Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 26 Jul 1928, 2, p. 7

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A11 outside toilet. must be made ly proof. Wrap ell Garbage 121 paper. Keep your Garbage can covered. Use plenty of Chloride of Lime which can be procured at the Town Hall. free. Hduseholders using well mm must boii it for at least 20 minutes. Theodore Soucie‘is bringing his company of ‘20 players to the Gold- fields for one night only, Thursday, August 2nd. Mr. Soucie will present a comedy-mystery drama in 3 Acts entitled “ Here Comes Ted. ” The play is full of fun and enough mystery to keep one interested throughout the entire show. \Vith the company is a whirly, girly, beauty chorus. Many of those who have seen The Dumbells Company here last sea- son will remember Jack Ayres and his wonderful talent. lack will be with us, again ne.\t week with Soucie’s Rex ue, Victor St. Amant, of The Sunshine Kiddies of Hollywood is a wonder. He is the~ star tenor of the company. \Villiam Soucie, hrother of Ted, is a wizard on the saxaphone, and comes from the Melody Kings of Montreal. Between the acts, the girls and these star artists will give a var- ietv ot singing . dancing and musical specialities, which will make this one ot the peppiest musical shows ex er to come to Timmins. Reserxed seats are now on sale at Joyal's Pharmacy, next door to the theatre. As this show will be piesented one nivht onlx, it would be well tor those who wish to get. the choice of seats to get their tickets early. A. Sudlbury taxi driver was fined $75.1H) and costs last week for heatâ€" ing up a “dead heat,” as the des- patches phrased it. The taxi drix er “as engaged to (him to Sturgeon {Falls and then wanted to go to North Bay. At North Bay the passenger :said he had some money to collect, but the taxi driver could not collect his charges and the passenger made smeral attempts to escape. The taxi drixer, not being able to collect his money, made strenuous etforts to hold his fare, and in court admitted strikâ€" ing the passenger several times to keep him in the car. On one part of the trip the passenger waded into a river to escape, but the driver follow- ed him in to the water and forced him to return. The alleged “dead heat ’ was fairly beaten up, according to accounts. and the cou1t apparently considered this a poor way to collect taxi‘i’fares. SOUCIB’S REVUB COMING TO GOLDFIELDS THEATRE With holdings in Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. the Manontque Mines Holdings, Ltd., has been incorporated to develop mining properties of merit in the three provinces which go to form its name. The derivation of the name is the first three letters of the name of each province. Montreal and New York interests have privately financed the venture, and no stock has been offered for public subscription. A. M. Bilsky, general manager of the company, leaves Toronto next week to examine the most, promising of the company's Manitoba holdings, namely, that adjoining the Cent 'al Manitoba and Eldorada Mines. Another valuable holding in the Province of Manitoba adjoins the «Selkirk Canadian Mines, IJtd. . JITNEY DRIVER BEAT UP DEAD BEAT NEAR SUDBURY. NEWLY FORMED COMPANY HAS VARIED INTERESTS Mr. Robert Barnett. of Cleveland, Ohio, was a visitor last week to Tim- .mins, where he spent a. few days tho. guest of his sister, Mrs. H. (VT-HI‘SOU. Mr. Barnett motored hort- from Cleve- land and found the trip an interesting one, with the roads not so had. oxeept in one or two spots. He roturned home this, week, being accmnpanied on the motor trip by Mrs. Carson who will spend a two months’ vacation at his home on the shoros of Lake Erie. MOTORED FROM CLEVELAND TO TIMMINS LAST WEEK Vancouver «x: p ‘ / Both Directions Daily From PORQUIS JUNCTIONâ€"Westbound 6.31 pm. From PORQUIS JUNCTIONâ€"Eastbound 1.05 pm. North Bay Connection South, 10.45 pm. For information as to the schedules, fares, reserva- tions, etc., apply to Canadian National Agents 4.â€" T. N. 0. Agents ATTENTION HOUSEHOLDERS By Order of THE BOARD OF HEALTH I The score by innings was as fol- lows :--â€" . Tinnnins . . . .5 7 4 ‘2 5 2 4-29 [South Pore. ..... 5 0 O 0 3 1 2â€"11 Batteriesâ€"-â€"Timmins, Dickson, La- .Salle, Godin; \Vebh, Auge. South Porcupine, McCann, MeCuteheon; Johns and Miehaelson. The league standing; for the Jun- iors up to and including this game last week was as follows.â€"- \V L Av. “In ‘H’ ore body, development of uhieh was responsible for lecent competitive bidding for shares, Nor- anda Mines has a block of $50 on, 200 feet “ide b) 600 feet long. and be lieved to be 1,000 feet in depth. “Ten thousand dollars invested in Noranda three years ago at the new record high for shares would have been worth $045,000.” “Tests at depth reveal ore carrying $50 in gold and copper values. “New smelting the highest grade copper are in the world; with gold valnes sufficient to 113) for mining and milling leaving Icopper as net pioiit. “Ore reserves estimated at in tween $300,000,000 and $400,000,000 have been blocked out in one ore body a- lone, with seven additional ere hudies of promise on the property. In its last issue, The Rouyn News gave interesting facts and figures rc- lating 'to Noranda, and points out that $10,000 invested in Noranda three years ago would bring over $600,000.00 these days, which is not to be sneezed at. The Rouyn News says:â€" _ “Noranda shines haxe gone from $1. 00 to a new high of $61. 50 in the past three years. “New p'rofits on the original in- vestment in $1.00 shares amount to 6.356 per cent. HOW PORTUNES MIGHT HAVE BEEN MADE IN NORANDA In the Temiskaming Junior Baseball Association sc‘hedule game at South Porcupine last. week Timmins Jun- iors fairly swamped the 'South Por- cupine Juniors, the final score lbe~ ing 29 to 11. The match was so much in favour of Tinunins that it was not as interesting as it might. other- wise have been. However, South Porcupine has the consolation that. if the Juniors from Timmins can win with so large a score. the South Por- cupine Seniors can do approximately as much to the'Tinnnins Seniorsjn baseball. In the game last week the Tinunins Juniors used fifteen men. the idea. being to give as many as :possible a try-out, and it being felt? that the vic- tory was sure enough that no harm was likely to result from frequent changing of players to test out their value to the team. Timmins . . . . . . cochl‘}llle o 0.0 01. . South Porcupme Swamped South Porcupine Last Week, the Score Standing 29 to 11 at the Close. TIMMINS [EMIING JUNIflfl Bflfifflflll [[AGHE NllW F. P. Nelson District Passenger Agent, North Bay. All Steel Coaches Ask for one at your filling station Highway Safety Committee Support the Highway Safety Movement Dining and Compart- ment Observation Cars Tourist and Standard Sleeping Cars Montreal- Wear this sticker on your windshield The HON. CEO. 5. HENRY, Chairman. .800 .666 .000 The attention of the council was called to the case of Mr. Birrell Bell, who had paid last year £01 all the wa- ter 1ates 011 the huildinw on Third ax- enue while as a matte1 of fact he was only tl1c1tenan)_tor the upstai1s par,tn other tenants occupied the other floor. Mr. Bell had objected at the time to the 1ates as being high, but had not known that he was charged with the rates for the whole building. The mayo1 said that in cases whe1e there was only the one connection it was found necessary to collect from one, rather two or more of the parties concerned. Of course, the rates were chargeable against the property in any case, he thought, and in the in- stance under discussion it would apâ€" pear that the landlord should see to the refund to Mr. Bell if the facts were as outlined. The matter :1'18 confused by the fact that the down- stairs tenants had moved. Council took no action in the matter on Mon- day, 1but the waterworks committee may deal with it later. The by-law formally appointing H. R. Channen as tax collector for the town of Timmins for the year 192‘) was given its required readings. and (.1111)! passed. Authority was also given for the payment of extra assistance in the tax collection department, there beng an unusually large amount. of extra work neecssary at this time to get the tax notices in their new form out on time this year.The tax notices this yea]; contain more than the usual amount of information in easily-un- derstood form. A number of routine accounts were passed for payment and several xe- bates of water rat-es authorized in cases where those paying the rates had moved before the expiration of the quarter. On motion it was decided to g'ant permission to S. S'lotniek and the Porcupine Garage to instal gasoline tanks at their respective properties, under the supervision of the town en- gineer and on condition that the streets and :pavement beput in proper repair afterwards and satisfactory to the town engineer. A couple of further applioations were received for the installation of gasoline tanks by the side. of the street. Mr. Val English asked permission from the council to put up a couple of signs acros.< the street and also to 1o’pe off the hlock 110111 the \loxsm L‘ Co. comer to the station, on 'lhird avenue, tor a community dam 11 on the opening night of a dollar dax 1111111- paign, he \\ 11s goinw to put on. Counâ€" cillor Doug all was doahttul if it uould he a good ptecedent to allow p1i\atc individuals to rope off the street for dance p111poscs. Mr. English explain- ed that no charge would be made for the connnunity dance. The necessary permissmn was given by the council for the. holding of the dance. The ap- plicant was told that permission to put up the signs referred to would have to he obtained first from the owners- of the property to which the said signs would be attached. The regular meeting of the town council was held on Monday afternoon with Mayor E. L. Longmore presiding and Councillors A. G. Carson, W'. H. Pritehard, R. Rieh’ardson and P. Dong-all present. Much routine busi- ness was dealt with and the session completed in good time. The present eonneil gets through the average ses- sion without protracted sittings yet all questions are given full considera- tion. but there is no time wasted. C07incil Names August 8th Civic Holiday for Timmins Wednesday, August 8th, to be the Annual Civic Holiday. Progress Made in Fixing-up Children’s Playground. Councillor A. G. Carson to be Acting Mayor ln Absence of Mayor Longmore. Other Council Business. Why Not Buy Your Soft Drinks made with the best Spring water of Northern Ontario? SPRING WATER BQTTLING WORKS Jos. Olusiau, prop. Telephone 60 RD. Box 19 SOUTH POBCUPINE Warehouse in Timmins at 106 BALSAM STREET SOUTH THE PORCUPINE ADVANQQ, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Reference was made to the recent offer of the town to sell part of the land alongside the town hall to the Government for a. site for the pro- posed new post office. The mayor said that nothing had been heard from the Government further than an ac- knowledgement of the town’s offer. “He understood that the Canada Nor- thern Power Co. had ofiered a free site to the Government alongside the eomtpany’s nejw offices. Councillor Carson enquired as to whet-her the town and the two Governments could not combine to erect a building that would also serve as a municipal building. Mayor Longmore in reply, (‘,l( MFMWE/IM JAG/E] 4: S V II]: all]! 1Hheanr1i1mg 19min 9,! "Slhl.m«clldles” 5 fire-attest advance in motoring comfori since balloon tires . .. . Four New Lifte_s__of Cars, $1095 to $3280 Profit prices ! Conle ride in a new Stude-J baker today. Enjoy its unique comfort over the roughest stretch you know. See rare new beauty of line and color. Then compare Studebaker’s new low One- REEDOM of spring action never before Fachievedâ€"Lyet. undeviating uniformityâ€"no sideswayâ€"absolute elinlination of squeaks and rattlesâ€"lubricant for upwards of 20,000 miles sealed in each of the 12 spring shacklesâ€"a vast advance over any other system of chassis lubrication. Timmins Garage Co. Limited Timmins, Ont. Price. 1'. o. b. Walienille. Ont. Go"! (no. ext:- When asked regarding the progress being made at the children’s play- ground, Mr. J. D. MacLean, town en- gineer, told the. council that the ground had been levelled off and was ready for use. The snwings and other equipment had not been put. in place but Mr. Ryan, of the Gold Belt Brew- ery Co., was expected in town this week, and would no doubt. see to the transfer of the equipment as he had promised. Mayor Lougmore said that he would be out. of town next week, and on motion council alimointed Councillor A. G. Carson as acting mayor during the mayor’s absence. referred to the necessity for keeping the town ’8 capital expenditures as low as possible. The fire chief was granted an addi- tional week’s holiday this year in view of his services. Exhibits from almost every country; First International Aircraft Show and the Band of His Majesty's Royal Air Force of England; First Showing 1929 Motor Cars; Auto Races on the fastest dirt track in America; Golden-(Jubilee Extravaganza,“A Fantasy in Fairyland," by 1500 Pe ormers on theWorld'slargeststa e; Famed 2,200 Voice Exhibition Chorus and other musica organizations; an Amateur Sports Programme on land and water rivalling an Olympic meet. kmnonm-ONTA'RIO luau-m sen-.8 - 19:0 OME to the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION 7 this year-21 gigantic picturesque fourteen Iday presentation filled with interest and entertainment for everyone. At last . . . ball bearing spring shackles . . . the secret of the remark- able riding comfort of the new Studebaken. 14 Wilson Avenue TIMMINS Telephone 375â€"J. We Buy and Sell, all Kinds of New and Second-Hand Furniture, Stoves, Etc. Thursday, July 26th, 1928 SAM MARTIN Sc: the THIRD WRIGLEY MARATHON SWIM f or a purse of $50,000 and the championship of the world. Parking for 10,000 an daily. Perfect highways. Am c‘ commodation. Red at; bytail and ombip. Send for illustrated literature Dcpa runent of Publicity. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION. Toronto. Ont- THOMAS BRADSHAW . President H. w. WATERS. _ Goods. PM ~ Win-'1" Managing Director. -50-l p.777 ti

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