Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 11 Jul 1929, 2, p. 3

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I’ve forgotten I ever had any nerves 0%.. L Your doctor will tell you how the act of chewing relaxes and soothes strained nerves, and how the health. ful cleansing action of Wrigley‘s refreshes and tones you up all round. Aids digestion. WRIGLEYS WE CAN’T HAVE BUTT! Over one-half of all Canada's industries depend on wood as a raw material. When the {Orests are destroyed mills mustclose down, railway earnings must su ffer, trade must stagnate and prosperity must vanish. A PREVENT FOREST FIRES moAinym/‘oresls or $011”? climneys ~ No wonder Kellogg’s Corn Flakes are preferred to all others. Kellogg’ s have a flavor that can’t be imitated. Always extra fresh and crisp. The world’s most popular ready-to- eat cereal. Order a package today. Enjoy Kellogg's Corn Flakes for lunch end dinner as we“ as breakfast. Fine for the children's evening meai. So easy to digest. Serve with milk or creamâ€"fruits or honey added. Look for the red-and-green package. At all grocers. Served by hotels, restaurants. On dining-cars. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. CORN FLAKES It pays to insist on Kellogg’sâ€"the original Corn Flakes. LSUC cd by authnritv of Honourable Charles Stewart, Minister of the Interior. 1 Toronto Globe:â€"â€"A mother and her [daughter graduating together from the University of Missouri is another indiâ€" cation of the queer pranks of modern ’education. The age of the girl is given as 16. sized fish. So, when buying fish it were better to buy two fish which weigh five pounds each than one fish weigh- ing ten pounds.” “Lcok one in” which measured 4 ft., and weighed ten pounds. But the larger fish are the older fish, and are not of as fine flavour as the medium- The New Liskeard Speaker last week sayszâ€""Mr. Hill, whose fishing terri- tory on Lake Temiskaming is on the Quebec side of the lake, seems to have had some good catches so far this sea- son. Our Deeple of Temiskaming can have no idea of the various kinds of fish which are gathered into the nets from the lake. On Thursday morn- ing we were quite interested in look- ing over Wednesday‘s catch: white fish, pickerel. red-fish. perch, suckers, pike. eel, etc. We saw an eel which measured 3 ft. 6 in. Mr. Hill recently MADE SOME FINE CATCHES OF FISH ACROSS THE LAKE Putting it. another way, nearly three”- quarters‘ of Canada‘s pulpwood is manufactured into pulp at home and practically two~thirds of this manu- factured pulp is then further manuface cured into paper or other pulp products in the Dammion. For mosquitoes. three things should be rememberedâ€"netting, liquid ammo- nia and coal oil. The netting shuts them out. the li- quid ammonia. applied promptly to a bite, frequently neutralizes the poison and prevents subsequent itching, and the coal oil, put in very small quanti- ties on top .of water in rain-barrels. little ponds. 0.th prevent the mosquito larvae from developing into mosquitoes. Furthermore. certain aromatic prepar- ations such as spirits of camphor. men- thol and oil of citronella. may be ap- plied to exposed parts of the body to Furthermore, recent revelations as regards the therapeutic value of the chemical rays of the sun have been such as to make one feel that it. would be difficult to over-estimate their im- portance. Therefore, we recommend for small children the sun suits whicn can be obtained in any of our stores. These suits only protect the hips and upper parts of the thighs and leave the balance of the body exposed to the sun‘s rays. t is well to bear in mind that in or- der to get the therapeutic benefits t is not absolutely necessary that you be exposed to the direct rays of the sun-â€" there is the sky shine. or reflected rays from the sky and clouds. On a clear day you may lie or sit on the shady side of the house. with the blue dome above you. and get from one-third to one-half of the benefits of the rays of the sun that you would get by expos- ing yourself directly to them. LESS PULPW'OOD EXPORTED NOW THAN IN PREVIOUS YEAR Don’t scratch mosquito bites, don‘t pick poison ivy, watch your milk and water supplies and get plenty of sun !but. not too much at once. are some or the admonitions. And here is an emergency medical kit that everyone lis advised to pack in the suit-case: â€"â€" ,3 or 4 bamndages 2 or 3 inches wide; i ipound of sterilized gauze. 1 ounce 01‘ absorbent cotton. 1 or 2 ounces of tinc- ture of iodine, 1 small roll of adhesive plaster about 1 inch wide, 1 ounce of boracic acid, 1 or 2 ounces of bicarbon- , ate of soda, a hot water bottle, 2 ounces 50f aromatic spirits of ammonia. “The last item is important in the event of a collapse,” the bulletin ad- vises. "From one-half to a teaspoon- Iful of aromatic spirits of ammonia in !a wine glass of water acts more ipromptly than whiskey or brandy. It iis one of the best stimulants we have.” lCuts or bruises should be washed with }soap and water and care fu'lizy pai nted‘ ' 1th tincture of iodine. Splinters should a ‘be removed with a needle sterilized by :being held for a few minutes in boiling iwater, and the injured place treated !with iodine. Poison ivy irritation1‘ {should be treated with juice of the ; jewel weed. a plant growing two or four {feet high, in marshy places, and pos- isessing a juicy. semi-translucent stem. and with orangeâ€"coloured flowers with from and with orange-coloured flowers with brown spots. Either strong laundry soap. or fresh lime-water is a good sub- stitute. Avoid being overy zealous in your ef- forts to get sunburned. Half an hour at. a time is quite as long as any part of the body, not accustomed to exposure. should be subjected to the strong rays of the sun. for the first few days; then it will be quite safe to increase the time to an hour. and afer a fairly good coat of tan has been developed you are well protected against the dangers of sun- burn. If you do not take these pre- cautions your holiday may be spoiledâ€" painfully. l Brunettes tan better than blondes. 5 In fact, some blondes can’t acquire a ,coat of tan at allâ€"a sad blow for many. since a tanned complexion has become so fashionable that drug stores .now sell it in bottles. our hammc According to a special “holiday bul- letin" issued by the Canadian Social Hygiene Council. in co-operation with the Department of Public Health of Toronto. there are a number of “’"Donts and “do's” which the holidaying city or town-dweller should observe, if his constitution is to stand the strain of the summer rest-period. ee; Bulletin Issued Giving Helpful Advice to Those on Holiday. Some Don‘ts and 00's for Holiday-Time arted. 60 per cent. 1 '13-17, 385 per cen ance every mgm curmg your 1 3d expect, to come home rest-e :freshed for the balance of th: BRUNEIIES TAN BETTER IHAN BlflNDES, IN SUMMER Of USE rin expor :.; 1913-17 per cent.; matter w day, par“ 1P8 he pulpwood .n- Canadian'- than one-t1: t} xan one-third stead of bein . into paper. that * morc . cut. L unm percen not be It holic‘ .ug .manu nma 1923- THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO maqu 27, 27; per cent. which. is made into mills. only a little ird is exported as mi ianada acturec‘ '00 g further manu The average per 1908-12. pulp ex pulp production ; 19”.3.-27,A34§ pe. disl beer pronecte 3 pa: 1918-22 1908 year The Iurtner Z,UUU 1881;. The mlll W111 pron-l “The secret WOI’k and conferring Of i ably continue operating, providing ad- ] degrees was carried on in the Arena ditional funds." : which had been especially decorated for W gthe occasion. The visitors left in their Blairmore (Alberta) Enterprise:â€"- ‘ special car which was attached to the Win the guy who carried a walking southbound paper train. after having cane and occupied a position seated on initiated 46 candidates into the myster- the bank steps on Saturday last kindly , ies of the Shrine." return us our nickel. We took it for" ..__..___.___ granted that he was one of the ordin-I Mail and Empirezâ€"“Hon. Margaret ary professional beggars, but havefBondfield had more excuse than Amâ€" found since that he was a large share- I bassador Dawes for not wearing knee holder in that financial institution. :breeches at a royal reception.” l Ventures will finance further deveIOp- reference to the event The Kirkland ment of Coniaurum Mines will likely Lake Northern News last week says:â€" be the securing of a court order of “Kirkland Lake citizens thoroughly authorization. F. D. Reid is receiver enjoyed assisting the Mystic Shriners, of Coniaurum, and will probably make who visited here on Saturday last. in the application at an early date. In enjoying their visit to the Northland. the meantime production continues at The occasion was one big holiday for the mine. Stoptng of the known ore- the Shriners of Rameses Temple. of bodies is progressing. and since devel- Toronto. and the citizens joined hearti- Opment work has stopped at the time ly in the fun Wthh marked the day’; of the appointment of a receiver an doings. operating profit has been made. It is “Arriving at Kirkland Lake station small. but has aSSlSted in putting the about 2.30 pm. the Shriners. headed by company on a better financial basis. their Kiltie Band. their chanters and Although no oflicial announcement has Arab patrol made a colourful sight as been made yet. and it is unlikely that they paraded down town from the sta- one will be forthcoming until the Ven- tion, where they had been joined by tures-Coniaurum negotiations are com- their northern brethren. pleted, it is believed that quite an ex-' “Parading to the public school tensive exploration programme Will be 1 grounds. where after a brief display by launched as soon as possible. JUStfthe Patrol of marching and counter what form this will take is a matter of marching, a hollow square was formed speculation in mining circles. It will and Reeve Norman Evoy formally we1~ probably be more or less a continuation ' ccmed them to Kirkland Lake and in Of the programme, expanded Of course. presenting Potentate Charles Sody that was under way at the time a re- with a golden key to the town assured iceivership was aDDOintEG- The general them that. with the exception of one {view seems to be that best possibilities‘ place. everything in Kirkland Lake was ilie at greater depth. although a bigiopen to them. He expressed the hope favourable area on present levels re-Ithat they would so thoroughly enjoy mains to be explored: While there are'their visit that they would want to reports that a deal 15 to be made for,‘come again at a no distant date. the running of drifts into Coniaurum, "Potentate Sody replied briefly from one of the deep levels of McIntyre thanking the Reeve for his very hearty as far as The Northern Miner can learn welcome and the citizens for the splen- no negotiations have been Opened be- did reception given. 2,000 feet. Should such an arrange- strating of the skill of the Arab Patrol ment be made it would provide quick in its drill work for which the band exploration of Coniavirum atl dept‘h’provided the music. A number of without the capital expenditure 0f ' musical numbers by the band were also sinking a shaft unless developments at i thoroughly enjoyed. This occasion. it depth justified the expenditure. Mc- l is understood, was the first on which Intyre‘s 3'675‘f00t 19V91' the mo“ ad- l the Patrol was accompanied by a band i vantageous one from the standpoint of l in which every bandsman was a Shri- 1 both properties, is still at least three or per. Singing of community songs by I four months away from the boundary, the Chanters was also much enjoyed. ‘ further 2,000 feet. The mill will prob-l “The secret work and conferring Ofi ably continue operating, providing ad- l degrees was carried on in the Arenal (lit-101131 funds." ' n'hinh had hopn pcnpninllv donnrnfpfl fnr “The next move in the deal whereby I MyStic Shriners at Kirkland Lake. In Discussing aflairs in regard to the Contaurum last week The Northern Miner says:-â€"â€" Coniaurum Might Make Use of McIntyre Shaft MARKING THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF A NOTABLE SUCCESS, A \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\m///////////////////// A When. a car in its first year be- comes the giant Plymouth isâ€"when it Wins the popularity that Plymouth enjoysâ€"swhen thousands p upon thousands of owners $8 sing its praises and exhibit m it to their friends with gen- m"; All this week we are celebrating the first Plymouth anniversary by holding a gala showing of the “newly- refined and improved'models which make today’s Plymouth still more outstanding in the low-priced field. HF. fullâ€"552: Chrysler-built Plymouth is just a year oldâ€"- and What a phenomenal year of suc- wss it has had! , . ' "’cl,‘~ "‘.x - .3 WM’i/fl/fl/flfl/HI x\\\\\ \\ \\\\‘ THE ROADSTER (wit/1 77177151: seat), 8850. Spatial equipment extra Mail and Empire2â€"“Hon. Margaret Bondfield had more excuse than Am- bassador Dawes for not wearing knee breeches at a royal reception.” “Later in the afternoon the public were entertained by a fuller demon- strating of the skill of the Arab Patrol in its drill work for which the band provided the music. A number of musical numbers by the band were also thoroughly enjoyed. This occasion. it is understood, was the first on which the Patrol was accompanied by a band in which every bandsman was a Shri- ner. Singing of community songs by the Chanters was also much enjoyed. "Potentate Sody replied briefly thanking the Reeve for his very hearty welcome and the citizens for the splen- did reception given. “Parading to the public school grounds. where after a brief display by the Patrol of marching and counter marching. a hollow square was formed and Reeve Norman Evoy formally wel- comed them to Kirkland Lake and in presenting Potentate Charles Sody with a golden key to the town assured them that. with the exception of one place. everything in Kirkland Lake was open to them. He expressed the hope that they would so thoroughly enjoy their visit that they would want to come again at a no distant date. “Kirkland Lake citizens thoroughly enjoyed assisting the Mystic Shriners, who visited here on Saturday last. in enjoying their visit to the Northland. The occasion was one big holiday for the Shriners of Rameses Temple. of Toronto. and the citizens joined hearti- ly in the fun which marked the day’s doings. Last week a number of Shriners from Timmins and district were among those attending the gathering of the Mystic Shriners at Kirkland Lake. In reference to the event The Kirkland Lake Northern News last week says:â€" Visit of Shriners to Kirkland Lake Enjoyed uilt uine prideâ€"that car certainly must (1â€" have merits that no other car in ruc- its class possesses. That, in essence, is the story of ring the Chrysler-built Plymouth. by Plymouth is the only full-size rly- motor car at anywhere near the price uch â€"-the only low-priced 'car with the .ore individuality and style of Chrysler Eld- designingâ€"the only low-priced car beâ€" with the, smooth, flexible, quiet live- hen. liness so typical of Chrysler engiâ€" uth neeringâ€"the only loWâ€"priced car with ~ ~ the safety of Chrysler-famed $820 four-wheel hy'drauliC'brakes, . “dam,“ .internalâ€"expénding, Weather? )Wifi'd:,,f-o,,,. proof, positive, noiseless. N orthland Motor Sales CHI? YSLER MOTORS PRODUCT Timmins, Ont. In brief McIntyre‘s statement is to! the effect that from a geological stand- point the property appeared attractive; Following the option agreement theyl cut the whole area in to ZOO-foot! squares. The geology was worked out] in detail, and careful prospecting was? carried on along the sides of the rec-} tangular blocks. The shear zones 10-; cated were all trenched and a number, of veins found. However. only two of, these veins designed A and B. seem-:5 ed to merit detailed exploration. Afterg trenching and tracing. these veins were; diamond drilled and the results of the} drilling were considered to be unsatis- factory. McIntyre-Porcupine Mines, Limited has formally advised Mofl’att-Hall Mines. Limited. of its decision to cease work and relinquish its option on the property of the last-named company. 2â€"Strawberries quarter. MCINTYRE DROPS OPTION ON MOFFATT-IIALL MINES 3â€"Strawberries ter. (Wiarton Echo) The march of civilization is marked by these three outstanding epochs:â€" 1â€"Strawberries ter. 4â€"What next? MARCH 01“ CIVILIZATION six boxes for a quar- one box for a quar- three boxes for a Cor/pt, $820,. Roadxtrr (wit/1 rumé/e Ital), 3850; 2-Daar Sedan, $860; Touring, $870,- D: Luxc Coupe (wit/z rumble Mat), $870; 4-Door Stdan, $890. 4/1 prim: f. a. 6. Windwr, Ontario, int/udmg Mandardfm'tary (guip'nmt (freight and text! txtra). CANADA You are cordially invited to visit the anniversary showing being held at our display room in honor of the Plymouth’s first birthdayâ€"July 6 until July 13. of Improved Plymouth . 1W odels Cochrane, Ontario SPECIAL ' ANNIVERSARY SHOWING July 6- July 13 FULL Here is a new treatment. Simply get a bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil. and apply to the aflecte'd parts. It's easy and pleasant to use and there is no doubt but what the most stubborn and severe cases yield quickly to its powerful. penetrating influence. The first application brings blessed relief. All good druggists have it. but you can be sure to get it at Moisley at Ball, Prescription Druggists. Quickly Yield to Powerful Penetrating Oil Probably no affliction is more com- mon or responsible for more intense suffering than rheumatism. Thou- sands of otherwise robust persons drag thmugh a life of misery and agony. Deep-Seated Rheumatic Pains LOWEST-PRICED -SI'/.I£ CAR It is so easy to rid your skin of pimples, blutrlws. blemishefl. Just apply the pure cool- in: liquid D.D.D. Clear and stainless, its Frmlhlng elements penetrate the skin and quirkly drive away tin- irriiation. lTCi’llNG STOPS INSTANTLY. A 3150 battle proves it. merit or your dmggist gives your money back. D.D.D. gives akin health. (Use DDJ).Soup.) Clears Skin of Blemishes The Perfect Antiseptic Treatment Thursday, July 11th, 1929 MOISLL‘Y AND BALL SIZE

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