ie t .. mm‘nso It en @| . Ont.} 4# Â¥ o ueA e Ne io cce -;*:::.::;7 m "expans on ‘of ‘the Walkerville lant: is a further. step towards the nadianization of Studabaker in tle »demxon. We will Im'gé,-more skilled ‘and mor unskilldd labour. We hope to build séll more. afltomomles!. fthan we hav*e in the ipast. ‘Directly, ‘this plan contributes to greater Caâ€" rnadlan : W ‘yeason of inâ€" oreased ‘employment given Canadians in the Wra.lkervnlle fac:tones, Ihd:-. ..... Es Te /7 vm-â€"â€"â€"-â€" wr.â€" «*‘ expamnon of _Bur manufacâ€" ;t.urmg programme . in Canada will also mclude ‘A zcons’ff ffl;,:“ahle inergase in ( i ‘by> reasona of more oxtenswef urc.hases of materials and etmiyment produ‘l‘,ed in Canada, to be used in bhe‘ Walkerville factorxes. ie o Â¥ ' dn .Â¥ db 4b . | yw # NS # “For A number_ .Of,. years, Shide: -'an pdmy has been ldea od‘.' ultmmtely Canndxamzmg our' antomdbiles; In other â€"words, we feel _t.ha»t Ammcan methgds ‘of building nobiles are wmsua!ll!y good, but this does not means that every A“men-z can . 'plan and style of building meets every Canadian demand;. We want to build: gutomobiles for Canadea and ‘we â€" want. a.uadlans to apprOve of them. (It is felt that the time has come to o ahead and no time will be "_‘if?' f ’i 8.‘ Not: e , j_’ o ,‘ ‘T«he new arranga,m;ept rwfll mean, a;-; 6’1}* ArilF out | Srovs f mm'easem : N ‘ployees at the Walkerville . gbpgt commodifics | Rranches are how insifitained : ~ imereasefl,'*buf GW will .tmfl ‘and â€" ‘Cak i'y'._f" Thede will" also be added to o purchasxng‘ agmt's f‘_;be greatly i d. | The, adminisâ€" orde r lists. _ . | tration ofliees wxll contmue to be lo--’ is ‘%e e on of Ghe Waï¬kernlle ‘cated here. . ;;pl»ant is a further step towards the Canadianization of S‘bndabaker in the Dominion.. We will hire more skilled | G7; and mor unskilléd. labour.. We hope | . to build _-_;:L~1 ...__AL_' ‘and> sell more. afltomomles a t O t oo hkE ho 1 55 e "This move 1é rwult ‘of. Stude- "' "bake}us fmth, in Canada,†said Mr. ay “‘We ’belleve there t.‘ms conmtry 'a»nd throngh thxs expdn-v logt in: mereasmg theâ€" nnmber of cars actually built in Canada We hope to secure. greater emmency than has been possbleé in the > past, which . will ‘;reaw].t in greater_ autmnobfle values for Canadian purchasers. . _ _ 1 w d balt. Whfle prqpanng' "‘to attend ‘chureh on Sunday morning, he was 'atneken with a,. heart seizure, death ensuimg an hour and a ‘half later. Surviving are his widow and daughtey alsoâ€"three brothers, W. H., of Cobalt, ‘and W E/ and Peter, at the old home ‘Mr. Byrne was one. ~of the oldâ€"time pionecers of the district. . He came to the Washington Embassy is stated to ‘coat $1000,000, a year, Paris $75,000 and ’l‘olqlo $50 000. United '.StateSj . Early ) laet week death elaimed tlirce wallâ€"know idents of Haileybury, iwhen Patrick McComxskey and Joln A 4: [ Ne +558 sion programme, we will naturally beâ€" a part of these TE s s hh: | + hulw ied U To KT io ol EOnd t ge Cl Phe 3. 4e W CCCR ve Byrne ‘both formarly of nark | Connrty, . and . M’rs Eudora low, wite of Mrs. W. J. Clow, Super: inten entod? ‘the Nipiein ;;.Centmt buné ‘@t Perth. The late Mr. Mcoâ€" iskey had lived in Haileybury for the past nineteen years, for the greatâ€" er part of which time he ‘had been employed at the Nipissing Mine, Coâ€" Vancouvar Daily â€" Province:â€" “Breakmg mto d;pbomacy 18 a costly exercise â€" for Canada.. The upkeep of Cobalt. 23 years a.go, and previously had lwed in Sudbury and Sault Ste. Mane He had followed the mining game for forty years, and in earlier life had engaged in lumbering. He had lived in Haileybury for six years. Surviving are his widow and two sons, J.: J., Of Halleybury, and W. T., of -Westport (Mr. Byrne was 76 yvears of Bay: Nug\get :Â¥ man out ,went ‘asks for a divoree because his wife won‘t let him keep chickens in the : h,vmg ‘room. ‘.An extravagant -£de'mand ‘be domg very: well if .’he can Olflsy' meet chiekens in the park. * News: â€"â€"â€"“Do make your: jselves at_ home, ladxes, remarked the hostess affably.. *I am at home myâ€" self, and fwmh you all were!"" = Minister to Oftawa recelves a straight. ;‘salary of $10,000.3 Mamtammg the jdl.gmty of his oï¬ice is said to ‘cost Hon. Vincent Maésey $25,000 a year of his own aoney. . Fo‘rtuna,tely ‘he can afford it.!" _‘ _ . 8 OONBTR’UQTION 2 ’ :;“ «. Pre {plan.s fm‘ the-{ new mill and power plant ito. be conâ€" structed‘ at . »the property of Siscoe Gold Mines have been conlpleted and: oonstmctlon will be nnfler way very. shortly, A complete mine and surâ€" face jpower plant, 100â€"ton ‘cyanide. .tm.ll waxnd namxihary__umt.s ‘are to ' ed, with provision for: step.pmg;‘ up to dou!blle \the nutla»l eap y minimum of, expe 1_; ‘The plant amd mm wdl be eIectn-;- .eally .hghg;ed wnd an automai:w sprinkâ€" er system (will be installed: through out the ihluldmgs for fire protection. The power plant wil} ibe completed. first and the mine dha over to: electrical operation. . e entire inâ€" stallation prog'ramme m .to be com.plet-{i ed by November 17th. . _ » TOWN wrrnour ';Bi;ï¬ffljff;_ P .. : _ ~~For the 24th. of May celebration and sports at! Ka[puslmsmg, the €Cochrane town ba.nd was secured and. the peo: ple at Kap m.g P 'ntly ‘con:â€" sidered the music by . ‘the visitors as one of the finest part of the events of the holiday. . The Kapuskasing Com‘ ‘ ier has several references in its last issue to the visiting band, and also the following editorial note which will he Those who theard and appreciated bhe music of ithe Cochrane band can not but realize what a great: asset a band can ibe to a town and it is no idle saying that Cocb,nane may well .be proud of is band. The starting: and,: -upk _of auch an organization is. a very ifreult task, and its success is a ‘good < bromete:r of ‘the puhthc spirit of: the community, Those whio are called on to sponsor and lead in keeping up band in the ordinary town are desâ€" erving of every eneoumgement and! support. . The public look for. the music but. seldom do ’dhaey glva t:houg‘hfl:aetotheeostof' . its, music, unkorms, and gweneral expensas,~ not: imhulmg- the. loss of time by the musicians. â€" Bandsmen who are. not proféssionals S'NG then' tnnqand.«tal-._ of general interest :â€" CC “fDeath ï¬rom sudden dhook.†appreciated.‘‘ The Brituh custqm of _xnrv-j Eim ty C h s oi c ..’a..’.i-ls..ub onih id ic n C 5> P o Pm P t n ns on cerry; . ue «oo lc Enquite Today '_'dlca.te t:ha,t ,somethmg o,£ th n 48 fbemg consuiered Ne ie is . $ for. tradmg on the. ‘btanda[_’,_} *Minin Exchange very shox‘tly, 1t'18 rleal‘n{,,.,, The stock has been. approved.and ‘ed and all that remains to he d e‘?;f“;‘ ' for the directors to 1§sue mstrugt , to ,ha,ve it ealned fo?r tra.d‘ing. Wh empected mthm the next: week s concerning Apex Mines. . It is underâ€" _ stood that at the present time negotiaâ€" . .. tions are under way for the qpurQB 8e‘ > of a number of other properties: in _ . ‘the Rouyn area. Should these holdâ€" â€"_ ings be acqmred Apex Mines will be a large holder in this area as the comâ€" pany a;lxteady;has extensive claimg i Northern, Quebec as well as in 4 ‘sht}rtlyto'bemaugummd property. in. the Porcupme i ‘well as on the: du@ in t.h f area. . Although diamond. drilling some tune agb’failed. t6 fliflal]j acamed ‘on in 17he hope of"-; eneounter‘ mg more favourable results at lower ‘levels.â€"Only ‘gmall amount of exâ€"â€" plm;atmn wory has _been. carmqg on Further. Propemea Bxpecbed Addedtoflol_ ovh:ao and Manitoba Fields be seem oflaetlvxty d'unng the ~' . Qlerk (nmkmg excusa for big er> .,or) : Butâ€"sir, man isn‘t a maahinlg* ha,f -;9. in gotorever- is f Bmploxar ‘Oh yes he ean, your yoâ€" ing forever at the ond the month. . _ that . de on. the: conntry every ym‘rt If m aro tm m*,ny l’a‘ # e w es ie s 6 . 1| or :0 ) how sould. Iawyenls go t rebyw A, . .dn,h“ "‘ .,’ ‘u‘» ht en n m o s vn.m.w eb o