# *# , AA*SSNAXII*%*%**** Satisfaction assured you here whether you Buy or Sell. Give us a Trial. Goods Delivered Free. Don‘t Buy or Sell Before You See Me. Best Prices on all Goods Purchased. Lowest Prices on all Goods Sold. 36 Wilson Ave.., cor. Preston 8t Phone 610â€"J. ~ All Kinds of Furniture, Bought, Sold or Exchanged. in any business and particularly in ours. We realize its importance and for that reason carry a complete stock always, so that any demand on us for plumbing supplies can be instantly filled. No matter what you may need in the line of plumbâ€" ing supplies, we can furnish it, at any time, and in any quantity. New and Secondâ€" Hand Store ACK BAG EIDERDOWN ROB OEs SKIIS DOG SLEIGHS DOG HARNESS FORSE TARPAULINS BLANKETS Ask your Local Dealer for Prices, or send your order direct to J. J. Turner Sons, Ltd. PETERBOROUGH, ONT. Agents Everywhere BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO. Room 2, Homer L. Gibson Bldg. 8. C. Platus, B.A. (formerly office of Platus Lewis) DR. S. R. HARRISON M.R.C.S., Eng. SURGEON Consultation by Appointment Office: 6 Marshall Block, TIMMINS. Phone 327 7| TRIRD AVE TIMI W,. D. Cuthbertson, L.A. CONSULTING AUDITOR Office Systems Installed Income Tax Adjuster Room 2, Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 5 REED BLOCK, TIMMINS We Manufacture and carry in stock AWNINGS Block ?.0. Box 833 Timmins, Cunt. Frank J. Kehoe Plumbing, Heating Sheet Metal Contractors Dr. L. Gagnon Veterinary Office Dentistry a Specialty 27 FOURTH AVE. N. GREENBERG A man who tried to force himself two or three times into a Kirkland Lake house while he was drunk was sentenced last week to three months in jail. The acecused had struck one lady who did not want him to enter her house. _ Magistrate Atkinson in passing sentence said that the people must have protection from men, such as this one, who when they get drunk have no regard for the rights of others. ‘*Mr. McMahon was horn at CUrysâ€" ler, Ont., where he was educated. He went into railroading, being an engiâ€" neer on the Canadian Pacific Railway, Algoma Central and other lines, and later worked on the Crow‘s Nest Pass. He became interested in mining and wias associated in business with the discoverer of the Hollinger Mine when the strike was made. ‘*For 17 years Mr. MeMahon lived in Haileybury, Ont., moving to Ottawa in 1922 after he was burned out of home by the great fire of that year. About 20 years ago he retired from active business, but had been interâ€" ested in mining up to quite recently. ‘‘Mr. MceMahon had had a slight ailment for some time, but it was not considered serious. He marched in the west end Corpus Christit procesâ€" sion last Nunday, and then was apâ€" parently well. On Monday morning at 1 o"clock, however, he suffered a severe heart attack. ‘*He is survived by his widow, for merly Miss Mary Jane Labine, of Westmeath, Ont., and by five sons, the eldest of whom is 18, Emmett, Vinâ€" eent, Clement, Gerald and Clayton MeMahon, all of Ottawa. _ Also surviâ€" ving him are three brothers Edward and Dennis McMahon, of Rochester, N.Y., and two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Daley, and Mrs. Wm. Bain, both of Massena, N.Y. ‘*The funeral wi@s held from the late residence, 620 Driveway, Ottawa, on Saturday morning. Solemn requiem high mass was celebrated at Blessed Sacrament Church and interment. was at Notre Dame Cemetery."‘ ‘"In his death the Knights of Colâ€" umbus Ottawa Council lose a promiâ€" nent fourth degree knight. He was also prominent in the Catholie Order of Foresters, and a devout member of the parish of Blessed Sacrament Church. During his six years‘ resiâ€" dence in Ottawa Mr. MeMahon had made many friends, who will join his family in mourning him. ‘*‘John T. MeMahon, former partâ€" ner of Ben Hollinger, discoverer of the famous Hollinger Mine in Northâ€" ern Ontario, died at Ottawa Civic hospital on Thursday morning at 1 o‘elock, at the age of 50 years. He was a pioneer railroader and prospecâ€" tor in Ontario and the west. Many in Timmins heard with very deep regret last week of the death at his home in Ottawa of Mr. John T. MceMahon, partner of Ben Hollinger at the time the latter staked the nowâ€" famous Hollinger Mine. The late Mr. MceMahon was for many years a resiâ€" dent of Haileybury and literally hundreds of people now in Timmins were well acquainted with him in the early days of the Cobalt camp and when the rush developed into Poreuâ€" pine. The despatch from Ottawa on Friday telling of the death of Mcâ€" Mahon said :â€"â€" Man Who Helped Finance Benny Hollinger When Prospecting in the Porcupine. DEATR OFf J. T. MCMAHUN PARTNER OF RSLLINGER Phone 499â€"500 Large banquet to be held at the E pire hotel at 10.30 p.m. The Cornish Social Club elosed their season on Saturday last by an ice cream social and dance in the Holâ€" linger Recreation hall. It was a very good evening throughout and much enjoyed by all. Tommy Stephens and his black and white jacket orchestra provided fine music for the evening. The ice cream was served as refreshâ€" ments and proved a very good coolâ€" ing agent after the dancing. CLOSING SOCIAL OF THE CORNISH SOCIAL CLUB Dinner and supper, @lso refreshâ€" ments of all kinds to be served on the grounds. I‘rogrammes are being issued ts week for the celebration of the Feast of ‘St. John the Baptist at Tiummins on Wesdnesday of next week, June 27th. â€" The programme for this annual occasion is a most interesting one. The following is a summary for the day‘s events :â€" capture the mixed doubles championshp CELEBRATION OF FEAST OF 5T. JOHN THE BAPTIST High Mass in St. Anthony‘s Church at 9.00 o‘celock. Large parade starting at one o‘clock from St. Anthony‘s Church, passing through Spruce street, Third avenue, right down to Preston street, then to Dalton‘s Park. Softball game between Ste. Cecile Choral and Cerecle Canadien. Races for girls under 10. Races for g'lrla between 12 and lo Races for boys under 10. Races for boys between 12 and 15. Fat men‘s race. Married women‘s race. Needle race for women. Potato race open to all. Long jump. Beautiful prizes are to be given to winners. _ Speakers: Mr. Jos. Bradette, M.P., A. Belanger, M.P.P., Chas. Leclere and others, Here are the two women stars who are, in the opinion of the crities, at the top of the list of present champions. Helen Wills, United States champion (left), of course holds the crown which once belonged to the incomparable Suzanne Lenglen, and Eileen Bennett, Great Britain, holds the undisputed title of champion of Europe. The picture of these two experts was taken after Helen has defeated Eileen Bennett in the final round of the Internaâ€" tional Hardcourt Singles championships at Auteiul, France. _ Eileen was very successful in the International Series. She won the women‘s doubles title partnered with Mrs. Watson, and teamed with Henri Cochet, France, to Events at Timmins on Wednesday of Next Week, June 27th. TIMMINS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 21ST, 1928 Through our engineers, and staffs in all important mining centersâ€"â€"we render a reliable mining service in addition to our brokerage service Largely because of the pronounced success of the 2nd Wrigley Marathon Swim, held at the 1927 Canadian Naâ€" tional Exhibition, it is announced that the 3rd of these Wrigley natatoial races will again be in charge of the Exhibition at Toronto, when the long @istance championships for both men and women will be decided, with a 10â€"«mile race on [Wednesday, August 20th, for women, and a 15â€"mile contest for men on the following Wednesday. ANOTHER MARATHON SWIM AT TORONTO EXHIBITION There has always been considerable interest shown in the Boxer Cup serâ€" ies and this year is no exception. There were five teams entering for this feature,â€"Melntyre, Lancashire, Dome, Holly Rees and Cornish. The Lancashires have been eliminated and toâ€"day‘s game will eliminate another of the five. . The contest between the three remaining teams will be especiâ€" ally keen. On Saturday of this week, June 23rd, the Melntyre (winners of last week‘sgame) will meet the. Cornigh at Timmins. _ The winners of the Dome and Holly Rees‘ game and the winners of the Melntyreâ€"Cornish game will fight it out in the finails to be played at Timmins on Saturday, July 7tit. The second round of the Boxer Cup is to be played this (Thursday) evenâ€" ing at the Dome, with the Holly Rees as the Dome‘s opponents. This is exâ€" pected to be one of the liveliest matches of the Boxer Cup series as both the Holly Recs and the Dome are on their toes to win. FINALG FOR BOXER CUP AT TIMMINS§ DN JULY 7 eoal to nil McIntyre Wins First Round Last Thursday. Other Matches in the Cup Series The Melntyre and Lancashire Footâ€" ball teams @lashed on Thursday last in the first round of the Boxer Cup series. Tue Mcelntyre won by one BRA #CHEE TIMMIH 8 BELLEVITLLE CO 3ALT KIRKLANE IAKE BAY C(OCH RAXNE Private Wires to al} Bramnbhese D. COMPANY ALGONQUIN T0 HOLD PARADE The Pas Herald, of The Pas, Maniâ€" toba, last week says:â€"‘‘Dr. J. Macâ€" kinstosh Bell, who bought the Willsie property at Cold Lake some time ago, went north to the property this week, accompanied by Gordon Murray. They travelled by canoe, taking their supplies with them. T. N. O. station. The plan is to builld a 40â€"room hotel that will be modern in every respect. _ Mr. N. Servais, now of Buffalo, but formerly of Haileybury and of South Poreuâ€" pine, and an expert in hotel manageâ€" ment in this North Land, is promotâ€" ing the new company and will be the manager of the new hotel when comâ€" pleted. â€"It is understood that already a large proportion of the money necesâ€" sary for the venture has been subâ€" seribed, many mining men being among those buving shares. At the present time the town of Swastika is showing much growth and still more promise. _ Since SwastikA bas becoime the junction town on t e main line of the T. N. 0. for houyn, as well as for Kirkland Lake and Larder Lake, the business of the town hias greatly increased. There is also talk of a new T. N. 0. station being erected at Swastika at a early date as well as other construction works, including an waterworks system. The latest evidence of the growth of Swastika is the fact that plans are now under way for the erection of a fine, new, modern hotel. _ Financial arrangements are understood to be unâ€" der way at present for the establishâ€" ment of a new company to be known as the Northern Ontario Hotels, Limited. One of the purposes of this company is to build and operate a hotel at Swastika, A fine site has been secured for the proposed new hotel, this sgite being adjacent to the FORTYâ€"ROOM HOTEL NOW FLANNED FOR SWASTIKA New T. N. 0. Station Also Probâ€" able. Swastika is ‘‘On the ; Boom‘‘ at Present. The Algonquin Rifles is a battalion with a fine history and record and inâ€" terest in this company should be mainâ€" tained. Tlhe annual camp is one of the events that keep up interest in the battalion and so should come in for special â€" attention. _ All interested should attend the parade at South Poreupine on July 2nd, or see Capt. MacDougall in the meantime. _ All members of D. Company should atâ€" tend the parade on July 2nd, or notify Capt. MacDougalll as to inability to do Capt. H. MacDougall, Officer Commanding D. Company, Algonquin Rifles, is calling the attention of all members of the company to the fact that parade will be held at the Arâ€" mouries, South Poreupine, on Monday, July 2nd, at 9.30 a.m., with full equipâ€" ment for the annual camp training at Collingwood, Ontario. Capt. Macâ€" Dougall asks any member, who, for valid reasons, is umable to attend this parade, to please notify him in perâ€" son or.by letter on or before Wednesâ€" day, June 27th. Capt. MacDougall‘s po=t office address is Box 315, South Poreupine. Attention of All Members of the Company Called to Event on July 2nd. ONT. Wrap all Garbage in paper. Keep your Garbage can covered. Use plenty of OUOhloride of Lims which can be procured at the Town Hall, free. Householders using well water must boil it for at least 20 minutes. All outside toilets must be made Uy proof. Christian Science Meetings ODDFELLOWS‘ HALL Subject : " CHRISTIAN SCIENCE " Services :â€" Sunday 11 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m. Wednesday Meeting........ 7.30 p.m. Testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. No. 677, Timmins, Ont. Meets every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month in the basement of Anglican Church. ALJ, VISITING MEMBERS WELCOME M. GORDON, JEAN LANGMAN, No. 742, Schumacher Meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month in Schumacher Orange Open to nativeâ€"born Scots and Scotswomen and those of Scottish descent. Meetings every second and fourth Friday in the month in the Hollinger Recreation Hall Hall, Visiting members welcome. L. WILLIAMS E. TOWNSEND, Meets second Friday in each month in the Town Hall sat 8 p.m. All returned men GOLDEN GLOW, L.O.B.A The Caledonian Society of Timmins Schumacher L.O.L. No. 2975 h.h .wA .4.3 4 and second Saturdays of each month Invitation may be obtained from Hecretary eg President upon application, or from members of the Committee. T. H. RICHARDS, President MRS. T. RlCHéRDS.. Sec.â€"Treas., Box 1031, Meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month, in the Basement of Ax;‘glican Church » ALL VISITING MEMBERS WELCOME A. G. LUXTON, J. G. ARCHER, CORNISH SOCIAL CLUB 8. T. WALKER â€" _ W. G. SMITH Meetings held in Hollinger Recreation Hall, third Saturday of eagh month. Open to all of Cornish birth or Corâ€" nish Associate. ALFRED W. SNOW, President J. G. HARRIS, Sec.â€"Treas., Schumacher, On# J. A., TOWNSEND _ C. C. HICK3 Meets on the Second and Fourtk Thursday of each month at the Schuâ€" macher Orange Hall. All visiting members welcome Meets in the Hollinger Recreation Hall, 6rst Meets every l*‘rid;ly evening in the Oddfellows* Hall, Spruce St., North, Visiting brethren requested to attend IMMINS LODGE, 1.0.0.f. No. ¢53 . R, Harrison, Esq., M.R.S.C. L.R.C.P Viceâ€"Presidents : Austin E. Neame, Esq. Dr,. A. 8. Porter, M.C. Toner A. MacDonald _ Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Room 2, Homer L. Gibson Bldg Phone 34 in m ir s 52 First Avenue Custom Tailored Clothes to Measure Cleaning Pressing Repairing ROOM 1 Bank cof Commerce Pizne St. N. GOLD STAR, L.O.B.A. CANADIAN LEGION TIMMINS BRANCH LANCASHIRE CLUB ATTENTION HOUSEHOLDERS ‘st Avenue Box 1576 TIMMINS, ONT. BARRISTER, ETCO P. LARMER, President D. CUTHELL, Secretary By Order of THE BOARD OF HEALTH gladly welcomed Timmins, Ont. Varley Phone %80 President *4 4 % * 4 4 *4 1 SECOND SECTION