Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 7 Jun 1928, 2, p. 9

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Get your supplies for the Oskelaneo-Chibougamau trip at thestartmg point Where we are situated Always m stock, promons of all kinds canoes ap- . ‘ ‘ ,. ately biiilt for the region, tents, etc. __ n and ‘Evemde” Motors and Polarine in stock. '- “Dayfoot” Boots for sale at low prices f-Buy at ogkelamo and save freight charges and 10 . p.e. on the price of goods we are always glad to write you information as to :95“ 1 1. avg" All Accounts against FredermbPhilnp Cox, 0113 ScBumacher, arefito bé tuniâ€" Ohoco1ato Covered Nuts Chocolate Od'v‘ofod Fruits ‘ Chocolate Ginger .~ Bon Bonn Nougata Carmela 4. creams Pecan Rolls 1 recon. Dam A11 the same price 750. per pound Reed Bloc}: ed. in to Dean Kester, Solicifi'r, 'I‘immins‘. - ”v ‘22- p . CANDY" ALWAYS FRESH; Limited monomeric: used In the meme-mm eel-vice. 5,31% by. I .St‘. mm pilot. Ht made.._§Totoneo,’the-pnqt amputat- ’ . . . v '. .' z 0: .r.~"~u -, .u ' , 4 we’ J a ' It .‘~"-““~'.’~ 1’31")? $1,)“, F ““' g, _ q r \‘“ .3 ' r . ,' ..2\‘ 1 " ~m . Howl-mined" . . - - rde ’. 1.", ”Laâ€"Tho manlfuthdgmdbehuukhgofl. ' ~ , a, 5 'Apt‘ '0 any :l'ea’df er ordina Express Service At. resent the new express service-teem . ‘betwe’ygn- Rimouaki~nnd~17the wgt idignow gained. the shfps will be biweekly, with provision ma 'throughrthe use ' .‘the..:Canadian-Pac1Qc Ballway, w never domestic traflg‘c ofiers. of an air. mail, 131.151,». ‘ wreckage .servme between Air hamper-tenor: must be seriously take the Gulf Point’an'fl Ta ontreal', Ottawa .and Toronto. account if one would keep abreast__ of the 1 Parcels taken ofl mcomin'grshipeat leousk; early according to ‘1‘. \E. McDonnell .vice-preslden . Saturday'reach Méntr'eal; ‘Otga‘wa ”and Toronto by ‘ eneral manager of the '- Canadian Pacific E: lane the same day and. .bemg carried from the ompany who sees“ great air service developm _ atjser; point on the Vancouver , Exnrees arrive --in the i té‘rests, and to the agreet advanta 9:01 Wxnmpe‘fi on Monday morning 4M;Yumuvu the usiness and financi men at the on Phong' 423 The reguier meeting of the “Tim- miris Kiwanis club was held at the Empire hotel on Monday with the president, Mr. C. G. Keddie, in the chair, and a large attendance 1present. Among the visitors present for the day weie Mr. C. A. Byam, of New 'Biske‘ard, and Mr. Ryan,-of. Sault Ste. Marie, both of ‘whom made brief but pleasing addresses to the club. Mr. Byam told of the piolg-‘ress, hopes and aims of the New Liskeard Club re- cently foi'med, dwelling particularly. on the competition inaugurated by the New Liskeard Kiwanis whereby- a large number of boys were "actively interested in the cultivation of gpota» toes.- About fifteen boys had entered into the contest, for which good piizes were offered The result“ was sure to be of advantage to the district by etiinulating interest in potatoe grow- ing and kindred line‘s. Mr.‘ Ryan, who is the representative of the Gold Belt jBreWery 00., told the Kiwani’s that the {brewery wen-1d move-all the applicances of the playground to any site indicated by the club at any time desired. - ‘:â€"' __. _, address was one of the-best heard, re- .centiy at any Kiwanis meeting and it was specia113 appreciated £01 its in: formation, interwt and patiiotism. In the cou1se Of his addr’ess r. W 1- iiams took occaéion to Warn against the danger of the present attitude of Reference was made at the meofing to the “.All Kiwanis Night,” which Is to be a. ladies? night, .to be held on Monday e‘Venine'. June 18th. , CThe- vsyemker for the day was M1. i111 1,-ams and his subject. was “The Government of Canada ” The / C. Williams ReVieWs Constitution and Workings of Cana a’ s Form of Government. Kiwanis Club Listen to A r-eSS with Great Interest and Appreciation. .’ rthy Address About the Government of Canada ‘At‘hfresent the new expreeg service to" “and from the a pa will be_'bi-weekly, mth provision made-for .w tever domestic traflgjc oflers. 2- ~ , Air ,tranaportation must be seriously taken into account; if one would keep abreast; of the times" according to '1‘. E. McDonnell .viee-preaident anti general manager of the CanaJian Pacific Ex’pregs ompany who sees great. air service development 1n the 1 téresta, and to the afreed; advantage of bpth the nemesa and financi men of" the ominmn. some in regard to the status of Canada in the-Empire. He gloried .in being a Canadian, but she pointed out that the honour of ribeing" a British subject should not ‘be forgotten. N either should it be overlooked that for deâ€" fence Canada depends upon its place in the great family of‘nations in\the British "Empire." Canada will be greater inathé BritishEmpire than it should hope tdgbe outside it, and over- emphasis of. "independence is not eitherifair or Sensible. In part, Mr. -Wi11iar’ns said :-â€"â€" ' ‘, ’_ “The Dominion 1012’ Canada came into'being“ on slyly lst, 1867. Need-K less to ”5 there were man’y complex :‘prorblehgo : he solved nbeforelthe‘ union W‘asr co "k_§‘_.mm-ated, but the result is such #3;ng reflect the greatest glory on those. men who Were Willing in manyh‘vs’éases to sink personal prejudices and ”personal advantage for the gen- eral welfare; ‘ ' ' ' ’ “We preserved that great flexibili-. .ty of the Britishvform, which has con-1 stantl'y enalbled us to suit our govern4 ment to the needs of the people, and at the same time sufficiently safeguard the 1ights and liberties of the minori- ties. This latter safegoard is by m} means an unimportant one, and we should be very careful, indeed not to do anythlng which will 1n 'dny. wax jeopardize it. ‘ ,.: '--’ “The basic law Of our Dominion IS, of course, the British North America Act of July lst, 1867. This act de- fined ou1 form of goxemiment and assigned to each of the component parts its p11v1leges and duties. As You all know the provincial govern: ments were allowed full- control of. .purely provincial affairs, such as edu- cation, public works wholly within the province, the administration of the natm a1 resources within the province and such afiairs. To the federal gov; eminent was assigned the duties which {applied to the Dominion as a whole, namely, national defence, the judici- ary,‘ .postel serymes, navigation, c118. tows and excise tarifls, and those matters which concerned the Domin- ion as a Whole. There was this great difference tolthe United States :--â€"In Canada certam {powers and privileges were delegated to the provinces and and- all the residudry powers were . retained by the central governmen’e: i in the United States the various states" l delegated to the central government such powers as they speci sally wishâ€"‘ ed to be conVeyed, and only such powers as were so specifically dele-' gated could be exercised by the federâ€" 91 government, the residudry powers in this case heing retained by. the varie‘ one States. “The idea of leally responsible government fox '9. colo‘ny was decided 1y new at the time, so that, While the “Great MOther of Parliaments” was the foundation, the g0vernm'ental ideas of our neighboms to the south- had a cansiderwble interest. . 1 general is appointed by His majesty thei King on" sci-Viola of his British min- isters, but no one has been a inted um ammo to 1he_ Candis!) ~ _ 03 vol! 313 duties are similar to, mail as restrict“? as than of His Majesty. He~ practically “never has any authority ‘90 exetoiae‘, “In fti'rm and method our féderal government closelv followed the Bri- tish parliament, with the. governm- general representing His Ma sty the King, the eenute functlonmf as the Home of Lords,- and the commons as the British commons. Ont governor- 3"“: 77“.? WW" 7 1 fTheieeMteacnahaat resent «tab. seats, 24 each mm 1311th mid Que: has, 10 each fwm flea? answmk and Nova Sacha, "h each $111111 Album, Saskatchewan, Manitoba 11111 B11 11511 Columbia and 4 from Prince Edward Island. ;Vaca1icies are filied by ”*1 rpomtment £011 life? by the gOVemor- general on the advice of his ministeis. I The senate ”Was designed to pres ent immature legislation, to stabilize our govemment, and most of all to safe- guard the rights and privileges of the minorities. A great deal of criticism has been le-1elled at the senate b1 both ”political parties. As Mark Twain said about the weather, 111er: bod3 critizes it, but 1111110113 does any thing about it. While it is not pai- fect, of course, and while a system could be devised to make it seme- what more responsive to public opin- ion,â€"-â€"any abolition of the senate would certainly be a national calamiâ€" ty, in my opinion. You remember a few years ago “hen the House of 'Lords proved particularly um espou- si1e and stubborn, the threat 11 as made that enough new peels would be. created to bra-«cal: thei1 resistance. It perked, Thank heaven, we can,- not' create any new peers. or even create any new senatorships, but we could probably amend'the B...NA so that a bill which had been passed b3 parliament a given number of time and by a. given majority, could be- ;come law over the senate’ s veto The isenate cannot originate mone3 bills, but can originate bills for almost any- thing else, and 1s particulmly charged with passing on private hills f01 di- vorce. “The House of" Commons cohsists 013,245 members. Representation" is by population with Quebec fixed at 65 members and. the other provinces pro- pontioned to this. At present xthe membership fromjthe provincesis as follows :f-â€"-Alberta, 16 ;. British ’Colu'm- bia, 14; Manitoba, 17; New Bruswick 11; Nova. Scotia, 14; Ontario, 82; Prince ‘EdWard Island, 4; Quebec, 65, Saskagtchewen, 21;_Yukon Territory_, .1 On Friday of this week, June 8th, the Sons of England a1e holding a grand Whist dnve and dance. Theme will the progressive whist ,for which there are six exceptionally good prizes. The event will commence at 7. 45 p‘rompt, and play will continue until about ten 0 ’ctock when refreshments will be sewed. Dancing will start about 10. 30, and continue, until 1 11.111. {Dhe Sons of. England, Who are a new organization in toWn, have already created a good impreSSion 'by their recent dance which was very success- ”fol Everyone can be assured of a good evening’s enjoyunent to-nionow E.(Fr~id'ay) night , V ‘ ‘The dutieé arid operations of this body are, of cOurse, familiar to all. UT+ {a 11‘? +1“: maniacal: Intnrmfii +‘n “It is ”interesting to note in this connection that the British North America Act can only be amended 'by the British parliiaiment, and it is un- likely that it would be so amended withdut a very: decidedly "favourable opinion in Canada, eSpecialdy among the original province-3;" Ontario, Que- bec, New Brunswick, Nova (Scotia and Prince Edward Island. ' “It is of the greatest interest to trace the emergence of Canada from the isolated group of crown colonies to one strong and influential self- governing Dominion. Indeed, I am not sure but that we have gone someâ€" what beyond the self-governing Do- minion stage, so that at present we are in a somewhat anomalous state. Some are apparently chafing at even the almost inviSible cord which is at present Ibinding us to the great Bri- tish Empire. There is talk of inde- pendence of actiOn 1n world affairs and of spatte‘ring embassies here and there thrOughout the world. It 'be- hooves every one of us to count the cost and realize the implications, be- fore we go much further along this route. We should ponder very deep- ly before we do anything that would jeopardize 1n any way our great heri- tage as part of that great Empire. which stands as the nick of civilid zwtion and justice in the world to- day 1: IeIIs Skinny IIen . IInw to Sam eIgII GRAND WHIST DRIVE AND ' ~» ' DAN OE BY S. 0. E. LODGE If the 'flst chested men whose ribs are almost bursting through his skin doan’t try to make himself look like a. real man, no one else will. ~ When any man or w’orhan needs nio‘re weight they ought to the told that the greatest of all flesh hiiilders is McCoy ’3 Cod Liver Extract Tablets McCoy takes all the riskâ€"~Read this ironclad guarantee If after taking 4: sixty cent boxes of MeCoy’ 3 Tablets or 2 Qgé Dollar boxes any thin, un- derweight man or woman doesn’t gain at lenst_ 5 pounds and f991_eo_mpletely satisfied with the marked imyrqvé; meat in ‘hbu‘lth-eâ€"your druggxst ls authorized ta return the pal-ohm gist,” Pham’f Ban, - ‘ ‘,‘ . y 0; “I; M, Burk ' * * 3°“ dag: norm: BACK 1: you DON’T Mwmu~mmsm§w~pw lt isn’t ofiton that Ehe Porcupine: Power is on. But the Porcupine power wgs away ofi align i to stacked up against (the. C an: _ the Softball league faature. The Por- cupine Power lads Were held to one hit and 110 runs after the first in- nings by Godin, who pitched nice ball and had fine support. In the mean- tirnie the Canadians knOoked gut 23 lll't-S for 31 runs, getting 10 hits and 15 runs in the sixfh innings ofl Ed. Reid. i According to information handed to The Adanvce after the game, it is said that the Porcupine Power intend brin ging Out some electric dynamos for the players 1n the next game. The following 15 the seeri Canadians .. 6 0 3 .2015 0â€"31. 23 Per.- Power. 14000 00â€"5 7 The Holly Recs. will play their postponed game With the A. S. D to-ni'ght (Thmsday) June 7th. * . A number ofUnite‘d States tourists got gs. fair as‘Epglehart last week 'on the Fexguson highway. -~ G A. Reid, D W. Neill, C. L U District Representatlves Reed Bloc-k, Pine Street ' . ; _ , Tlmmms , ; ~ Another (560,. n to the i“ built to meet incrouing demand for rue-tone Ginn- ’ Dipped Tm with the Scientifically Damned Trad. ’ . Thenewnddition increases productionby40%and .' uqqmppedmthapecalmchmuydwgnedandhdt by mm: a Dwayne tum “Q! 6 Wgéw 9d a (R; condifiondfmi‘ce. Yommuutrcutonodulck ' _tomeyoanucnduvoyoumwith Th6 Radon: Plan! with NwAddaMdHamiHm. Guthrie ' hr W 43’ .921 Strong, Powérful Yet Sate. Burnon’ a Prescription Called Moono‘ 8 Elliot- , ald Oil Has Astonished Physicians. sseriptién~ flow iiéfiéfised' by ’ minima- cists at trifling costtltlmt will do more towards 1%l’piug'1y0'p‘ gétfitl of pno sightly zépqté Misha; F8998” In skin diseases its action" is little” 135,3" thafi;;~magical. The itching â€":of oedema is‘ instantly Stopped ; ' the ,érnp- tions dry up and-«soak of in a very few days. The same is true of bar- ber’s itch, salt rheum and other irri- tatinguiangl; Junsightlyv, akin’tyouhles. :j.‘ I Yh‘ir” ica‘n" Obtain" ‘Moo'né’é' Emerald Oil in the original bottle at any mod- ern drug store. If is safe to use, and failure in any of the/ailments noted a’bove is next to impossible; Moisley Ball can supply you abany. time. 3“ fl" U' solved when businessmen carried over into domestic life. the “long look" -â€".-the pigaetice of looking-end planning ahead. which has proven the secret of every successful business enterprise. , Theeollejc days shesdnelesring elf the mort- gager‘On-sthe home. comfotts fob-the sunset yests of lifeâ€"ell can be planned with definite essutenceiof happy consummation, Such is the great contribution of modern life insistence! And London Life policies on the ”reduced ptcmium" ides etc built to: the purse of the'svetsge family men. ' i For example. a men sge 30 can put-‘ - chase.$l0.@0 life insurance on the famous jubilee en for $3.52 s week grumble annual ) and subject to re- uction by divid’encjs. Your prem- iums when reduced by dividends could "never total the emountolthis policy: . net sll‘the while the cash vslus. is '. steadily mounting end thee-protection ~ - is slwsys there. A’slt sny 'oi'out segmentatives'for psrtieuls'ts. ‘ NE of life's greatest problemsm - solved when businessmen carried WVTW eases ~ than

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