Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 12 Sep 1929, 2, p. 8

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Thursday, Sept. P22 n k snn hn t 20 4* nE o e td 5xn No ts 1e 0095 B0 00 1008 fh 2 10 05 15135 3035 1095 90 35 3039005 15 15 35 15 1530595 05305 05 1503 5 005 00 000505 05 90505 90505 150505 9505 90 05 1505 0505050050095 35 000535 9005 3035 00 04 i5 05 % 3 2 s s o o o o n i i i i i in i5 5 15 14 15 5 05 15 05 15 0505 0505 05 05 0505 05050 0 i5 i5 i5 i in i 5 15 ib ib 1b in i5 i5 ib 15 15 5 5 35 15 15 0 45 15 45 15 5 45 45 35 35 35 5 15 35 4 9 td h f ht L4 am ym en CE NE NC1E 35 00 30â€" 3505 350010 30051000 00 000010 0000 050500000505 06 545 05 000505 05 0505 105 05105 t 15 105 10505 0510 150000 05 5 00 1050505 0505 3515 05 06 45 5 4 %% 6 n\xx\\\\\\\\\mfimm SS 3 * 3 4 o h s h s * % 453 16thâ€"Monday and Tuesdayâ€"17th AT THE THEATRES 20thâ€"Friday and Saturdayâ€"21st MONTE BELL‘S powerful murder trial film, featuring LEATRICE JOY, BETTY BRONSON, MARGARET LIVINSTON and MONTE himself " The Grip of the Yukon " A thrilling drama of a sea daredevil pitting brain and brawn against the cunning of the South Seas. A STORY OF LOVE, HONOUR AND BETRAYAL 13thâ€"Friday and Saturd; Fox News scenic Reoel 18thâ€"Wednes. Thursdayâ€"19th Goldfields Every Monday and Tuesday, Community Night at both Theatres, admission to all.:...................%. 229C " Sailor Izzy Murphy " " The Bellamy Trial Thursday, Friday and Saturday September 19th, 20th 21st 3?‘ An Allâ€"Canadian Company presenting a wonderâ€" . ful series of entertainments. «aA tA 9\\\\\\ 84 44 4 4: ‘S\‘.\’\'\\\; * * t* * * 5 88 * *4 * 4 * 4+ Addresses by Notable Lecturers â€"â€"â€" Interesting and Educative. Music â€" â€" â€" Instrumental and Vocal â€" â€" â€" that will delight all Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Store FOR TICKETS AND I NF OR M A T I O N call at the office in the Ronald COLMAN FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN and JUNE MARLOWE A tale of the backwoods in the far North featuring Presented by the Community Players COMEDY DRAMA "New Brooms" A ripâ€"roaring comedy on the High Se Net Proceeds in aid of Children‘s Aid Society * THE COMEDYâ€""Stagestruck Susic GET A COPY OF THE REMARKABLE PROGRAMME TO BE PRESENTED DURING THE THREE DAYS and an Allâ€"Star Cast in PWCY COMMUNITY _A A A 4 KS***** v’,’"l * *% *4 %! PARAMOUNT NEWS |OC $ UINOCI NCW COMEDYâ€""No Chi.dren and Comedyâ€"â€""Kid Hayseed TIMMINS THIRD aVENUFE, TIMMINXS Lilv ASs at New Empire Friday and Saturday, Sept. 13â€" See this smashing Western drama in which love tote uy sends a man to almost certain doom among the outlaws. IT‘S A PEACH She is a New Year‘s "Eve"â€"He is a New Year‘s "Adam"â€"How will they find their Eden? It is a night of adventure for a man with a million dollars, and a girl who looks like a million dolâ€" lads, but hasn‘t a cent. IT‘S GOOD Wednes. Thursday, Sept. 18â€"19 Monday and Tuoesday, Sept. 16â€"117 A â€"masked strangerâ€"a beautiful senoritaâ€"A gang of desperadcesâ€"Put them all together they spell Râ€"Oâ€"Mâ€"Aâ€"Nâ€"Câ€"Eâ€" COLLEGIANS SERIALâ€"â€"Pirates of Panama"â€"Chap. 5 COMING ATTRACTIONS: MARY ASTOR and CHARLES MORTON IN " Beyond the Sterras " " NEW YEAR‘S EVE Queen of the North Woods"â€"First Chapter SAL OF SINGAPORE"â€"Phyllis Haver and Alan Hale "SOFT BOILED"â€"Tom Mix Presented by the Community Players MEDY “Laff that Off COMEDIESâ€""Fun in the Clouds" and "Scrambled Honeymoon" TIM MceCOYÂ¥ and SYLVIA BEECHER COMEDYâ€"@JUST THE TYPE PATHE NEWS AND REVIEW Hoot Gibson THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO 14 N# S * * * * * t * % **S * * * *4 4* %* t the regular meeting of the town council on Monday afternoon there was much routine business dealt with, the chief item before the council posâ€" sibly being the formal passing of the new transcient traders‘ license byâ€"law, Under this new byâ€"law all transient traders doing business in town must have a license, this license now to cost $250.00 instead of $75.00 as heretofore. The council gave the byâ€"law the reâ€" quired three readings, thus putting the byâ€"law in force and effect. The conâ€" ditions of the jformer byâ€"law, apart from the license fee, will apply. Under the new byâ€"law as under the previous one the fee for the transient traders‘ license will apply on the taxes of the person licensed if he or she remains in business. Some of the councillors thought the fee might be considered a little high, especially as it was such a big jump from the $75.00 previously collected, but the council in general after consideration felt that the estabâ€" lished business men who were ratepayâ€" ers deserved some protection and the transient traders who remained here would not lose anything as the fee was applied to their taxes after they had been here a year or more. At the meeting on Monday, Mayor Geo. S. Drew presided, and Councillors A. G. Carson, H. Charlebois, P. Douâ€" gall, R. Richardson, Alfred Caron and C. P. Ramsay were present. Council Raises Fee Required for Transient Traders‘ Here. Error in Assessment of Jewish Synagogue Rectified. Tax Cases Considered. â€" Routine Business Dealt with at Meceting on Monday. Other Town Council Business. Mr. P. Chapman asked to have the house he occupied changed from separâ€" ate to public school, as he had not had it rented to a separate school supporter for 18 months or more. The council agreed to the change and the necesâ€" sary alterations will be made There was a request for a light on Hemlock street at the corner of Ninth avenue. Council thought this was far out in the town and that few ratepayâ€" ers would be served, but the matter was referred to the fire and light commitâ€" tee so that it could be looked into and dealt with. Hon. Wm. Finlayson‘s private secreâ€" tary acknowledged the receipt of the letter and resolution from the town council asking that the timber limits on certain townships south of the town be reserved for the use of the lumber industries in Timmins. The timber from these limits would naturally come down the Mattagami river, unless diâ€" verted, and to reserve these townships as suggested would give some assurance for the continued life of the lumber businesses here, in which much money was invested and many men employed. Mr. A. Parker, secretary of the Timâ€" mins Horticultural Society, wrote the council thanking them for the donation given this year and saying that the anâ€" nual exhibition for this year had been a very successful one. A petition signed by twelve ratepayâ€" ers was before council asking for a grain in the southwest section of the town near Kirby avenue. The water from Pine, Cedar, and other streets, the petition said, drained onto the proâ€" perties in the district causing much damage and lessening the value of the lots. Mayor Drew thought there were only a few houses affected, but that the matter might be looked into. Acâ€" cordingly, the question was referred to the board of works for investigation and report. A widow who had nine children to support asked council for relief from taxes in arrears. Only one of the children was able to be of any assistâ€" ance to her, she said, and consequently it was hard to make ends meet. Counâ€" cil sympathized with her but explained there were scores of similiar cases and the council did not feel they had any right to rebate the taxes. The relief officer might be able to help a second son to get work and help in the support of the family. In the meantime, there would be no pressure made to enforce immediate collection of the taxes, but the rates due would stand as a charge against the property. Transient Traders® Byâ€"law water for the larger house had not | used for three months or so a re might be made for a couple of mol for the rates on the larger house. was told, however, that this was n precedent and that now that he k he rules he would have to pay who there were vacancies or not. The matter of the taxes on the Jewâ€" ish synagogue was again taken up. The mayor explained that in 1927 the assessor had visited the building and finding the rabbi there with a class of puplls had taken this to mean that the building was used for residence purposes. As a consequence this form of assessment had been followed. The taxes imposed through this amounted to $248.59, and council thought it only fair to rebate this amount as the synaâ€" gogue was only used for church purâ€" poses like the other churches in town. Authority was given for the reâ€"decorâ€" ating of the interior of the fire chief‘s residence which has not been given any attention in this line for some time. The three necessary readings were given for the final passing of the new transient traders‘ byâ€"law. The penalâ€" ties for breach of the byâ€"law have been increased to correspond with the inâ€" crease in the license, fee. Routine accounts were passed, some water rates rebated where houses had been vacant. There were several requests for reâ€" bates of taxes and water rates on houses that had been vacant. Counâ€" cil pointed out that no rebates had been given on taxes where residences mine quest week other The necessary legal form was passed granting the Ontario Government the lease of a small strip of land behind the fire hall to be used for a building to be erected by the Government to house the equipment and supplies for the mine rescue station to be establishâ€" ed here. The lease is for 99 years and the pay for same is $1.00, the town beâ€" ing glad to help in the establishment of the mine rescue station. South Porcupine Young Man Killed at Sudbury Border Cities Star:â€"There may be a scarcity of teachers toâ€"day, but in our youth, as far as we can remember, there were always too doggone many of them. Knhew been ; hands ‘bate | ness nths | yvear He bury brought into this office a dozen | spikes good enough for any company. These were cut in his garden on Friday | and after several days in hot weather | still made a fine showing. Mr. Carson ‘had a grocery on Elizabeth street a | number of years ago, but for a number ! of years has been one of Haileybury‘s progressive businessmen. His hobby is floriculture, his special pets being "glads." He was sorry that his stock was not far enough advanced to make entries for the C. G. S. at Barrie but he had some consolation in winning the sweepstakes at the Haileybury flower show." Second Birthday Event at A. J. Shragge‘s Store Starting last Friday, Sept. 6th, A. J. Shragge‘s store has beon observing its second birthday here by a special anniâ€" versary sale. During the birthday sale, which is continuing all this week, special emphasis is being given the particular values on all fall and winâ€" ter coats in the season‘s latest modes. nmnumber of pebbles wi prizes:â€"first, $50.00 i second, $25.00 in mer $10.00 in merchandise been a large number of The judge of this corn C. G. Pirie, of The Ad QOHIQ MAN FINED AT NORTH BAYV FOR ILLEGAL FISHING A despatch from North Bay this week says that, charged with fishing without a license, J. A. Lambert, of Exâ€" enia, Ohio, Saturday at North Bay was fined $20 and costs by Police Magistrate Weegar. The case revealed one of the worst examples ever discovered by the local game ‘and fisheries authorities. Lambert was taken in charge by Thos. Raycraft, local fish warden, who found the American at Franks Bay near the French River with no less than 300 pounds of fish in his possession. Most of the fish were in a condition of deâ€" cay and when it was discovered that Lambert did not even have a license, he was brought to the city to face that charge. He was aione on his fishing expedition and most of the 87 fish which he had in his possesion were pike. Besides imposing the fine, the court ordered that all Lambert‘s fishâ€" ing equipment be confiscated. The Barrie Examiner last week says: "In connection with the recent gladâ€" iolus show, it was stated that the farâ€" ther north they are grown the better the gladioli. Concrete evidence of this was received by The Examiner this week when Alfred J. Carson of Haileyvâ€" ABOUT BEAUTIFUL GLADIOLI GROWXNX INX THIS NORTH LAND TF R O L1IC] Ime€ 1A s Tommy Stephens and his Orchestra NOVELTIES AND FUN CALORE Commencing at 11 p.m. until......... 7? i€ Bring your Green Card with you Number wins $5.00 big birthday doubled ove birthdav cak number of estimates made f this contest will be Mi of The Advance. iY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th hdavy cake even Positively the Biggest Event of the Season h a@isg} There have also mode: bein LACIEES FREE his i p.m. The race will start at the (Goldfields Drug Store and the course will be via the Vipond to Schumacher and back. Four Cups will THE EOLOAALD DRUG COS Five Mile Road Race be given. Enter Now for the Bi Race 100 Reduction. Take advantag»e of the 10( reduction on round trip fares available on Cabin class accommodation, when sailâ€" ing from Montreal after Augus: 15th and returning after Octobe: 15th. October 2 6 CUNARD _ _ _ 1 wo lumps and cream, as usual, Madam ?" â€" A Cunard Deck Steward takes a respectful, perâ€" sonal interest in all his passengers . . . you wish you could keep him as your butler . . . so selfâ€" effacing, so competent is he. â€"â€" He makes you feel at home. Sail Cunard! Cabin, Tourist Third Cabin and Third Clase m\\\\\\\\\\.‘\\\\\\\s\m YA Lucky

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