Bunk of Commerce Pine 8:. N. __ Toner A. MacDonald Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. us a Triai. Goods Delivered rm. Don’t Buy or Sell Before You See Me. Phone 84 Best Prices on all Goods Purchased. Lowest Prices on all Goods Sold. Satisfaction assured you here whether you Buy or Sell. Give 36 Wilson Ave... cor. Preston 8t Phone 610-J. All Kinds of Furniture, Bought Sold or Bxchanged. New and Second- Hand Store S. A. CALDBICK William 0. Langdon TENTS ‘ PACK BAGS FLAGS EIDERDOWN BAVERSACKS R0888 SNOWSHOES SKIIS DOG SLEIGHS DCG HARNESS TOBOBGANS HORSE TARPAULINS BLANKETB Ask your Local Dealer for Prices, or send your order direct to J. J. Turner Sons, Ltd. PETERBOROUGH, ONT. Agents Everywhere Vol. XIII. No. 30. Room 2, Homer L. Gibson Bldg. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. S. C. Platus, B.A. (formerly ofï¬ce of Platus Lewis) 1 â€"--__--_â€"-_ _A DR. S. R. HARRISON M.R.O.S., Eng. SURGEON Consultation by Appointment Ofï¬ce: 6 Marshall Block, TIMMINS. W. D. Cuthbertson, L.A. CONSULTING AUDITOR Ofï¬ce Systems Installed Income Tax Adjuster Room 2, Marshall-Ecclestone Block Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 5 REED BLOCK, TIMMINS We Manufacture and carry in stock AWNINGS .. BARRISTBB. BTO. , Phone 330 P.O. Box 833 Timmins, Ont. Frank J. Kehoe A. B. HOYSBY BLOOK. Thumbs. Ont N. GREENBERG Homer L. Gibson Bldg. ROOM 1 New Oflloo In the Junior Temiskaming' Base- ball Association, the champions of this part- of the North will go to North! Bay about Aug. 18th to play for the championship of Northern Ontario. The Northern Ontario champions will then proceed to play off with the Ot- tawa. Valley district champions for; the semi-ï¬nals of the championship ofi Ontario in Junior baseball. JUNIOR CHAMPIONS TO PLAY OFF AT NORTH BAY. fl ‘ Much has been heard recently about the alleged “race’ ’ between the Ham- mell and Lindsle)’ interests respec- tively to get to the mineral riches of the Hudson Bay area. There is a third expedition ï¬nancedvhy Sudhury men, told of thy The Sudbnry Star. 'In this connection The Star on Sat- urday says:â€" SUDBURY EXPEDITION TO THE HUDSON BAY AREA. Dr. CECIL S. GAR-NETT “'0†known British horticultural scientist, who is at present conduct- ing an orchidological research expe- dition up the Amazon, South America. Phone 499-500 Mining. \I1s. McCendie and «rlandson, Jim Pond, left this “09k 101 an extended t1ip to the South. They “I†visit. Co- balt, Newmarket, Toronto and United States points before, returning. The courts are being kept in first- class condition and the new vorandah is a useful addition to the equipment of the club. Mons Douhlos“ Melliwrn nml Garth Porter \‘s. Della-ï¬ne 21ml Milli- 2:111; Brodeur and Vnuvhzm vs. (‘11!- lins 21ml .\l(";\l:11tin; llmnor and Morâ€" gan \S.\Vilso11 and Clank l’o1tor; El- phiik and McLean \s. Buvkhmiough and Smith; Hii'd and Boyce vs. La.- lï¬â€˜lanuno and Hill; MacDonald and Staunton vs. \Valton and Clinton; Jacques and Hamilton VS. Langdon and Larkin; Ambler and Dunfieltl vs. Morrison and Huckerhy; Nimlson and Haines vs. Proctor and Fukv; D11- her and Jacobs vs. Brown and Bill- ings'ly; DesRochos and ‘Sevort \s. Gruit and Code; the “inners of the last- named match will play \lton and Bethune; Allan and Gott vs. Ellics and Prosser. An interesting tennis match was played over the week-end on the courts of the Timmins Tennis Club, when Messrs. H. J. Fuke and L. La- Flamme met in the final match of the Club’s trial tournament, the former winning out, 6-3, 6-2, after a hard fought game in which speedy play and clever tennis were well displayed. Mr. Fuke was in excellent form and played a splendid game. while the‘ popular “Jerry†LeFlamme seemed ,to he a trifle nervous, although he did not lose any of his reputation as a re- sourceful player. The club’s first «up handicaps enm- ineneed this week for ladies’ and men ’s doubles. Individual silver cups are «given to the members of the winn- in; teams in each handicap, and the. draws came out as follows:-â€" I Ladies’ I)oubles~â€"i\’lisses 1. Martin and P. (irrant vs. Misses LaSalle and L. Maseioli; Misses Urquhart and ll. McCarthy vs. winners of Misses Hawâ€" kins and I).(.‘. Porter vs. Misses Me- ("aeken and Elston; Misses Verner and Tario vs. Misses ll’ang‘s and M. Stewart; Misses ll. Porter and I“. Morin vs. Misses (‘ow-per and A. Martin. TRAMP (concluding a. hard-luck story): “Yes, mum, and me only son is bedridden from borth and not a ’bite 0’ solid food ’as ’0 been able to eat. TIMMINS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 26TH, 1928 INIEHESIIIG ENNIS MMBH UVEB THE WEEK-[NB .J Puke Wins From L. Laflamme in Hard- Fought Game. Other Tennis Notes. Through our engineers,and staffs in all important mining centers--we render a reliable mining service in addition to our brokerage service ' OLD LADY: “Dear, dear! And how old is he now?†TRAMP: “Six weeks, mum.†â€"â€"Passing S A recent regular meeting ot.’ the Port Arthur city council occupied only six minutes of time by the watch. The council in that time heard and adopt- ed the minutes of the previous meet- ing and adopted the reports of two committees. Usually it takes six min- utes to read the communications that the Timmins council has to deal with at; each meeting. Geological surveys are being taken at Gold Centre Porcupine Mines, it is announced from the Company ’s of- ï¬ces. Plans have been made for ex- tensive development of this property and the work is to the in charge of competent engineers. "Work will be undertaken as soon as the forthcomâ€" ing report on the property is sub- mitted to the Directors of the Com- pany. Until they have the complete report before. them, otlicials of the Company decline to even forecast the extent of the devel0pment work con- templated thy them at this property. However. the engineer’s report. will be acted upon as soon as the recom- mendations are made known. it. is (‘let’initely stated that surface work is to be undertaken but from reliable sources it is learned that the. princi~ pal development work will consist of a thorough diamond drilling iam- paign to be started shortly. It is ot' interest to note that the Gold Centre Porcupine property is situated east of the l’latt Vet claims and in close proximity to the Parmae property where important results are now beâ€" int.r obtained in a. diamond drilling campaign. J‘Ine'intwrs who have ex- amined the. property report that. por- phyry tintrusions have caused considâ€" erable shearing: in which low values in gold have been recovered. Up to the present. time no serious attempt has been made to develop the property. Late last year a new Company was pine Mines Limited to acquire. the as- ited. This was done with the idea in mind of raising funds for the devel- opment of the property. t t t t t t l t t l I .l t ! i â€"In_cï¬â€"Lp_ w-rl n.†u MEXICAN I’RESI‘ General Alvaro Obreg'on, President elect of Mexico, who was shot tc death by an assassin while attending D E N'l‘ SHOT a. dinner given in honour of his triumph. AMBNDS THE WORKING OF THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE The principal ot' the (“o-halt High School has been receiving cmtsidet‘â€" able publicity due to the tart that he took it upon himself to amend the wording of the birth certificate of his daughter. It publicity were his idea. he no doubt acctunplished what he set out to do. It was his first time to fill out a. birth certificate in ot't‘icial \ [\vay, so it is only natural, perhaps, that he should know better what the iaut-horities want than the authorities formed called the Gold Centre Porcu-I themselves. lot‘her sets of the Gold (‘entre Mines Lim-lov There is. however, an- point that seems to have been erlooked by the Cobalt educationâ€" alist.' That. is. the. tendency of so many nowadays to take it upon them- This has; selves to amend any laws or regula- been carried out and the interests of-‘ tions they may not care about. There the shareholders are being cared for by the new Board of directors elected: at the time of the transfer of the old Company ’3 assets to the new owners. A recent regular meeting ot.’ the is a proper way to agitate for a change in existing laws and regulations. It is too true that the modern form of protest inclines too much to disregard of the law rather than the slower plan of having the law amended. It is to Geological Surveys Now Being Made Work Will Be Planned on Results of Surveys. flfllll BENIflE PlMNlNB [XIENSWE llEVElflPMENI HOMER L. GIBSON é: C0. 87 YONGE STREET BRANCHES TIIHINB BILLEVILLE COBALT RODYN KIRKLAND LAKE SUDBURY 1403!!! BA! oocann my.“ Wires w u) Branches â€"â€"Passing Show, Londo.n ’I. â€"--â€"w‘Iâ€"l_l'â€"nâ€"II-fl jâ€"Il-QD-‘l â€" II-II-Il .I_I‘_fllâ€".l_luâ€".H_I.â€"IJâ€"flIâ€"llâ€" -llhâ€" lib-"fl-laflâ€" Ln..." -In0_l’-|fllâ€"u uh â€"I"â€"I .¢.-t 95-â€" nOâ€"r' .o." - .â€"-l“‘â€".N' -"I‘C_Hl -uuâ€"uuâ€"nlâ€"unâ€"un-p- ' Me In' Mr. J. B. Maofarlane, Smooth Rock Falls, Ont, spent last week-end the guest of his damghter, Mrs. Donald- son, Tamarack street. be hoped, however, that. the Cobalt. teacher is not starting any [bootlegg- ing birth registration. Even those who agree with him as to “Canadian†ex- pressing a distinct. race or national- ity, will hesitate, at'ter eonsidering the matter, to follow his plan of a- mending the birth certificates. No doubt what the department. requires is statistics regarding racial descent, in which case “Canadian†is as meaningless as “North American†would be. No one would have been surprised if the amended form had been made by one of the principal ’s pupils. In recording the nationality, the iCobalt principal is quoted as add- ing the noteâ€"“The term .(‘anadian should be used, as it expresses a race in this case. sinee both parents are of the origin underlined above. Mr. (‘larry was born in Locust Hill. and Mrs. Clarry, in Guelph, and are defin- ed as ‘Canadian’ in racial origin.†It is worth noting in passing that many loyal Canadiansâ€" (.‘anadians who are proud enough of Canada to risk their lives for this Dominion-â€" still remember withipride their Brit- ish origin and their present British loyalty. They are loyal to Ontario-â€" to the North Landâ€" to their com- munityâ€"«but they do not forget that they are British and that there is no eause to be ashamed of this. '.l‘he principal of the Cobalt l'lig‘h Sehool has been 1‘(‘(‘('l\'ln‘g‘ consider- able publieity due to the fact that he took it upon himselt‘ to amend the wmwling of the birth eei'tit'ieate of his daughter. It publicity were his idea. he no doubt: au'omplished what he set out to do. It. was his first time to fill out: a birth eertit'ieate in official way, so it is only natu'al, perlums, that. he should know better what the authorities want than the autln‘n'ities themselves. There is. however, an- other point that seems to have been overlooked by the Cobalt education- alistfl That is. the tendency of so many nowadays to take it upon them- selves to amend any laws or regula- TORONTO. ONT. \[EXH AN PRESID INT SHOT General Alv 1r0 Obreyon, President elect of Mexico, who was shot to .911111 111 an assassin 1111119 attending .1 di111191‘ when in honour of his triumph. r-flâ€"nâ€"Io-gg. Tri-weekly service between Coch- rane and Island Falls Jet, leaving Cochrane 8.30 a.m., arriving Island Falls Jct., 11.20 a.m. Tuesday, Thurs- day and Ssurday, leaving “and Falls Jet. 12.20 p.m. arriving Cochrane 3.10 p.19. Tuesday, T'lgursdsy and Sstqrday - See curre'ï¬t timetab'le or apply}; any T. N. 0. Railway agent for full particulars. The Continental Limited, Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vancouver, daily operating through sleeper between ochrane and Toron- to. These trains use Canadian Na- tional Railways station at North Bay, Connections at Swastika, daily with the Nipiesing Central Railway for Kirkland Lake, Larder Lake, Chem- inis, Rouyn, Que., and intermediate points. Connections at Porqnis Jot, daily foilyoqnois Falls. Trains Nos. 46 and 47â€"Through' service daily, between Toronto and Timmins also to Rouyn, One. operat- ing Parlour Cafe Car Service between North Bay and Timmins. Through sleepers operated between Toronto and Timmins, also between Toronto and Rouyn, Que. These trains use Canadian National Railways station at North Bay. Trains Nos. 17 and 18â€"Daily ex- cept Sunday s'ervice between North Bay and Cochrane, operating through sleeper between Timmins and Mon- treal. These trains use Canadian Pacific Railway station at North Bay. Local service been Cobalt, Foun- tain Falls and Silver Centre, Manda}, ' Tuesday, Thursday _and Sang-day. Connections at Earlton Jet, for Elk Lake, daily except _Sunday. Connec'tions' at - Engloha'rt for C'hgrlton,_ _daily _ex_cept ï¬nnday. Temiskaming and N orthern Ontario Railway Services :â€" Sunday 11 a.m.. Sundav School 10 am. Wednesday Meeting ........ 7.30 pm. Testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. Christian Science Meetings ODDPBLLOWS’ HALL Subject : CANADIAN LEGION TIMMINS BRANCH President 8. R. Harrison, Esq" M..SR ..C L..RC.P Vice-Presidents: Austin E. Neame, Esq. Dr. A. S. Porter, M.C. GOLDEN GLOW, L.O.B.A No. 742, Schnnfacher Meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. in Schugpacher _Orango If-“ ___-_-... ~v..u-.uuuuu; \lesfl Hall, Visiting mem'bers welcome. L. WILLIAMS E. TOW!8_END. No. 677, Timmins, Ont. Meets every lst and 3rd Monday of each month in the basement of Anglican Chumh. ALL VISITING MEMBERS WELCOME M. Guggnozq. JEAN L:}_N_GMAN. Open to native-born Scots and ScotsWomen uni those of Scottish descent. Meetings every second and fourth Friday in the month in the Hollinger Recreation Hall. I’. LAR ER. President D. CUT ELL, Secretary The Caledonian Society of Timmins meets in the Hollinger Recreation Hall. am and second Saturdays of each month Invitation may be obtained from Secretary on President upon application. or from member. of the Committee. '1‘. H. RICHARDS. President MRS. T. RICHARDS, Sec.-Treas., Box 1037. "rimming, Ont. Arch. Gillies, B.A.Sc.,0.I..S. Civil Engineer Ontario Land Surveyor Building Plans, Estimates, Etc Meets in the Hollinge; Recreation Hall [eels second Friday in each month In tho 'o‘wn Hall at 8 p.m. All returned no. gladly welcomed QORNISH SOCIAL CLUB Meetings held in Hollinger Reoroatio: Hal], third Saturday of each month. Open to all of Cornish birth or Cor- nish Associate. ALFRED W. SNOW, President J. G. HARRIS. Sec.-Treas.. Schumncher. Ont. Meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month, in the Basement of Anglican Church ALL VISITING MEMBERS WELCOME A. G. LUXTON. J. G. Ancnlil. WM. Rs- Meets every Fridey evening in thq‘ Oddfellows’ Hall, Spruce St., North, Visiting brethren requegiedï¬o attend DI I'll mncâ€"â€"_ A. J. FARR, General Freight and Passenger Agent: _ HMMINS 100651.101. N0. 459 '.O. Bldg. Timmins Phone 362 W.M. LAN CASHIRE CLUB TRAIN SERVICE PRICE FIVE CEN TS TIMMINS L.O.L. “ LOVE x\\x\\\x\\\\\\\u North Bay, Ont. 9’ lâ€"llâ€"uqofl-