Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 7 Jun 1928, 2, p. 10

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14 Wilson Avenue We Bi! and gm, ,all‘ - 8.0V and 8mm! EM Stoves, Etc. 1.1.1;th .3754. .50.]- p‘ t1 that j}; {a not their-ease {which ' ' ' ” ' o nhhtery re being dozens of the 1min the Timmi ‘ “got et‘ this thee , ‘ 'Co morP 130”“ pl’dn for the "e'nfomehhent of the 0g by-le'w reemls the feet thet ten years ego the poople of Training had cause, indeed, to be vieions ehoet strey dogs. An item. nThe Advance of June 5th,1918, eeys thet Mr. Ralph Elston hevmg lost emne valueble fowl throfigh the ill-work of dogs, and knowmg that other citizens 0f the town snfiered 1n similar .wey, entered a charge against the 'eitizen whom he believed owned the dogs that did the damage. The evidence of the men in question was thet his dogs had been with him at the mine at the time the fowl were killed. Witnesses for Mr. Elston declared they,..hed'seen the (loge down town, but this Was ofieet by the statement of the chief of police that there were a couple of other dogs that looked very After upsettmg sovcra] of the corn- mon aromas given for not going to church, Mr. {Irwin made an earnest plea for My. ” - Among the inkre'sting letters from $110 front published in The Advance ten hycqrs ago- was one from Sorgx. J ' “Mr. II‘Win',TWh;O. will *be in charge of the Byr’fies Predbyterian- chur'ch for the next few =gmonéths, and- who may. be ‘the permanent pastorflif mutually. satisfactory- to 'him (1". to the con;- gregation,z’. _’ -Qid » 9 Advance ten' years ago,"‘arnved in town last week and donducte’d the services on Sunday, He. made ‘ anmnusually good? impress- ‘ ion: the ébmatis’a.awerflly beingi impressed by his ablht and earnest- ness in the ijgork, Ib the evé‘mng‘ theme was a comparatively large con- vâ€" vvwâ€"rmvâ€" â€"â€"\ â€"\: “v -" -°" ‘7" -- gmgsatxon present and the. preacher way. ». ya; M _.,. the Joy: that Chi-£31.33 people should feel 1n attend- ipg pubqu worship in their chum}: ' Ten years ago Officer R. Allen made «3 round-up of a group accused of highâ€"grading Accompanied by the local police he visited the house of a Spaniard and in the ‘ro'om of a boarder from Spain he found some rich high- grade. In another room occupied by an Austrian, further packages of gold were located, as well as a. gun and ammunition. The Spaniard was given a term of- Six months. The Austrian went to Haileybury for trial and latei ‘ drew a term of half a. year. ‘ 1 The T. N. O. has the proud iecord of neve1 having had a passenger die through any accident on the line. Some of the trainmen have met death at duty, though on'1y a few of them. _ The death of one is 1ec0unted as. fol- lews in The Advance of June 5th, 1918: ~f‘Engiimer Herbert A. R‘éy- nolds, Who was injured in the head-011' colision on the T. N. O. on March 26th, died in Toronto last week £10111 the injuries received. After the ac- cident he Was taken to a Teronto hospital where he seemed to $11011 signs of 1ecovery Returning to his home 1111 North Bay, hch-,ver he suf- tered a nela se and had to be hur1ied again to a oronto hospital 1’01 t1 eat-A the city. A W1do11i and two sons survive. 1 ity. ’A Widow and two sons survive. The deceased r11'as buried at Ottawa with full Masonic honours. The late Mr. Reynolds 11115 a native of Brock; ville, Ont. being :born in 1879. He: .-1vas an engineer on the C .P. B. bef01e joining the T. N. O. stati- .He was in £0111 diflerent wrecks in. his time. ’ as a railroad man- On one occasion he Was so badly scalded that it was; necessary to graft 80 inches of skin on? his 'body. In the wreck on March ; 26th, Engineer Reynolds was badly in- ” jured‘about the head The enginee1 of the ether train, Alex McLeod, was kil_l_ed_ instantly.” . . - . age- V At. the timie Of death shé had 28 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchil- dren. . Referenee. was made; in The Ada Vance ten yea;§*,_ago to the death _o£ Mrs. McFadden, mother of "Mrs. G. BMke, of Tilmnins. Mrs. McEadden, who was very highLy respected in- the Lindsay distrigt,.Was over 79 years 01‘:- . On' Monday-of this same Week, ten years ago, Mr; John Wilson, formerly provincial’police' Officer "at South Por- cupine, took Over‘,his duties as chief of police at Timmi’ns.‘ He was“ the fourth chief "of police 'for Timmin's, mense appetite. Others "of ”the piat dogs of the -tmvn_ were picked up, but not a single vicious or pdbjeetionable dog seemed to be gathered imduring the rotmd up. A few lost'Their pets, a few had difficulty in securing the return of their pets, and there was general iLI feeling until the storm of deb-ches-ing abated. . h f“; ‘ '7' 1 0., tabelmown ,Itistobe thatit {mll 11111111ng to. capture“ the 'e‘hicke‘n (whoav'er My own them) before .111 the chickeiis in town 111‘s destroyed. About one hundred ehiek- ens are said to have been killed b dogs in Tnmin‘ns this. year,’ It wil be 'noted tint The Advance suggested the following-11 of the {dage lty of lashing fowl; w 'eh was the. 1gcom- tplaint against the dogs in 1918 he stead of this an attempt was made to‘ have all dogs tied up This plan did] not, work out well 1them. In a few weeks’ trial, all the dogs taken in charge were harmless ones, not even suspected of any wrong-doing All of them had tags, except “Old Toby,” and there were ”a dozen ready at once to pay Toby’s license fee Toby was one of the cha1acters of Timmins in those days and was guiltleee of eat- ing anything uncooked. He'favour- ed the Chinese resta-mants and the Goldfields Hotel, and he had an in». mense appetite. Others of the pet dogs of the town were picked up. but "‘v‘ "1-7 v '- Maigleyk -§Ifi'di§p§ns; it daily mi, gbontfip pants in gnbe, as do first class Ask' for a, tube- of “Joixit-Ease.” You «in use it several times in one evening for quick results, *bwause it goes fighfivfihrom the skin with only a few’ .sec'qn'dsr rubbing. It surely. is a. swift gpenetratormpd when it gets- und‘fil" the .3511: it starfisng'hjin to clean up all jgigtjmnble. .' ‘~ ‘-_, - ‘- A _ .n J is caused by. rheumatism or something else. -. A - '/ , ~ -' ' Of; course, it can’t help but quickly putah "end. to ,. sueh superflcial~~ ail- ments aehn‘nhgo, neuralgia, neuritis, aching muselee, . stitch, in the side, crick my the neck or sore feet because of its penetrating action, but what it is really reeomended : for is joint ailments. of any mt¥€,YhF3.°Y.°" ‘ I;L' E--- _ A l They cell this new and wonderful preparation ‘ ‘ J oint-Eaee ’ .’ " beogmae the medical man who turned the tricky worked for years to‘p'erfeet‘sozne low- priced remedy that would really bene- fit the millions of people who: have one or more joints that need helpful attention. ' ~ , . ' ' . . So _ ‘.‘Joint-Eaee’.~.’ is; prepared only for people who have - a. swollen, pain- ful,‘ creaky, distorted 0r stiff Joint, whethenfi be in knee, elbow, shoulder, enkle,,neek on finger and whether it; ‘ing gnd swelling, neduéifig‘” agents declared to be the one remedy "that £2190“ @8389“? 90min“? fihltough skin. and flesh Ema startéfrfiigh‘t â€"ii1“_‘g make swollen, inflamed, creqky’,‘ pain ragged jaigtSjpg good as new, . ”It tOQk a good mdny'yeiirs tovgeuo; gather q combjgation o_f .- qun subdu- Phym'acists Call it ‘ ‘Joinfi-Ease" SUAKS NIGHT IN AND LIMBERS UP STIFT JOINTS F‘oldmyix‘zg‘~~ the remarkably good work in patriotic work done by the Timmins D,Y'.B.e.gClulb, South Porcu- pine.1 young ladies organized a D.Y.B. Club of their own. The Organization. meetingintas held at the home of Mrs. J; T.’ Eaeton; South Porcupine; and Mm. M; A. ;~Ellies,~ of’Ti'xnmin§, was .Ijresent to give: Assistance inXthe malt- ter. The following were. the officer‘s elected for :the- :South Porcupine 'D.Y. B. Club :â€"â€"-Mrs. J. T." Eastonkllonorary president"; Miss *S.‘ Bartlette, ' presi- In 1918 it "this time of year the Timmin'éf fire department was busy with weekly practnoe;to get in good shape for theg-flremen’itoufinament on J lily ‘lst. In‘ the hose reel praet‘ic'e‘, the best time made hyvrthe’ .Timmins boys in their weéuklyh pfaotiee was. 58' seconds. The Cobalt brigade won the eyent in 1917 with a'time’of _71 seconds. - '~ Telephone 60 "‘ " P. O. Box 19 ‘ SOUTH POROUPINB - I Warehouse in T s at 10.6 BALBAM QSTRB T SOUTH Why Not Buy You‘Soft Drinks" 'made with theWbest Spring water of Narthern ’ Ontano’ h' SPRING WATER BOT'BLIN G WORKS J as Gluslauwa prop. N Because ‘it's for ,_ Swainâ€"n. 'w‘éni‘e, Painful, Crashing Joints Only. ' . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ’ ESTIMATES FREE Rev. Father - ier, of. -Mr. N613 Ryan,fomepl Tâ€"immins and previ- ously of Hmloylbm'y, 'to Miss Eva Reilly, of Hailey@1113', the couple tak- ing up rmidenoe in Toronto. 14 Cedar St. N. Gen: Delivery Announcement was made ten years ago of the inhxfiage ‘at St: Michael’s cathedral Toronto on May __2’0th, by “4;; 73-4" .v Civii’ Engineef - - Ontario Laml mic: Building Piané, Estimates; Etc ' PHONE 865 ' Hulme Sign C0 PAINTING and DECORATING 56.351534. Phone 362 90-32 “v "- ‘1', _4. WV v ”“356 ;; hearing arcadflfl tales abddt- ydu. If allIhearastrue,youaree 9d to one 111 this Vifiége', Lifitle ndleigh and a third In DIttley. How can you ever do such. a thing 7" Williamgrinned . If -, “Why, pal-son,” he eXcIaimed, ‘ ’ve got. 31‘ motorcycle;” - ' . on'ginally painted .Irhit'ez the emblem of'purity.‘ Now it is’fiain‘ted green rmenting the monster of jealousy. The moral may. be made to order to suifithe reader. _ ' Sudbury tLode directors also 1111- 1101111911 that they have a drill going in on their property and that active drilling is expected to be under wavm the course of a few days The Sud: bin-y Lode have a shaft d0wii; about 47 feet 11911 a showin‘g 111 the bottom of this is 110w lbeing investiga’té'd.‘ Cohsidemble work 13% already beeri : , i p and it num- . nounoed athatas the résuit of the progress afid recent devéIOpments a further .programme for developmypti is now being I'15r1'11'1ared.~ 1 The Mmldeskotia Sudlbuiy property is in Hanmer Township adjoining the Chelmsford Mining Company property. and it is planned to start active de- velopment of the property and En- gineer B. Lamble will be 111 charge of the Work. Caulps are ‘being built and activity _will starptS on a surface show; ing said to be _of importance. N ow amply financed, it is announc: ed that‘ active deVeloplment of the- Sndbury Crater property is to be started at once and a gang of men have been sent in to do preliminary “Milt. Drilling is expected to start] early in J one This campan'y has been financed by Montreal and New; quk interests. ' _ 1 I “The Vicar wéé bdkin‘gwerysev‘m. 335m) 0519 of vthq younger membezs of MULDESKOTIA; COMPANY i -, AOQUIRBS M0313 CLAIMS. A despabCh from Shd‘bury uryes'ays that directors of the Muldeskbtia Mining Company with holdings of 480 acres in the meiskotia seem in Turnb’ah and Robb Townships announced at Sudbufy Last week that they had ac- quired for their company 280 aeres in the Sudbury fiel‘d. . . « 'para Other aliens were 11886851311 for travellling or attempting to travel Wht'hOtlt a. mental it ’ ’ “Messrs W'iddi- field and Sampson, who left; here 11itl1 iLie'ut.‘ Gordofi’ s Forestry D1 aft are finding merited promotion in France They «both are 11011 ranked ‘as ser- gaaats; “We have” another stripe added to our mkings’“ wrote Seu- gaaiit 11111111933 and if this thing keeps up like it has we will soon be marked up1all over With strilpés like a zebra. ” “This week extensive alter- ations and iapairs ate being made to the Timrmins po'st ofl‘ieé. The a1 range ‘ ment of the boxes has been changed to ‘ 111111011 more suitable space fm the boxes and for the public. ” 1. “Mr. VVilboui Drew left camp on {the Na: 'tional on Wednesday foi Toronto.” “Mi. L. Halparin left on S11nda_1’ 5 National £01 a ten days’ visit to T01- onto.’ “As will‘ be noted in J. R. Gm don s advertisement, Mr. J. R. Gordon has purchased the stock and goodwill of {Sanders and Patchersky. ”‘ “Mr. J D.Tolma11, who was One of the valued employees of the McIntyre engineering staif, left On Friday last for pilars de Maiojara, Sonora, Maxi; (so, where he has a good .p'osition with the Moatezima Copper Co. ” ‘ ' . , Kirkland Bake 8 hm“? £50m u sign into Fa; ' regular knbt. A. Ska; Heen’s “sign was torn down and "two, .young‘ ladies who happened 7m. be: passing as' the Sign was ’blown down,‘ had , a: narrow escape ’ from "being struck. A h ' ‘ ' ' a - - 7. _-_ â€"-'-wv- --- “1":- meht, Which has“ dready proved its mirth.â€" As another ex'gu’m’l’gx of its readiness, it may be mahtipfibd that a 'rmen-t 0360 where- ,Cmincillor Mackie“ scintâ€" in a phone call, the.. Monefifii‘g .xau't'o (was at the .cmfihflhr’s 4100? Within. three minutes ”of- the phone Mm ”I -v â€"v w,‘ .- . .- 7-." ‘-fi‘-”"""3'- . . .: ' A. Wind-‘stofin‘ ten yearm 9130 am some damaigvin'theLWay‘ of tearing down and twisting signboards, etc. Tithe wind twistédppithev'ciggr dtqr‘e' WI. Cobalt; and Huxleybury when ten years ago raisetl their rates from I5 to 25 cents for a shave, , : Q chemM ' '. e 9 going soon had The are out. Moneta has reason to be proud of its firemen and equip- “ALL :11 mm,” he said, ‘_‘I have been L- ".3; eExchange 'vf ‘ A.J. PARK, " ’ General Treizht and Passenger r Agent. _ North Bay, Ont“ l - Connections ,1“: P019959 311.3% 111in for Iroquois Falls. ’ ’ ' .fl’rivw‘Ieekly service ~-.between Coch- rane and :Island Falls Jot, log .Cpchrane 8.30 mm, amving hing iéFalls Jot, 11.20 8.11]. Tuesday, ,nursa- day and Sunday, leaving Ishnd Falls Jet. 12.20 pm. arrinng Caehrsne‘ 3.10 ' Cbhfieétions'at Sw‘hstiké: my with the Nipissing‘ Cvntrql WW3? far Kii-klanfl Lake, Larder 141:9, Chane inis, , huyn, Que., andnjnbermedhfa po'ipts. ' . ' v v w'rdv Connectmns _ Englolinnt. for Charltpn, daily _except Sandy wwwww uwa "I.“ "I'm “a O V Connectmn's at Earlton ht, for Elk Lake, datly except"8und9y‘ ' '. “1““...‘4‘.’ ' Trains Nos. 17 and 18â€"Dail'y ex- cept .8111;de service betwfreen Next}! Bey and ‘Coehr’ane, operating through sleeper. between Timmins am! Mon. t'r'eal. These trains use Canadian Padilla, Railway station at North Bay. Local éerviee been Cbbal Foun- tain‘FaJls and Silver Centre; » outlay Tami: Fhvmdéy .2114. SW4”. -‘ Trains Nos. .46 and 47â€"Through serviqe daily, between Torontoff'md {rimming alsow-to Rouyn, One. op'grat- igig Parlour Cafe Can-Service Mam North :Bay and Timmihs.’ Through sleepers ' operated be‘twegn Toronto and, Timmins, ”also between~ Toronto and Brian), Qize‘. _ These trains. 1130 Canadian National Railways station at _No;'th gay. ‘ " . _ The ’ACOntinental Limited, Trains‘ N08. .1 and 2, bethen Montreal; and? Vancouver, daily, operating through j- sleeper between Cochrane and Torche- ‘ to. These trains use Canadian “Neg 'Z tioflaiRgil‘Y-ays sgati'on. at_No;_Qh Bay; Temiskaming and N orthorn Ontario . - Railway ~ 1V _1 $14” any 913.“ in Timmf: $2 00 to South Porcupinc WATCH FOR THE CBECKER TAXI Phone ‘1 I 32 “iii Avenue, Timmins‘ compliance with timeproved re- ‘cip'es and Ono homeâ€"mhde loaf or roll can [surpess our particular pro- huct; We uSe the best and purest ingredients and we bake just the right way. You can get our breed: :and rolls fresh every day. Form the habit of serving them and give the family all that they care to eat. 'ust “ Frag Taxi}: ,qugOrrOW ”. Hamiltonfi TRAIN ’ SERVICE Perfect: servic‘é ‘1 .3 ,3}

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