Ilustrated booklet on application to C. H. White, District Passenger Agent, North Bay, Ont., o# to Dean Sinclair Laird, Mecdonald College P .0., Que, LAIRD‘S 21 â€"DAY TOUR Across Canada 9 Back Secing 600 miles of Canada‘s Mountain Grandeur and Tg+ Worldâ€"famous Beauty Spots _i i P inclnding all expenses Corresponding {fares from other points. Leaving Toronto by special train via Thursday, June 21ist, 1928 HYVONMS SY LNVSTYVI3Na â€"SOILOSMYN ON †C A N A D1 EN N A T i 0O N A L du Souvenir et de Colomsatlon CTTAWA â€" CAP DE LA MADELEINE QUEBEC MONTREAL â€" TROISâ€"RIVIERES STEâ€"ANNE DE BEAUPRE 25 luin 1928 RELIEVE THE RESTLESS CONDITION BROUGHT ON BY THE PREsENCE OF AND RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL HEALTH, Monday, July 23, 1928 Tancals Arre tor Drives. Steamer Trips Plan early for .088 Â¥From TORONKTO Missionn De ijonnaire Colonisat VERNEK. ONT retour: 9 ju ux endroit Wagonsâ€"lt FOLEYET.,.. .. ... CAPREKOL:....... sSUDBURY . NORTH SAY ... cocHBANE ... ...12.01 p.rn. .645 p.m. .. . 5.50 p.m1. 10.30 p.m. 12.05 p.m. USSEI reI ; intermédiaires et prix proportionnellement réduits. let 1928.« Privilléges d‘arréts en route. Réceptions importants. Officiers de chemin de fer Canadiensâ€" «s modéles et touristes. Wagonsâ€"restaurants. cignement . Martoxn Acent de D Déepart COBALT KIWANIS PLAN TO HOLD STREET CARNIVAL The Cobalt Kiwanis Club is at presâ€" ent perfecting arrangements to hold a earnival on the street about the end of July, the dates to coincide with the motoreade from the South. The idea is to have 12 to 15 booths and amuseâ€" ments. _A Toronto firm of experts in the line of street carnivals will be in charee., The proceeds of the event NE l de Distmect, MONTREAL, QUF s des agents locaux ou s‘adresser visitor to Timmins last wer NELsoXx, Agent de District proceeds ofI Th Kiwanis fund 1 children in Coba 1t Passage Aller et Retour NORTH BAY, ONT <stone 22.15 22.95 19.25 28.10 Winnipe UIl CAME BV MOTOR GAR FROM SGRANTON, PENNSVLVANNA Visitors Here Had Interesting Jour ney. Sconery From North Bay to Timmins Maguificent, They Say. Mr: and Mrs. A. Wilford and tw THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARO returns to the south he will advise all his friends to ta wonderful trip to the nort vyea? there will be thousan the tour of the north when line connectinge Timmins n« stretches fo haunts of fish ; line tour will he scenie tour in C the H1I nldre; 11 resting. om No D1 ne 400 rmuuti 1 A¢ [‘} )11 M nort {" th NiDi( it m it te up WV paIl ceded mplxvy n north bv an M t] mteresti in the c x limmins nd ind when par nd ind SMMCG. â€" LNhIS D the most notewort imada when it is co mine ind 1 € Il 1t the few ind 1( ty] T mos en pa iiII n (LS : m n the ulh t*1)1 1M{ Il @01 M l 1 lowing morning. The Mr. Wilford visiting Ti from Seranton is a son of M ford, bf this town, for some ti puty leader of the Timmins Ci Band, and recently promoted leadership on the resignation of ‘mster F,. J. Wolno, who leav week for Montreal. GENERAL CURRIE HEAD OF CANAPIAN LEGION convention FPoliow ing unanimous eratulatior General Sir Arthur elected president of the gion of the British Eh League atâ€" W ednesday~ seQess10T « Mel cumlve Tt lows : P: first vice fleche, 4) At a recent wedding celebration in Sudbury a good time was had by all. One of the women guests resented the familiarity of a_ male guestâ€" and slapped his face for him. He reâ€" sponded by punching the lady in the nose and knocking her down.. Her husband entered the fray and soon all the guests were enjoying themâ€" selves. The picket fence around the property â€"was smashed, practically every guest needed medical attention, and Novel Lamovich had to be taken to the hospital with a broken shoulâ€" der blade and his wife is nursing a broken nose Also there were some police court cases so the party was a YVAS Maclsa der Dbade a broken nost police court ho suceess. eedv stimat stimat« 4.,000 t The cor cgpenditu The s\C+46 *) *€ ril¢ 1t »mpl s were $43,000 d revenue, $46G rom the poppy 1( WSs _ SH jaoyorid a( J [oAt" S4sonk sident, nresident 1 LWA id Lamovich pital with and his v 14 was ((18 111 1¢ «1 10A @OTTl?I O()() innoungee W W J V oT a permaln U expenditure and the total 000, inceluding I1}» € l M 1( timeé Timmins Ban 1 ALGOMA HAS BIG HOLD ON CANADA‘s sULPHUR SUPPLY right at our doors,, and TARQ WOrIUG beginning to realize that weâ€"that is Algomaâ€"have ‘the same grip on pyâ€" rites, the sulphur container, as Sudâ€" bury has on nickel. Pyrites exist widely, but not those rich in sulphur. The world shortly has to do: business with us, for sulphur, and up to date there is hardly a whisper about it. Our pyrite properties contain the sulâ€" phur. Pyrites is about half and half iron and sulphur. Sulphuric acid the world must have, Algoma seems to have nearly all the sulphur in North America worth while considering The situation is this: The price of sulphur is now 14 cents a unit ‘or $6.46 a ton, about double what it was a Tew. years ago. â€" IWLUCHL Texas deposits which are yery expensively through w ed to 300 degrees have a their bolt because of the h the: heat reqnuired. The w this the the gineers cwWhen HiyC.â€"â€"L0O ~CUOUINLGECLE shovelled onto ears on _ ((, 117 with pyrites which â€"ean be steam shovelled onto cars on the ground. Previous to the war, the U. 8. got its pyrites from Recent developâ€" ments are driving the sulphuric acid makers to Canada for the raw sulphur which in this ease pretty well means Algoma. â€"There are lesser deposits in Thunder Bay. _â€" Sulphuric acid is used so extensively in manufacturing that the importance of a sulphur deâ€" posit cannot be overâ€"estimated. ' ‘*Ther( ulphur s SERIOUS FIRE HAZARDS IN SOME PARTS OF NORTH Acceording to reports from the Onâ€" tario Department of: Lands and Forâ€" ests there have been some serious fire hazards in parts of the North Land this year. That the hazards haveâ€"only been in some parts is surely evident when **‘absence of the usual amount of snow and continued: lack of rain"‘ are given s the causes for the fire hazards." In this section there was so much snow that the sprin«® floods assumed the greatest proporâ€" tions ever taken in this part of the North since its settlement. As for rain, Timmins and district has been blessed, or otherwise, with rain for weeks past, and the rain that falls here usually strikes all: through this immediate distriet. _ It is true that Timnrins is now practically safe from danger of forest fire on account of the amount of clearing. In some other parts of the North, however, the danger from forest fires has: beon one of thv worst in history. At Toronto ‘last week Hon. Mr. }‘ma layson estimated that approximately 3‘3 000 acres have been burned. over, w lmoh is more timber land waste than dm'mg the whole of 1927. Much of the timber burned was not valuable, however. â€" Heavy rain fell on June ], but was not general north of Pime Ridze, where a few days previous Pilot Ted Stull, of Sudbury, set a new for the air service in a day‘s flying performance of 13 hours and 25 minâ€" utes, while engaged in fire suppression, Doistrict Pmmtm A. B. Connell, at from the observed reporl hurnin moves ( Cobalt fird t t neat required. ne waber ept hotter than steam, and as big s of ground have to be kvpt in superâ€"heated condition to pipe up sulphur into vats on the ground, problem is too much for the enâ€" ers when they have to compete elled onto ears on {((, 21 1xX 1mMm1i€ es castw On Jun« i t{tze fhirst live mont alt has had 351 birt of over two a week on 1 5, â€"; fires abou tlangeikun ® <Just in â€" Man ie Onta uati0t Om nave, Aigoma seens To y all the sulphur in North orth while considering ition is this: The price of now 14 cents a unit cor , about double what it was s ago.â€" The muchâ€"talkedâ€"of moresler 2. cout, reports Lake and still burning o have a 1| Nt M ird anC the h sc M ari ishin pré iâ€" are recovered uzh water heatâ€" rave shot the high cost of The water must greatest proporâ€" this part of the lement. As for listrict has been with rain for rain that falls allâ€" through this It is true that tically safe from 16 AUI 10â€"n A. Gay irs and 28 fire suppre " B Conn( Il rm on the up to datd r about it in the sul fa td th« previous et a new ‘s flying 25 minâ€" 2YVS iâ€"â€" in the * (LIM]) thre it OA (*1) fire KOW PROPOSED o OistRICT 1( Believed That General Cconditions Developments Demand Govern ment Attention and Encourâ€" agement. t1«€ mmm ducin the 5300â€"4f. sonably r estimates the Porcupine di very signifcant n»roperty where a property where on comprehensiv district the effor by the discovery quantity. Not « prospecting has . ther north into area the develop impressive."‘ sugegestion for a al lands, and em Government coâ€" and assist the Lake and other province, Mail and for‘ta survey of agrictmtural Ia@nds. (o be made in these new arcas in conâ€" juncetion with aeral nmapping and geological ~surveys. To those. who have traversed the Red Lake ~and other sections of the district of Paâ€" tricia, there is believed to be a set of conditions (mineral, timber, agmeulâ€" ture, fisheries, power) equal if not greater than those which originally induced construction of the T. and N. 0. Railway through the ‘eastern part of Northern (Ontario. . Too much cannot be laid upon what government coâ€"operation at this stage might mean toward the development of tlhis new rich pari of the Province of Ontario.‘" ONEâ€"HORNED MOOSE SEEN NEAR NEW LISKEARD LATELY Accordingly The Advance is passing along to its readers the following noté from the last issue of The New is keard Speaker:â€" CA farmer‘s daughter who resides but a short distance from New Lisâ€" keard has twice seen a monster moose This moose had shed one horn. We bave heard that the bull moose and the buck deer keep away from others of their kind about the time of shedâ€" ding their horns, and until the new horns ‘begin to get hard. _ ‘Perhaps this moose thought it safer to be amongst cattle than with other moose while having no veapon of defence other than sharp trontâ€"feet hoofs."‘ * C# is bellieved t} ide higher tht M 44â€" 46 PEARL ST., TORONTO, CANADA tenti Buy Cream 74/a1t T‘C LOOot reQqull HAKS‘ H welfare PLAIN OR HOP FLAVORED QUALITY °* ImnLo LHe velopmen i\ 4 'm}m‘( h 0) Makes it 11 Toâ€"Day rrvs'}'wru'l('nt survey of ]])-hdbl/.(‘h t.u o1 ing to natural history terest and value, and a newspaper to assist i and preservation of much as practicable. nlyâ€"this, but een cearmed s rea with insporta spondent ents t | that. part â€"o A. McKae, 0o ‘‘it might be ricultural lan new areas in mmapping . A h - % L To ..those sterly workin ‘Howey may mmplet revist n that proj M hm 1t nas Deen in the Re s been re old in int VHon, Lo adv lopment â€"of rth mining q stion toward avot Aave ty int po that Howey oming the he ut be we l lands \ A1lsO noceo{ adyv \Â¥ DT‘ anet will [ AJ