For Sure Results Try Our Want Ad. Column rot eilad. .c_hi_cory aqd celEry, grated carrot, cabba and green pepper, cucumber stu ed with pimento cheese, tomato stuffed with diced celery and olives. Among the fruit salads, try apples and raisins, white cherries and dates, apricots, blue plums. Use This Delicious Carna- txonnaise ,on Fruit Salads The mayonnaise (Carnationnaise) recipe I give below is particularly ï¬ne with fruits and quite inexpensive, one egg and one cup of oil making three cups of dressing. It needs no mixing with cream, as the Carnation0Milk is added when it is made, and it keeps perfectly. Now don't picture those fruits and vegetables as unromantic, unadorned foods to be thrust upon a long-sufferin family. Think of them in terms 0 saladsâ€"immediately one’s imagination begins to function, and the most appeti- zing and delightful things suggest selves. ry_these_s_aladsâ€"cz_1bbqge and car; Like most people, I object to rules. Yet there are two which every woman wants to keep in mind in planning her meals. Serve one of the vegetables raw each day. Serve at least one generous por- tioggoffryit each day. The Carnation Milk makes a par- ticularly delicious mayonnaise, smooth, rich and creamy. .I always use it, not only _ for tpayonnalse but. for .all. other 5031:1113. like it because it is just pune, fresh, unsweetened whole milk, evap- orated down to double richness and sterilized for safe keeping. It is always Thursday, Julyjï¬th, 1928 .flmï¬gï¬gg__.__§ Some New Ideas in Salads MX, KITCHEN NOTEBOOK by W 73M Camatlon Milk THAT’S one of the places where Carnation Milk shines. It makes the smoothest, cream- iest salad dressings-â€" with less troubleâ€"and at a real saving. You’ll ï¬nd Carnation better for all cooking and in coffee. (See recipes above) ARRY a Letter of Credit from the Imperial Bank of Canada. This letter enables you to draw funds in any country, and in any currencyâ€"dollars, pounds, francs, etc. â€"â€"to the required amount. Take along also a few Travellers" Cheques. .They will be convenient when you are not in reach of a bank, and are honoured in all countries without question. Letters of Credit and Travellers’ Cheques may be obtained at all branches. Timmins Branchâ€"D. Sutherland, manager 8. Porcupine Branchâ€"J. P. Michaud, mgr Any branch of the bank will give you painstaking and dependable service. IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA u From Cont sated Cows †A UNIVERSAL CURRENCY . Domestic Science Counselor Carnation Peach Salad 12 large halves of canned peaches, 1 cup white cherries. V2 cup hazel nuts or almonds. Carnationnaise, crisp lettuce leaves, 12 ripe olives. Remove pits from cherries, insert nuts; place 3 or 4 nuts in hollow of each peach. Put two halves on bed of lettuce; garnish with 2 ripe olives. Serve with Carnation- dependable, always available, always uniform in quality. And it is extreme- ly economicalâ€"costs very little, saves the waste of Spoiled milk, enables me to cook better with less butter and cream. Also it gives a smoothness of texture, a creammess, no bottled milk can equal. I want you to give Carnation Milk a real test. Let me send on free the Carnation Cook Bookâ€"“ yHundred Favorite Recipe" Address Carna~ tion Milk Products Co., Limited, Aylmer, Ont. Carnationnaisc 4 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. mustard, 1 tsp. salt, paprika. Mix these ingredients and add gradually % cup of salad oil, % cup cider vinegar and % cup water. Stir until smooth. Cook over slow ï¬re until thick, stir- rin constantly. Remove from ï¬re an beat into mixture 1 egg (which has been slightly beaten), % cup Carnation Milk and “A cup salad oil. Add milk and oil slowly and beat very smooth. This makes 3 cups mayonnaise. It will keep indeï¬nitely. Produccd in Canada mama» BIB CHEW“ , [ll Elflflfll PIIH WBIIES [ll WIIH THE BANflEfl {81' 5mm AMI [IN 0055 main spring, hair spring, dial, jewels and hands. Thns hufludes besuhzthe actual machine work on the various parts, the dranghting and designing of the complete assembly which, Mr. Gendron stated took up his spare time for the 1unghbourhood of one yean The watch is a chronometer model, of seventeen jewels, which by the way is equivalent to a twenty-one jewel lever movement, and is adjusted to temper- atuie, isochronism, and ï¬ve positions. Up to the time of Mr. Gendron’s sgraâ€" duation from the Institute, there had been but thirteen watches so con- structed by various students, and since each of them have their own peculiarities of design, there is no duplicate of this timepiece in exis- tence.’ The Rouyn News, last week says: “During the course of an interview with a rep1esentative of the ROUVI’I News, recenth, Mr. George E.(n1ri«i- ion, of the local jeweer? house of G1 een and Gendron, relahd how, dur- ing the. time of his two and one halt' years course in the Canadmn Horolo- cal Institute, of Toronto. he had eon- strueted a rather novel watch. He has in his possession a diploma from the Institute, testifying that the watch was made from raw materials entirely, with the exception of the The open-air band concert. on Thursday evening last- proved one of the. best of the season. There was a good representation of the band in attendance. the. instrumentation was good, and the selections were handled with much talent and effect. A large attendance of townspeople and visi- tors enjoyed the programme furnished many expressing their appreciation of the good music presented. The band under the new leader, Mr. Arthur “'ilford, played very etfectively, [and won very general approval. NOVEL TIMBPIECE MADE AND OWN D BY ROU‘R MAN Friday, Aug. 3â€"Porcupine Power x". Canadiens. . \Vednesday, Aug. 8â€"- Porcupine Power vs. Arrows- Thursday, Aua'. 9â€"~Canadiens vs. Tuxis.- Thursday Evening’s Programme of Band Music Specially Well Presented. The programme for the evening was an interesting one and includei :â€"â€"- opening.r march, a catchy number given with snap and effect; fantasia, “Syl- van Scenccs†n picturesmie number capably portrayed; selection, “Bands- men’s Delight,†a. number in which both handsnieu and the audience took delight; selection, “C‘ornflowers and Poppies,†an attractive. waltz num- ber; niareh, Bon Accord,†bright and inspiring; selection, “Melodious Gems,†that was equal in attraction to the suggestion of its title. SOFTBALL GAMES IN THE SECOND HALF OF SCHEDULE The following are the games re- maining to be played in the second half of the Softball schedulezw Friday, July 27â€"Arr0ws \5. Can- adiens. . Monday, July 30â€"Tuxis vs. A-S.D. \Vednesday, :Aug. 1-â€"~Holly Recs. v~. Arrows. THE PORCUPINE AbVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Choice of Prices Full Range of Size: ALL HEAPING VALUE E'VE concen- trated on Good- year Tires so we can carry a fuli range of balloon tire sizes and give everybody service. We can give you the price you want. And we know the value is there. Every one built from SUPER- TWIST Cords. BPS Friday, Aug. 10â€"A.S.D. vs. Holly Service that saves you time and money BALLOON TIRES Marshall-Ecclestone Limited Timmins, Ontario Lots of Lively Subject Taken Up in Clever Way and Dealt With Ill-tense. As noted last. week a. local poet has favoured The Advance with a feeling poem on gardens and other things. The poem is entitled “Something In- tense,†and is headed in sectiuns of the. different tenses as follows: a bone, But oh! lack-a-day, not one dog alone; There was terrier and huskie and L’envoi I rued my nice garden, yes sir, in- deed ~ Yet I must not be rude, tho’ I’ve now only weed, My mind is quite tranquil; I know that to give ' Is more blessed than taking, and so must we live! Though deserts are barren, they have great colour schemes, The beauty of jungles surpasses our dreams, How delightful the lichens we ï¬nd in the bogs So now let my garden just go to the dogs! â€" 's .“n AIRPLANE USED TO CARRY MINE MAN TO HOSPITAL Then patiently wait for ten days or two wee '5 To watch for the radish and lettuce and leeks; \Vith 'ainfall so gentle and sun bright and warm, ' With weather just splendid and never - a storm, When 10! one ï¬ne morn, mirabile visu, Those strange little seedlings will all have burst through! Imperfect Tense I was having a garden, yes sir, indeed, I tended each tendril and weeded each weed. The growth was luxuriant, luscious and green, Great pleasure had I in my little de- mesne! N ow, around me were neighbours, nice people, sans doubt, \Vith their Buster and Rover and little Frou-frou WVhose heart-cords would rupture if aught e'er Ibefell . ’l‘hese best friends of man; my tongue cannot tell How proudly they gambolled, so glee- fully gay, ‘ In fact one might say in a quite dog- gish way, Cavorting and barking with a smile for its master, Perish the thought, that they’d bring Perfect Tense I once had a garden, yes sir, indeed! But now I have naught but a dense bank of weed! The day it was fair with the sun shining lbr’lght ‘ As it quite often is when no clouds are in sight! But a storm burst upon me !â€"â€"-a yelp and a howl A snarl and a. whine, a bark and a growl, And over the fence came a dog with mongrel and tyke And several breeds you may call What you like; They made for my garden, and cir- cled around, They wheeled and they tumbled and pawed up the ground! - The tornado was ï¬erce, but at last it did pass, While all I had left was a few' blades I‘ll* have a nice garden, yes sir, indeed. l’ll wr0“ iloxxer and vegetable and weed, And dehe and dig and rake and hoe; the plehsure ’txxill gi\e me, why no one may know! For now ’tis theb Spring, I'll hase to the store And ï¬nd, at. ten eents, little packets 0alore With brightâ€"coloured pictures, ah, that ’s the dope ! So I’ll buy me a. handful of packets of hope! 1 I shall haste to my garden, and then 10“ in 10“ ' L533 earth will these tiny seeds .-As \I A. Campbell, manager of the Dunkin Gold Mines, at Narrow Lake, to the hospital at I\Vinnipeg. Mr. Campbell had his back seriously hurt while in one of the drifts of the mine ’3 work- ings, and though medical attention was given at the mine, it. was feared that complications might develop. Accordingly the patient was rushed to Hudson by airplane, and from there to Winnipeg to the hospital. Pilots Atkinson and Tarrington op- erated the airship, and the combined air and train journey only occupied '30 hours. Mr. Campbell came through the journey well, and is making good progress to complete recovery at the \Vinnipeg hospital. The airship again proved its spec- ial value to mining fields when its use came in so he11)fully_in_conV'ey§ng aiming. (at. am :9 you lean. Intuutincuubguc bu. Writeorall Hmmm. Luna. Km Wm. Taom me disaster. of grass. 20 MENâ€"BE YOURSELF! ‘ Future Tense â€"â€"Pro B0110 Canino READING ADVERTISEMENTS [ONLY TWO MORE GAMES IN LIKE STORE VISITING, SENIOR BALL SCHEDULE In a recent issue The l’ertlt Expos- itor touches upon the popularity of °wandering° through stores," and to this adds the pleasure often grained from just reading' advertisements. The. Expositor says:â€" “Some more than others, but all to a degree, like to wander through stores. Man has been doing‘ it so long,r it seems almost instinctive. l’er- Imps the explanation for the uni- versal appeal of the store counters lies in an innate love of possession aml of anticipation of possession. People are forever windowâ€"shopping‘, lookingnaround-the-store with all the breathless expectancy of children on Christmas eve. They want some- thing: which they" hope sometimes to ï¬nd in store. made to their own order and to their price, or they are, just interested in the things man is creatâ€" ing for man. Not less irresistible is the newspaper with its columns of advertising. In these columns are found the same wonders and coveted merchandise that are found on the store counter“. Only the “catalogue and counter†combined in the news- paper advertising pages offer some advantages peculiar to themselves. Every day millions of people the world over peruse the newspaper ad- vertisements to inform themselves on the progress of civilization, on new comforts made available to mankind, on the fashions and vogues of the day, or where to 'buy the best of what they want at the most advan- tageous price, and furthermore for the same reason that they read the front pa 01e, the feature sections, the ï¬nancial page and the sports news- because they are interested. There are few things in which men, women and children are more interested than what the stores are displaying on their counters and in their Windows and cases and what the newspapers are. exhibiting in picture and print in their advertising columns.†PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED .LIE’IF Impatisl Sedan - $890.00 gouvmibhl $5?!“ 263.33 aunt's-is u - 70. Roads“! Delivery - 623.00 Ton Truck Chsssis - 635.00 FEAR good tea The Orange Pekoe 835.00 Manâ€"- «um and 740.00 740.00 - $625.00 625.00 P T (at We Touring Cach- Coupo- Sodnn . “ritual The Chevrolet you buy is, ï¬rst of all, a bigger and better car. That it is also an outstandingly low- prlced car is an additional important advantage gained through Chevrolet’s volume production an its association with General Motors. Call around and drive this Quality, Low-Priced car today. arr-col T‘s (LILAC. . . Guard Motor! m dtgefled pom: plan clad: MO no“ convenient and economical way a! uyiu yaw Chevrolet on the. 1 dom’s mos-t striking illustration of the diï¬erence between “cheapness’ and “low-priceâ€. Chevrolet is low-priced, beyond doubt . . lower- riced than ever before in all Chevrolet history. at, so far from being “cheapenedâ€, Chevrolet has been irn rovedâ€"in appearance, in performance, in value! f quality, instead of price, were the means by which cars were classiï¬ed, Chevrolet would take its place in the higher ranks. Everything about the “Bigger and Better†Chevro- let . . from the big, luxunous Fisher Bodies with their smart, stylish lines, to the werful Chevrolet engine with its countless new re ements . . every- thing bespeaks a high standard of quality that has never been sacriï¬ced for any price advantage. HE “Bigger and Better†Chevrolet is motor- dom’s most strikimr illustration of the diï¬erenco 33'3“ FE; '5‘3'2.’ Timmins Garage Co. Ltd. is extra good In clean, bright Aluminum Timmins, Oâ€"ntario. Kingston \Vhig-Stzmdard :â€"â€"-Some- one has just. said that if women had. any sense there would be more bachelors. [\Vhat a very unkind re- mark. " f": ‘5‘ INTERESTING ADDRESS TO THE W. M. S. ON CHINA. The 'l‘hursday alj'ternoou session of; the Women's Missionary Society last week in the l’uited ("hurch enjoyed a very interesting.r and illuminating ad- dress 011 China. The speaker for the owasion was Mr. Copeland, who was for some years the business manager of one of the 111ission hospitals at North Honan. (‘hina, His subject was: “The Days \\ ork, ’ and in his interesting: talk he outlined the rou- tine of the merage dax in the mis- sion hospitals in (‘hina Mr. Cope- land was among the mission workers who had to leave China some months“ ago on account of the disorders and disorganization in the country, but he says he intends to return to the good work and hopes that this will be practical next. year. In describ- ing: the work at the hospitals, Mr. Copeland showed the necessity for a good knowledge of the Chinese lan- guage. The language took years of study to learn it with any degree of proï¬ciency. Indeed, Mr. Copeland, pointed out, the Chinese language could. be closely studied for a life- time and still there would be new material to take up- Mr. Copeland used the blackboard to demonstrate the intricacies and picturesqueness of the Chinese language, this being one of the specially interesting parts of the address. Only two more games remain on the Senior Basdball schedule as an- nounced. Those are: Friday, July :7 South Porcupine. “'mlneaday, Au; cupino at Timmins Coavutib}. 05:53:“ . $3.8: loads“: Delivery - ‘25:†Ton Truck Chsssis . 633.00 Mm Expms - 650.00 All price: a! Fact , 011nmâ€" Caveman! Tampa and Spore 1"" Extra. 71 hmMclntyru at uuth POI-