wihiie seeking his men, and Cre« Pond, the foreman, who thought his men and not of himselt. {n concluding his erport Conmmuss er Godson says:â€"**The mining in« trv of Ontario has no oceasion to | ‘*The evidence,"‘ the findings wind up, ‘*‘supports the supposition that, with the density of smoke that preâ€" vailed in the parts of the mine affectâ€" ed, no known or adopted reseue apâ€" paratus or would have saved a life that was lost. ‘*‘As a measure of protection it is not so much the nature of the equipâ€" ment required to meet and contend with an emergency as the exercise of constant vigilance and anticipation of and concentration on essentials by all employed in the development of a mine. An underground fire need not oceur in metal mine, exeept from means beyond the control of men.‘"‘ The commissioner pays tribute to the heroism of the miners caught unâ€" derground. From the moment smoke was detected, officials and workmen, unmindful of danger, gave freely of their services in the common task of reseue. Mention is made of the reâ€" sourcefulness of Fred Jackson, deterâ€" mination of the man Zolob, who fought his way to the light of day; Villiancourt, the cagetendér; Fred Poulin, shift boss courting death while seceking his men, and (George: ‘* Dependents of those who lost their lives may have the assured consolaâ€" tion that all that human ingenuity or resourcefulness could do was done, that no human agencey could have saved a life that was lost, and that those whose hour had come passed on their way to other and higher activiâ€" ties without a struggle." Speaking of the efforts to assure safety and rescue at the time the fire was discovered, the report says that the management of the company, its officials and workmen used expedition in locating and removing the men from underground. _ Every one, unâ€" mindful of danger, gave freely of his services in the common task of reseue. The decision of Mr. MeMillan, Govâ€" ernment Mine Inspector from the Coâ€" balt district, in ordering the fan to exhaust, ~ after _ consultation _ and thorough consideration, is held to have ‘been practreal and salutary."‘ Appliances from the Consumers‘ Gas Company, Toronto, and Seott Turner, Director of the Unted States Bureau of Mines, ‘"‘arided acts of resuscitaâ€" tion and resceue.‘‘ ‘*The fire departâ€" ment of Toronto sent its best,"‘"‘ the commissioner states. _ **‘The Consuâ€" merd‘ Gas Company of the same city answered the call and the Buréau of Mines of the United States hastened on its way their mine rescue car, The railroads opened their line, and 1,000 miles was covered in a period of 11 hours less than would be taken by the fastest express train. cruelty, 39 human lives had been terâ€" minated ‘by the outpouring of its smoke and gas. Consternation folâ€" lowed complacency ; chagrin replaced pride. The feelings of 2,500 workâ€" men and officials of, the Hollinger Mine had been rudely and ruthlessly shocked."*‘ ‘‘ justified boast"‘ of Ontario‘s mining industry that an underground fire had never occurred in the mines of the Province. _ *‘‘*Suddenly, quietly, unobserved,"‘ he records, ‘‘a flame burst out. A fire had been kindled; it blazed; then smouldered; then ceased. in the brief time of its Continued from Previous‘ Page Mr. Justice Godson notes how the Hollinger disaster shattered the First Report of Findings of the Royal Commission o Vancouver Both Directions Daily From PORQUIS JUNCTIONâ€"Westbound 6.31 p.m. From PORQUIS JUNCTIONâ€"Eastbound 1.05 p.m. North Bay Connection South, 10.45 p.m. For information as to the schedules, fares, reservaâ€" tions, etc., apply to Canadian National Agents S T. N. 0. Agents A 44. stans Nexw Ofce Phone 83 Hldg lives had been terâ€" outpouring of its Consternation folâ€" ; chagrin replaced cport Commussionâ€" The mining indusâ€" o occasion to bow it the forefront of The fire started on the 550â€"ft. level of the Hollinger Mine on Feb. 10th, with 921 It was in stope 55A which contained reâ€" fuse from the powder thaw house. smoke and poisonous gases were driven through the mine. Thirtyâ€"nine fataliâ€" ties resulted from carbon monoxide poisoning. A royal commission was appointed to enquire into the disaster, Judge F. E. Godson, of the mining court, being the commissioner, and Peter White, KC., the counsel for the commission. The commission sat at Timmins for 11. consecutive . week days, commeneing on Feb. 27th and 57 witnesses were heard here. An inâ€" spection was also made of the workâ€" ings of the mine relative to the matâ€" ter, (From Powell River Digester) Find out the kind of work you are best fitted by nature to do, then dig in and become as skilled as possible in your particular line. The less we expect from others, the less we shall be disappointed. As Commuissioner, he expressed his indebtedness to the workmen of the Hollinger Mine, to the dependents of those who lost their lives, and to the citizens of Timmins, ‘‘for the confiâ€" denee they reposed in the Commission and all associated with it, and for their deportment during the hearing."‘ The final words of the report comâ€" mencee with the quotation, **Behold how great a matter a little fire kindâ€" leth,"" and proceeds, ‘‘Out of a chaos of facts a simple lesson emerges :â€"It need not have lbeenâ€"a sad refrain, but how true and lbeyond cavil and contradiction. Let the curtain drop on what has been and rise on what it is to ‘be, thereby allowing confidence to restore itself, is my _ parting word."‘ Special reference is made in the report to the mine managers, officials and workmenâ€"‘‘all ready and anxâ€" ons a make the descentâ€"not a reâ€" Fusal; not a hesitant among themâ€"a tribute to the manhood of the North, made sturdy, strong and true by their contact with nature‘s forces and their fellowmen."‘ management and achievement, and my association with the industry, emâ€" bracing as it does the prospector who leads the way to discoveries, the bonaâ€" fide prospector who starts the prosâ€" pect on its way to development, the management which wins the ore from the rock, aided by workmen loyal and contented, is my most treasured asset."‘‘ F. P. Nelson District Passenger Agent, North Bay. All Steel Coaches Dining and Compartâ€" ment Observation Cars Tourist and Standard Sleeping Cars Montrealâ€" Officers of the Ontario Department of Game and Fisheries have seized during the past few days 89 beaver pelts, valued at $1,800, which had been illegally taken and were being shipped to the United States. Two Americans who evaded an American Game Warden on the border were caught by a Canadian officer and jailâ€" ILLEGALLY HELD BEAVER PELTS SEIZED BY OFFICERS ‘‘And so many more wonderfully courageous men, it was my privilege to ‘hear as witnesses. The mine manâ€" ager, officials and workmen, all ready and anxious to make the descent ; not a refusal, not a hesitant amongst them ; a tribute to the manhood of the North, made sturdy, strong and true by their contact with Nature‘s forces and their fellow,man.‘‘ ‘‘Geo. Pond, the foreman, who thought of his men, and not of himâ€" self. Jackson and A0l0ob at that erimtical moment is best told as Jackson gave it. Jackson said:â€"‘"My light was only a light about half an inch. Zolob put it into his lamp and fixed Ins lamp and got a light, put his pack on his back, tuok a piece of blasting stick about four feet long, and he said, ‘I go try.‘ ‘I says, ‘Giod bless you.‘ He says, Itl\ go out. Maybe I die. Maybe not.‘ 1 says, ‘Don‘t go George.‘ He says, ‘Oh yes, I go.‘ So he got up and set off down the crosseut.‘"‘ ‘‘Maybe I die. Maybe not!‘‘ Failâ€" ure means death; success, life to himâ€" self and this companions. _ The die wias cast. _ The courage was there, and Lorces, wWithout . exaggeration or boastfulness, he recited how he and his four compamons retreated from one vantage point to another, slowly and stubbornly backing away from the fumes of the doadl} gas; how he turnâ€" ed on the air and directed it against a plank to cause the current to reâ€" bound ; connected lengths of hose in an attemipt to blow the smuke away ; and how the eut his smock in four pieces and unselfishly gave his comâ€" panions each a piece to place over their mouths. Elsewhere in this issue will be found an extended review of Judge Godson‘s first report in connection with the enâ€" quiry into the Hollinger fire of Feb. 10th. In tha#t review there are very many verbatim extracts from the comâ€" nussioner‘s report. It is a document, indeed, that might well be published in its entirety but for the requirements of newspaper space. There is, howâ€" ever, one section that is so gripping in the choice of its language and so graphic in its deseriptive power that it is cherewith quoted in full:â€" *‘* And then Zolob‘s determination to break through the impenetrable barâ€" rieér of smoke and win his way to the surface. _ What took place between Jackson and Zolob at that eritical Tragic cireumstances evolve L vividdly remember Fred quietly and unostentatiously his story conflict with forces. _ Without â€" exaggera boastfulness, he recited how AERDISM OF THE MINERS MEMBERS DF NORTHERN REGALLED BY REPORT ONT. RELIEF COMMISSION Judge Godson in Graphic Words Picâ€" Commission to Handle Funds Has tures Some of the Heroes of the , Been Named by Government to Hollinger Fire. | Carry On. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIMMINS. ONTARIO They had 31 skins. quote moul reqmrements There is, howâ€" is so gripping chara € 1¢ tellin vture‘ The next regular meetinge of the town council is scheduled for Monâ€" day, June 11th, at 4 p.m. If you mind your own business, in time you may have a business of vour own to mind. From various parts of the North there come reports that a specially large number of bears are being seen this year. According to the reports, there are so many bears that they are coming into the settlements to rustle food. North Bay has named several streets as through streets in order to better handle traffic. On the streets named it will be necessary for autos entering these streets to stop at the intersections. It is expected that safety will be increased by these ‘‘stops.""‘ It would appear that if the town of Timmins and the townâ€" ship of Tisdale named the Timminsâ€" South Poreupine highway as a through road safety would also be inâ€" creased in this case. W . H. Alderson, Toronto Board of Trade; George 8. Matthews, of Brantâ€" ford, representing Western Ontario Chambers of Commerce; Jolhn Elliott, of â€" Belleville, representing Eastern Ontario Boards of Trade; Frank K. Ebbitt, of Troquois Falls, representâ€" ing Northern Ontario Associated Boards of Trade; Dr. Fred W. Routâ€" ley, Toronto, representing Ontario division, Canadian Red Cross Society ; J. J. Morrison, Toronto, representing United Farmers of Ontario, and Mrs. N. Souter, North Bay, representing the United Farm Women of Ontario. The Northern Ontario Fire Relief Committee Act of 1923 named a comâ€" mittee of 13. This act through an oversight, lapsed during statute reviâ€" sion, and was reâ€"enacted at the last session of the Ontario Legislature, when the name of the committee was changed to Northern Ontario Relief Commission, and the personnel reâ€" dueed to seven. At Toronto this week announceâ€" ment was made at the provincial parâ€" liament buildings in regard to the perâ€" sonnel of the Northern Ontario Reâ€" lief Comumission, which still has some Funds to administer. _ These funds were left from money subscribed or appropriated for fire relief purposes in the district served by the Temisâ€" kaming and Northern Ontario Railâ€" w ay. Follow COMINGâ€"‘*When a Man Loves®‘ ‘‘The Devil * Nomads of the North" BETTY BLYTHE. â€"Mountain lionsâ€"wolves â€"bearsâ€"wildcatsâ€"all the wild beasts of the forest flee before the great bush fire in this stirring tale. to seven. commission has been named as featuring IRENE RICH as the beautiful woman, and the havoc she wrought among the soldiers of a desert outpost in India. A ROMANCE THAT BLAZES WITH DESERT HEAT. Next Weekâ€"Monday and Tuesday i " The Desired Woman" : A THOUSAND THRILLING MOMENTS A great novel, a smashing stage hit, it is here now as a film masterpiece featuring Alice Terry and Ivan Petrovich FOX NEWS AND COMEDY Rex Ingram‘s greatest production since ‘‘The Four Horsemen‘‘ Goldfields Dancer‘‘ ‘‘THE MISSING LINK‘‘ and BLOOD SHIP.‘*"! " THE GARDEN OF ALLAH " James Oliver Curwood‘s thrilling tale of the backwoods To miss it, is to regret it. NEWS AND COMEDY Victor Hugo‘s IMMORTAL DRAMA â€"Exekhange gout $ ty e sa K. E. Dye .], \\' F(bgg- (+¢. 8. Lowe J . W . Wiray Shewa: ‘Podd A. W . Lantt ....0....'...... o n _A e 3 .ooooooo}ooocoooooooooooooooooooos.ooooooooooooouoooooooooooooooooo:n’u. + 28 228208228128 20. 29. .O #. .@ 9# .............A .Woo oooooooooooooooooooooo‘o‘%.o‘o‘.oou‘?o’o‘?o’u‘o‘oooooooooooooooooooaoooooooooooooooo. W . Mitehell W . 8. MacPh H. Fuke Jias. Reid ... Dr. Robson . Chas. Butler (}(‘('). Lake H. C. Gbarner gross score, hand:cap a of each.> J.W. Wray . awarded for the best best net sceore went to with Geo, Lake takine ......00....0‘0.0.....0 v.‘.â€.’.t.’..’.‘.‘ ‘t.00’000000'00..0'0‘0000000..‘.’0.0..’0’9‘\ On Viectoria Day the first golf games of the season were held, when the Timmins Club staged a Sweepstake. Uue to the big field day of the Arâ€" row Amateur Athletie Club, and other events ‘there was not such a large number of entries as usual. The folâ€" lowing are those taking part with the gross seore, handicap and net score of each, J. W. Wray won the prize awarded for the best gross score: best net score went to J. R. Todd, P as w GOLF SWEEPSTANES ON VIGTORIA DAY, MAY XTH J. W. Wray Won Prize for Best Gross Score. Best Net Went to J. R. Todd 0000000.-0‘!000000000000000000‘0“0000000000‘00030000 flO_OOQOOQQO:OOOOQOOQOO 00000000000000000000000.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000_0000000000 6000000000000000000000000"0000’00000000000000000. + #.% u. Grassett ... E. Montgomery x». OWE . wW.Wray . . Shewan R. Todd W . Lang . Sutherland Robinson A. Porter C. Garner H. Adams Opposite Goldfields Hotel TIMMINS Mitehell 8. MacPherson Dve Excavations for Cellars, Sewers, Etc Contracts of all kinds taken * Oror SIMMS, HOOKER DR INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES (Agents for Confederation Life Associai;ioh; tking second q UGr. Hap ..... 114 °27 ..... 9( â€" 19 Houses and Lots for Sale on Terms i*%2300 100 A great western romance crowded with wind actionâ€"with a great cowboy star greatest !| ! ! "The Fighting Hombre" TOM MIX in ‘"‘"THE CIRCUS ACE* REGINALD DENNY in ‘‘ON YOUR TOES‘" Wednes. Thursday, June Bob Custer ‘‘"NEWLYWEDS‘‘ Comedy ‘‘WHISPERING SMITH RIDES‘"~ A new drama of Old Spain of a girl who danced for life and love ! ‘‘GUMP‘‘ Comedy _ ‘"*ON GUARD‘‘ Chap. 4 with Lewis Stone and Barbara La Marr Monday Tuesday, June 4â€"5 There isn‘t another girl in the world likeâ€" " The Girl from Montmartre" Nothing but action in this story by Peter B. Kyne of a bunch of cowboys who discovered beauty mud on their ranch ! ! 90 9() 98 101 101 #, Phone No. 321 %. 2. .¢. .¢. .#. . % ......'.......... oooooooQooooooooooooonooooooofofvfooooooooo3030’.30303030‘030%%? Oh! Boy! Hoot‘s here again in a riot of roarin‘ action‘ J00 New Empire CONTRACTOR 07 7 C WV l.“.“.l §#4 REAL ESTATE Friday Saturday, June 1â€" EMPIRE BUILDING ‘"HAL ROACH*"" Comedy PATHE NEWS AND REVIEW 16 16 18 18 19 16 16 160 oming Attractions ce Hoot Gibson 8i 90 84 8/ OUKR policiy is to serve â€" our clients with a high resolve ’ to merit their coufiâ€" Et dence and gratified appreciation. Thursday, May 31st, 1928 h. _@_ _@_. 0. .#, .%# 0.-0[).00000000000 fl'bt’.......’.‘ 20{0 0000 a 000000000000000000000000000000% Residence : 119 Wilson Avenue Phone 785â€"J TIMMINS, ONT. PHONE 112 Residence PHONE 135 Auctioneer whirlâ€" at his