Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 25 Jul 1929, 1, p. 1

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by the Kiwan will attract eve assortment of 1 the prizes whic be of a qualit young and old ing stores and educational nm to the appeara There will be night and no < given real ent ceeds from the the Communit 'I‘immins KiWE used largely ir underprivileged jazz band come bacl will find everything them three evening ment and enjoyment floor will undoubtec of the younger folk: older ones too. for 1 floor being in good will be dispensed l Miss He stock, Ont. .veek. The Advance 1.: informed mat the preparations for the Big Kiwanis Kai'- nival are almost complete. The car- penters have completed their work of constructing booths and games and the dance floor. Decorating is proceeding rapidly and when the public are ad- mitted at 7.30 on Monday evening thev KIWANIS KARNIVM NEXT WEEK 10 BE MUNSIER AFFAIR Danee Floor and Music to be Special 3 Ontario Champions to Play Temi FMWTCS- Midway Sure ‘0 b0 I kaming Champions Double-[leader Popular with tfie Crowds at Sports Day Event Here on Next Week. I August 7th sary drainage. With the contemplated extended drainage system for the road it is expected that the road will be the highway everywhere required to make it the necessary 66 feet wide. Culverts will be put in where neces- sary and the “take-offs" to the bush for surplus water fully provided for and attended to. As The Advance has pointed out on several recent occasâ€" sions there is general agreement that the big need of this part of the road is adequate drainage. The work to be done as outlined will assure this neces- It is the intention to utilize the full 66 feet for roadway purposes. and for this purpose stumping. grading, etc. will be carried out wherever necessary. Wider ditches will be featured and by proper drainage the best possible con- condition of roadway secured. In a word, it is intended to fully ditch the whole stretch of road and to widen Some $80,000 will be Expended in the Wideninflnd Ditch- ing of the Roads Between Timmins and Iroquois Falls. When This Money is Spent it is Expected that the Road will be One of the Best in the North. Department to Spend $2,500 per Mile to Improve BM Vol. XIV. No. 30 PAID CIRCULATION LAST WEEK 2859 2 Sections - l6 Pages midwa everybc of gam whic H 1m 11‘ 111 ibi in 1b 1t I‘k will add me Kan ddi racti )ubm I] by th evening 'rer to wit} )ssibly the ion to the the music be to give Baseball doube-header. 1.30 and 4.00 amuse- p.m.. Copper Cliff, Nickel Belt League :9 dance . and Ontario champions versus the Mc- § Mecca Intyre baseball team. Temiskaming ibly the League champions. l to the Relay race, 1 mile open to any town e music in Northern Ontario. at 3.15 pm. For mmnm. this mmnf ”1911! will he :1 hanannm go mm of the will be 11 their IS W a. lar 313133‘ ad- '108 they include RC xi ;lc Bornâ€"Jr; Tunmins. 0nt.; on Wed- nesday. July 24th. 1929. to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jennings. 52 Messines avenue. â€"â€"a daughter \Ex'elyn Yvonne). Cups and medals to be given for the occasion will be on display at Moisley and Ball’s drug store. Timmins. Tickets are now being sold for the event. It is expected that there will be a large attendance at the event and much interest shown in the sports and contests. It is generally considered that the double-header baseball will alone be worth double the price of ad- mission for the whole event. Capper Clifl basebalLteam. as Ontario cham- pions have a wide and' well-deserved reputation as classy ball players. while local baseball fans are certain that the Mclntne ball team will give the visi- tors a run for their money. Whichever team wins in any case the contests will delight all lovers of good baseball. {‘IMMINS GOLFERS TO GO TO HAILEYBITRY ON SATURDAY TONY SALVADOR'S CASE TO (‘OME BEFORE JI'DGE )‘IONDAY Under the auspices of hte T.A.A.A.. (the Grounds Committee), there is to be a big day of sports on Wednesday atfernoon at the Timmins athletic grounds, commencing at 1.30 pm. sharp. The programme as announced will the Junction and apparently his 1110-} The Kiwanis members at 'I‘immins tsentation 01 the case 1‘01 the people has should know all about Illinlng now. i i i ! : mute- of part of the road. it is underâ€" 1 uesulted in the he11 plan 1efeiied toiln the past fe11 weeks an address of 'being taken 11p at this time. much merit by M1. E. L Longmore dealt with the milling of gold (110 11 h1le another able talk by M1. D. E. Keely covered the subject of mining in effecâ€" stood that there is a probability that j tive way. At Monday's luncheon in the the course of the highway may be ,‘Empire hotel, the speaker for the day altered in the Barber's Bay vsection. ' was Mr. James Shewan who dealt with It is suggested that where (ha road what he termed mine details. This ad- now runs along the Lake Bottom as!dress completed a veiy infoxmati1e and it is genc1ally known, the chances {01 educative tr'iology embiacmg the V’ali- a. good read are 1101; so good, Tmsious phases of mining activity. route may accordingly be dropped {01 1 In his address M1. Shewan dealt with a more suitable location. It is con- 1 the very important details that do hOt sidered that eventually the main xoad ‘come uncle: the head of eithei mining 11111 11111 thiough by Shillington to Bar- !01 milling 811d yet are vital to success- ber‘ 5 Bay thus saving a conside1able ; {111 mining opexations H8 tOUChEd U1)- distance by 911minatmg the comsg 011 the necessa1y office routine the. around by Porquis Junction. In any I kCE‘lNhg 0f COSLS. the tabulatmg or data case there is now assurance that very ; required {01' economical operation, the material improvement may be expected I purchasing department. accident 131‘?- m the highway from here to Porquis ’1 vention. various forms of assistance to Junction with a permanent and acceptâ€" 1 employees that made for contentment able roadway assured in the near fu- land greater efficiency group life in‘ ture. 1 surance. workmen' s compensation safe- 51v wo1k. hours and labour conditions. 11d othei details that are most importâ€" BUFFER Blnzf BASEBA”. I{ant for successful operation of a minâ€" *ing property With the greatest possible advantage to men. mine and public. HAM HERE Hâ€"UN AUGUSI 7 Shhâ€"Shh showed me mpo-mnce 01 liliese details 101 successful operation1 lof a p10perty. and the co-relation 01“ Although there is no official a11- noucement in regard to a change in Spec passable all through the motor sez in the North. instead of for a co of months or so. Work on the proposed widening ditching of the road from here to Falls will be commenced at once cording to the information now hand. The work will be carried between South Porcupine and junction. there being already a g macadam roadway between Timn and South Porcupine. Already the 1 of wider and deeper ditches has t tried along the Ferguson highwm event 1nd f0 team. N I. contest. 1 nd stand ha ir M C" July lovelty provem 71C )dd. H. Puke. ard. W. Mltc A. Wookey. ctc he 1113’ harm will '11 at Cochrane : 29th. Some 118. at 3.30 p Elegal I‘S‘ COU D will be d medals 9th. Some committed 8. row 101] Salvac Satu ery featl 1t coke no official an- to a change in 'oad. it is under- h rday DO il‘llf 16 widening and motor season for a couple I‘E 1118 I 5 11m ham :0 the Lh c a'-ile '- 01'" mm kg; 2 ‘3' }80. L31: 911. W. (no befl come. be- on Mon- months for trial ose from bathin ,1 front 0 as for th Ha Timmins y the plan has been ghway in alts being Kenning, tly press- : road to 10w to 'ied on Id the a good with Iey this lub m UlC the 8C | precurab I Monday The North Bay Nugg'n 135: week saysâ€"“Employees of the T. and N. 0 Railway of the motive and car depart- ment. are enjoying one week's holiday with pay. a concession granted recently by Geo. W. Lee." Sunday. August 4 The band memb. friends will be Beach in moto: ceiv TIMMINS CITIZENS BAND TO I’I(‘.\"I(‘ AT BAYSIDE BEACH the public to become acquainted wit] the procedure of buying strip admis sion tickets to the Kiwanis Kai‘niva on July 29th. 30th and 3lst in the skat ing rink. Tickets are now on sale and may bi secured from members of the Kiwani Club or from a group of young ladie, who have entered a contest in connec. Tl‘ men Don't Delay Purchasing Tickets for Karnival Karnival. gathering v bounded a; enthusiastic Allin has an the gift of it delighting a outlined the nection wit and all wer humour and life to his interestir by apt. stories to illustrate par 'pnints and wit to drive home 5. tions made. Mr. Shewan‘s addre greatly appreciated and the thanks of the club were extended speaker of the day. Among the visitors at the 1111 were Mr. Byam. of New Liskea Mr. Allin. who is here assisting successful direction of the K ant for successful Operati mg property with the me advantage to men. mine Cl) in JCCC lew; enc \‘vry Interesting and Info mtivc drt‘E-“s by Mr. .1115. Show at “'0 I): Luncheon on nnda/ MleiflfTAllS EXPMINED TU IIMMINS KIWANIS BlUB majority of them goin Smooth.Rock Falls and road as good that far. through to Kapuskasing the new road is not. bad early in its use. road. Some parts of it are in good condition and, win the of motorists and others who h the roadway. The whole road able but a couple of strips are der improvement. Several frc mins went out by car on Sun majority of them going as Last. week tr to KapuSkasing is reported as i: road. Some pa good condition of motorists am Road to Kapuskasing Now Ready for IE ral Operation our and life ic h r 500. Tr ion to the he dance .’ night at. 7.30. tickets the pur L numbered stub m or her to D ll Tick '8C( Timmil 151.18 per dar 1t but also from ing entertainmen 1' the public. am Band i with the were plea a. numb es to be name there a}: Kamival would lot only from with appro .cally 1n unus musical all pres e work 9 sold in s 'hese ticket ma ale 'iCC the floor the l m g arts ake bu In :11 other and to thefijecg is ‘ Mr. Shewan added i the f0 0 his interesting talk I the A illustrate particular 3 “When , drive home sugges- [ tario f( or use rawn 1 m r Allin ll road from as opened good shape Na 1) xpr {iwani >10 that and em )( E. L. Longmore g_0f gold dre, while 57 Mr. D. E. Keely )f mining in efl'ecâ€" advanc appeared ld be a no TIMMINS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1929 s Club quainte from av 16 W .md reporting A few * and 3C dress was he he axty from Sunday as f a 111V di A] sta imi ba Karn ,n‘ed th won 1m "or 1 for :1 specially approval have used .li all l to be notable nancial andard amuse- Travel is p still Pochr .11 an wani: the 16 111 heon Land for I‘E 1r am 0105 alsc used pass- 1 un- Tim- ', the )1] r the went that fIl‘ rane and new hibiticm at Ottawa is anxious to put on :11 a Northern Ontario Day at next year‘s M show and the Associated Boards will he go asked to co-operate in this. lm Any interested in an) or ad of the pH above sulyectsâ€"and that refers to prac- ticallx everybody in the Northâ€"should make apointwt attepding this meeting T: of the Associated heard; it possible RI 1'08 scheme st individual ineeting. Two already have been pre- pared. one from Cobalt in which it will be asked that a definite policy of bet- ter road conditions should be pursued by the provincial authorities. and anâ€" other from Matheson. in which it is proposed that an official should be placed on the highway to keep check on all cars leaving the district. The object of this latter resolution is to prevent thefts of cars. if possible. and to trace them if they should be stolen. It is likely that other boards will also be heard in ergard to the road problem as it is a subject on which there has been considerable thought all over the North in the past few weeks. not to WWâ€" {TIE uncle road with The meeting at Englehart promises to be a busy and useful one. there be- ing a number of important matters. old and new for discussion and action. Among the old topics may be listed that of the insurance rates charged in this North Land. This question has been before the Associated Boards on a number of occasions. but is a difficult one to settle satisfactorily. This sub- jecg is introduced at this meeting by the following resolution submitted by the Ansonville board of trade:-â€"â€" ”Whereas the resident of Northern On- tario for; several years have been paying oppressive rates for insurance And whereas these rates are out. of nrmmr- At a meeting of the executive of the Timmins board of trade \Qn Tuesday. Messrs A. T. H. Taylor and D. B. Cur- tis were selected as the delegates from here to the Northern Ontario Associat- ed Boards of Trade to be held at Engle- hart on Wednesday of next week. July 31st. It was understood that the two named may. if possible. secure other delegates to attend the meeting as re- presentatives for Timmins board. The meeting at Englehart m‘omises OI Protection of Mincrs’ Wages. Roads and Other Problems to be Dealt With ASSCCIAIEII BIIAIIIIS ACAIN III DISCUSS INSURANCE % Mcllon-Berenger debt accord in the ! Chamber of Deputies. r Amo. aran yed Anoth n where Don the ninin 11‘ that the matter i A350ciated Boards subjects likely 1 pc vh 3r BVG 'n: 16 I) depv Several resolutions de: roads problem of the dis ted to be presented to Two already have been 9 from Cobalt in which it that a definite policy of be “new" topxcs sting that if no: ould be worked 0 or companies wh 2; properties that 9 development sta at least two xx 1 here that man re hardship has mm Ahmm tonic headir averal 1e past few weeks ? past several years 1d t seize 1C Land “'8 for of xufficien ha has b1 when able t1 is 01 FECUI' to be r neeting. age could be nt funds tc 1e men em- 'ceks ahead V cases have to SSI any bl “final-u... a resolu ble som whereb; are work n inflict heir em mee ‘ litt and ICT class: that . dealir distri »uched better used 1' EOI The party of daily newspapermen ters' and their ladies on tour of the North nies Land will reach Timmins on the 5.35' X a'evening train on Monday. Aug. 19th 011- and will remain here until the 9 am. train leaves here on Tuesday. July 20th. ssed The visitors will be entertained while t of here by the board of trade in conjunc- ling tion with the Kiwanis and other bodies riot in town. ,It. is expected that there will the be twentyâ€"five couples in the party. )re- l The visit is considered as an important will one for Timmins, offering. as it does, get. such good opportunities {Or publicity sued for the town and district. The visitors anâ€" will be keen trained observers and they t is willno doubt tell their story of the trip be through the North to wide audiences teck throughout the province of Ontario. I he '?1 Pretty bride's parents. They left town by derstood they will 5 moon in Old Quebec tour of that province Mills. Mr. E. Jones and sister's and and wife. The dining roor covered with gifts A pretty house wedding was solem- nized by Rev. M. R. Hall on Monday of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Wear. 41 Cambrai avenue. when their daughter, Myrna Cecilia. was married to Lawrence C. Hulme. The bride looked very becoming in a charming dress of blue georgette. Miss Wear was formerly employed on the teaching staff of the Milton sChool in Nova Scotia where a shower was will bc done for good. They can not stand dry sunshine and. crisp, hot weather. The blackflies take theI weather as it comes and nothing seems to discourage them. If the weather turns wet, particularly if it continues' warm, the mosquitoes will start all over again. But with good weather for the other crops. the mosquitoes will not. be able to buzz around very much after] this month. w..â€" DAILY NEW’SPAPERMEN TO BE AT TIMMINS. AI'GFST 19 i011 better than for years past: Vegetables in general this year are doing remarkably well. The potatoes are particularly promising, which is a sort of alliteration the settlers like when it is the fact of the matter. As usual there are no potato bugs, this being one pest from which this good country is free. Nearly any vegetable will grow here successfully in the or- dinary season. and this year they are growing even better than usual. Everything here in the farming line is doing well. There has been lots of sunshine. with just encugh moisture to assure good growth. The weather is also having its effect on the blackflies and mosquitoesâ€"especially the mos- quitoes. Both blackflies and mosqui- toes have been a bumper crop this year but another month will see them about done and the bush worth going into for comfort. It the weather con- tinues as it. has been the mosquitoes will be done for good. They can not stand dry sunshine and. crisp, hot weather. The blackflies take the weather as it comes and nothing seems to discourage them. If the weather Prospects for the crops in this disâ€" trict are excellent. "It would certainly be a good year for the settlers." one settler comments. "if we only had a road to get our stuff out to market." Reference is made elsewhere to the hay crop which. with vegetables. forms the chief crops of the district. The hay crop is excellent this year, and barring an unusual rainy spell will be better than for years past: at the meeting will be agreéable and Parana as we)! as profitable. Hay BRUPS IN THIS DISIRICT [00K ESPECIALLY 6000 bc At the band stand on Spruce street at the park. the Timmins Citizens' Band on Sunday evening furnished a programme of music that was appre- ciated. There was a large attendance. the number of cars parked nearby for the event being especially noteworthy. The band. under the leadership of Band- master A. Wilford presented an inter- esting programme. This «Thursday) evening the band will give another openair band con- C8 tlle the numberc event being band. under master A. V 31 Band Concert on Sunday Another This Evening ir. and Mrs. Lea and daughter, of snto, are visiting Mrs. Lea’s sister ;. A. W. Pickering. DTE‘S I etty House Wedding on Monday of This Week A. E. Cole, Mrs. J. man. Mrs. S. Joh . Mr. E. Jones. the This «Thui-sday) evening the band 1 give another openair band con- t, the weather of course. permitting. programme of special interest has *n prepared for this evening's event 1 all attending will be sure to enjoy ‘ music provided. (“rop Exeellent. Potatoes Other Vegetables Better Than Ordinary. Flies Nearly Over. at .eQue 'ents. t Cow ha .vt rom Wrigh 0f 101' is. the ”homg'to'wn 01 1e Associatéd Boards ht, is noted for its resent $100.00 able on at were )om before 11y Mr :1. Miss 'om iL-C ndcd 1nd :1 nd it mathe sumac} to'o near the; edge at‘Lhe top of the blockage “here he was worth}; ”3d; (has the Sudden giving way of the M drew him down Mth (1th ,vetdic He is survive: and a brether and by three The late Rhy: Bettws-y-Coed, about 25 years about four year at. the Hollinget had made hosts Welsh peopll music makin the services. 18d been warn f0: the Timmins cemetery. Rev. Parks conducted the services and words of sympathy and comfort t bereaved friends and relatives. attendance at. the funeral was um The unferal of the late Rhys Jone: who was killed in an accident. under ground at the Hollinger Mine last wee? when tons of muck fell upon him. we held on Thursday afternoon last a 4.30 p.m. Services were held in th United Church and interment made in (‘horal Singing of the/W FUNERAL 0F RHYS JONES :BARNEY BUBBLE ARRIVES VERY [ARGELY Ammo; wnu usmcu m nmmns 1311a] kindn an off the : u‘ék if .cally mmir Hon. (has. McCrea and Party \ isit Timmins. Hon Mr. McCrea Hold Conferences “ith Citizens. A‘xxurod Board of Trade Dcputation That Rail“ ay Extension to Ktamiskotia is Reccixing the Most (arcful Consider- a 1011 Definite Announcement on Railway Inside W l 0110 of the Imprvssiv IVI 11C 3.11 n (3: brother heir Jonc ll .ervicc early hour and leaving here at anxiety to see the railway built. but he ually early hour on Thursday felt that the people here would umicr‘ 1g. Included in the party were: lstand that the Government would be. 3has. McCrea. Minister of Mines; E ready to build the road if it were war- ’. C. Martin. M.P.P.. Brantford; framed. while if not it would not be . H. Fullerton. Deputy Minister right to spend the people's money. Mr. thern Development; Mr. Geo. W. McCrea said that what was wanted lairman of the T. N. 0.; Major was definite information that might be and others. staken as a guarantee that there would A. F. Kenning. M.P.P.. met the g be business to warrant the road. Gen- Wednesday morning. and intro- leral hopes of future possibilities were several delegations wishing to‘scarcely enough. These had been and» ew Hon. Mr. McChea. One of dent enough in regard to such branches deputations included the presi~ as the one to South Lorrain and the [11d executive of the Timmins one to Kirkland. neither of which had of trade and members of thatiproven as profitable as had been so together with other interested I hopefully outlined when the bunches ; who were anxious for the early were asked for. There had been no de- g of the railway extension to finite guarantees obtainable in regard totia. Hon. Mr. McCrea gave to Kamiskotia business. Mr. W. .0. mutations every considerationqLangdon. president of the 'I‘imnzins Funeral Last - Week and Th be re OCE 10W P. Kenning. M.P.P.. met lnesday morning. and in eral delegations wishing Hon. Mr. McChea. One high and hf Da it 1mb r‘dones w North W )g be ope had blocked the volum 1n impress. 0f ed ns included the presi~ 1as the one to .itive of the Timmins one. to Kirklam and members of that l proven as pro! with other interested I hopefully outlir 'e anxious for the early were asked for. railway extension to finite guarantee in I‘C ddu 1 peep] :ympat if fell upon him. afternoon llas were held in Lnterment mad cry. Rev. J rune 'iex' m 31: dc nmins 12.1 wne )urdcn for the late rep sympathy )ecial feature mging of the 'oaturcs at hy.’ had he 11' and bo. musua Ltrh the 1d I’Poplc rac an )V.’ l‘ T1 3V6 11+ a1 PAID CIRCULATION LAST WEEK 2859 2 Sections - l6 Pages som himself main str probabili come do interesti Timmin. faithful able to ; for the trip with all data and_documents in ms cases and if possible the cases manic! be adjusted without} cost to the Union and his tame ostricl arrived in Timmins 1' Barney. when intervi the matter up further with Mr whom he asked to come to with all data and document mar id 1'0ch dent enough in 1 as the one to E one to Kirkland Spark Plug" Could Not 10!. (Pu-r the Roads. Barney to Attend thr- Kiwanis Karnival MICK .tended :ating 1d Wec garos mining, but also in reference. ft. timber and settlement possibilities When this survey was completed defim ite action would be taken. Persazmlly he sympathized with 'l‘immins in it: anxiety to see the railway built. but h: felt that the people here would under fills .er ulna 'ds minim Ruddy dowr his u If .xsiness to hopes of ely enou: n t} 0! on. national xprcssed 11 ng country ; but was s he (.h( IE PRICE FIVE CENTS Google. of me ostrich man omc ‘11 try in the vicimty of 5 sorry indeed that. his Spark Plug." was :1- 1y them on thy-1r muâ€" 'lug apparently ("mid but Old 611 Days ewec deli I] a brief U11 11¢ ht 1an Ad 31"

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