Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 7 Jun 1928, 2, p. 11

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The DIototor fil5550oÂ¥1875 \70W 65-mitupeéd‘ 5000 miles in in. than 4800meâ€" r record for shock our: in hpriorchrr. . , Mm a‘b-h- WW firegidentvigght $1950 to $2255 85 War 72-milespced 25.000iniluinleuthan 23 minutes. Nthm ob‘oglolurtfimmwlafio ”maniac; 100 hmepoa‘ver 80-mile speed 4“ 711.62! I k I a; $995‘mnzos 43 WW9? 62-mileapeed Thrilling 0i: linden.- fonn‘a’ncc'. gthousm flu .¢ommiudbr â€"vv ~vvâ€" vâ€"(vv-â€" v â€"vv‘vv-. 131- inch wheelbase Hold: aflofidd reeordi for mckcbdodcmxogardlan of powerorpriedJremSto ---‘ @620 as $3413 inla- than thou- 9 the loss the business would safe: if ’ athetnfusdwdfdetown Thumagood \ . investment. Ynur capital and my experience tespnnsible for our success. If either of ‘ . -’fusd:etheotherwtl1have SIG, 000 withwhich ‘ j’tocartyonthe balms. Iwillneed themoney experienced man to take my place. It ptn- te‘c’ts both our Interests. OutheitsmaYnOt wanttotemmnanthebum,thenthesur- 1_ mmgpattnemcnnbuytheushare. Itisthe . has: protecnon,,egamst the unknown feetnt fl: .‘ . 33'4”...“:'.;?'.'r-3 a ‘a -. .f" - . ' : " - x" ' : “ " '7 The HON; 6120.5, HENRY, 'Chaihnan mmm, Ont. STUDEBAKER has swept the boardlevery ‘ oficial speed and stamina record for fully equipped etock care is held by Studebaker. Every Studebaker is a champion l Never before 4 has one manufacturer held all these records! Certified oficialhr by the American Auto-- mobile Association, these records ofl’er you con- elueiVe proof of Studebaker’ 3 fitness to meet every demand of everyday motoring. Studebaker care have proved beyond quee- tier: their ability to travel great dietancce at enetained high 'epeede. No ear ever came- within 10, 000 milce of The Commander’ e great record of 25, 000 milce in leee than. 23 .000 min- uteel No fully equipped clond car ever equalled The Preeident'e omeial recorde. No care of their price clance ever traveled eo far so feet ae The Dictator and The Ere e‘ Six. When euch performance can be he t at Studebakcr’ e low one- Profit pricce. why be content with Ieee than a champion ? Studebaker? e ecneational proofe of. epeed and grew urance come from engineering geniue, qual-e "it'y materiale, precisiOn manufacture and iigid inemctione. Became of then. any Studebaker may safely he driven 40 miles an hour the day you buy it. The Prceident,‘ Commander and Dictator require chaeeie liihriéati'on only after each2500milee.,,; .. . ,_ . e... Today in Studebaker and in Studebaker alone, you can buy the utmost in every phase of maturing-«and behind it a name that for 76 years has meant dependable transportation. Come in, and drive a Champion! t 3,, W Va“: rat-5 ' Imam quantities of ban- are ma all over this country every day, and as some people can I Imly sang, “BuI yes. we have _no ~ Sudbury mm 13511101: writer declareg that ‘ ‘Conserntwe frocks ’ ’ wane wprn at m Woodbine opening. If therefore, that Miss " 13., Muphail M,P., was not among those present. , “Timmins is a town of 11,000 peo- ple, supported entirely by the mines. One mine alone, the Bollingér, mm [1103 '3 30.00 men said crushes 6000 tans of ore éaiiy. ‘ ‘Richards is strugk by the evi- ‘r‘dences of a kick of hiuth control in Timmms. He writes that in 1927 there were 542 births there, with only 140 deaths. He is able to compare these figures with those of Mary's ville as his duties 118 Qty clerk 00me111-1111 the keep ing of the with}? satisfies. Marys- ville 111111 Ynaba City 1., T‘ 'ined, mth 10001110119 popdstmn than Timmms, had 11.116111: 3 quarter the“ 11111111161- of births, foi- thi year, it gs 89W” It'is. understood that invitations for the anniversary event ,on- June 17th have been issued to more "than 800 graduates ’and -_ex-students, and guests we expected for the. day from all parts of the: Dominion. ,High Mass will be. sung in the morning following 1))! a dinner in the-College Hall. In -;_~the afternoon 'a big programme of sports is - 'being planned, including various games betWeen the old boys and theipfi‘esent students. Benedicé tion utilitiegung at 5. p.m., a supper _,_ill follow, and a programme for the evening islbeing arranged. Former teacherss,-and,stzuldente from many dis- tantrpoin-tg :haVe ;stignifie_d their inten- ti‘on of being present for the day. ' - ' ‘,‘ George ,WrRiah'ards, who recent- ly resigned as city. clerk of Many:- yifle, idnow. enjoying himself in Tim- mines Outwio, Canada; Where he - and his two. children are visiting his par- T116 first old 'boys’ rc- union of :Sacred Heart College, Sudbury, will be held 011 Sunday, June 17th in cele- bration of .the 15th anniversary of the founding of this- well- known and popula1 college. There have been. many from Timmins and district who have attended Sacxed Heart College so the announcement of the anniver¢ :sary observance will be of more than passing in_te1 est. n The “banana pig,” however, is! an- other animal altogether. Search through encyclopedias and owe: works of reference, however, fails to mveal any mention of the “ banana ~ pQ “i? But the people of Sudbury can prove their 18 such an animal, be- Cause they have captured one to prove it. The “lbanana pig” looks like a mouse, ‘bo’t has the snout of a pigl miniature. However, let The Sud- bury ‘Star speak for itself. The fouawing'from The Marysville, California, Appeal-Democrat will be of gefieml interest 13919.3“, â€"_ 'â€"\n C “Pigs is,Pigg,” but banana .pi'g's “ is” ,vpoison‘ous, ’tis Said, and-for that reason one ‘of the critters which looks like a a mouse with the snout of a porker,l' isf'all alone. with its ‘family attached to its tail is a world that gazes-upon it from the outside of a sealéd glass ~jar. Zoological [advice lacking, it may be said that if this pig isn’t poisonous, it should be. . COMPARE BIRTH BATE ' .3333 AND INOALI?ORNIA “Encased in the jar alang with a small banana, the banana pig was des- patched to The Sudbury Stan and is attracting considerable attention in the window. Possibly, its close re-I seniblanee to a mouse caused one lady spectator to dash hastily around the corner afiter a momentary glance at the miniature zoo. ‘ “ The bananas; and eyidemtly the banamipiggtoo, cameal‘l the may from Guatemalas in South America. The Creature’s fate will likely be’sealetT in Sud-bury 'as the office boy has tendered t'he onLy'request so far‘tohe allowed the privilege of harboring the pig, when itsdays in the zoo are through. This afternoon the critter is the object of; curiosmty at the" High and Technical bananas! we have no bananas, to- day: I.” it stands to reason that some must have :too many and so be ‘hOgs on bananas. “How the banana pig-came into captivity is a story that “Skinny” Campbell, local fruit salesman, will tell to his great grandchildren, in his own inimitable manner. Mr. Camp- bell states, in referrng to the method of captivity, that Mr. E. BesSett gets credit for the assist and Mr. Malcolm Ainslie for the.p11t-0ut.. Bes’settt no- ticed the creature scampering ”about the banana room at a fruit warehouse this morning and, although unarmed, Ainslie straightway gave pursuit and ran the villian down. “To the tail of the creature, a‘ young ‘one is clinging, which its mother possibly hopes will maintain .the family’ 5 reputation for creating a furore and scaring timorous young ladies away from the front of news- paper- Oflices. 901100133} SACRED HEART COLLEGE 3 . TO HOLD RE-UNION JUNE 17 . V. ."'n‘ ' ' "" areqmte conga , teria'l for a good team this year and South Porcupine 15 sure it has a classy team, so that the contest. betw'e those two teams should provide goo Hball ~ I». The are: e at Timmins this seal- son in the 'lqeunskamw Baseball Lear» sue Will be Md here on. Wednesday néxt, June 13th, when Timmtns and South Porcupine tennis ,will try con- clnsions. ,‘The wine is sure to be a lively one and keenly contested and all the baseball fans syhmdd be there to Last Week The Advance published the complete schedule as arranged for. the season for this northern group pof the Temiskmmimg Baseball League. The folowing are the niatches schedul- ed for the next two or three weeks:â€" Guelph Mercury :.â€"-â€"The air mail has started 111 Canada. 'Speed‘is the urge oftheday. By anydb itm'aybe telepathy will be ysufflcien-tly developed that one can pass his thoughts twan- gtther, 319d then the air mail may be Kapuakasing Courier:â€"Much' disâ€" caseion has arisen regarding the sup- posed falling meteor seen by various towns along the T «6% N. 0. It, IS sup- posed to 'have been sun spots. Is it possible it could have been moonshine spots ?_ _ , __ disaacbded. ’ Saturday, June 9th, McIntyre azt Sowhh Porcupme _,_,.; . ,fl Saturday, June 23rd, Timmins at South Porcupine. Wednesday, June 27th, Timmins at McIntyre - m1=uimfigaam "'me1" ' W4 :3.“ ’WW“? W-’but€fi,i€inot 'Iiléelsf-"Phdifi mfi 1-: ‘I_ g. , ~. (1 (supine at Tizixinins. Monday, June lathâ€"McIntyre Timmius. , , Wednesday, June 2U--McIntyre South Porcupine. The games are to Start at 5.15 p.m. sharp. . HIGH-GRADE SAMPLES. ' ' mom RUN or mm mass . Barrie Examiner :--l-\’\"ork faithfully for eight hours a day and don’t wor- ry;.then in time you may become the boss and work twelve hours a day and have all the worry ‘ r. Los 'Angeles Examiner :é-Kissing is dangerous and, according to Dr. S. R. McKelvey off the Colorado. state board of health, the elimination of it' will be a big factor in lenghtening life. (Without kisses people can live tohlge 109. But what‘s. lifelA " North Bay N ugget zâ€"The automo- bile, according to leading manufac- turers, is in no more danger of reach-n ing the saturation point than is the suit of the average bathing beauty. The first: wan fur pupal e .1». Weednesday, Jâ€"un‘e 13th, South Por- candidon would fit in with my aunts. Fiche!» man'sYemhubeenuwondex-finlthincformc Mthepmyeu,lhgveukeaicthreadmua city for chop»: five months and u a tank my bobplexionhuclaredupmdlhnvenotheen Wwidxbofl-smlmntbm cache “anmwhomybonflwwkh "lma W. Y WI! Hannah udmofboibnndngezuasnmnldow: Am Was bpoklet on “Rauldng Hulda” rm be sent to ymualadly. Write an The Fleisch- glnn 99.13:?!” 1H9 . "We: we June 13th EthMmuLP.Q. has some nice ma- The im-Aenk’Ychalth Custom at at he, any great. «to Me “film The piece found is about the size Ofie will he in the morning followed of gdre Ed by Mrs. Joesph Muls 'holland, wlfe of a farmer of the dis- triet. On‘e old gentleman declared that about 40‘ years ago someone stak- ed .‘a claim near bhe Med River, not far from Lisle. .“Well, ' that fellow used to sit down there near the water panning the send for hours at a time,” continued the old gentleman, “but all I ever heard of ’him getting wes wet feet. ” ' ;l Dofit.mo,6mnlSodWamw..Tom. ~. ' Pugs-udmfnopadcuhnofthowmw Mail TODAY-.- See the beautiful new Per- fection en display‘at Your dealer’s. Learn of its 27 new features. Inspect the wonder- ful ‘live heat’ oven. Prices on Perfection run from §8. 75 to $212.50. Write to GeneralSteel Wares, Limited, Tomato, Ont. Oil Burning: a {may-itmi aim? so ;rapidly everywhere in our modern life, among men and women of high standard? It is helping to correcuhe source of 11105: of our illsâ€"Constipation with its ever-attendant troubles . . . indi cation, skin disorders and run own condition. Thousands of Canadians have adoptedthis Health Custom of eating FleiSChmann's fleas?- ~ the living Vegetable three times daily . throughout the yearâ€"s . " before or between meals. -‘ ‘ “ Tcllyourgroccmadd ‘ yonrnamm his Has for Nature knows the cause-â€" faulty elimination, intestinal uncleanliness. Nature seeks con- stantly to get rid of the cause. ,Cathartics can’t do 1:. Other foods do nOt enable nature to win eo mpletely. H . ‘ 11'.__4| '9 »_ iFButihfS»foodâ€"Fleischmann's Y’caét'-â€"q‘n. It is doin . it. , Yot; see the proof :1 around cough In hth'ouszufids ofofclcar', ~r1gt, a y. accs;1 you could hgvcpacn those faces ffgw'mmthsfigo! . " l . ‘J‘ DO cu know about this new Hg ‘ th; gustom tha_t has _sprcad ' " "‘ Wit¢oam' “‘32.... oro gono now” Mn. 8. ‘- Indoor work. “It. rich foodo‘. mam ln‘lnoiro‘orbodily . function. Tho moot com ovldooco‘ iooonotlnotion. Not-moi intogtli‘iol :ctlv'iq, don‘nloild to . moo o no your my o via}. io tutored ond mommlnod by ‘Mt-o -tlv'oo. ” modool tho juieoo offroohJ-l rllfofruit,blondod with health-bu ding tonico. ”conducobox. ‘ (“”ge‘gg ' ~31“: ”50997150:me bu Winâ€"’41.”: M b wwfi'fimbm” rein!" .. "j at dcliv ; three ca cs 3 dgy at each mcmba of your family. mggw’m SHBLIKBSITI I ‘1' .1, 5% ‘4. {7} 13

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