lowing redress for the offensive sort of dog. ‘*I think that any boy who grows up without having had a dog has missed something in life,"‘ sald the mayor, who made it clear that he would not favour a plan that would deprive the boys of their dogs. Adâ€" mitting the nuisance sometimes caused by dogs, the mayor pointed out that in this world we have to give and take to live agreeably with our fellows. He did not believe the majority of people there would favour doing away with dogs, as a strict enforecement of the law would seem to indicate as the Councillor Dougall thought there was such general comâ€" plaint about the dogs that the byâ€"law should be enforced. _ ‘*‘The present plan has not worked very well,"" said HOLLINGER GIVES LANG FOR GHILOREN‘S PLAVGROUND Continued from front page second section we hbig enough to warrant adopting such a city style?"" the mayor asked. Councillors Drew and Carson were agreed that under the usual dogâ€"catchâ€" ing plan it would be the wellâ€"behaved dogs that would be ecaught and put in pound. On the other hand, as the mayor poined out, the law could not be enforceed w.i:.t'n favouritism. _ It had to be a case of picking np all dogs unaceompanied, or leaving the quesâ€" tion alone. The mayor said that to pmek of all dogs was going to deprive a lot of people of their pets, most of these being harmless, and the law alâ€" Thursday, May 31st, 1928 3rd Avenue TheGoldfield Drug Store * * SS ECC C 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 5 15 0505 46 4p4 | 50c Sweet i Cascara 1. 3 is 6 4 .â€"..â€"I._.lâ€"lfl*.. cx\\\\\\\*\\\\\\x\m\\\m\\\\\\\\vWm\m\m\mmxmv | 25e Baking Ammonia i and Oil Lemon....... i 25b¢ Oil ! Eucalyptus 10c Epsom i 10c Fairy Soap.... We hope to be in the new store one week from Saturday. | 10e : Coleo. ... In order to reduce our present stock and save the expense of moving so much, we are putting on a special Moving Sale for 3 days. Our new premises will be much larger. Our aim is Better Service. WITH EVERY PURCHASE YOU RECEIVE A TICKET ON THE CUCKOO CLOCK SOAPS TOILET ARTICLES â€" FACE POWDERS 30c | Cuticura W LW O w . i 10c We will be moving into our new quarters just across the road from where we are now, to the building formerly occupied by Moysey Co., brokers:. MOVING SALE PRICES FOR Friday Saturday Monday * % #..*..* .00.’0' #% # *# 44 # * #4 # #% 0.“ *# + .. #4 # L #4 + .0 # .0 Drggs # ..00 #. ,* 0.00’1 #. * ’00.0 # * #4 # *# ## # % ## # L #* # + *4 # d Sale ing ## #4% # *# *4 * h #*# #4 # #46 # *# #4 4 *# #4* .0 * *# W .0 | Mov #. _4 .0 0.4 #4 %,,* *# # #4 # # #4 # L #4 # # #% # *# + 0.00 Dqgs 454 S * 544 44 4t 4 4 25¢ Camphorated 75¢ Pure Olive 20c. .. .. ... I0c Infant‘s Delight 10c Lifebuoy 2b¢ Woodbury‘s HOUSEHOLD NEEDS for for for for for for for for 3lc 49e Abe 69¢ 25¢ 7c quite frequenfly, he thought. (On motion of Councillors Dougall and Richardson a motion was passed that the dog byâ€"Jaw be enforeed. Counâ€" cillors Carson and Drew voted against the motion on the grounds that objecâ€" tionable dogs could now be dealt with, and the strict enforecement of the byâ€" law would mean a hardshp to the owners of many good dogs. Counâ€" cillor Dougall suggested that the poundkeeper look after the dogâ€"catchâ€" ing. It was pointed out in reply that the poundkeeper would have to be forâ€" mally appointed for the work and no doubt would have to be paid for it as this did not come in his other duties. Councillor Dougall thought that if Councillor Ramsay, ‘""so it might be well to try someothing else,‘‘ The mayor pointed out that they had tried out the something else suggestâ€" ed by Mr. Dougall and it had cerâ€" tainly not worked well. The council had to drop it. If it were intendâ€" ed to enforee the byâ€"law to the extent that every dog unaccompanied should be picked up, it would be necesâ€" sary to appoint a dogâ€"catcher and provide that official with proper equipâ€" ment for catching dogs. The eclerk also pointed out that arrangements would have to be made for the proper care of dogs picked up, as the Humane Society _ watched such affairs very closely, _ Previously, as J.P., the clerk said he had h(‘vn called upon. being convenient, for orders for the destruction of impounded dogs, but he did not intend to give any more such orders as he did not want to have any part in taking people‘s harmless pets away from them, as happened quite frequenfMy, he thought. (On motion of Councillors Dougall and Richardson a motion was passed that $2.50 oz. Ashes of i MRoses, o2. .. ! $2.50 oz. Djerkiss | per O08,"...:...., i $2.50 oz. Black | Narcisse, per oz. 1 $25.00 Houbigant‘s Quelques | Fleurs Perfume, 8 oz. bottle j in a beautiful solid leather sï¬ . ..E $19.00 © 25¢ Witch Hazel and .......... | 50c. i Brilliantine ... i 25¢â€" Naâ€"Druâ€"Co | Tooth Paste . 1 25¢. Ext. | Witch Hazel .. ..... | 35b¢c. Magnolia i Cream 50c Tooth Brushes 2b¢ Glycerine Hose ~Water .;:,..., g 35¢ Stomach and | Liver Pills ..... I 65c Regent Bronchitis (:Mixture :.:;.").:.;....: I 75¢ Milk | Magnesia ....... | 75c Rum Honey and | Cod Liver Oil....... ;i $1.00 Tono [ Phos. .. ;. i $1.00 Vir Vin Tonic. .. .. | $1.00 Ph $Cod‘ ... f)spho- | Yardley‘s | Milady .. .. :. i Three Flowers | Talcom‘ ........ i $1.00 | Vivadous ..... 25c. Peroxide Bonnie Prince Charles Talcum Palm Olive Afterâ€"Shave Talcum . for weekâ€"ends, which did not seem fair to the residences. Councillo: Carson, chairman of the police comâ€" mittee, was asked to see the partics using the town strip for protracted parking for commercial rigs and see if the matter _ ean not_ be remedied voluntarily; ectherwise more strenuous sidential streets to add to the appear ance of the town. It was in th case ‘being used as a sgort of garag for weekâ€" endra, which did not seer fair to the residences. Councillo people knewm byâ€"law was to be strietly enforeed, they would keep their dogs chained up or under conâ€" trol. â€" He thought notides to this effeet should be published in the newspapers and this was agreed to. At present the police are the only ones authorzied to enforee the byâ€"law. _ Councillor Carson suggested that a couple of exâ€" tra policemen might be appointed to look atfter the dogâ€"catching. At any raté, if city plans were to be adopted, city equipment would be required. According to the motion passed, all dogs must be kept from being at large after June 12th. Council received a petition from the residents on Birch street north, beâ€" tween Third and Fourth, asking for remedy in regard to the parking of commercial trucks and cars on the stmp of town property inside the sideâ€" walks. â€" The petition pointed out that the residents were endeavouring to beautify their places and add to the appearance of the area. The parkâ€" ing constantly of commercial motors,. beautify their places and add to the appearance of the area. The parkâ€" ing constantly of commercial motors, however, made an ugly appearance. The mayor said he could see the for complaint that the petiâ€" tioners had. The strip of town land was allowed to be fenced in on reâ€" THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO PATENT MEDICINES near the Station M 0) 1) 0) i i cmmme 49e 49e 250C 49¢ 49¢ ‘"‘I beg to submit the followmgi zeneral report of the C.A.S,. covering the period from Dee. 8th, 1926, to May QSth, 1928. The fnllm\'ing: ceases have received help from our society : â€"Hospital fees paid for four childâ€"| ren who had tonsils removed locally ; doctor‘s eare given two children; a| sick baby supplied . milk for fom‘l months; nine children given necesâ€" At a meeting of the Timimins and Schumacher branch of the Children‘s Aid Society, held at Schumacher on Monday afternoon, with the president of the branch, Mr. C. G. Williams, in the chair, the following annual reâ€" port was presented by the secretaryâ€" treasurer, Mrs. J. R. Byers, and duly adopted. _ The report showed excelâ€" lent progress made and the finances in good condition. The following is the report :â€" GOOD WORK DURING YEAR TIMMINSâ€"SCHUMACHER C.A.S There were eighteen at the conâ€" ference and the discussions and the information received were all very helpful. The party visited South Lorâ€" raine on Saturday last and had lunch at the Mining Corporation. _ There was a delightful banquet in the evenâ€" ing served at Alco Hall, Gillies. On Sunday the visitors had lunch at the Toughâ€"Oakes. All report a very inâ€" formative and interesting tme, with a mine of useful information received. Among the eighteen or more preâ€" sent for the conference were:â€"Mr. J. W. Wray, manager of the Timmins branch; Mr. K. DeLong, manager of Moysey‘s at Kirkland Lake; T. M. White, manager of Sudbury branch ; Mr. Holden, manager of Montreal branch; Mr. McKenna, manager at Ottawa; Mr. Ross, the London manaâ€" ger for Moysey Co.; Mr. Jemmett, manager at I\lnoston. Mr. Bourke, of North Bay; Mr. h E. Perry, manager of the Rouyn office; Messrs Paul White and Gaston, of New York office; Mr. Jas Heppleston, of Toronâ€" to; Mr. Amos and Mr. Thornton of Cobalt; Mr. Baringham, Toronto; Mr. Frank Horne, Toronto; and Mr. Parâ€" ker, of Sudbury. The officials of the Arthur E. Moyâ€" sey Co. staff in the North Country held an interesting conference at Coâ€" balt and Kirkland Lake last week, several: from the head office at Toâ€" ronto also being present for the occaâ€" sion. The plan of the meeting was to draw the various members of the staff closer together and at the same time to visit and inspect the Cobalt and Kirkland Lake mining camps, so that all the various branch managers and the others «concerned might have a knowledge at first hand of the two mining camps visited. Officials of A. E. Moysey Co. Have Interesting Conference at Cobalt and Kirkland Lake Last Week. > its work. Councillor Drew mentioned the matâ€" ter of progress in regard to a tourist camp for Timmins, the mayor replyâ€" ing that the Bo: ard of Trade commitâ€" tee was searching for a suitable site. Before the council adjourned, the mayor urged all t‘e chairmen of the commuittees of the council to have their estimates for the year all ready as soon as possible, so that the rates for the year may be struck immediateâ€" ly after the court of revision concludes HEADS OF MOVSEY STAF ROLD DISTRIGT MEFTING Councillor Drew referred to some refunds of taxes asked for on accoun of buildings or parts of buildings beâ€" ing vacant. â€" These were held over to receive more definite information as to the aetual time of vacancy. In the case of ithe Reid block and fthe St. Onge block the matter will be taken up with the assessor to arrive at a fair basis for an refunds that may be reâ€" quired. Accounts were passed for payment, debenture coupons authorzied paid, refunds made on water rates where waier had not been used, rezlmt(ul granted for taxes overpaid, and other routine matters dealt with. l Hospital bills for treatment for a man and his wife were held over. ln! the discusson it was brought out that the man worked and earned money but spent it too often for liquor. His wife and family of seven children had received aid from tthe town on mmv! than one occasion. Some of the counâ€"| cillors said that while they were quite | ready to give assistance to the \\'it'v{ and famuly, they did not think a man | who could get money for liquor should | be helped out otherwise. The town| had refused to give authority for man going to the hospital, and council | thought the man should pay for his| own treatment. | There was some discussion on the condition of the road between Timâ€" mins and South Poreupine and also the one to Porquis Junetion. _ The district superintendent of roads for the Government, Mr. Alex Stirling, is to be interviewed to see if necessary repairs ean be dhurried along. It was decided to make the annua tour of the Board of Words, to decid: on the work for the year, on Wednes day afternoon of this week. Reference was made to some changes asked by the Provincial Health Dept. inspector in regard to the plans for the addition to thie inâ€" ecinerator. The mayor is to take up these matters with the inspector at Toronto in the course of the next few weeks, measures will be necessary to pre serve the appearance of the landscape eferred to some d for on accoun of buildings beâ€" ight ou irned _ lyjpuor, chaldr ï¬ï¬f/fl,’ffgffï¬ll’lï¬#l’fl’/f%fl/f.r/mf:fï¬l‘,ï¬l,?%ï¬Ã©g sary elothing; two sets of orthopedic boots and braces for a little‘ sehool girl; drugs bought for five sick childâ€" ren. _ Financial assistance was renâ€" dered the Cochrane District Society. l Respectfully submitted, | | Marjorie Byers, Sec.â€"treas. The financial statement accompanyâ€" ing the report showed receipts of $2330.36. _ Of this amount memberâ€" ship fees totalled $971.43; Poreupine Lodge A.F. A.M., South Porcupine, donation, $100.00; donstion, St. Daâ€" vid‘s Society, $4.00; Girls® Own Club, sSchumacher, $13.26; Poreupne Gun \Club, $31.07; Eastern Star, South Il’nrvupino. $15.00; Town of Timmins, [ $500.00 : recerved â€"an narmant far E0 00 4 4 4, 4 bank, boots ots bought, $9.50; interest nk, 50c. Phe total expenditures were Open Evenings CURTIS OPTICAL CO. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LTIMITED Here you will find the latest in equipment and here you will receive the careful painsâ€" taking refraction that should be given every pair of eyes, whether of the child‘s or of the adult. are just as necessary and should be given as careful consideration as the annual physical examination by your physician L.V7/;_ Ibastern Star, South , $15.00; Town of Timmins, received on payment for ght, $9.50; interest paid by Let us do your Eye Work. N EW HICH COMPRESSION Eâ€"ENGINE HIGH compression performance without the use of special fuels! Power generated in a smooth, constant flowâ€"sparkling accelâ€" erationâ€"powerâ€"speed for every emergencyâ€" highâ€"speed steadiness â€"marked economy! These are the performance qualities assured by the new, larger, high compression engine of the new Qldsmobile. This great new power plant represents years of work and over a million miles of testing on the part of Oldsmobile engincers, They inâ€" troduced a cylinder head of special General Motors Research design that permits high compression with ordinary fuels. They ribbed the crankcase and cylinder block horizontally and vertically to prevent distortion and mainâ€" tain accurate bearing alignment. They added such features of advanced engiâ€" neering as crankcase ventilation, controlled cooling, pressure lubrication, oil filter, air cleaner, fuel pump, full automatic spark and thermostatic charging control. Then, to provide fine car performance to an even more marked degree, they devised a new method of rubber mounting for the engineâ€" new methods of silencing the chassis and the interiors of the smart new Fisher bodies. Drive the new Oldsmobile onceâ€"â€"and you will know why its brilliant performance has become a matter of common knowledgeâ€"why thousands of buyers today are choosing Oldsmobile. Genegal Motors‘ own deferred payment plan . GMAC . . . affords you the simplest and most economical way of buying your Oldsmobile on time. oâ€"3eâ€"5â€"28C in the Fine Car of Low Price develops 55 HP without special fuel MARSd ALL ECCLESTONE LIMITTED Eye Examinations Timmins, Ont. Opposite Goldfields Hotel Better not complain about corrected. If you are worth correcting you are worth whil: ing. $1600.12, and the amount spent on aid by the local branch being $177.52. The balance on hand at the time of the statement was $552.72, to Sure it‘s tough to have to work but what a lot of bother it would be trving to think up something to do with our time. Phe fool asks : PThe wise man FiVve What have I got ? ‘*‘WYhat have 1 at â€"Exchange. â€"Exchange â€"Exchange being while keep<