Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 25 Jul 1929, 1, p. 2

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Increase Your Weight 5 Pounds 3H Hays flr Mnnay Back I 27-39;;- mxsxxxxssxsxssmssxw Real pharmacists and chemists every- where know that McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets contain just the prover: essential ingredients that ine crease weight. create appetite, build up the power to resist disease and puts good solid flesh on skinny men and women . So now men and women who keep up with the times are taking McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tabletsâ€"rich in health building. strength creating flesh producers and as easy to take as candy. So why not start to-day? Why not fill out those deep hollows in neck. cheeks and chest? Why go on through life with sunken cheeks and narrow chest when you can take advantage of this straight forward offer. Try Lhem for 30 days if you want to gain five pounds or more. And bear this in mind. if they don’t help you in that time your money will be refunded. 60 Tablets 60 cents -â€" Economy size $1.00. At Moisley 8: Ball, F. M. Burke and Sauve Pharmacy and druggists everywhere. - - .' 3:3 Thursday, July 25th, 1929 Dr. McLeod’s Stomachic @flEESE Reg. 21c 190 BISCUITS TEA .b. 75c CATSUP 2:22? Bottle 17c POST’S BRAN Pkt. 12c MARMALADE “‘1‘21c Golden Tip lb. 85c Broken Orange Pekoc Small Tin 1 1c Med. Tin 1 5c DOMINO lb. 659 VICTORY BRAND unnum- un ( our CLUB HOUSE Queens DURHAM or CANADA SOAP :0 bar: 57c OLIVES M33,“ 3‘, 35¢ Corn Starch Pkg: 10¢ F. M. BURKE’S 4 Stores Macaroni Loaf - Jellied Brisket - Peameal Bacon, Sliced - Ras berry 8: Strawberry: Canadian or Pimento ”pg-lb. Pkt. Palmolive Soap - Macaroni 8c Spaghetti - Prunes, 60-705 - Personal Service Values, Quality JAM w The housewife"s worries are at an end when she shops at her nearest DOMINION STORE. For here she will find nationally advertised products as well as DOMINION STORES‘ uwn guaranteed products, and all at the lowest possible prices. She will appreciate the “Personal Service”â€"-the feature of every DOMINION STORE, that makes shopping a real pleasure. For in Quality of products. Value in food- stuffs. and Service to its customers. DOMINION STORES constantly maintains its leadership. Delicious Cake: Jelly Rolls ............ 15c Testy Cookies ....Pkt. 15c Chelsea Buns ...Dox. 25c Coffee Ceke . Each 10c CHRISTIE‘S DIGESTIVE SEIBRIFF‘S ORANGE llElNZ COOKED English Breakfast Style DOMINION STORES LIMITED is guaranteed at KRAFT Richmello SPAGHETTH PICKLES JAM Sweet SUGAR Blended Cider or Spirit V megar ...... . .......... G For 16-02. Heinz Vinegar Prescrvmg Bottle Rubber Jar Rings ....... 3 doz. Zinc Jar Rings ........... 15c (‘erto Surejell ............... Parowax (for sealing). .2 Pkgs. Fines Crown Fruit Jam “TASTY” This award. which is an annual grant. is made possible through the generosity of J. B. Tyrrell. M.I.MM. of Toronto. to the London. England. Geo.- logical Society, and was established two years ago through a donation of ten thousand dollars by Mr. Tyrrell. which they have invested in Canadian securities. the revenue only being used. In establishing this foundation. it was Mr. Tyrrell's ambition to facilitate and permit British geologists to study first- hand geological conditions in Canada and thereby attract the attention of both scientific and financial men to the vast mineral resources and oppor- tunities existing in Canada. R. H. Barrett, lecturer in geOIOgy at Glasgow University. came to Canada recently to visit the North Land and to make a study of the mining activities here. Mr. Barrett is the recipient of what is known as the Tyrrell Award for 1929. Mr. Barrett is the first recipient under this award. he having been chosen by the London Geographical Society. First Recipient of Tyrrell Amid. Hav- ing Been Chosen by London Geo- graphical Society "OUR ADDRESS IS EVERYWHERE" SCUIHSH BEGlflBISI HERE 10 SIUDY NURIH COUNTRY Canada Newszâ€"When is a man drunk. The latest sure way to know is when a man lifts a manhole cover and takes it home and tries to play it on the gramaphone. lb. 330 Pure Raspberry Pure Strawberry BREAD vcks of Preserving Needs M 1'. Granulated or Ycl. 24-Ounce Wra‘ed Lea! of Plus: Nourishing Goodnm iO de relation tc )f Scotland Large Bottle 1der this 3f (‘11 X‘E th Small ...... 990 [302. Medium ..$1.09 Doz. Large . . . .3139 002. ....... 3 doz. 25c 1ward will take up [‘0 w 101:2. visit to PEACHES Large Tin 29¢ LOBSTER CABROTS 2 Tall Thu 1 5c Chocolate Ribs lb. 39c CRISCO mu. rm 27c 3-“). rm 79c CANNED Pre-Cambrian LIBBY’S ROSEDALE TODHUNTEB’S DICED an I'OC K doz. 25c 15c Doz. . . . 30c kgs. 25c Gal. 50 . . Pkg. JUST SOAK THE CLOTHES )rthern 40-02. 40-0; Jar and 3 cakes for 21¢ 2 pkges. for 21¢ 2 lbs. for 23¢ 40c 19c Reg. His success in this line as well as in the other lines of university work will be followed with interest and appre- ciation by his many friends in Tim- mins and Schumacher and district. Detroit News:â€"Some people don’t know enough to come In out of the rain, and some don‘t even know it's raining. There will be general congratulation extended to Mr. Lawrence O'Toole Cooper. son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Cooper. of Schumacher. on the honour he has again won this year at McGill Univer- sity. The pe0ple of both Schumacher and Timmins will take special pride in the achievement. reflecting credit as it does on the schools of both Schuma- cher and Timmins. the talented young student having attended Timmins high school after graduating from the Schu- macher public school. For the third time this student is first in his class. winning similar dis- tinction in his previous two years at McGiil. He is in his third year in Applied Science at McGiil. specializâ€" ing in Mechanical Engineering. This efficient graduate of Timmins high school is this summer flying at Camp Borden. He is a member of the McGill Light Airplane Club. and is completing a course as an air pilot. On account of his outstanding ability and interest in the work he was pre- sented by McGill with a pilot's license and is accordingly working at Camp Borden as a provisional pilot officer. His success in this line as well as in Lawrence O'Toole Cooper Firsrln Class for Third Time at McGill Univer- sity ‘ scuumcnm mum; MAN AGAIN wms HIGH HUNDUJ 16 oz. jar 17c per lb. 25¢ per lb. 39¢ per lb. 42c Special Blend lb.49c DOMINION CORN FLAKES 3 Pkgs. 25c 1-“). Tina 59c 34-“). Tin 339 COFFEE A Delightful Blend Richmello THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO According to recent. unofl‘icial re.- ports. the Siscoe management are mak- ing preparations for continuing the incline shaft from its present depth of 500 feet to 700 feet with a view to Open- ing ,up the mine at greater depths. Owing to the fact that sinking Opera- tions interfere to some extent with ore hoisting, the mill tonnage will be slightly reduced until the shaft is com- pleted The production tonnage rate of 100 tons of ore daily will then be maintained. M'iliheads are at present said to be of very good grade. made their usual speedy response. On arrival at the scene it was found that the fire was in Tisdale township and furthermore was a small bush fire. Some second-growth bush had taken fire and was burning merrily. Allowed its own way the blaze would have prov- ed a serious affair and would have en- dangered a large section of the com- munity. But that is just what it was not allowed to do. The firemen at once laid a line of hose and showed that they can handle a bush fire as well as the other kind. It took about an hour to get the fire out but the good work was accomplished. SISCOE TO SINK INCLINE SHAFT TO FURTHER DEPTH The Toronto Globe on Saturday says:â€"“R. S. Dening. Managing-Direc- tor in Canada for the Huronian Belt Company. Ltd., has resigned from that position. it was learned yesterday. Mr. Dening was Secretary and Business Manager prior to his oppointment as Managing-Director in the fall of 1927. A. L. Burgess, who has been Secretary of the company for some time. has also resigned. No information is available at the head office of the com- pany in connection with the changes. It is stated there that F. H. Hamilton of London, England, President of the company. is expected to visit Canada shortly and it is unlikely a successor will be appointed to Mr. Dening until then. The vacancy on the Board of Directors created by Mr. Denning's re- signation is stated to have been filled by the appointment of A. S. Hamilton. of London. England. Mr. Dening has visited the old comitry twice this year and only returned recently from his last trip. Since Mr. Dening assumed the direction of the company‘s Opera- tions in Canada. the Vipond prOperty in the Porcupine district has shown considerable improvement. The com- pany is also operating the Keeley Sil- ver mine in South Lorrain. the Pioneer in the Michipicoten district. and a group of claims in the Crow River sec- tion of the Patricia area." TIMMINS FIREMEN PUT OUT SMALL BUSH FIRE SATURDAY “The Gentlemen Adventurers Trad~ ing in the Hudson Bay have held their annual meeting. which gives no indi- cation of the breeze of romance that has carried the Hudson's Bay company from the dim past down to the frock- coated present. For years the com- pany held dominion over most of the northern half of this continent. It first floated boats on our distant lakes and by its discipline of iron duty and fair-dealing created a spirit of devotion against which the free-trader strove in vain. So tenuous was the influence of the company that the approaches of the Canadian government to take oVer the western territory were met with sullenness and often active resentment. but those days are happily past; the wilderness has been reclaimed and the plains are filled with cities. There is an interesting yarn about Donald Smith in his youth. An overly irasc- ible governor or other official in Monâ€" treal became annoyed over something Smith had done or not done. and. in a Last week The Mall and Empire had the following editorial reference to the “Hudson Bay Company of Gentlemen Adventurers" :â€" - northern factories. Smith tells that his own obstinacy and Scotch pride would not let him protest. so he got away that tight and thus began his great career. “It is a mistake to think “gentleman adventurers" has passed from our lan- guage. The west is won and filled with the riches of the world; it sends more than hardly-won pelts. for its cargoes arc freighted wherever man has to be fed, and its cities are monuments of beauty and happiness. How do these things come? By the “gentlemen ad- venturers who trade" not only in Hud- son Bay, but in all alleys and seas of the world. have these things been done. It becomes the fashion to speak lightly of the trading world of modern busi- ness as something effete and soulless, lacking all heroism and coldly calculatâ€" ing all hazardssout of the way. But when you think of it. there was the true spirit of the “adventurer" in the men who fought through the C.P.R.. who launch on the waters of commerce all they own or hope to own. who build factories, harness rivers or tunnel mountains. As the trails of the old company often led to loss and death. so the trails of modern business may lead to ruin and heartache. The “runner of the forest" may have gone with the tall beaver hat and flowing side-bums. but. the world is still owing much to the “gentlemen adventurers who “trade." Not lightly will the world yield the appeal of private dauntless- ness and faith and hope, not even for the sake of eating more cheaply or settling down on the cushions of ease." Gentlemen Adventurers of the Hudson Bay Co. fit of spleen. gave the boy twelve hous to outfit and get. away to one of the most, R. S. DENING LEAVES THE HURONIAN BELT COMPANY Progress on the Howey Pioneer Resident of Pleases Pres. Hammell Temiskaming on Visit In a statement handed out by J. E. I The New Liskeard Speaker last week Hammeli. president of the Howey Gold !says:-â€" Mines. Ltd.. who has just returned! “Amongst the numerous visitors to from the property and the Pickle lake 'Temlskaming last week was Mrs. Pet- district, there is a decided undertone erson. widow of August Peterson who of optimism. At the present time work with his small family settled near Hall- on the Howey prOperty is well ahead eybury. or to be more definite. on lot 10. of schedule. Mr. Hammell states that con. 1. Bucke. in 1896. Of course. this with regard to the mill and plant. the was before the railway was built. MI- concrete has been poured for the crush- Peterson had done considerable pros- ing plant and the setting forms have pecting with the late Mr. Paul Cob- been removed. Brick filling between b01d as 8 partner. and for a time lived the tank piers is now in progress. Con- in Cochrane. Later the family moved crete has already been poured for the to Southern Ontario where Mr. Peter- ore bins. All rock excavations have 8011 died. Mrs. Peterson and her been completed and they are now pro- children then moved to Detroit which ceeding with the pouring of cement for city is how the family home. MI‘S- the other piers. Thirty-five carpenters are at work on the mill. On the property the shaft is down to 1.000 feet and a 35-foot sump has been put beneath that. An ore pocket has been cut here and at the SOD-foot level afer which they are going to cross- cut over to the vein on the four levelsâ€"- that is. the 625. 750, 875 and 1.000-foot levels. Freight delivery to and from the pro- perty is in good shape. The power line construction is proceeding rapidly. Morrow and Beatty have three camps alreadyâ€"at, Ear Falls. Chukini river and Pugwash lake. Seventy men are at work cutting and clearing the line and it is expected that more will be put on in a few days. Considerable cutting has already been done. Excavation has been completed at the power house at Ear Falls and the pouring of cement has started. He further states that both the power plant and mill are ahead of schedule ime. The sawmill is turning out 16.000 board feet of lumber per day. The new cookery is now completed also the warehouse on the dock and the mill site and the tram from the dock to the sawmill. Everything is functioning smoothly and even the marine tram- ways are giving perfect satisfaction. EARLY MORNING FIRE LAST W'EEK AT TEMISKAMING. QUE Fire which originated in a bakery owned by R. Dennis and under lease to J. Bertin. at. Temislmming. Quebec. last week destroyed the bakery and a building occupied by E. B. Meyer. mer- chant. The estimated loss of this fire is given as $25,000.00. The Temiskam- ing fire brigade put up a brave and Drumheller Mailzâ€"One of the main reasons why more women do not drive farther is the fact that they do not hit the ball hard enough. was discovered. Only a part of the loss is covered by insurance. according to the reports coming from Temiska- ming. Que. Comment made by those who saw the fire is to the effect that the firemen worked hard and ably to extinguish the fire, and were success- ful in preventing its further spread. strenuous effort to save the buildings but were unable to cope with the fire which had considerable hold before it “.400" Special Six 4-000)“ Settm ’ALUE FAR AHEAD OF ITS PRICE FIELD DELIVERED Fully Equipped, .«Votlziug .710re to Buy LEADS THE WORLD IN MOTOR CAR VALUE This very moderately priced motor car has the Twin Ignition motorâ€"the year's outstanding development in powerâ€"more power, more speed, less gasoline. Then see the car and, by all means, drive it. Nash never has ofiered a greater value. No one ever has pro- duced finer performance in its price field. IX firmly in your mind the deliv- ’ ered, fully equipped price of this Nash "400" Special Six Sedan. It has Biiur Centralized Chassis Lubri- cationâ€"a feature of value and conven- ience highly esteemed by those who drive very costly motor cars. It is lacrory equipped, without extra $1972 N orthland Motor Sales Timmins, Ontario “Amongst the numerous visitors to Temiskaming last week was Mrs. Pet- erson. widow of August Peterson who with his small family settled near Hail- eybury. or to be more definite. on lot 10. con. 1. Bucke. in 1896. Of course. this was before the railway was built. Mr. Peterson had done considerable pros- pecting with the late Mr. Paul Cob- bold as a partner. and for a time lived in Cochrane. Later the family moved to Southern Ontario where Mr. Peter- son died. Mrs. Peterson and her children then moved to Detroit which city is now the family home. Mrs. We spoke of the "numerous visitors“ to Temiskaming. Yes. We are having visitors from every province of the Do- minion. and perhaps from every state in the Union. Surely it is worth while that the Ferguson highway be kept in fairly good condition. The Ferguson road while in good repair is a splendid advertisement for the Claybelt. One lady from the American 800 said to us: “We are only going a short distance north of New Liskeard. We want to see your agricultural land.“ fl 0 . O :‘A . o D . . C’t....I-I‘OOOII...I.’.{8::::::‘ :O...:x..‘xzxzz::::::::z::‘_:_‘l I . O O O O O O O O . O O ‘ O O x I O . O C II . O O O C D O . O O O . O . O 6 ' C 0 . .00....000000'... 0000\0000001000...0\. .00.. O . 0$.:.:.:0:0:00000.00.08.900'00000 .00I‘0:030:0:0z0000000:.:000‘ 00000303030300.0000... 30:02.:0‘0 â€"-when you spray clean-smelling Flit with the handy Flit sprayer! Mosquitoes drop just as fast. More people use Flit because it contains a greater amount of insectvkilling ingredients. Harmless to humans, and its vapor does not stain. Flies die faster P. 0. Box 62 Excavations for Cellars, Sewers, Etc Contracts of am kind: taken EMPIRE BUILDING LEO MASCIOLI cost, with Loveioy hydraulic shock absorbers, chromium nickeled bump- ers, front and rear, spare tire lock and tire cover. The price quoted above also includes a spare tire and all freight and handling charges. There is nothing additional to pay for the customary "extras." And the Special Six Sedan has the style and manner so important to the fullest enjoyment of your motoring. Good taste and artistry of design are apparent in the purity and grace of every line and contour. Remember the price. Remember that it is a fully equipped, delivered price. And don't fail to see this sedan, and drive this sedan, before you buy. 0.1 display today at all Nash dealers. CONTRACTOR Delivered, Fully Equipped Prices ol'23 “400” Models, 51245 to $3415 including Touring, Road- ster. Coupe, Cabriolet, Victoria and Sedan Models Montreal Witnesszâ€"In these days of motor traffic. people are divided into the quick and the dead. No. l Birch St. N All Bookings receive per- sonal attention It Will Grow Hair Steamship Tickets All Lines O’Gorman’s Hair Tonic Free Passport Service Scottish Excursion, July S. S. ATHENIA PERCY YOULTEN APPLY TOâ€"PHONE 385 Phone N o. 321 Copyright. 1 P.O. Box 1373 J Stan 16th

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