:3 \‘\ ‘ ', .~‘ _ . . . VI: V, ., '~~'l 17g \ 3"‘QFi‘i‘;"vï¬"I‘f‘-, ï¬â€˜V‘i‘é'.’ I“ ,. 'n. M351 Jun 4' «wk 1,: pith doflcmu Pig '. ‘ ‘ ,. H: ‘ _ . h: . , . ..V ,W‘Jttflfl "1's" ~ " . L L†--, l‘“; pkg. 9c Johns), f-Kukland eke, 1115111211 at the parental home at t‘hé D0919 damn: the past week. . .. MméésM Hegg K. Webster and 1): Fraser of 1:119 teachmg staff; here; spent .th9 hohdiay with M138 Hegg’s brother at Noranda. $131“ , MI â€(33113133110111 is leavmg 011 Sub 1mm. forahxs home at 1111131111, Italy He I3 011, June 14th T . . . , anfl 541111.,ka Porter of the 9130:1118 E; 11.th o?._."Snnday to 11311 on the "Montcalm for nglend on- can extended V1811; to them ts- there. Mr. Charlie J ago, and h13.hr1de‘ .‘11'3ve. taken up residence in thé homo] ‘vacatedf‘by Mr. mid M113 Porter -Mi‘. .Jgigo. left for Montreal over a week '-__ago to m ee‘t his ï¬ancee 011-1131: amval. from England The were manned 111? Montreal Mr. Jag 0 has {been one of .the strong men .of the Dome Fooï¬bhll teem f6r some years He is: to " Mr Porter’ position in the Done 91» say ofï¬ce. We extend to Mr. aid Mrs. Jago om: {best myishes for e. hap- ply and prosperous future. 2 < We regret to hear of the serious illness of, Marie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jaic’k St. Paul All" lwish the little girl a, Speedy recovery v-â€".â€". n- _vâ€"â€" Mr Luehetta Will~ leave on Satur-~ 311%); for a visit to his home at Tremso, _, ta V . . Mrs. Stark 15 holiday in Toronto Miss L. Roney is at her home in Pembroke this week where she went to be present when her brother was ordained to the priesthood -~ \ .11 Co_urt of Remswn was held 111 South Porcupine last_ week.- ‘- II A â€" 'â€"-“‘vyâ€"â€" Rev. F. Bnin left on Monday £01 T01 onto Where he will attend the anâ€" anal conference of chi; Umted Church Little Mus Wanota. Blood had the mlsfortnne “to get her arm entangled in an electrm washer on Moncla37 It 'uï¬as badly bmnsed b11t she is bappf that it isno wOrSe. ; f . , 91W _ 2.1;Dr’. mm» at ms; tplgeesKaQ‘Cf-Qm: Pamed‘I‘Dr- Sullivan: «01’ Taming», 011.8231 want, to ..K1rkliand“Ba1$eioven'the 3?"?ka q We r o'relt that Mrs Gordon Me; Kmley Ls eaill m a hospital in Toronta. Mr. koKnfley returned to town tins :Wee. , , _. _. _ end; The tennis court is n0iw in shape hr the season and the adherents 013 this sport are preparing fbr a happy summer at their favorite game Th6 Pméupme Hockey club are is",- smug membenslup tmkets whlch they: are se‘llmg at. two dollars for a. sea: Son ’3 twket, This enables the thfl- er to vote on the aï¬au's of the club u.v-‘ “wirv‘â€"v \frs. S Sky is holldaylna at Town.- to, and Mt. Clemens, . * , , Mr. Leigh. Bladen, who recently? re.- turned- from Spam to Montreal re- newed acqï¬aintances in mm: last. Weeks. When a student at McGlll he spent several vacatlons here. i -1 ~g2;Â¥fl..3he;g.,.openi;g% league game in, base: ;~!D.;a11%;,is;-’t0:~fb.0 VD nyndÂ¥..ish9r§nn;=33tnndax, June 9m; '7; "ligament; South-‘E’nrcnpmn Basdbnllteamand -. McIntyr team ~.. \ iWésiéhgwezga .’ .. “ * ï¬ery; goodmaterxalnn ourteam this year Inn Weekend eXhi‘bitiOn' game with Tunmmsthe more was 9:9:in. ï¬nvnnn'oï¬ thiéSnnPh ï¬nders» Tha .;g}l?nnd»:§§nnd»,; at the 1‘9 Ingconstrncted 1250,13» grounds aisb at" whamdtbatsn; my. be. .1: , ,v ï¬nch Lqr mum; 5mm: . We sympathlza very muéh With Mrs. .C. B. Morgan who this momng receNed Word «bf th’é sudden deéfh 01" ,her mater Mrs. McCutoheon of Vitiâ€" oouver, w. was strmken by a spared? tm stroke on Sunday evenmg "ii‘nd' never recovered pissing away on Mon- ' “Q 5"†Shd’ï¬ï¬Ã© théi‘mfe of I8-;'.‘ '1! 53",. 2,- . ,_. aw and“ ' Awards store has been Situated [$333 >‘ - .=~'~_a , ._._. Jig-hr. T ‘ECormsh Welcome Dah‘c’é *Chï¬y {â€955 it ntmmng thelr dances £01 ' mm; but Will hold them idon 111711111 Juvenile Sam (A 1 13111311111 he held in: the Hinhgia ii in 1 hall-“agd prizes far Same will be» “in : _. . There was an Adult Bewi â€"31 :flalso under the instmetmxrv' o “Sh" .Mrsï¬fl‘homas but the, prizes Are being 393‘ 111111] ,éd fro-1111111 131111611611 ’3 Work ohly. ' F " 3, berested i11 thus Work for hhese gm! '3 ' are [muted to 31ttend Friday . 99: ' 13 exhhlntmn N _ O ednemizbr evening of this week hon the%ome Football team meet the ma hires of Tunmms on the Dome "Th" 11ew Ibaiptismsl font was in plane in St Paul’s 'Augliomi Chureh on Osh ,Suuasy. In honour of Archdeacon ,- .Wooflall’smwenty-flveyea s of service ï¬ 'fOr Ehe eliiuroh in the North his ré- [latives 111 England sent out a. donetmn , to be; used 1’01" some sort of a memori- . ~11] Ii hook the form of a tisinal j, - foh1t:i11‘ St. Psul’ s Anglican 1111111111. It is? of solid oak‘ and is; engraved ‘with:-' words 11111111111111:ng donation. At polioé court: on "Thursday there Were ï¬fteen oasw' consisting mostly of drunks and speed artists. ' Master Raymond MdCenn is very ill‘ with pleurmpmeumoma It was found necessary to operate on tlie child; The atwn was performed this mol'nj operand although a very sick- .clnld Itigers; are good hopes held Out for Ind “recovery . .. _ , » A motm car has passed tIi1to11gh here that came an the way from Flomda. It is said that the worSt- road they encountered (tunng the whole trip was emabout forty-ï¬ve rode: the other side of Porcupine (Golden City) Station. This spot has been interfer- 111g cons1de1a1h1$*W1tl1\motor tra'ï¬ie‘ to the Junctlon 111111; Mr.1A.Sterl111g has 111111 men worknng on 11: this last day or. 7.80 and soon». 1111111 road from here to the. 'Junqtnon W111 [be as good as any other part of the» ‘111g’hway ' .1; ‘1-3. -1. LL... Abox soon! ~is being held at the’ Orange hulhn Golden City ¢o~morrow 91190. Phone -; V". } (015w J4] Qer‘ and carting. 6°55 ’1 E-» ‘ The brlde was given ihtm " [5; {11:3 Crawford‘ of Oshawozgdofl 1 egroom w †, l_ " “ " ~-..booo. 9‘7 ~ . ~ g = ' The brldé made a charmmg in r in Her gown Of blue goorgojp ; veil of tulle Was drop ‘ed and imi‘ with o gorland of orailgo mos“ 4..- » 51% mm a: hwerbocm tog-:99-'°"n‘.1-“~'1i15’-.’°£'thefflï¬l§yg l2! “smart enactflble Lof -_ :2 3 ‘g'eorgette, with hat to match ’-. 3‘01»;ng the“ cerexï¬iiy ch: ding breakfast was as ved t .. :33 harm of Mr. and Mrs. Cami, . Q 1- : ' 3-. â€c" c.4311." ‘A‘uï¬': The yqan‘g couple ml} Oshawa ‘ \ - ~. am I.â€