‘3’. packing his tent, plenty of lunch, em. in his kit and started Tuesday 01‘ the 7‘25 miles he thinks he (lid not “all: mme than 15 altogether, motor- ists sure so kind to the young Boy Smut If he got tired he just pitch~ ed his tent and had a little snooze. One motorist at Gun enliurst had him come home with him for a (lay and go on a fishing trip, then drme the lad on as Ln as North B33. One difï¬culty of. camp at Am} thought it wc adventure to Porcupine, a He made his 1y, packing h 910.. in his Ii Of the 7‘25 In Messrs. Sam‘ Petcoff and George Tonoï¬' of the Golden Avenue Garage have just returned from a holiday in Toronto. Much to the surprise of his grand- mother, Mrs. Raspey Sr.. sixteen~year old Jim Rapsey, of Windsor, walked in Saturday evening calmly announced he had “hiked†from Windsor. His parents were on a motor trip up to Porcupine last week and Master Jim ths‘ supposed. during their absence, to join his Scout Troop in a hike to their camp at Amherstburg. Instead he thought. it would be much more of an adventure to ‘hitch-hike’ to South Porcupine, a distance of 725 miles. He made his preparations according- ly. packing his tent, plenty of lunch, etc. in his kit and started Tuesday. Mrs. E. J. Rapsey left on Monday tn join her father at Mattawa and mo- tor-tour the States. Mr. A‘. Giachino, of Cobalt, visited his brothers-in-law, J. and.D. Catar- 0110 this week. Mr. Edmund McDonough, M. E., of Ottawa, was in town this week in con. nection with the Hughes Mine of which he is consulting engineer. He and his wife motored from Ottawa to their summer home at Haileybury and then to Porcupine. Edmund was a former ISout-h Porcupine boy of whom we have always been justly proud. He passed his Entrance Ex- amination here with flying colors, when them were not many facilities for either teaching or studying such work; then going to Hailey bury High School, took his first two years ’work in one yeal. At Queen’s he showed the same determination to succeed. He is interested, with his brothers, the famous McDonough Brothers, in many of their mining deals and has a num- her of properties in Rouyn, Red Lake and other camps. Mré. W. McIntosh, of Timmins, was in town a few days last week, the guest of Mrs. G. McIntosh. Mr. Ned Dillon, who was on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dillon, returned to the South again on Thursday taking his car. Miss Aileen Kwela leaves on Wed- nesday for a visit to Toronto. Mr. Nat Huytan is renewing ac- quaintances in town having returned from Red Lake on Sunday. .He leaves on the 27th inst for a trip to his home in- England. He sails on the Duchess of Athol. Mrs. Frank Hill is visiting theâ€"par- ental home at. Thessalon. Mrs. Verner left on Sunday to un- dergo treatment for her rheumatism at Mt. Clemens, U.S.A. Mrs. B. M. \Valton and little grand- child, Baby Knutson, returned on Thursday last after a three months’ visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Knut-son, of Quebec. Miss Florence McGregor, nurse of Detroit, who has been on an extended visit, to her sisters, Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. Diapolo, returnséon Thursâ€" (lav. Mr. Fred Ridgely, of Kirkland Lake, renewed acquaintances in town over the week-end. Miss Clara \Vilson, of Porcupine, is imlidaying at. Bruce Mines, Canadian Sun and Port Arthur. South Porcupine, July 25th, 1928. Mrs. Patterson is visiting her sister Mrs. J. St. Paul. Mrs. :St. Paul has returned from a visit to her little daughter at Gravenhurst. Mrs. Lloyd and famlly, of the Dome pump. house, 318 motoring south f01 a sutation on Wednesday. Surprises His Grandmother by Unexpected Visit. Town- ship Council Discusses Many Questions of Importance. Inquest Into Fatality Again Adjourned. Other South Porcupine News. Lad of Sixteen “Hitch-Hikes†Windsor to South Porcupine G. N. ROSS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Oï¬iceâ€"Room 10. Bead Block Phone 640 P.O. Box 1591, rimming. Ont. The Porcupine Goldfields Band journeyed to Connaught on Sunday and gave an open air concert. They were accompanied by about twenty car-loads of people 11110 along with Connaught 1esidengs thoroughh en- joyed the tine music. A new pump is necessary for the sewer disposal plant. It is planned to get a motor lift pump that will be automatic and thus do away with the necessity of an attendant. Two quo- tations we1e 1eceived but it was de- cided to obtain more data in iegard to the of pump gua1anteed and have it put into writing fo1 council’ 3 con- sideration. ‘ Mrs. J. wt T'homas and little daugh- ter are visiting at her parental home. Shawville, Quebec- ' The routine bills and accounts were passed fox: payment. Several tax cases were heard but in all these the assessment should have been appealed before July lst and the ratepayers was told to pay the first. instalment and if after consultation with the solicitor it was decided a reduction could be granted this would be taken off the second instalment. A, Kincaid was present requesting a double service for his two lots on Main street when installing water. Mr. Geo. D. Hamilton, reeve of W'hitney wished to know what was being done re damage by the flooded condition of Porcupine Lake. This wasdeferred until the ‘reeve would get back The council of Tisdale township met on Monday evening, Reeve Gallagher and Councillor Kerr :being absent. After the reading of the minutes a number of letters were read, the most of them being in reference to indig- ents. Mr. Jake Long, a well-known old timer of- Schumacher, who has been in the hospital here is to be sent to the Home for Incurables. .ln some of the other cases the chief was asked to investigate. Some of the cases that had been receiving help had their al- lowance for charity stopped. "'l‘herc lwas a letter from the Northern (lan- ada Power offering a reduction pen lamp (street) used with the suggestion that more lamps be installed. A com- .munication from A. C. Brown, K.C.. rre the assessment of a client at (lil- lies Lake resulted in the assessment being confirmed. There was consid- erable discussion over the collection of garbage in 'Schumacher, the twc councillors from there declaring that complaints had been made to them. Chief McInnis said that no complaints of any kind had come to him; that a: quickly as any came to him he would go out and investigate each and every case. He said that the present man was a good man and that he claim- ed he was making as many trips as he could make now; that is, four times a month in the business section and twice a month in the residential section, besides the work at Gold Cen- tre and other outlying districts. There has been trouble encountered at times through people putting ashes and other matter that is not considered as garâ€" bage in their cans. Also at times res- dents do not leave their garbage prop- erly collected in receptacles for the garbage man to empty. the route was that possibly he might meet mater and pater on their return trip and be “hitched†back to Wind- sor without reaching his objective. However he didn’t, but arrived here hale and hearty and Wired home his whereabouts. His parents think he has had adventure enough now and want him to come home {by train. Mr. E. Perry, formerly of Cobalt, and recently manager of A. E. Moysey Co.’s Rouyn exchange, has been appointed manager of the Kirkland Lake, Rouyn and N oranda offices of the company. He will reside at Kirk- land Lake ana visit the other ofï¬ces weekly or oftener. Mr. Reg. Burch, travelling passen- ger agent of the Canadian National Railways for this district, was in town last week in charge of a party of eleven school teachers from .Southern Ontario. The visitors had a look through the mines and were shown the town and all the centres of interest in the immediate district. The num- ber, size and modern style and equip- ment of the Timmins schools, im- pressed them especially, as did also the many large, modern, permanent rbuildings here. After seeing Tim- mins the party went to Iroquois Falls to see that town and its big industry. PARTY OF SOUTHERN ONT. TEACHERS VISIT HERE. Miss Thelma Roy, of the Temiskam- ing Telephone Co., is holidaying in Englehart and North Bay. \ Mr. Kehoe is in charge of the branch of the Imperial Bank here in the place of Mr. P. Michand, resigned At. the resumed inquest into the death of Mrs. Lorenzo Zigolettc the evidence of Dr. McLaren was taken as he is leaving on his holidays. He stated that. it would be two weeks still before Lorenzo Zigolette could come before the court. to give evidence. Artuso would probably be able to do so in a week; Dr. McLaren said he was called to the 'hospital‘and reached there probably ten minutes after the patients had been conveyed there. Mrs. Zigolette was unconscious and remain- ed so to the end, not being in a con- dition to make any statement. She had her jaw broken, her leg fractured in two places and a fracture of the skull. Death was due to the injury to the skull and paralysis of the respira- tory centre at. the base of the skull. The other two were both badly lacer- ated, Lorenzo having a broken left leg which had to be amputated on the following Sunday owing to gangrene setting in. «Statements had been ob- tained from both men but these had not been presented to the court. Mr. Gordon Gauthier represented James- Gibson, the driver of the automobile, which Mr. Cook, of Deau Kester’s office, was present for the two men who were on the motor cycle. The inquest was adjourned for two weeks longer when it is thought both injured men will be in a. condition to give ev- idence. THE PORC U PINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Beauty Parlour Opposite Goldï¬elds Theatre Phone 691 for Appointment J. B. Thiboutot “When Taylor did not return after an absence of forty-~ minutes the oth- ers of the party. six in number, set out to search for him. They hunted fer two days and, not finding any trace of him, sent into the Cold Lake camp for assistance. Acemding to the story l11ought out they did not receive any great encouragement from their appeal. A party of some six- teen men, nearly all of them Northern Ontario prospecto s, gathe1ed to their assistance. \Vith this party \\ ere Bill Martin, Ernie Hughes, Pete Morrison, A. Dukt1 and Fled Coleman . Sergt. Grennon, R. C. M.P.. arrived from The Pas, hut seeminglv had no power to commandeer men and supplies to aid in the search. The \Vestern Cz mada Airways sent in a plane to assist and also sent in supplies. The sixteen men who formed the search party conâ€" ducted a systematic search. They cut lines between the lakes and tried to block out the area where the missing man was thought to be, surrounding the location by lines cut through the bush. 011 these lines they left mes- sages every two.or three hundred feet, with directions where to go and matches to make a fire. None of these messages were touched by the miss- ing man. “In one place they found where he had cut down a poplar tree to get. at “\V. Martin, one of the prospectors who has been most active in the search for the missing Andy Taylor, returned to town on Tuesday, and told the ï¬rst authentic story concerning the missing man and the search for him which has been made public. Friends of Mr. Andrew Taylor, formerly of Timmins, and friends of his family now resident in South Por- cupine will be interested in all de- tails in regard to the search made for him in the West. Accordingly readers of The Advance will be specially in- terested in the following from the July 20th issue of The Pas Herald, of The Pas, Manitoba: “It seems that the missing man, Andy Taylor, was working in the same vicinity as a number of other prospectors from Northern Ontario. The others had made what they thought was a strike and they called Taylor in to share in it. He was camped along with them and, on June 28th, left the camp to fetch a 'pail of water from the creek :1 short distance away. They were ,at that time camped some 11 miles east of the .Sherritt Gordon camp, about six miles north of Nokomis Lake. llHAllS [If THE SEARCH flfl All" “MIR ll WEST Eighteen Men Made ° Systematic Combing of Large Area. . .Assist- ance Given by Western Canada Airways. AT THE THEATRES Paramount News and “Up in Arms" comedy Harold McGrath’s novel and the screen’s greatest serial pitture no“ in one big pro- duction. “ THE MILLION 20 “ THE LOVE THRILL †Girlsâ€"‘bring your fellows and get the thrill of your lives. Felix and “Queen’s Wild†comedy A great bookâ€"a greater picture with one of the greatest casts ever seen in one ï¬lm. Fox News “Daisies Won’t Tell†comedy “ THE STOLEN BRIDE †“ SORRELL and SON †“Dad-â€"‘I’ll always stick by you!â€â€"â€"and with his son’s pledge of eternal comradeship ring- ing in his ears, Capt. Stephen Sorrel], M. C., went forth, with joy in his heart to ï¬ght his greatest battleâ€"~to win from life, happiness for “Kit.†Paramount News “Hold ’Er Cowboy†comedy The Screen’s Bird of Paradise in her most gorgeous roleâ€"â€" Goldï¬elds Soucie’s Revue -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" PeOple â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" Reserved Seat Plan at Joval Pharmacy Next Weekâ€"MON. TUES. DOLLAR MYSTERY †THURSDAY ONLY “ HERE COMES TED †FRIDAY and SATURDAY Specnal ! !__ U WEDNESDAY ONLY LAST TIME TO-DAY Billie Dove II]. 1 O O . .0..00.... 0.... | goéooyoouooooono’ooOO’OOOooooooooo30900000000000.0039...30303303350033.3030‘0390090003090000 3000000000090â€: go???u:":3.uéflsfuasa...":uzuznzneuzuzxxz“zuxuzuzuégvuxuxsvgzxa ‘ 000 0000 00000090 00 000.000.0000... 0000.. O - 30.0%. Ozozocoooonzooo O‘OOOOOOO‘C‘03â€0’3000H9f‘ozoooo‘o‘o‘o‘o‘o’o‘o‘o‘oo’.00 9000000000‘000000H‘HOQHOOHQ?HOOOOOMOQV Another of the very interesting so- cial evenings in eonnection with the demonstration of \Vear-Ever Alum- inum ware was held last week at the home of Mrs. Jas. Geils where n 1111111- ber of ladies had a very interesting and enjoyable hour. For Sure Results Try Our Want Ad Column \Iiss Marion Stewart, of \m'th Bu). \\ as the guest. of her sister. Mrs. Nel- son Stickley recently. a bird’s nest. They tracked’hiin for a distance from there and then lost trace of him. Taylor has now. been missing for eighteen days, but his friends have not given up hOpe and are still searching for him. They con- tend that it‘ he can stand the flies he might get enough food of a kind to exist on. There are. one or two trap- per’s shacks in the vicinity where he might be able to pick up a little and there is no scarcity of water. The search party were hanipered in their work by the. scarcity of provisions, and lived for several days on flour and water rather than lose time going back to camp for supplies." .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .00... O OOOOOOOOIOOCO 0.00:0...:O:O:O:O:O:O:OOOOOOO:0:O:.OOO:O8"COOOOOOOO:O:OOOOOO?OOOO O:.:.:O:.:O:O:O:O000:0...3. Phone 104 Night 237 and 151 were protected, and possibly ruin you ï¬nancially. Do not drive your car without Automobile Insurance. The cost is surprisingly small. A judgment as above against you would be very disturbing, unless you $5,000-00 and Costs Sullivan Newton DOMINION BANK BUILDING Opposite Goldï¬elds Hotel 20 SIMMS, HOOKER DREW INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES (Agents for Confederation Life Association). Houses and Lots for Sale on Terms. Insurance of Every Description Hoot Gibson in “A Trick of Hearts†Ted Wells in “Desert Dust." Reginald Denny in “Good Morning Judge" COMING ATTRACTIONS “Beauty Parlour Seriesâ€-â€"-Chap. 4 Wednesday and Thurs., Aug. A whirlwind drama of roaring, zooming planes -â€"-battles in the airâ€"â€"romance aflmvo the clouds Friday and Saturday, July 27â€"28 A louder and funnier collection of roars than Monday and Tuesday, July 30â€"31 Monty Banks Cloud hopper Monty makes your head spin and your heart somersault in an air circus of laughs and thrills I “Our Gang†comedy Pathe News 8: Review New Empire KARL DANE and GEORGE K. ARTHUR “ The Phantom Flyer †REAL ESTATE “ CIRCUS ROOKIES †m that three-ring laughing picture riotâ€"- ever before gathered into one ï¬lm I “ FLYING LUCK †‘ ‘Melting Millions’ ’â€"â€"-Chap. 2 “Blake of Scotland Yard"â€"---Chap. 5 “Andy Gump†comedy Al Wilson _T_hursday, J “1X- 26th, 1928 m 111 PHONE 112 Residence PHONE 136 Goldï¬elds Hotel Block Timmins, Ont.