. t wl Thursday, May 31st, 1928 exquisite balance of performance qualities Orange Pekoe is something extraâ€"a special tea In clean, bright Aluminum MORE important even than the ability of your new Century Six or Eight to outâ€" perform other cars of comparable or higher price, is its faculty of holding that first fine performance over a long period. Hupmobile has built into these cars the century‘s foremost contributions to power, speed, safety and strength. Coupled with these are long life and dependability so typical of Hupmoâ€" bilpe engineering and manufacture. However you measure performance, you will be delighted with your first trial of the new Century models. Arrange now for a demonstration. 24 body and equipment|combinations, standard and custom, on each line. Six of the Century, $1815 to $2215. Century Eight, $2495 to $2895. All prices f. o. b. Windsor. The Century 125 Eight has all the advanced engineering features, the refineâ€" ments and luxury of the new Century Eight. The Timmins Garage Co. Ltd. | is good tea TWENTYâ€"FiVE YEARS OF MINING PROSPERITY HERE Attorneyâ€"General Speaks of Care Exâ€" ercised by the Press in the Matâ€" ter of Mining Stocks, Etc. "Twentyâ€"five years ago the Rossâ€" land Mines were being featured in Ontario and shortly following that came the great Cobalt devel(xpment 7 says Hon. W. H. Price, Attorneyâ€"Genâ€" eral., in the course ot an article in Timmins, Ontario. Toronto Saturday Night. â€" ‘*‘Naturâ€" ally as new mining fields there was a great deal of wildâ€"eatting. I can reâ€" member such issues as *Highland Marv‘ and ‘Silver Bird.‘ The public care exercised by the Press of Ontario.| Ontario has, not withstanding many deâ€" fects in its laws, enjoyed 25 years of unexampled industrial and mining prospertity. Probably she has done just as well as many of the American States who have ‘had * Blue Sky‘ lws. ‘*As, however, this tremendous deâ€"| velopment in Ontario, not only in mines and timber, but in many indusâ€" trial pursuits, has focussed the attenâ€" tion of our neighbors to the south and of financiers the world over, it ‘has become increasingly important that' every attempt be made by Governâ€" ments to proteet the investor. Onrl heritage is too important to be allowâ€" ed to be placed in the hands of unâ€" serupulous promoters with the counâ€" try standing idly by. ‘"*It has been shown over and over again that passing on securities is not the best way of approaching this subâ€" ject. â€" Once a Government, or a Comâ€" mission, passes a security there is the | disposition of the public to feel|{ that the investment is a sound, one. _ Anyone experienced in minâ€" ing ventures in Oniario knows that what looks to be unsound today may | Mary®‘ and ‘Silver Bird.‘ The publi« were very much exeited and specula tive interesit was intense. Through the THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO 2160 ‘‘This Act does give quite extenâ€" sive powers to the Attorneyâ€"General. lt is very much better to have it this way than to have companies and inâ€" dividuals drawn through the courts. The Aet will not be administered in a way that will interfere with the genâ€" eral carrying on of business, there will be an attempt on the part of those administering it, to ‘haveâ€"a talk with brokers and salesmen against whom complaints have been made to see if matters cannot be adjusted beâ€" fore taking extreme action. I think everyone wlll agree that no broker or salesman will he anxious to ‘have his ‘*‘In this connection it might probâ€" ably be wise to state that, notwithâ€" standing what the public might feel like thinking at the present time, the Toronto Stock Exchange and the % C3 .,WEveryMeal % U% % % U4 U ‘% % Always have the magic WRIGLEY package in your pocket. Making Your Furnace Pay Dividends Standard Mining Exchange have imâ€" proved their })OSlt-lUllb very much. Until the last year the Standard Stock Excelhange did not have its byâ€" laws in such shape as to enable it to discipline members. _ Through the suggestion of the Attorneyâ€"General‘s Department this has lbeen remedied. Probably a dozen times in ithe past six months the special committee of the Standard Stock Exchange thas disâ€" ciplined some of the members. â€" Quite recently under these new rules they suspended a member. No doubt this action on their part, which follows quite closely what is done by the New York Stock Exchange, has improved their internal position and should now be showing to the public that the Standard Stock Exchange has become one of the great mining exchanges of the world. ‘*Ontario‘s new laws for the proâ€" tection of the public have been framâ€" ed after a close survey of ‘Blue Sky‘ laws in the American States and reâ€" gulatory laws in other nations. The Ontario law attempts to regulate and control. 1t does not intend to stop investment or even speculation; one must have speculation in a new counâ€" try Jlike Ontario with inexhaustible wealth in natural resources to explore must have speculation in a new counâ€" try like Ontario with inexhaustible wealth in natural resources to explore and _ exploit.. Oneâ€" must, however, have good faith in those who are deâ€" \el()pmn and exploring. If we can attain that reputation not only before ourselves, but before the world, we need not worry about the material prosperity of our Province, nor our reputation citizens before the world."" FIRST CAR THROUGH TO HAILEYBURY FROM SOUTH There is always interest in those who came first in anything, and there will be especial attention given to those who were first to use the Ferâ€" guson highway this season from North Bay to Haileybury. The story of the first two ears to make the trip through is given in the last issue of The Haileyvburian as follows :â€"â€" ‘‘Friday last, May 18th, saw the opening of the tourist traffic over the Ferguson Highway for this season whenâ€"at least two ears came through from North Bay. Both partiee which made the first trip of the season over the new highway were from points in the Western States, and although they had some difficulty in one or two places owing to the flooding of the road, found the going no so bad as might have been expected. ‘""At two points in particular, it is reported, the roadway thas been at least partly flooded with the excepâ€" tionally high water. These are at Goward, where a small lake is bridgâ€" ed, and at Latehford, where the Monâ€" treal River almost reached the top of the dam has gone down to some extent now, in common with most of the other sections where the floods have ‘been bad. It is generally exâ€" pected that travelling over the highâ€" way will be fairly good before the end of the month."‘ Toronto Mail Empire:â€"Fiftyâ€"six postmasters have been dismissed for theft from the department, but the letter carrier who steals a letter goes to the penitentiary for three years. and no mitigating cireumstances can save ‘him from it. * ; PA will |give it. You need it after the heavy foods of Winter â€" the crisp, crunc thoroughly baked shreds of whole wheat TRISCUIT â€" a crisp,crunchy wafer Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd, Strength for spring days Automatic O1r HEaTING Designed to burn the heaviest domestic fuel oil. Reduced prices and deferred payments make it needless for you to longer dispense with the modern necessity of oil heating. A marvel of mechanical perfection, the New Models are built to a standard of precision from which there is no appeal. does! Let alone the time saved in relieving you from the most burdenâ€" some of all household tasks, the Fess H. M. pays big dividends in health and comfort. THAT’S exactly what the Fess H. M. (GGoldfields Block, Pine St., Timmins Store 308 â€" Phones â€" Residence 243 FESS OIL BURNERS OF CANADA TORONT O LIMITED MONTERE AL T he and stop one DOUGLAS WRIGHT FLIEG TO GEM LAKE PROPERTY Properties Favourably Reported on. Extensive Development Being Carried Forward Following receipt of official inforâ€" mation regarding the optimistic reâ€" ports received from the property of Gtem Lake Mineés, Limited, Douglas G. M. Wright, of the firm of Wright Boydell, left last week by train from Toronto for the property. Mr. Wright went from Winnipeg by plane, and was on the property the early part of this week. Dr.â€"J. Boydell joined Mr. Wright, and they will conduct an exhaustive examinaâ€" tion of the recent discoveries during the next two weeks. Lt will be remembered that recently when Toronto and Winnipeg interests purchased the Gem Lake properties, these properties were examined and favourably 1'0}»()1'1011 upon, on behalt of the purdhasing syndicate by Mr. Douglas Wright, .nul on behalf of N. A. Timmins, Incorporated, who hold a substantial interest in the property, by Mr. Cyril Greenland. (Giem Lake Mines is amply financed to carry, the developments of this proâ€" perty to a point _ where the recomâ€" mendation for a mill is advisable. The developments of the last three weeks since the breakâ€"up ‘have been concentrated toward finding the posâ€" sible extension of the main ore zone to the east. This zone has been stripâ€" ped at intervals over a width of 150 feet for a length of 1000 feet and has now been found by recent discoverâ€" ies reported by Mr. Harry L. Donaldâ€" son, mine manager, to extend over 2,â€" 000 feet eastward. In addition to this many veins lying parallel to the main showing have been discovered and detarls as to the values will be available during the next two weeks. SINKING ON POTTERDOAL NOW TO DEPTH OF 175 FPEET Shaft sinking at the Potterdoal has reached a depth of about 175 feet., A level will be established at 225 feet and a crosscut run to the vein, which should be reached quickly. The inâ€" cline shaft, which was put down on this vein, reached a depth of 120 feet and R. 8. Potter, a director, tells The Northern Miner that massive sulâ€" phides fairly high in copper content were had practically all the way down, and as the results were particuâ€" larly good at the ‘bottom of the shafl‘t he is quite hopeful of results of next month‘s cerosseut at 100 feet greater depth. It is the intention to hand sink a shaft about 100 feet deep on the galena showing, a mile away A test pit 26 feet deep was put down. At surface the best part of the vein was only three inches wide, but at the botâ€" tom of the pit, Mr. Potter says, it had widened to 14 inches, carrying 80% lead, five ounces of silver and a little gold, and with a further two foot width of low grade. Dallas News:â€"â€"A model marriage is one where the wife is a treasure and the husband a treasury. cent discovery veeks. membered tha and Winnipeg Gein Lake p esc were exam "Actually the Most V alue" iat recently eg anterests properties,