Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 26 Jul 1928, 2, p. 4

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0 O . O O O 6009 30303030303030.00030600 tfo‘o‘o’o‘n‘u‘u‘ O .0: O O O O O :0 O O... 0.... 0'9 0'0 38 0.90.0 0'0 0'0 33 9.. 0‘0 U C 0.0 03 O 9 0.0 0.0 0:9 0:0 0'0 9'0 88 0.0 0.0 U U 0.0 o_o U . 0‘0... U C 0.0 o_o 0:... 0:09 o U U 0.0 «.0 0:0 0:9 0'0 0'. O... ”0. O. o.» o I C 0.. 0.. U . 0.0 0.0 C O 0‘0 0‘0 V C 0.0 9.0 U C 0.0 0.. V U 0.0 0.0 V U 0.0 0.. V U 0.9... 9'0 0'0 82 0.0 0.0 v V 0.0 0.0 V C 0.0 9.. I C 0.0 o_o U ' 0.9 0‘. .0. V C «30 0.0 O... O... 0.0.. O. ”O. C O 0.0 0.. o 00‘. C C 0.0 o} O. 0. 00.. 0. 0'. o o 0000 N” .0” ”900 O. O. D... O. 0‘ o 0:: Thursday, July 26th,1928 A __ ._ _ .“M *, W!â€" meters. this programme for transoceanic listeners on 21.96 motors, Also station Inst, August, lst, 2111], 3rd and 4th, each night 7.00m 8.00 Eastern Standard time. CJGC ........... London, Ont. ('JGX ......... Yorkton, Sask. (I‘KfMj ......... Hamilton, Ont. (‘KWX ...... Vancouver, B.('7. CKY ......... “'innipeg, Man. KDYI .......... Salt Lake City KEX ........... Portland, Ore. KP‘AB ........... Lincoln, Heb. KFAD ........ Phoenix, Ariz. KP‘DM ........ Beaumont, Tex. KFHQ ......... St. Joseph, Mo. K FIE ................ \Viehita KFJh‘ ......... ()klahmna City KFON ...... Long Beach, Calif. KFRC .......... San Francisco KB‘SD ............. San Diego KFUM ....... Colorado Springs KF‘VV’M ......... ‘. . . . Oakland KGH’F ................ Pueblo KGHL ......... Billings, ‘Mont. KGO ................ Oakland KGRC ........... San Antonio KHQ .......... Spokane, Wash. KMO ................ Tacoma KMOX .............. St. Louis KNRC ............ Los Angeles KNX ........ Hollywood, Calif. KOA ................ Denver KOB ...... State College, NM. KOMO ............... Seattle K PRC .............. Houston Judge Rutherford ’5 address, “Ruler for the People,” as delivered sinmltaneously through more than a hundred radio stations. A select, and follow the address. Among stations already engaged are: for Most of the leading stations in the United States have breaking event. Linked also in this greatest radio chain wi \NJU"). ......... \Ilnl-U. ("KOC ......... lilamilt ( K“ K ...... \ ancouh C KY ......... “'innipe KDYI .......... Salt La K EX ........... Portlar K FA B ........... Linen 'K FA D ........ Phocni KP‘DM ........ Beaumox K FEQ ......... St”. Jose K FE ................ KP .H‘ ......... ()klahon KP ON ...... Long Beacl KFRC .......... San F KB‘SD ............. San KFUM ....... Colorado KF‘W'M ......... ‘. . . . l KGH’F ................ KGHL ......... Billings KGO ................ l KGRl‘ ............ San KHQ .......... Spokane KMO ................ KMOX .............. Sl KNRC ............ Los KN X ........ Hollywood KOA ................ \VGHP (Detroit) will broadcast a WATCHTOWICR programme from the IBSA Convention, July, Short-'wave transmitter 2XAD (General Electric Co., Schenectady) will simultaneously broadcast A tremendous wire netnork, linking radio stations in three countries, is being speeiallv prepared this occasion IN and through co- operation of \meriean Telephone Telegraph Co. 0. O O O O 0'. O. O. 9 .0. O O I '9 O O “.0. O O O O O. O. O o 0 o O .0. O. O O O. O. .0900 O. O O O O N O. O. O O O O O. .0 0900 O. O O o o 6”} 00.. O. O 0.. 0 0'0. 0 O O. 0900 0990 0000 000. 0000 N O. O. N O. 00 O. O. O. O O O O N O. 00 O... O. O 0.. O O o 0% «fiwoo O O O O O. O. 0000 O. O. O O O O O. O O O O O. O. O. O... O. o 0 4“5 0 o o o O. O. O. H O O O O O. 00 O O O O O 00:” N.” O O O O O. 00 O O :: O”. O .00 .0 .0 O : .00 O. O O O.” O O O O. 00 O O 0 O O. O O O O. O. O on. 3 O 3 .00 O. O O O O. O O O O D :0. ’0. ........ London, Ont. ....... Yorkton, Sask. ....... Hamilton, Ont. ..... Vancouver, B.-(“1. ...... “'innipcg, Man. ...... Salt Lake (lily ....... Portland, Ore. ........ Lincoln, Nah. ...... Phoenix, Ariz. ...... Beaumont, Tex. ... . . .St. Joseph, Mo. ............ \Vichita ...... Oklahoma ('ih .. .Long Beach, Calii. ....... San Francism .......... San Diego ..... Colorado Springs ....... ‘. . . . Oakland ...... Billings, Mont. ........... Oakland ........ San Antonio ...... Spokane, Wash. ............ Tacoma ......... Los Angeles . . . .Hollywood, Calif. ............. Denver KT N l‘ ....... B K \ OS ...... Be K‘V E A ....... K‘VKH ....... K. “"30 ........ \V A P I ........ \V B A 1’ ....... \V B A \V ....... “7 B BR ........ \V BRO ........ “VB RL ........ “V BT ......... “W Y A H ....... \VC AP ...... A \V D A E ....... \V D A Y ....... \V D BJ ........ ‘VDBO ....... \VEAN. . . ./ . . \VEBC ....... VV= EBR ....... \VFB L ....... “70:81“ ....... WVGY ........ W'HA M ....... WV 11B ......... W H BI ’ ....... “'G B I ........ I ........... ........ Pulln ........... Al fifififffffff.’ ..::...::::';' s ....... Pittsburgh, Pa. ....... I’ucatello, Idaho ....... Salt Lake City ...... Muscatine, Iowa. ..... Bellingham, \Vash. ........ Shreveport, La. ........... Nashville ...........New York . . . . . . . ., Birmingham . . . . . . . . T'iltmi, Nil. .. . . . . .Charlotte, N.(’. . . . . . .Colmu‘bus, Ohio . . . .Asbury Park, N.J. Tampa Fargo . . . . . . . . .Roanoke, Va. . . . . . . . .()rlanda, Fla. . .f . . . . . . Providencv . . . . . . .Superior, Wis. Buffalo . . . . Shreveport: Pullman, “'3le ...Auburn, Ala. ..... Ft. \Vurth t‘es have been engaged to participate in this record- vhain will bg powerful stations in Cmmd and Cuba. iivered in The Coliseum, will be heard select musical programme will precede \V‘HK ......... Cleveland, Ohio WVHU ..... . . Des Moines, Iowa \\'l(i'(.' ...... Bridgewwt, Conn. l\\"ll ............. St. Louis, Mo. WISN ........ Milwaukee, Wis. \VJAD ............ \Vaco, Tl‘ex. \V‘J BU. . . . . . .New Orleans, La. WKBP‘. ......... Indianapolis WLSI ............ Providence \‘VMBC ............... Detroit '\VNA.C ............... Boston VVNAT ......... Philadelphia \VNOX ............. Knoxville WOBU ..... Charleston, \V. Va. \VOC .............. Davenport VVODA ......... Paterson, NJ. HVOKO. . . .Pouglikeel.)sid, N.Y. “VORD. .............. Chicago \\'R.A\V ..... -. . . . Reading, Pa. “11130 .............. Memphis \V-REN ........ Lawrence, Kan. \VRHF ...... -\Vasl1ingt011, D.C. \WRHM .......... Minneapolis \VRNY . ., ......... New York \VRR ................. Dallas WSAI . .- ...... « ..... Cincinnati \V‘VN‘C. . . . \VWV A ...... PWX ........ W'TAD ............ Quincy, Ill. \VTAR .......... Norfolk, Va. THE PORCUPIN E ADVANCE. TIMMIN S. ONTARIO QXAL (New York) on 30.9 ....... 1.11 ll \\ (1 un ............ Wa ........\Yow Ork ". ......... Ind ..... Charleston, ............. D .......... Pat-91's D. . . .Poughkeeps » ..... -. . . . Reaé ........ Lawrem . . . .Havana, Cuba . . .Asheville, Ni}. ....... \Vheeling . . Cleveland, Ohio Des Moines, Iowa Bridgeport, Conn. .. . .St. Louis, Mo. .!.~\lil\\'aukee, \Vis. ...... \Vaco, Tex. New Orleans, La. Indianapolis ..... Providence ...... ‘. . . Detroit ......... Boston Philadelphia ....... Knoxville V C 0‘. 9" C O 0.01 .904 O. N 00 0.0. 00 .0 00.1 000; DOA: O. 00 O. O. o o 0.0 O O .9 O 0 0'. 0.0 0.0 0'0 9'0 .0 0000 0006 00.0 ”.0 .0“ ' O 0" .‘o 0.0 0.0 v 9 0.0 0‘. V C 0.0 «.0 C000 0000 0.00 0000 O ””1 ”00‘ .0 O. O. O. o 0.0 O... .0 O... O. O. 0.0 o_o 9'9 0'. 0.0 0.0 U 0.0 o o V C 0.0 0.0 V ' 0.. °.° C C 0.. 0‘0 9". O. .0 0.00 O. O. o 0... .300 0.9 0.0 6%.. O. 0000 0000 O. 0-. O. O O... O... O... O. D D U C 0.0 0‘. U ' 0.0 9.0 0'0 9'0 3 9‘9 0 o O. D V U 9.9 0‘. 0'0 0:. 0 o_o 0.0 U V 0.0 9.0 V U 0.0 0.0 0'0 0'. 0.0 9.9 0'0 0'0 28 0.. 9‘0 V U 0.0 0.0 0:0 0:0 U U 0.0 9.0 Rev. E. C. Moddle, of the United Church, left bV motor on Mondav morning for the summer school bein.r held at “'lhe Old Fort, ” Lake Temis- kaming. He \V as accompanied bV' his youn" sons, Ronald and Douglas. From Temiskaming, Mr. Moddle will go on to Manitoulin Island to his f01- imer pastorate of Mindemoya where . School of which he is president. This is being held at Lake .Mindemoya from July Blst to August 8th. While away Rev. Mr. Moddle will also take his vacation and expects to be «hack to South Porcupine for August 26th. During his absence Sunday School will be held at 10 a.m., as usual but there will be no morning preaching service. In the evenings the service lfor JulV' 29th will be taken by Mr. WV. D. “ atts, of Timmins, formerlv ,of Glasgow University and of Edin- Mr. Curtiss, inspector to the Em- ployers’ Insurance Company, was a business VISltor to town. Mr. P. Michaud is in Montreal on business. Mrs. Michaud intends leav- ing this week for a holiday in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Taonr and two sons, Fred and Dave, left by motor on a business trip to Ottawa. They were accompanied by Miss Iona An- dre“z Mrs. Garrety and small daughter Patricia, left to make their home in Toronto on Monday. Dr. Cameron-Smith has returned from a motor trip down the St. Law- rence Valley. Misses Betty, Mary and Kathleen Gallagher and Master Bob, are spend- ing their vacation with their aunt at r‘Varkworth, Ontario. Their father Mr. C. V. Gallagher, accompanied them as far as Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mont-rose and fam- ily are on a motor trip through Southern Ontario. Miss Valerie Rapsey is home from Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cross accom- panied by Allan Pearce, Jr., are this week on a, motor tour through -the States. Mrs. Sharpe, Six, of Lake Shore Road, New Liskeard, is visiting her Son, W. C. Sharpe and family, of Con- naught hill. Miss Bess Hendry leaves this week for her holidays atHaileybury. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bridges and Masâ€" ter Jack have moved int-0.0112 of Mr. Ireland’s bungalows on Bruce avenue. :In the police court on Thursday last two who were found guilty of being in charge of a motor vehicle while intoxicated were, given ten days at Haileyibury. One drunk in lieu of afine was given thirty days. One case of reckless driving paid a fine. Three Swedes who had a collision with a motor truck on Golden avenue were fined respectively $25 and costs, $100 and costs for having liquor in other than their private dwelling, and .‘25 and costs_t_‘or reckless driving. The lst South Porcupine troop of boy scouts held their regular Friday evening meeting in the tent they had put up back of Huot’s farm and then had a sing- song alound...t£aei1 camp fire. They are preparing to go camp- ing to Barber’s Bay early in August. Misé Margaret. Bailey has returned to her h_9mq i1} Â¥Hastings, Ontario. The reports of the Conservatory of Music. examination have come out this week and all the pupils writing from South Porcupine were success- ful. Mr. ’Wilkes ot' the Toronto Con-- servatory of Music, was the examiner. 'l'he standing.r taken by Miss Eleanor Wilson's pupils waszâ€"Junim' piano limitrice Dowzer, pass; primary piano -â€"-\'Iary McIntosh, pass; introduc- toryâ€"â€"-â€"Dorothy Sharpe, honours; Isa- :bel Wilson, honours; Muriel \Vilson. pass. Mary McIntosh’s work is worthy of special mention, this little nine-yearcold girl having covered two years’ work in one year. Last. year Mary passed her introductory exam- ination with first-class honours. This year she took both her Elementary and Primary work. Miss Carmel La- forest had six pupils pass, two with honours. Junior pianoâ€"~Mona La- forest, honours; Mary Frumpkin, pass. Elementaryâ€"Rena Hortie (Golden City) pass. Primaryâ€"â€"Lili- an Huot, pass. Introductoryâ€"Gladys Forster, honours; Vienno Kautto, pass. Special mention might be made of Lillian Huot who through only nine-years-old has already passed her third year (primary) examination. .We extend congratulations to all the lucky pupils. Mr. John Hendrie, of the Dome, has aocepted a position at New Lisâ€" keard, and has returned to his for- mer home in Haileybury to live. Mr. and Mrs. J.'Lu11'ny and daugh- ter, Joan, returned to Montreal on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Baker and little daughter, Margaret, returned to To- ronto on Monday. They were ae- cumpanied In Betty Martin, who will \isit at Milbiirn with MrsJL HG Brit- ton. Results of Entrance Examinations Again Prove Leader- ship of Schools at South Porcupine. Mr. Andy Taylor’s Brother Returns from West. Other News from South Porcupine Correspondent. South Porcupine, July Special to_ The Advance. Father Ingrevol left on Monday for France. During his ab‘sence his par- ish will be-looked after by Father llnuleau, of Imquois Falls. onth Porcupine Holds its Tligh Educational Standing 24th, 1928 Mr. I‘Will Taylor, brother of Andrew Taylor lost in the wilds of Northern? Manitoba, returned from The Pas this week. The searching of the woods has proved of no avail. The only 'hope now is if he has reached the water’s edge of the various. bays that surround the large island that he may be spied by one of Hmnmell’s aero- planes, which is still searching. He might have reached some Indian camp and be recovering there, as the last note found supposed to have been written by him to direct the seachers, showed signs of the stress under which he was labouring. Owing to the ferocityr of the black flies and the marshy condition of large parts of the island, the worst is feared by his friends. The sympathy of all go out to Mrs. Taylor and the family in the terrible suspense which they are suf- fering. Once again have the first and se- cond honours of the inspectorate come to S. S. No. 1 Tisdale. Clitâ€" ford Schmelzle, twelve-year-old son of George Schmelzle upheld the now traditional honour of South Porcuâ€" pine school lby heading the inspector- ate. This is the fifth time South Porcupine entrance class under Miss Shaw’s tuition has had the first place in the district. Besides that several times second place has been also held by South Porcupine. Stella Zabiaka, thirteen years old, of the Dome Mines. took second highest standing for the district bringing credit to her teacher, Miss Lynch. Dome school has had first honours three times, and has had the second place more than that. Both; schools are under the supervision of” the trustees of S. S. No. 1 Tisdale, who may be justly proud of the de- gree of efficiency their schools are showing, for the ability to take this standing cannot be gained in one year‘ but must be the result of efficient; tuition throughout the grades. \Ve‘ congratulate these young peOple and all the other who passed. Of those writing here all passed, thirty taking honours. Migs Ida Percival, of Timmins, spent a few days with relatives in town this week. The girl guides had a most enjoy- able hike and an outâ€"door investiture this week. The Oak Patrol went ahead and left. wood-craft signs. The Swallows and Red Rose Patrols fol- lowed. The hike ended at a clearing off the Pottsville road. Four girls were invested, Betty Martin, Betty Sea-mon, Eleanor McJanet and Gladys Hermant. They .then enpoye-d them- selves around the camp fire until nine-thirty. HflllV BEES. MflKING "NE SflflWiNB IN Sflflflflll Running Strong for Honours in Second Half of League. With Half Their Regular Team Break Even in Week. Holly Recs., minus four of their best playersâ€"“Peaches” Stimers, Sol Platus, Art. Moran and \V. Roberts â€"easily defeated the Tuxis on Mon- day, and nearly did the same 0 the Canadiens on Friday. In I‘ iday night’s game they started out nicely, getting 3 runs in the first innings and 1 in the second, but were held rnnless after that, the (“anadiens put- ting across the winning runs in their half of the third. Ab. Kendall knocked a triple to score Charlehois who had singledwith the tieing run. andt hen scored the winning run. A short while later G. Kendall scored twice, getting a walk both times, and scoring later on C. Connie’s tuo hits. Godin also scored twice. Each of the above also fielded nicely. Although 'the Holly Recs. oulhit the Canadians, the latter. got their hits when they most needed’them. Godin also got a triple, while Lett got the only extra base hit for the Holly Recs. 8. double in the sixth, but although the first man up he died on third base. Mrs. Stovoll and family have ur- rived at the Dome to join her hus- band who is the new general superin- tendent there. Dr. McLaren is leaving on \Vednesâ€" day for his vacatlon. Mr. Charlie J em'mett has moved his family to the Dome Extension. Mrs. W". Kellow, of the Dome Mines, gave a reception for Mrs. Dan Lyman and Miss Stella, of Monek- land, before they returned to their home. The evening was spent with cards and. music. A delightful lunch was served. Mrs. Lyman and Miss Stella left for their home on Tues- day morning. B0rnâ€"â€"On Saturday, July let, to Mr. and Mrs. Cameron-Smith (“Bus- ter ’ ’)â€"-â€"a. sonâ€"Richard Cameyrgn.‘ B.A., a returned missionary from China. Rev. F. J. Baine, of Cree- more, formerly of South Porcupine, is to be at. the Temagami Summer School in charge of the young men. Mr. aind Mrs. T; Fariell and daugh- ter Dorothy leave \Vednesday mornâ€" ing for Shawville by motor. burgh. The services during August will be taken by Rev. E. .B. COpIand. Joe Jacobs-pitched for the Holly ‘00 .0 000006900000 090000900090. 00003000030303.0903.30060000309009... 1101'. as???Xx":X..?????sz??§:x3a3 In the matter of the estate of Clarence Warren, late of the Town of Ira- quois Falls, in the District of Coch- rane and Province of Ontario. deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 51, of the Trustee Act, 11.8.0. 1927. Chap. 150 and all amendments thereto, :that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the. estate of the said Clarence Warren, who died on or about the 28th day of Feb. A1). 1928, at the town of Iroquois Falls, in the district of Coehrane are required on or before the 5th day of August, AD. 1928, to send by post prepaid and registered or deliver to Richard Warren, Iro- quois Falls, Ont., the executor of the .estate of the said deceased, their Christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the. security, it.’ any, held by them. And take notice that. after such last mentioned date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the part» ies entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have. notice and that the said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons whose claim, no- tice of which shall not have been re- ceived by him at the time of such distribution. W. J. Grummett, Ansonville, Ont. Recs. ainst W. Grant. of the Tim- hgh pitchers were a little wild. Grant gave 3 free passages and Jacobs ga1e 11. Four of them in the fourth innings, 11ith :1 single thy F. Grant, with the bases full, seored two runs. Ostrowsky scored the other r1111 earli- er in the innings, getting a. walk, stealing seeond and scoring home on the overthrow to second. However, the Holly Rees had already scored four runs, and it was enough to win, Jacobs allo11 i112 only one. walk after the 4th. The? hits ot the Tnxis were 1111 ided l to an innings. Lett, with 3 runs, led the Holly Rees. All play- ed nicely and outside of the pitcher and eateher none of the players made. 11111 had pla1s at thr011s Studor was the 01111 one not to score, the rest all elossing the plate at least once. F. trant's fielding at first 11 as poor but his halting 11as 0. l\. C‘. Ray, 11110 is laid up at home with 11 eonple of dozen stitehes in his thigh was sorely missed by the. team. The boys all hope he will come around quickly and soon he. in shape again. Canadiens . 1 ‘2 1?. (l 1 1. 0...? 5 5 Holly Recs. 3 1 0 0 0 0 0â€"4 6 3 Butteries--I.. Morin and Al). Ken- dall; A. Horne and Golden. Umpiresâ€"Mellharghey and M. Downey. Holly Rees. 0 1’1 4 .. 3-13 10 1 'l‘uxis .. .. (l 0 (l 3 0 0 0â€"3 7 ti Batteries-~Joe Jacobs and Lauzon; W. Grant. and J. Grahzun. l7111pi1'es-â€"â€".-\b. Kendall and H. Gar- T H U RS DA Y Bulletin Summer Classes W. J. Grummott, Aug-«nn'ille, Unt‘ Solicitor for the said executor. Dated at Ansonville, Ont. this Sound dm of Julv, AND 1928 Hamilton Block, Timmiis, Ont.â€" Phone 501 P. O. Box 223 Now on in all Commercial Subjects “A Gold Medal SchJOI in a. Golden Centre” E. g. T§RRÂ¥,_ Sppel'yising Principal NOTICE TO CREDITORS Timmins Business _ College Mountioy Township about 31 mile other side Mattagami River Bridge Fresh Baked Beans and A trial solicited A trial will satisfy $3 Beanery More time can be devoted to Summer Class students, en- abling them to complete courses in shorter time. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES CALL, PHONE OR WRITE Cooked in the Sand Enroll Now Bread 1928. 329-31.

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