POPR.. SALEâ€"Empire sale cheap. Apply CHEAP FOR QUICK SALEâ€"Dining raom suite, Gramophone, Table Lamp Apply 28 Railway st., schumacher. 32 FOR SALEâ€"One 15 USED KITCHEN STOVE WANTEDâ€" Must be in good condition. . Apply to FOR SALEâ€"White Sidway riage in good condition. rarriage robe. Apply to FOR SALEâ€"One folding bedâ€"couch, two upholstered rockers, one kitchen chair, one child‘s crib with disec wheels, one grey wicker sidewalk sulky. Apply to 35 Tamarack street. NURSINGâ€"Day or week. Apply to Mrs. H. Ranger, 50 Mons ave Tlm- FW .. Chbarger, with ext Apply Nap LaCasse street. cartiaget seuth. ©EURNISHED ROOMS TO and comfortable. for light housekseping. phone and kitchen. A) ©i‘thn avenue. or thone 6 mattres muwcenine BOARDERS WANTEDâ€"In good comâ€" fortable home; conveniences; $8.50 per week: washing and pressing done if desired. Apply to 171 Maple street spu*t*. 19p ARTICLES FOR SALE rniIn As CGGRE FOR SALEâ€"Dry fourâ€"foot slabs and edgings mixed; suitable for bakeries, notels and business blocks; idea: wood for kindling. Price $4.50 cord d@elivered or $3.00 cord in yard. Dry slabs, 16 inches, at $5.00 a load. Gresn slabs 3 loads for $10.00. J. A. Daiy, phone 454J, Timmins. 3liptf URSE OPEN POR ENGAGEMENTS Maternity, and all other cases taken. Aroly to 16 Wilson averue. 32â€"35p TOWNSHIP of WHITNEY A Tax Sale will be held at Township Hall, at Porcupine, on Tuesday, 9th day of Seotember, 1930, at the hour of 11 cicckt in the forenoon. Te list of lands for sale for arrears Tihe list of lands for sale for arrears of taxss has been prepared, and copies mmar be had by applying to the clerk .J. M. Nicolson, Porcupine P.O. The said list is being published in the Ontario Gazette on the 5th, 12th, 19th Any other particulars may be had by apoiving to the clerk. â€" Omtario Gazette on the 5th, 12th, 19th and 256th June, 1930, and in default of payrsent of taxes, will be sold for taxes YARD AND ROOMS.â€"All conveniâ€" enzss. Apply to 121 Pine St. South. â€"31â€"33p Coules, 155 AN°S GOLD wWATCH AND CHAIN it Police Station. This may have stolen from a house by boys, or rom clothing on bathing beach. Ownâ€" to describe the watch and pay for this advt. L. McLauchlan, Chief Conâ€" sable, Timmins. August 5th, 1930. 2 REEN SLABS FOR SALEâ€"Apply at Chaput Mainville, 39 Main Ave., carnmner Preston St. â€"23â€"36p ROOM AND BOARD ALEâ€"Oakland Car, 7â€"passenger. In good condition. Will sell ig bargain for cash. Apply to ng Cafe, 9 Pine street, south. 3 FOR FPALL PLANTINGâ€"E. D. h Sons are now offering the in Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus, Peony and Iris plants are also r for fall planting. Order now | Mrs. F. J. Hamilton, BoX 123. A Porcupine, Ont. 29tf WILL FIND AT THE WINDSOR TEL FURNISHED TWOâ€"ROOMâ€" _ APARTMENTS and rooms by week or month. Hot water year LIL+t ALEâ€"Four sets toting sleighs; four sets e harness, two sets single harâ€" 100 pairs blankets, 1 sawingâ€" ine. Apply basement of 159 street north. 32â€"33p ALEâ€"Threeâ€"burner oil stove oven, also white bed with new ess, Apply to 37 Tamarack se en NTâ€"Nice large well furnished om. suitable for one or two perâ€" All conveniences. Apply to 03 â€" street north, upstairs 32p FOR RENTâ€"Suitable for one ) people or married couple. Near school. Apply to 155 MountJj0Y Ap'ply to 14 Laurier ave. 32p) IJI‘: en t e L [ STOVE WANTEDâ€"| TO RENTâ€"4â€"roocmeda nouse and wood d condition. Apply to shed; all conveniences. Apply B. 3 Pine street south. 32p| Lennan, 10 Eim »orth. â€"28t.f. J. M. NICOLSON, Clerk Whitney Township 15â€"Kattery "Tungar‘ extra bulb. Cheap. sse, No. 9 Mountjoy 30â€"32p or thone 64W Cook Stove for Baby Carâ€" Also white 92 Elm st. O REN‘Tâ€" : Suitable . <u. Use .. of Apply to 51 â€"28â€"30 p. tf leighs 3 FOR RENTâ€"One hou and one four rooms}; Auiply 1854 Spruce St. TOUR ROOMS ences. Appls south. FLAT TO RENTâ€"Four rooms, water and lights; $16.00 per month. Apply to 211 Balsam street north. 32p HOUSE FOR RENTâ€"Five rooms with FPOR â€" RENTâ€"Twoâ€"roomed furnished house, newly decorated. Water and light paid. $17.00 a month. Apply to 104 Cedar street south. 32p FOR RENTâ€"Two 3â€"roomed furnished nouses, also garage 28 by 40 feet. Apply to B. FP. Lennan, 10 Elm St. â€"23t.f. North. HOUSE FOR RE decorated and FOR RENTâ€"Fourâ€"roomed flat upstairs and fiveâ€"roomed flat downstairs. All conveninces in both. See Chas. W. Pexton, 8 Third avenue. 32â€" FOR RENTâ€"Store, Offices and Apartâ€" ment in post office building, 17 Ping street north. Apply to Mark Bowle. DALTON‘S STORE FOF; RENTâ€"Aug. ist. Heated store, 30 by 60 feet, inâ€" cluding basement. At present o6Câ€" cupied by M. Bowie, Lta. Apply to J. Dalton. â€"2"4t.1f. PLAIN SEWING and HEMâ€"STITCHâ€" ING done at reasonable rates at 166 Balsam street north. 32pD TO ‘house at 46 Middleton Ave., connections for light and water. Apply to Mrs. Johnson, 33 Middleton Ave. ~20t.f. LADIES‘ SUITS, COArS â€" AND DRESSES. Reâ€"modelling and alterâ€" ations. Also Draperies and Slipâ€" covers made to order. Satisfactory work and moderate pwices. Mrs. Thomson, Hamilton block, Room 3. 31ptf LOSTâ€"A suitease, on road: between Timmins and‘ Matheson, containing baby‘s and woman‘s clothing. Findâ€" er please return to 108 Cedar street scuth. Reward. 32p LOSTâ€"A Bay Mare, about 900 or 1000 pounds, with white marks on face, and left elbow; scratches on left hip and on right shoulder. Findâ€" er please return to or notify Jos. Dranuta, March CGold Mines, Box 533, , FOR SALEâ€"Rcoming House with fourâ€" teen bedrooms, sitting rooms, dining room, large kitchen, cellar and furnâ€" ace, large glassed veranda, all modern conveniences, centrally located; furnâ€" ished or unfurnished. Reason for sale, illâ€"health of owner. Apply to P. Godin, Box 416, Timmins, or at 41 Fourth avenue, Timmins., 32t1. w WANTEDâ€"A young girl to assist with housework. Apply to 18 Sixth Ave STORE MANAGER wanted in Timâ€" mins for city and county. Experâ€" ience unnecessary. â€" Salary $50.00 weekly, also substantial share of proâ€" fits. $625.00 to $1250.00 cash aeposit required on merchandise. Manager, 4083 St. Denis St., Montreal, Que. 32 Ltd., Timmins ences. w82 UCilds. avenue, Timrmins HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"Six rooms, with water and lights. Shack on back of lot. Must be sold immediately. Apâ€" ply to 284 Kirby ave. 32â€"34p PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€"A fourâ€"room House for sale at great sacrifice. Well located. Corner lot. Apply 102 Balsam street, â€"31 south. FPOR and sell ater â€"axvld sink. $18.00 per month. »nly to 154 Pine street north. 32p The Township reserves the right on any parcels of land in theAta IN MEMORY OF RUSSEL CHARLES TAYLOR. who died August 9th, 1928. â€"Remembered by his old friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cavaney, Sandy Falls, Ont. â€"32p R â€" SALEâ€"Confectionery â€" Business and good fixtures for sale, or will sell fixtures separately. Apply to P.O. Box 89, Schumacher, or 29 First avenue, Schumacher. 31â€"32p [TEDâ€"Girl for kitchen wor to 11 Cedar street north DRESSMAKING TOwWNsHIP OF WHITNEY HELP WANTED FOR RENT IN MEMORIAM and painted. All convenlâ€" i Chas. W. Pexton, 8 Third â€"One house five rooims, r rooms; all conveniences. Spruce St. North. 31â€"32p TO RENTâ€"Convenâ€" to 156 Spruce St. Five rooms, newly â€"31p 32â€"34p FUR COATS repaired and remodellied, work guaranteed. Estimates cheerâ€" fully given. A. J. Shragge Limited, 29 Third Ave., Timmins. 40t.f. GOoOoD PaASTURE FOR HORSES AND CATTLEâ€"Close to town. Apmiy to E. C. Brewer, 119 Wilson Ave., Timâ€" ANYONE WISHING TO EXCHANGE‘ SETS OF MOIR‘S ALPHABET : CARDS for packages may adao so at The Rex Tea Room, Pine St. south, is m im c 26_32!) I homes desired for children, boys and girls, Catholic and Protestant, ages 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson Supt. Children‘s Aid, Timmins, Ont CHILDREN FOR ADopnONâ€"Gooc‘ | | 44t.f | ‘URRIERâ€"Ladies bring yOur scarfs and have them made into real animal chokers. Also relining and reglazâ€" ing at off. Wadsworth Furriers, ~13p¢t. 4. 12 Balsam St. North. MRS. G, W. RAYNER, 64 Bloor aveâ€" niue, Scuth Porcuping, is now préâ€" pared to do Marcelling, Fingerâ€"wayâ€" ing, ete., at her nome. The latest styles and best attention 31"'\)4..4 NOTICEâ€"Notice is hereby given ta2t as my wife has left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her in my name after this date. (Signed) B. Rozon, 156 Balsam street, north, Timmins. July 24th, 1930. 30â€"32 Under and by virtue of the powers | contained in a certain Charge or Mortâ€" gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction by E. C..Brewer, esq., Auctioneer, at the undermenticned premises, 11â€"13i Pine Street South, in the Town of Timmins, in the District of Cochrane, on Monday, the 18th day of August, 1930, at two o‘clock in the | afterncon, that certain parcel of land | and premises composed of Lots Number | Six hundred and twenty and Six hunâ€"| dred and twentyâ€"one on the west side of Pine Street South, in the town of ) Timmins, in the District of Cochrane,, as shown on Plan Mâ€"30 Sudbury, in | the Land Titles Office at Cochrane being Parcel 313 in the Register for Whitney and Tisdale, being the lands formerly occupied by the late Thomas F. King, deceased, and now by his Exeâ€" cutors, and occupied as bowling alley, billiard and prol room, and other purâ€" poses. On the said lands is said to be a building of about 60 feet frontage by about 108 feet in depth, containing nine bowling alleys; billiard and pocl rcom with recom for seven tables; a store; a barber shop, and residence apartments, all in operation and use. Terms of sale:â€"Ten per cent. of the purchase price to be paid at the time of sale; a further thirty per cent. of the purchase price within fifteen days thereafter; and the balance, sixty per cent., in cash or as may be arran‘ged with the Mortgagee, within thirty days Timmins from the day of sale. The property will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid, and to certain conditions of sale to be announced at the sale. For further information apply to the undersigned. Dated this thirtieth day of July, 1930. The Ontario Equitable Life and Acciâ€" dent Insurance Company, Mortgagee. by JAMES C. HAIGHT, Waterloo, Ontario, _«A Y Its Solicitor herein. Kincardine Reviewâ€"Reporterâ€" Every courtesy should be extended the tourâ€". ‘\ists that they may enjoy their ivisit among us. There is one quality in the American people that is quite well known in any district that is acâ€" customed to tourist trade and that is they are friendly. They like to meet people; to talk to them and express their opinions as to their visit to this country. It is often a fact that tourâ€" ists in this manner give hints lwhen adopted appeal to other tourists !So one needs have no misgivings ‘about giving any tourist the glad ~â€"31â€"33 Mr. ‘Theodore Beaulne wishes to thank his many friends and relatives for the kindness and sympathy shown in the illness and death of his wife. Also for the many beautiful floral tokens Mr. William Miller and family wish to thank all their friends and neighâ€" bours for their sympathy during the illness and death of their wife and mother. Also for the beautiful floral offerings sent. 32h Hishâ€"Grade Samples From Week‘s Run of the Press MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MORTGAGE SALE CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO 32p hand. Ib should always be rememâ€" bered that the impression that tourâ€" ists take back to their own counâ€" try depends upopn the individual courâ€" tesy extended them while here. By establishing a reputation as a most hospitable host, any community can expect to derive greater benefits from the tourist trade. Irate Father: "What do you mean by . coming home at 5 a.m.?" Indignant Daughter: "For crying out | loud, Pop, I have to patronize the old! roost some time, don‘t I?" | The archbishop had preached a splendid sermon on the beauties and joys of married life. Two old Bridgets | waddled slowly out at the close of the service. | "Ah, ‘twas a fine sermon his rivrince was after tellin‘ us." "Indeed it was. An‘ I wish I knew as little about it as hs does." | "Bill Havon of Southmore "big Alsatian police do@"with an aristoâ€" cratic background, from the Burk Kennels Toronto, is on a 7,000â€"mile trip from Taoronto to Yokohama by Canadian Pacific Express and Emâ€" press of Asia to the order of, a Japanese merchant of the latter city. During his long journey the dog is in charge of Canadian Paciâ€" fic officials. Noted Comedyâ€"Success to Open Canadian Chautauqua Twenty New Zealand athletes and twenty athletes from Australia have already arrived at Hamilton for the Empire Games under the chairmanâ€" ship of E. W. Beatty, chairman and president of the Canadian Pacific Railway. There will be represenâ€" tatives from ‘Great Britain, South Africa and nearly every province of Canada at the Games which are scheduled to be l*xd in the Ontario city next month. Canadian Pacific Recreation ciuos of Toronto and Trenton set a new record for picnic attendances when the annual function was held there recently.. The fresdom of the city was conferred on the visitors for the day and the high spot of the sports, the Grout Cup, trophy of the softball match between the Toronto and Trenton clubs, was won for the fourth year in succession by Trenâ€" ton. With an aggregal© OL YEdrs of unbroken service, three Canaâ€" dian Pacific engineers from the Onâ€" tario district retired on pension recently. They are John Douglass, Thomas Bennett and John G. Moore ind all have unblemished records. Bennett‘s service goes back to 1883 while Douglass and Moore S0O back to 1883 and 1889 respectively. sion announces that between Janâ€" uary 1 and June 30, 15 new indusâ€" trial firms have come to Toronto, with which the commission has cOâ€" operated. Of these, 11 had their origin in the United States and 4 originated in other parts of Canâ€" ada. The list of these new indusâ€" tries includes a number of outâ€" standing companies whose entrance into the assembling and manufacâ€" turing field in Toronto means an important growth and development in the city‘s industrial life. The old belief that the Red River fixes a charm upon those who touch it, was tried out recently as Harry Pearse, undefeated Austraâ€" lian Single Sculls champion and one time world champion, stood on its shore and watched his son, H. R. Pearse, Olympic amateur chamâ€" pion, in a try out as a guest of the Winnipesg Rowing Club. Pearse is a contestant in the Empire Games at Hamilton next month. For the first time in history, norses were ridden over "Ball Pass" rear Banff recently. ‘The riders were Jim Brewster, J. Murray Gibâ€" bon and Glory Temple, the latter a Lake Louise guide and the purpose of the trip was to locate camps for the Trail ride at end of July. Only three hours were required to travel from Banff to the summit of Ball Pass yet this pass has hitherto been considered impassible except for Alpine climbers. ‘The Toronto Indust_ria,l Commisâ€" ‘"Broken Dishss,""‘ the populd the coming Cansadian Chautaugua Pa Bumpstead, the central figure in a decade. For twenty years P which cause him to pluck up his stoad f{family. stoad f{family. "Broken Dishes‘"‘ is a very human comedy, filled with laughter, romance and pathos. presented here by the wellâ€"known Martin Erwin Players of Canada. C TCO and There zregato of 133 years Dishes,"‘ the popular Broadway comedy inadian Chautaugdua here, seems to s trik 1, the central figure in the play, is one ( For twenty years Pa has been as meek ; lim to pluck up his courage and roar li â€"Exchange )n:" of It is said that Mr. Bennett gave a half million dollars to winning the election. He is a very rich man and won‘t feel the loss. He will draw down a salary of $15,000 as Fremier and $4,000 as sessional indemnity, but will no doubt spend much more than this in carrying out his job. ABOUT HON. MR. BENNETT AND BEING IN POLITICS Which looks as if Mr. Bennett isn‘t in politics for what he can make out of it. A man con‘t help being poliâ€" tician. It‘s something in his blood which drives him to look after public business, generally at a loss to himself. Politicians who make money in office are rare, and their doings are always quite well known. As a rule they don‘t SCENE FROM "BROKEN DISHES" Would you like to be in politics? Probably you have envied the fellows in the limelight. But after you have given sincerely the best that is in you, found you had to neglect your own business, listened to mean things about yourself and even when a@a winner found yourself bothered by supporters who wanted some Tangible expression, 55555555555%55555555Eï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚?b‘i%ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ifliï¬%iï¬!ï¬ï¬hï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ adway comedy by Martin Flavin, which will be presented at seems to strike a responsive chord in the heart of everyone. » play, is one of the most lovable characters to reach the stage been as meek as a lamb in his own home, but events transpire #e and roar like a lion, to the intense surprise of the Bumpâ€" (Sault Star) of your regard for their help, you would prcobably wake up to find out how little comfort there is in being a politician. Of course ever beâ€" lieves the wild yarns circulated about candidatés, but the victim can‘t help being a little sore occasicnally. In Mr. Bennett‘s case, a majority of 29 will help him forget some of the unpleasant incidents. The marriage is announced of Miss Vera Gertrude Jarrett, younger daughâ€" ter of â€"Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jarrett, of Toronto to Mr. Ernest Winslow Pooley on Monday, August 4th, at Toronto. The _bride was on the public school teachn g staff here, and the groom is on the electrical staff of the McIntyre Mine. After their return from the wedding tour, the young couple will take up residence at Schumacher. Both bride and groom are very popular in the camp and they will receive the best wishes of all. "The time will come," shouted the speaker, "when women will get men‘s wages."‘ “'Yes," said a little man in the corner next Friday night." It will be Arriving home from the party, Prienc Wife tcok her hat and slamnmed.it on the floor. "I‘ll never take you to anâ€" other party as long as I live," she said. "Why?" asked Hubby, amazedly. "vYou asked Mrs. Jones how her husâ€" band was standing the heat?" "Well, what of that?" "Why her husband has been dead two months." ignorant nan 1 Cluck, Cluck enterprising t hens with used to spend eggs, but now â€" and say, "Han! "Dces your oridGe Know about cooking?" asked the cld meeting recent groom. "Well," he grinned, "I heard h ing up her mother the other day if she had to use soft water fC boiled egges and hard water 1 if she had to 1 boiled eggs an hardâ€"boiled one it spend mt ; now the "Hank, I man tC ‘â€"GOnce upon time an cultryman crossed his rots, to save tims. He much time hunting the he hens walk up to him T just laid an egg. Go ae know anythin sked the old frienc an‘t make cha