As a matter of fact. the St. John Ambulance Brigade held a flag day in April, with the avowed purpose of raising the necessary funds to :pro- vide for these first aid boxes which had been recognized previously as nec- essary helps to the first aid work so generously and unselfishly carried on here by the St. John Ambulance men. After the flag day had proved suc- cessful, the secretary of the S.J.A.B., Mr. G. A. Gibson, cabled to England for the special boxes required, two of them being ordered. These two road- side first aid boxes reached Timmins on July 19th, and the first aid men did not lose any time in applying to the town council for the necessary permission to erect these boxes. This permission was gladly granted at the council meeting on Monday, opportun- ity being also taken by the mayor to say a deserved good word for the good accomplished here by the St. John Ambulance Brigade not only in actual first aid, but also in the gen- eral public interest aroused by the efforts and enthusiasm of the divi- sion. Now the brigade will no doubt proceed to put up the boxes, and these aids to first aid will prove of great value. One of the boxes will be put up at the foot of Shankman’s hill, Third avenue, and the other on the Timmins-Schumacher road. These boxes contain necessary material for use in case of accident. As more peo- ple take up the work of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, the boxes will be of increasing value and may be the means of saving more than one life. Roadside Boxes for First Aid to be Put Up by the S.J.A.B. The St. John Ambulance Brigade, .Timmins division, is not- pleased with the suggestion made in some quarteis that the proposal to erect roadside first aid boxes here followed the re- cent fatal accident on the Timmins- South Porcupine road. As the S. J. A. B. points out the object of the St. John Ambulance Brigade is to prepare for accidents and not to wait for an accident to happen before learning what to do. That is the moving prin- ciple of the Brigade and those who have watched the good work of the Timmins division do not need to be told that the first aid men here wait for accidents before they realize the need for measures to handle any troubles that: may arise. Boxes‘Arrived from England on July 19th. Were Order- ed After Flag Day in April. Will be Put Up at Once. Council Granted Necessary Permission on Monday. In granting permission for the er- Thursday, July 26th, 1928 Week-End Special Sale Friday and Saturday IT WILL PAY YOU TO SHOP EARLY Formerly from $5.50 to $8.50 Tricoshenes, Crayshenes. Double-Weight Fugis, Celanese, etc. 75 Dresses, $3.95 30 Dresses; $2.95 clubs. The weather was excellent and the scores turned in by both clubswas well above the average play. The visit of the Timmins members was thoroughly enjoyed and it is hoped that more meets of a similar nature can (be arranged between the two; ‘Fourteen players came over from Timmins, arriving here at 10 am. Play started immediately afterward, in foursomes with best ball and aggreâ€" gate as scoring method. Lunch "was served at the hotel at 2 am. after 18 holes of golf. In the afternoon an- other 18 holes was played, the various players arranging their own matches. TIMMINS ‘GOLFBRS PAY VISIT TO IROQUOIS FALLS. During.r the week-end a. number of golfers from the Timmins Golf Club paid a return visit to the A‘bitibi Golf Club at Iroquois Falls and all from here report a very pleasant time. The Broke Hustler this week makes the following reference to the visit: ection of these boxes at the places des- ignated the town council on Monday also promised every co-operation to see that the .boxes were protected and only used in proper way. The public should add its earnest and complete co-operation so that the plan inaugur- ated by the ‘S. J.A.B. may he carried through with the greatest possible measure of success and advantage. In the ladies’ golf last week Mrs. J. R. Todd won the first round in the qualifying round for the Mrs. John Knox cup. _ n The ladies of the Iroquois Falls ladies’ golf club are expected to come over for a friendly game here in the very near future. The Return interclub match be- tween Timmins and the Falls was played'here‘over the week-end. For the ï¬rst time since our club started we were successful in win- ning all of the matches, which shows that, on the average the play of our members are improving. ‘ The .sécond qualifying round the Mrs. John Knox cup will be ed this week. QUALIFYING ROUND FOR THE MRS. JOHN KNOX CUP Single-Weight Fugis for play- "MINE MINES Ill I’m Sflflfllll AI BIIBHRANE Practical; Primaryâ€"Claire Halperâ€" in, 70, honours. Pi'aciicaJ, Eleinentaryâ€" Sifk’ka Laln'ila,_ 74_, h_or;ours; ngty Palige! 68. Practical- Introductoryâ€"Ivy Paice, 82, first-class honours; Clement Lea- men, 75, honours; Helen Chisholnn (36. Return Match between Oochrano and Timmins Scheduled for Wedneso day Next, Aug. lst. At the game here last week the some was 13 to 12, in favour of the Timmins girls. There were seven inn- ings played and the big crowd present followed the play with the keenest interest. The Timmins team showed class and speed butdid not have much on the Cochrane girls. With a home game and with a more complete team to select from it is certain that at Coehrane next \Vednesdav the Coch- rane ladies will give a n*ood account of. themselves. On July 4th, Mr. Norman \Vilks conducted examinations at Mrs. J. \V. Faithful ’S for the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music. The results of the ex- aminations are now announced, the successful pupils being as follows:- - Mr. and Mrs. W. Lampkin and family, of Schumacher, left on Thurs- day last on a motor trip to the south. They make the trip by car, with short, stops along the route, reaching Pem- broke on Friday night. After a short visit in Pembroke they leave for other points «south. The return match between the Tim- mins and Cochrane teams of ladies’ softball players is scheduled to be held at Coehrane on “'ednesday next, Aug. lst. This should be a softball match worth seeing. In the game here last week Timmins ladies won by a single run after an exciting game, so it will be seen that the two teams are closely matched. The supporters of the Coch- rane girls sax that while Timmins mightb nose out on their own grounds, it will be a different matte1 at Coch- rane. . Also it is claimed that in the recent. game here, Cochrane had only part of its usual line-up of skilled ladies in the softball team. The team playing here for Cochrane is said to have been so changed around, on ae~ count of the absence of some of the regular players, that the best could not be expected. SCHUMACHER PEOPLE ON MOTOR TRIP TO THE SOUTH SUCCESSFUL PUPILS FOR CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC THE PORCUPIN E ADVANCE, TIMMINS.’ ONTARIO DIVIDEND NUMBER. 178 Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines Limited (No Personal Liability) A dividend of 2% on the out- standing Capital Stock of the ‘Com- pany has been declared payable on the 11th day of August, 1928, on which date cheques will be mailed to shareholders of record at the close of business on the 25th day of July, 1928‘ Dated the 18th day of July, 1928. 'I. McIVOB, The outstanding battle of the af- ternoon was the doubles match be- tween Brodeur and Laflamme Tim- mins) against Clark and McLaughlin (McIntyre), the home team winning, 8-6, 7-5, after a hectic struggle fea- tured by many spectacular rallies. Then the‘singles matches between La- flamme (Timmins) and. McLaughlin (McIntyre), which ended 5-7, 6-3, 6-3, in favor of Jerry Laflannne, was anâ€" other elose struggle. Similarly, the match between Jacques Timmins) and Yorke (McIntyre) produced a keen contest, Jacques winning from. Yorke, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. In the one-set singles the McIntyre .boys took three matches out of four, but the visitors evened up in the three-set doubles. The follow- mg. are the, 390011359..â€" Singles (3 sets) Laflamme (Timâ€" mins) (1. McLaughlin (McIntyre) 5-7, 63, 6-3; Clark (McIntyxe) d. Brodeur (Timmins) 6-3, 6-2; Jacques (Tim- mins) (1. Yorke (McIntyre) 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. Mr. P. Carson, manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., motored from To- ronto to Timmins last week-end. Mr. Carson made the trip by easy stages and found the roads not too bad. hav- ing no difï¬culty in making the run. Singles (1 set): Ambler (Timmins) (1. Gray (McIntyre) 6-0; Cameron (McIntyre) d. Fuke (Timmins) 6-2; Newlands (McIntyre) (1. Hamilton (Timmins) 6-3; Cosser (McIntyre d. Milligan {Timmjns} 6-1‘ Rev.,D. H. \Voodhouse is the new pastor of the United Church at Iro- quois Falls. On Friday evening of this week, July 27th, at 8 p.m., the oï¬icial induction services will be held in the church. Rev. J. C. Hulton, chairman of the Cochrane Presbytery, Rev. J. D. Parks, of Timmins, and other min- isters of the district, are expected to be present to conduct the services. Doubles (3 sets): Hamilton and Milligan (Timmins) d. Newlands and Urquhart (McIntyre) 7-5, 6-3; Am- bler and Jacques (Timmins) d. Tod- hunter and Yorke (McIntyre) 7-5, 6-3; Clark and McLaughlin (McIn- tyre) d. Brodeur and Laflam-me (Tim- mins) 8-6, 7-5. NEW PASTOR FOR UNITED CHURCH, IROQUOIS FALLS The first inter-club lawn tennis e- vents on record in the Porcupine camp were played at Selunnaeher during the week-end on the courts of the McIntyre Tennis Club, when several members of the Timmins club took part in singles and doubles with the McIntyre Tennis.Club. The in- teresting- event was witnessed by many members of the Timmins and McIntyre Tennis Clubs, who found the play decidedly attractive at all points. An interest-ed tennis enthusâ€" iast has furnished The Advance with the following review of the matches: [INST lNHN-Blflfl TENNIS IN HISIflNV [If INE CAMP Members of Timmins and McIntyre Clubs Hold Lawn Tennis Matches Last Week-end 10 18 174 Arrangements are being made for a return series of matches to take place McIntyre T.C. .. 5 (8.4 D.1) Summary of Results M Timmins T.C. .. 5 (8.3 D32â€) on, the éourts of the Timmins Clï¬b at an early date. GOLDFIELDS THEATRE PRICES “ HERE COMES TEI †MUSICAL SPEBIALTIES BETWEEN ACTS SINGING DANCING Assistant-Treasurer THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd 3 '“°#k’£'""‘ RESERVED $1.00 TICKETS ON SALE AT JOYAL PHARMACY 87 87 20 PEOPLE Last week the baseball team and the ladies’ softball team had creditable wins over Timmins and South Porcu- pine respectively, but the football team suffered two of their heaviest re- verses of the season, the Dome taking We note with great pleasure the success of the pupils in the recent En- trance Examinations held here. Mr. J. A. Bush is to be complimented on the good work of his pupils. Congratulations are extended to Miss Vieno Lindross on being the winner of the Bicycle donated yearly by the Schumacher Hardware for the boy or girl coming first in the En- trance Examinations. Last Wednesday evening a motox car collided with a cyclist on Fiist avenue. Fmtunately, no one xx as in- jured, the bicycle, however, being badly smashed. Mr. and M15. Lampkin and Ianiilv of Gold Centre, left last \\ eek on an extended motor tour. A11 unfortunate accident ocemred last week when Miss Margaret Rob. e1tson, of Th11d avenue, severely qp1a1ned her arm while cy__cling. " ‘- H .._ Mr. V. MacFadden, of Gold Centw left last week for Ottawa to join his \\ 1fe and children. we are pleased to report the recov- ery of Mrs. W. Leek, of Lakeside Drive, who was taken ill at her home last week. Schumache), Ont. July 25th, 1923. Special to The Advance. Schumacher Won Last Week at Baseball and Softball But McIntyre Football Club Suffered Two Reverses. Schumacher Young Lady Injured While Cycling. Auto and Cycle Collide. Schumacher Pupils Successful at Entrance Examinations. Other Schumacher News. A comedy mystery drama in three big aots ! Northern Ontario Light Northern Quebec Power Power Company Limited Company Limited Controlled and Operated by “ Here Comes Ted †What a comfort it is to have plenty of steaming hot water for the laundry, the kitchen, the bathroom. And how easily obtainable with a Hotpoint Electric Water Heater in your home. The Hotpoint Water Heater costs little, and is readily installed on any tank. It is quick, clean and always de- Give your home and family this wonderful convenience. Easy terms may be arranged if desired. SOUCIE’S REVUE BIG BEAUTY CHORUS the. points in the League game, and the Holly Recs. defeated them in the Box- er Cup final. Losing the Cup game was a big disappointment to the Me- Intyre boys as they have been in the final each season since the cup has been up for competition. However, on their display on 'Saturday night the Holly Recs. were worthy winners, the McIntyre being very slow on the ball, in fact the forwards were pathetic in their attempts to score. It was quite an interesting- game from a specta- tor ’s point of view, being free from the roughness and foul play which we have seen so much of lately. McIntyre Porcupine Mines, lelted (No Personal Liability) DIVIDEND N0. 39 Notice is hereby given that a divi- dend of ï¬ve per cent (5%) on the issued Capital Stock of the Company will be paid on September 1, 1928, to Shareholders of record at the close of business on August Ist, 1928. By order of the Board. BALMER NEILLY. Troasurer Dated at Toronto, July 19, 1928 Mr. and Mrs. R. Henderson, of To- ronto, were among those motoring to Timmins and other North Land 0911- tres last week. BALUDNY 750 ONE NIGHT ONLY 20 PEOPLE