâ€" ing despatch from Sudbury on Saturâ€" day last gives a review of the event:â€" Miss Beth Gordon, North Bay, was the winner of the Northern Ontario Ladies‘ Golf Tournament held at the Idylwylde Golf and Country Club, Sudâ€" bury, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. Miss Gordon has been champion twice and runnerâ€"up on another occasion, when she competed in this annual tournament and she is to be heartily congratulated upon her third victory. The Ferguson Cup was presented to Miss Gordon at a delightâ€" ful dinnerâ€"dance Friday evening, when prizes were presented to the other winâ€" ners. The presentations were made by Ben Mervin, president of the Sudbury| Idylwylde Golf Club, and Mrs. Agnow| president of the Northern Ontario tourâ€" | nament. The next annual tournament will be held at Iroquois Falls, Mrs. Morrisette being appointed president, Mrs. George W. Lee, first viceâ€"president and Mrs. Morns, secretaryâ€"treasurer. Prize Winners Prizeâ€"winners at the tournament were as follows: _ Low score, Miss Beth Gordon, North 'Bay. first flight, Mrs. Moore, Timmins, runnerâ€"up, Miss Amey Lee, North Bay} | second flight, Miss Fay Brigham, Timâ€"] mins: runnerâ€"up, Mrs. Morns, Iroquois Falls; third flight, Mrs. J. Ferric, Sudâ€" bury; runnerâ€"up Miss Isobel Lee, North Bay; team prize, Mrs. Stanley Beath, !Miss Beth Gordon, Miss Pheobe Guteâ€" lius and Miss Anna Lee, North Bay | driving, Miss M. Woods, Sudbury; puttâ€" | ing, Mrs. Miller Sudbury; approaching, EMiss Anna Lee, North Bay, consolation \beaten eights of the championship ,flight.. Mrs. Stanley Beath, North Bay, | and Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Haileybury; Perâ€" | guson Cup, championship flight, Miss [Beth Gordon, North Bay; runnerâ€"up, ; Mrs. McGowan, Sudbury. ' Some Excellent Play | _ _ Play for the ladies golf championâ€" ‘ship of Northern Ontario which comâ€" 'menced at the Idylwylde Golf and Country Club, Sudbury on Wednesday morning, was concluded on Friday afâ€" terncon, when Beth Gordon, North Bay l won the tournament against a field of 42 ladies. Miss Gordon was in excelâ€" lent form, and played interesting and hardâ€"fought matches throughout the tourney. Mrs. McGowan, of the Sudâ€" bury Golf Club, was her opponent inl the finals, and made a fine showing, pressing the champion throughout the match. Mrs. McGowan is the ï¬lsti Sudbury lady golfer to reach the finals in any championship event. The con-! solation event for those who were elimâ€". inated in the first round of the chamâ€" pionship flight was won by Mrs. S. Beath, North Bay, with Mrs. Kirkpatâ€" rick as runnerâ€"up. The three matches for the players who were eliminated in the qualifying round were won by Mrs. Moore, first flight; Miss Fay Brigâ€" ham, second flight; and Mrs. Ferry third flight. North Bay won the lowest team score with 427 and Idylwylde won second with 438. Miss M. Woods won the driving contest by making 565 in three Grives. Mrs. G. M. Miller won the the putting contest, and Miss Anna _Lee the approaching contest. Lots of Rivalry ' Ideal weather and a perfect course made the tournament one of the most successful that has been staged by the Northern Ontario Ladies‘ Golf Associaâ€" tion. The various events arranged by the local committee made up a full proâ€" grémme for the three days, and in all events the rivalry was keen. The daily luncheons at which the Idylwylde ladies entertained the visitors were gay funcâ€" tions and a pleasing social diversion in which the lady golfers from the various | towns in the Northland had enjoyable | social intercourse. The championship final was one of the keenest that has been played for the John Ferguson trophy. Miss Gorâ€" don and Mrs. M. Gowan were all square at the turn and halved the tenth. Miss Gordon went inâ€" i to the lead on the eleventh and | twelfth, which put her two up. Mrs. McGowan won the thirteenth, halved the next but lost the fifteenth, which gave Miss Gordon the advantage. WwWith three to go, the North Bay player won the sixteenth and seventeenth which put her two up and one to go. The gallery which followed the players was one of the largest that has witnessed a championship final here, and much enthusiasm was evinced as the two conâ€" testants played their final shots. The final function of the threeâ€"day programme was dinner dance in the club house on Friday night at which over 300 golfers of both sexes were preâ€" sent. In the spacious lounge room dancing was enjoyed to music supplied by Ted Reeve and his orchestra. The various prizes were presented to the winners and runnersâ€"up by Ben F. Merwin, president of the Idylwylde Golf and Country Club, who congratuâ€" lated the victors on their achievement and expressed the pleasure that the local club felt at being able to enterâ€" tain the visiting golfers and congratuâ€" lated the committee in charge of the tournament which was composed of Mrs. Agnew, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. G. M. Miller, Mrs. Valin, Mrs. J. J. Ferry, Mrs. E. A. Collins, Mrs. S. J. Kidder, Mrs. A. H. Skene and Mrs. J. McCreary, on the success of the feature of the Northern golf season. Closes With Dance Championship Flight First matchâ€"Anna Lee won Mrs. Lake; Mrs. McGowan won Miss Gutelius; Mrs. Goff won Mrs. Beath; Mrs. Brigham won Mrs. Dalzell; Mrs. T. J. Fee won Miss M. Lee; Miss M. Woods won Mrs. Miller; Miss B. Gordon won Mrs. Dickenson. Second matchâ€"Mrs. McGowan won from Miss A. Lee; Miss Woods won from Mrs. T. J. Fee; Miss B. Gordon won from Miss M. Fee. Semiâ€"finalâ€"Mrs. McGowan won from Mrs. Fogg; Miss B. Gordon won from Miss M. Woods. Finalâ€"Miss B. Gordon won from Mrs. McGowan. Consolationâ€"Mrs. Lake won from Mrs. Miller; Mrs. Kirkpatrick won from Mrs. Dickenson; Miss Lee won from Mrs. Dalzell; Mrs. Beath won from Miss Gutelius. Semiâ€"finalâ€"Mrs. Kirkpatrick won from Mrs. Lake. Mrs. Beath won from Miss M. Lee. Finalâ€"Mrs. Beath won from Myrs. Kirkpatrick. First flightâ€"First match, Mrs. Moriâ€" sette won from Mrs. Connell. Miss Amy Lee won from Mrs. Langlois. Mrs. Mcore won from Miss Torrington. Mrs. Ross won from Mrs. Valin. ':~)lf‘l N e * ae Matineeâ€"Daily at 2.30 p.m. Eveningâ€"at 7.00 p.m. continuous performance COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAMMEâ€"MON., WED., FRIDAY The Arthur E. Moysey Co., WEDNES. and THURSDAY, AUGUST 13â€"14 Victor McLaglen wWith FIFI DORSAY, WILLIAM HARRIGAN AND LILYAN TASHMAN. Comedyâ€""KNIGHTS QOUT" Addedâ€"Two Vitaphone Acts MIDNIGHT SHOW THURSDAY, AUGUST I4TH AT 11.30 P.M. @G @40 000040004004 009 0404004040044 64400466 6 FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 1516 Naney Carroll NOTEâ€"The above programme will be shown at the Midnight Show on Sunday, August 17th. Doors open at 12.01 midnight @6 0@ G 46 Comedyâ€""HOME EDITION" MONDAY and TUESDAY, AUGUST 18â€"19 Billlie Dove WEDNES. and THURSDAY, AUGUST. 20â€"21 Edward Everett Horton 04800006846 44444444 404 4* * FRIDAY ard SATURDAY, AUGUST 22â€"23 Maurice Chevaher Comedyâ€""REDâ€"HEADED HUSSY" _ Addedâ€""RADIO RYTHM FOX MOVIETONE XEWSs " NOTEâ€"The above programme will be shown at the Midnight Show on Sunday, August 24th. Doors open at 11.30 p.m. Coming : Addedâ€"*"Small Town Ramble Sept. 3â€"â€"4â€""Flight" This one is bigger and better than "SWEETIE" and with an Allâ€"Star Cast.â€"Don‘t Miss It.! FOUNDED 1904 T ME ATR Ei TALKING PICTURES AT THEIR BEST Orders executed on all exchanges Learn About Women from "The Painted Angel" Comedyâ€""GRASS SKIRTS" Flights â€" Frights â€" Fun â€" Frills â€" Furbel Comedyâ€""HIS WIFE‘S BIRTHDAY" Addedâ€""Jack White and His Montrealers Addedâ€""HMarry Delf in "SOUP" August 25â€"26thâ€"*"Paramount on Parade August 27â€"28thâ€"*"Soldiers and Women" August 29â€"30thâ€"*"The Cuckoos" September 1â€"2ndâ€""Let‘s Go Native" STOCKS â€" BONDS DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES .DITION" Addedâ€""AT THE GATE FOXxX MOVIETONE NEWS Phone 100â€"101 ONTARIO (Sweeter than Sweetie IN " HONEY " from from from from from from from Weastera Electric in SA ACTION Semiâ€"finalâ€"Miss Lee won from Morisette. Mrs. Moore won from # Ross. Finalâ€"Mrs Moore won from Miss | Second flightâ€"First match, Miss Brigham won from Mrs. Roberts Mrs. Darling won from Mrs. Waterh: Mrs. Rowley won from Mrs. O. H Mrs. Morns won from Mrs. Perry. Semiâ€"finalâ€"Miss Brigham won fr Mrs. Darling. Mrs. Morns won f: Mrs. Rowley. Finalâ€"Miss Fay Brigham wo: Mrs. Morns. Third flightâ€"First match, Mr: Hall won from Mrs. Crombie. M Lee won from Mrs. O‘Reilly. Mrs won from Mrs. Brown. Mrs. F won from Mrs, Pratt. Miss Les from Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Ferry won : Mrs. Bell. Finalâ€"Mrs. Ferry won from Miss Team scoresâ€"North Bay, 427; Ir wylde, 438; Timmins, 449; Haileyt 476; Sudbury Golf Club, 484; Iroc Falls, 497. Contestsâ€"Driving, Miss M. 565; putting, Mrs. G. M. Mill« proaching, Miss Anna Lee. New York Times:â€"If bad dre caused by indigestion, what good dreams? Addedâ€""A Bird in the Hand Sept., War Furbelows LIMITED