â€"â€"Better â€"â€"Better â€"â€"Better â€"â€"Better â€"â€"Betteor ou can buy Blending Red Rose Tea is an art. To obtain the fine favor and fullâ€"bodied richness required years of experiâ€" ence, Every package guaranteed. €1 Thursday, Aug. 29th, 1929 [\ Naturally all these result in a shoe of finer quality â€"Better Construction â€"one that wears longer, with less repair work, and one that represents greatâ€" er economy in the long run, because, though you â€"Bezter Materials Better A ppearance Better Wear -Beucr Comfort pay a few cents more per / pair, you buy fewer pairs 'Better Value n per ’year‘ â€"HURLBUTâ€" . 4 s 9O . P V O cmay mt OPEN to the Public from 11 to 3 daytime an d 8 to 11 at night Hollinger Stores Limited These Better Thinos®? apital, Surplus and und Te o4 \ rlbut Shoes from anmny \x ] hen you visit Toronto Exhibition Third Avenue, Timmins TRADE MARARK REGISTERLD you will find a branch of the bank in the Administration Building near the fountain. Our Manager and his staff will welcome you â€"note the special hours of businessâ€"and do their best to maintain the Bank‘s reputation for firstâ€"class service. of these family shoe store vided profits over below ‘ifteen Millions 1¢ Dan. McI Day >owa TIl bet 1t was instead a so ind thus to first impt MmMontgomery on ed with gamblin Each of the eig i fine of five ac Biu ibou gth, there will be so many fuends in Timmins that thi: good fellows will soon be n at the iunch tha ~ VvVeEL it park on Spruce ide the T. N. O. railway it was not always thus. : raillway approach to the iything but a bower of as instead a sort of sandv 1 five dollars and co:f ‘re the result of a r: Wilson and Constab and P. Collins on which there had been complaints. When t their way in they fou at the table. Chief W ou s101] tow rail und 1 V You wer l 1 V i ring hi h h: aln WA v trians, Roumanâ€" and what have ice of the Peacs i Sept. 1st, 1913 n THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS _ hulkin humblv SEptG. 1st, 1919., on the Lord's, t men had to m essions re al V I ba vh 11 iC Th reâ€" in, who special S, In 2 I uy Wi 1€ DIY h qu ual l1 11 11n 12en , adverti newspa this co vears a plasterer. The following further paraâ€" graph may be added herewith:â€""Mr John Kilgore is able to be out anc around again after being laid up for couple of weeks with injuries sustained when his horse ran away, smashing the buggy, etc. Mr. Kilgore had some ribs broken in the accident, and was also injured internally. He is now, howâ€" ever, well on the way to complete reâ€" ! covery again." ha ha nd ev plo and injuri the st the st: led off neatly for the borne som having bei Aug. 29th “J anC ing gathnered frc graph in Th "Mayor McIr continually a cently in eff pearing surr is mad In th ome railwa _ no questi nmnce of the 1 paper. On _ column of ne ago in Timm in certai @rluab The ind eff ind AT alwa 1C t wW@s bui illâ€"; wee buildin reputa iys interesting to note the in past issues of any local On several occasions in of news and views of ten Timmins the different adâ€" certain issues have been vertiseément of intere news of bargains and urtis Drug Co.‘s qu ement each week wa of the paper, while theatre was a good ) in re OIY nn undit depot T Adv 11 n al 1v l Il :B irdwa tisement each i bright, newsy d,. the firm at id; It still e people are educated to advertising not he lI )2 WII D30 4 VIisit TO MoOntlréal and oiner points couth and east." "Mr. Thos. Torrance reéeturned on Monday (Aug. 26th) from a holiday spent at his home at North Bay and other points south." "Among the visitors last week from Timmins to Toronto may be mentioned:â€"Mayor and Mrs. J. A. McInnis, Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Moore, Mr. M. Boivin, Rev. Fr. Theriault, Mr. Chas. Pierce, Mr. H. J. Marshall, Mr. P. A. Macaulay, Mrs. J. gent they wouid be ready for use by the fall. The design cf all these houses was pleasing both as regards the interior and the exterior. They were finished in stucco. Mention was made of the progress in the building of a new school for the Palls and the or, according to reports." "The Onâ€" ario Bureau of Mines has just pubâ€" ched a very helpful report, giving iuch useful information and details egarding the Abitibi, Lightning River, arder Lake and Night Hawk Lake disâ€" ricts." "Mr. Hebert, of the Canadian xplosives Co., returned last week from visit to Montreal and other noints p:ace the old Argyle hotel at the Faills. The Argyle was burned to the ground in October, 1918, and immediately conâ€" struction work was started to replace this very necessary building. On April 9th, the new Hotel Iroquois, was open â€" ed to the public. Another fact noted in the article was that work was startâ€" ed at the Falls on the latter pari of May, 1919, in the building cof fifty new houses for employees of the Abitibi Power Paper Co. By August the some year the houses were well adâ€" vanced in construction and it was eviâ€" dent they would be ready for use by the fall. The dGesign cof all these nd ‘all A U The Ad owing :â€" YOU PA Y for o QUALITY only ez and GE T it. ' n MAGIC BAKING POWDER Theres only one quality of When you buy Je Old Poliabhle and that‘s the highest h Quality maintained for 50 years. E.W. GILLETT CoO. LTO. TORONTO, CAN. Pocket pack of years indati n Canada LOwIn Halfâ€" iOaRrds w illy all th ik liam week from her points . Torrance 26th) from Iroou Hou ari ‘canyg Local Distributorsâ€"National G Blairmore â€" (Alberta Ivory discovered in th old friend Spence Lyo: successfully removed c ly David W vÂ¥hi pleéasant evening many friends pre i musical progra jleasures were e ind meo Ma 1 be 1 par t hs: ial id y h i h vyoung onout day 6 ib 11Y popul nIin pmet nd i vish mm §I° ha i V Aug. : ‘immit On h in GINGER ALE ir made it much reore pa ind 51 Enterpri nouth of at Natal Ssunday ‘A number farewell p: A. Meuchs "6th, 1918 om ch v . WwIill short rth David and ea~ cing )the follc to h th WO Th h 11 Meuch rient i: i VCE cards sOcla Cl tha yvin: in ha her new MA in 11 Geo. Taylor Hardware Ltd xrocers Co., Ltd., Timmins RICE KRISPIES Is cormsumed h y the new ux z0C This means a saving of 75%in Baittery _ Charging ; Rice Krispies fascinate children. They are ideal for early suppers. Ordeor a red. andâ€"green package from So CRISP that every d. bubble pops and c when milk or ere poured on it! Rice K are toasted riceâ€"fill flavor and crispness a breakfast! "Taop, only H6 aimpere M Distributors ho o o mt *T 2X LE Y _ and crackles or cream is Rice Krispies 1ccâ€"hllcd with rispnessâ€"what ////h \\\\\\\\\\ ery delicious