Thursday, July 12th, 1928 ited , # # # l‘.tifl # # * COl- !ecudun ninwater.%cnhhu leaks...ideal for houses, barnos, sheds, warehouses, scl;opic, churches, public buildings. Give size of roof for free estimate. Write Allâ€"ways the Bestâ€" PRESTON, ONT. Buccessor to "Right as can be," cheerily called Plain Mr. York of York, Yorks. "All roads lead to Rowntree‘s Motoring Chocolate. Good roads, too, for Motoring‘s a deliâ€" cious blend of sweet Valencia almonds and juicy Nectar raisins in either plain "Are we right for MOTORING?" asked the gentleman at the wheel. Motoring is made by the makers of the famous Plain York Chocolate and bears the Rowntree nameâ€"standard of quality in chocolate. Try it toâ€"dayâ€"either Plain enjoy it." You‘ll thoroughi delicious. Milk â€" you‘ll find them positively s â€" TW VE /\\ HOCOLAT E June Promotions for S.S. No. 1A, Tisdale (South Porcuâ€" pine). â€"List of Pupils in the Various Classes Who Have Passed the Examinations or Been Promoted to Higher Classes. Promotion Examinations at South Porcupine School Jr. IV to Sr. IVâ€"Honoursâ€" Michael O‘Shea; Betty Martin and Rosalind Cantor, equal; Mary Myâ€" ronyk, Mirjam Wuori, Luey Purnis, Irja Kuusela, Toivo Parkko,. us m PSR s Passâ€"Mary Gaillagher, Jack MeInâ€" nis, Annie Bucovetsky, Rose Bibson, Leglie Mahon, Edwin Mack, Bennie Laffin, Lillian Brown, Arminta Meâ€" Janet; Victor â€" Haneberry, Terence Sampson, Ada Wilson, Gordon Roy, Ivan Berry, Harold Train. Cmm 239 ROWNTREE‘s _ Recommendedâ€"Borden Blood, MeKav. Note:â€"The following pupils were absent for the examinations but are promoted on their class standing :â€"â€" Lois Dennis, Siiri Huhta, Marie St. Paul. Senior Third to Junior Fourthâ€" Honoursâ€"Harry â€" Verner, Maurice Varker, Alice Berry, Marian MeEwen, Irean Kaufnan, Sulo Luhta, Marshall Hamilton, Nick Zaitz. Varker equal ; Toivo Hakanen, George MacJanet, Bruno Cecconi, Isabel Wilâ€" son, Laura Luhta, Grenville Childs, Stella Bezpalko, Christie Schmelzle, John Marinchuk; Reggie Clarke and Sydney Thomas equal; Billy Fedoreae and Eino Laino equal; Eleanor Cunâ€" ningcham. Recommendedâ€"Hazel Mahon, Jack Schneider, Margaret Suttie, Mary Mceâ€" Intosh. Junior III to Senior IIIâ€"Honours â€"Madeline DeRosa, Betty Gallagher, Wilmer Fera, Frances St. Paul, kenâ€" neth Myers, Patrick Cunningham, Mildred MceCaw, Clifford Knutson, Lily Niemi, Annie Marinchuk, Ne Train; G@ladys Forster and Muricl Wilson and Wanda Bezpalko equal. Passâ€"Tiberius Wright, Violet Meâ€" Nulty:; Mary Frumkin and Hedley THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO ues ons w n Passedâ€"Sylvia _ ParkKko, Robert MacJ anet, Eino Luhto, Sirkka Andrew â€" Taylor, Celia Spitz, Jack Bridges, Muriel Miller; Violet Burke and Johannah MeNulty and Mary Morgan equal; George Morgan and Maurice Londry equal; Edna Dillon, Jim Morgan, Tessie Kesnesky, Beulah Rayner, Willie Helmer, Parnell La Rov. CO assed ommended OTHTL VCE Two sizes Mary workâ€"Rose Cosâ€" and McNulty, on Marjorie Sampson. Sr. II to Jr. I1Iâ€"Honoursâ€"Edith Rapsey and Beatrice Smith equal, Wolodymyr _ Nolonynka, â€" Dorothy Sharp;â€" Hildreth Childs and Dora Kobsey equal;, Mike Kostynyk, Bob Gallagher, Fred Vallerius, Clement St., Paul, Irene Deacon, Eling W uori, Phyilis MeCann, Mike Capyk,, Ruth Verner, Dora Dillon, Douglas MeLeod. Passâ€"Hcelen Zaitz, George Young, Newsham _ Haneberry, _ Edgarleen Owens, Marion Myers, Woneta Blood, Jack Deacon, Naney Holding, Rosic Myronyck, Helen Lefurgy. Jr. 11 B to Sr. IIâ€"Honoursâ€"Vieno Kautto, Tuulikki Vikstiom, Preston Hamilton, Bethea Londry, Arnee Manâ€" ner, Irene Varker, Kirsti Vikstrom. Recommendedâ€"Evelyn Mack, Steve Stefanski, Cecil Heimer, Bernice Macâ€" Donald, Harold Helmer, Lila MeceKay, Robert Richards. Sr. I to Jr. IIâ€"Honoursâ€"Gordon Laury, _ Sapphira _ Toderan, _ Billy Jamieson, Bezpalko, Carmel Kavanagh, Marjorie Jamieson, Joseâ€" phine Ceceoni, Aina Rentamaki, Gene Gallai, Toine Hakanen, Aino Rintaâ€" maki, Marjorie Smith, Arnold Caott, Robert _ Purnis, Mary Kostiunijk, Johnny Mortensen, Irene Helmer, Passâ€"Matthew Miller, Irene Me Nulty, Salveo Huot, Lewis Pyke, Rusâ€" sell Dillon, Della St. Paul, Irene Cosco (passed on year‘s work). From Sr. B to Sr. I Aâ€"Honoursâ€" Eva McLeod; Arline MeJanet and Mary Toderan equal; Marion Gibson, Edwin Kuusela, Bessie Verner, Steve Capyck, Dora Kesnesky, Pat Garrity, Roy Richards, Pat LeForest, Harry Pyke, Mary \mmcl\ Passâ€"Billy Melnnis. From Sr. Pr. A to Sr. I Aâ€"Honâ€" oursâ€"Ralph Dysart, Taimi Hakanen, V ukko â€" Tornianen, Reino â€" Rauhala, George Dogue. Passâ€"Helen Huot, Emmet Cunâ€" ningham, Viola Laï¬.n. Edwin Kavanâ€" agh, Leuto Walli. From Sr. Pr. B to Sr. 1 Bâ€"Honours â€"Katie Vronick, Dorothy MeKay, John Spitz; Ernest Dirosa and Katie Zaitz equal; Kathleen MeKay, â€" Recommendedâ€"Vivian Miller, Dor othy Ferrell, Stella Brown, Ome: Clusiau, Joseph Clusiau. Passâ€"EIsie MeCaw, Lionel Clusiau, Bert _ Emmons, Natalu Kostynyk (passed on year‘s work). Pass â€" Ambrose Mandley, Ray Montrose, June Philbin. Sr.â€"Pr. to Jr. Iâ€"â€"Olga Geornecki, Beatrice Knutson, Eino Kautto, Jean Andrews, Beverley Evans, Lena Holoâ€" vitch, Lee Lawry, Reggie Kavanagh, Willis Maki, Lillian Kaufman, Mike Mahanevy, Ellen Mahon. AÂ¥A AALCLLLT _Â¥ 4 _ AILAALAAXZ AA KCP. to br.â€"Pr. Aâ€"Isobel Rapsey, Sarah Ann Firth, Joan Sinith, Teresa Cosco, Aura Valenius, Terrie \Vilson, Irene Disher, Betty MacIntosh, Harry Turner, Jessie Hamilton, Jean St. Paul, Dorothy Deacon, Valerie Besâ€" Qette, Leonard Mahon. K.P. to Sr. Pr. Bâ€"Lily Boyko, Marâ€" garet â€" Bowes, Evalsoen â€" Spadafore, Dan Sekulich, Isabel MceKay, Audrey Bowes, Ray Lefmg\, Leonard Batâ€" trick. COLONEL ANDREW O‘KELLY LUCKY IN CALCUTTA SWEEP Connaught Station, July 7.â€"A reâ€" cent cable from London, Eng., says that Colonel Andrew O‘Kelly, direcâ€" tor of European emigration for Canâ€" ada, stationed at Canada House, Lonâ€" don, drew a nonâ€"starter in the Caleutâ€" ta sweep on the Derby ran at Epsom toâ€"day, which entitles him to £1500 ($7,500.00). Colonel O‘Kelly is a nephew of Mrs. Dan O’Conner Connaught, and a cousin of Mrs. H. A. Morin and J. 6. Clemens. The softer the road you are travellâ€" ing, the harder the bumps you get. Sc-cmg 600 miles of Canada‘s Mountain Grandeur and Worldâ€"{amous Beauty Spots® 4 um LAKE LOUISE â€" EMERALD LAXE 1 YOHO VALLEY ##"~ Illustrated booklet on application to C,. H,. White, District Tussenger Agent, North Bay, Ont., or to Dean Sinclait Laird, Macdonalg College P..0., Que,. h umt i PWP DIAN LAflD‘. 21 DAY TVR , 9 Across Canada 5 Back ‘3 .0@0 From TORONTO mcludmg all exycmu Corr(ï¬pondmg farcs from other pomts Lca\mgv my, Toronto by special train via Pilan early for\ _ DIAN LAIRD‘S8 21â€"DAY rouu Monday, July 23, 1928 1 Motor Drives." _ Steamer Tnpo PRETTY JUNE WEDUING AT CONNAUGHT STATION Other Personal and Local Items About Connaught People and Affairs from Advance Correspondent Connaught Station, July 5th,. Speâ€" cial to The Advance. Mr. Kenneth Biggs, of the T. N. 0. staff, has been transferred to Temâ€" agami. His position here has been filled by Mr. Bob Willoughby, of North Bayv. Mr. Ray Swayne leaves this w« to spend his holidays in the east. Mrs. 8. Larouche returned last week from a visit to her d ter, Mrs. R. Boivin, in Cocehrane Miss Margaret Larouche, of Windâ€" sor, is spending the holiday with het parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Montgomery of Porquis Junetion have opened ; tea room and ice cream parlour here tea room and ice cream pariour here. Misses Ruth and Gladys Coleman, who have been attending Montieth Academy, are with their parents at the Night Hawk Penninsular Mine. Mrs. Fred Clifford and son, Bruce, who have been here for the winter returned to their home in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ledinghan have taken up residence in their new home. Mr. Harry Slater and Mr. Kilty returned to their home in Toronto after a visit here of several weeks. Mrs. Max Sechafer, who has been visiting in New York for the past few months, returned to her home here. Miss Laura Biree who has been atâ€" tending Montieth Academy is home for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, of Spring Bay, Manitoulin Island, are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Buie. . Mrs. A. E. F. Day left last week for Toronto, to attend the marriage of her sister, Miss Estelle Doan, to Mr. MeConnell, which takes place on July the fourth. Mrs. Geo. Simpson, who hbhas hbeen away for the past month visiting reâ€" latives and attending the graduatmn of her daughter, Miss Vera, from the Port Arthur General hospital. Miss Maude Yuill, of the hospital staff, is spending her vacation with relatives in the West and Michigan State. Mr. H. Briden spent the holiday with friends in Harleybury. Tha many friends of Miss Olive Dixo:i will be pleased to learn she has recovered from her recent illness. Mr. Dan O‘Connor returned Sunâ€" day from a business trip to Toronto. Mrs. Leo Racicot and two children are the guests of Mrs. Landry in Coâ€" balt. Miss school ker ho her holidays at her parents‘ home in West Lorne. Mr. Jim Ried, went down on 46 on Tuesday. Miss Wynnifred Sauriol left for her home in Fort Colonge. Mrs. F. MeJanet, of nSouth Poreuâ€" pine, was a visitor here during the JIn2, week Last week Miss Wynnifred Sauriol, of the separate sehool, entertained her pupils to a most delightful afterâ€" noon party. About fifty were presâ€" ent and hbhad a most enjoyable time. Jean Campbell, of the public staff, left Tuesdays to spend idays at her parents‘ home honmw daugh During the afternoon Miss Jacqueline Larouche read the marks and promoâ€" tions of the pupils, which will he found elsewhere in this issue. A wedding of much interest was solemnized last Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Farmer, when Agnes Bush, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Vetch became the. bride of Jasper Woodward. The vride who was given away by her father, looked lovely in a white crepe satin dress, and tulle wedding veil. She carried a shower bouquet of white and pink The bride was atâ€" tended by her sisiters, Misses Harriet and Jean, and the groom was supportâ€" ed by the bride‘s l)rothm, Mr. David Veitch. Following the ceremony the guests were entertained at the home of the bride, where a sumptuous wedâ€" ding supper was served. The house decorations were carried out in pink and white. â€" During the evening a number of friends of the bride and groom will also entertaimed to a dance in the school house. Mr. and Mrs,. Woodward have taken up residence in Montieth. HAILEYBURY MAN HURT IN MOTOR CAR ACCIDENT The Haileyburian dast week says :â€"â€" ‘*With his collar ‘bone and several ribs broken and ozme shoulder fraceâ€" tured as a result of a motor smash on Monday, Mr. W. M. Boyee is confined to his home on Russell street and, although it is hoped his injuries will not prove serious, he is suffering badâ€" ly. ‘‘The accident oceurred at about one o‘clock on Monday when Mr. Boyee was in New {mskeard and was driving on Wedgewood avenue toâ€" wards the ‘home of his son, Charles. He turned across the tracks at a crossing near Eplett‘s factory, when another motorist struck the side of the car in making the turn. ~Mr. Boyee‘s ear was struck on the side by the other vehiele and is badly damaged. The other car, which beâ€" longed to Mr. Finlay, the druggist, of Liskeard, and was driven by a man whom Mr. Boyce does not know, was also smashed to some extent, but the driver was not hurt seriouslv. ‘‘Mr. Boyee was taken to his son‘s home following the collision where he received medical attention. _ On Tuesday it was found possthle to reâ€" move ‘him to his home here, where his friends all hope for his speedy recovâ€" ery. ‘‘Inspector Moore, of the provinâ€" cial police at Cobalt, says that this is the only accident of a serious nature reported to his department over the holidav."*‘ YET THERE ARE SOME THAT DENY ENGLISH HUMOUR Rosslyn also tells a story abou Lord Mareus Beresford who ha charge of King Edward‘s racin stables and who was as full of fu as an egg is full of meat. On one 0« casion, returning from the races, Mar cus Beresford was accompamed b four companions, including Rossly and a man known as *‘ Kingâ€"soâ€"called because he was suy p()a(é(l to bet only in halfâ€"crown (sixty cents). _ King unknowingl dropped his railroad ticket as he gc into the reserved compartment. Quic as a flash Beresford put his foot on . and latér picked it up. Just before the train arrived at the London terminus the ery of ** All tickâ€" ets!‘‘ was heard from the voice of the conductor close at hand. King fumâ€" bled for his, and not finding it said desperately : ‘*What on earth am I to do?"‘ ""Get under the seat quick," said Marcus Beresford, and under it King went like a rabbit. Mareus handed the conductor five tickets. ‘*Where‘s the other passenger traâ€" velling ?‘‘ he asked. ‘‘Under the seat,""‘ said Marcus; ‘"he prefers it." ‘‘And out crawled the wretched King to our great amusement,"‘‘ chueâ€" kles Rosslyn "It says wife looked salt.‘‘ "‘That‘s nothing. _A girl goi street car and six men turned ber.‘‘â€"Baltimore Trolley To wiring, bricklaying, barbering, beauty culture work. Summer classes now forming, reduced fee, carn as you leara. Interesting catalogue free. Write or call Hrexruimt Trapg Scuoours, Limiteo, Kixg Wast, Tosoxto. k Why not be a success â€"we show the way to big pay envelopes. Earn good salary as motor mechanic, battery welding, vuicanizing, house MENâ€"BE YOURSELF! , in the Bible around and groom was supportâ€" brother, Mr. David r the ceremony the tained at the home story â€"about __who had rd‘s racing full of fun .-\gnes . and _ bride r Ulldfl father, satin as supâ€" crowns >wingly he got . Quick t on it by slyvyn in e