m .“ m » » a \\ x \\ “ b \\ b “ y .\ % " b “ » a s \ \ill *4 o s s s i o s o n io n n n in in ib inb ib ib 15 i5 15 15 5 15 15 5 1515 45 5 6 56â€"3 .. .. 0. 2 PORCUPINE FEED TRANSFER #* #. #4 # 4# #*4, *# # Cns # + *# # #4 # *° "® %* *# # #*4 *# # #4*4 #4 *# *#* @ + #* # #*# #* #* #4 * # #* # # #* #4 ¢, ¢ #* 4 # ##4 # + #4 *# * #+ *# # #4 #4 # + #* #4 t# * # *4 %4 #* # # ## # # Cand ## # # ## + + ## #4 #4 *me w# e For Best Values Phone 88, South Porcupine, Ont. UAE * * * * t * * * * * * * * 555 * 4*S 4* *3 3 4 45 i5 55 i $ 4 3 5 § QUALITY Our cartage service is the best and our price is right A full stock of dependable Harness all hand made (only No. 1 leather used) Collars, Blankets, Storm Covers. Beat our price if you can. Complete line of Fullâ€"Oâ€"Pep Poultry Feed and Quaker Dairy Ration Agents for:â€"Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Gilson Mfg. Co. Ltd., See the Gilson Parlour Furnace and Electric Washer before you buy. Thursday, May 3rd, ' Owing to the marvelâ€" L a d 1e$ ! lous success of this big special offer last week, we have made arrangements so that you have another opportunity to secure these souvenir sets Good Only May 4th â€" 5th Mail Orders Accepted Add 35¢ for Postage (Reâ€"decorated and with New Equipment) t A Burke‘s Drug Store Timmins, Ont. . .% .t. 8. .4. t s t c n N s ut t uns sn 2*2ad* C.:.:.Q.....‘0‘.’0’0".’.‘.’."’0 s *% .‘....'0.:‘.‘0...’.. in Ontario Bowling, Billiards, Cigars, Etc. <â€"â€"OPEN TO ALL â€" BEST ALLEY IN THE NORTH Coal, Wood, Ice, Feed Transfer Harness and Repairs Mcintyre Recreation Hall SCHUMACHER Sn of genuine Exceptionnel Beauty Products ¢, ..........."... 600000"000000000000000000000000000000000000000ooooooooo. Vivani Vivani Vivani Vivani Vivani Vivani Vivani Vivani Vivani Vivani After the distribution of complete sets all the individual items will be on sale at the above prices Each Set Contains the Following Ten Full Size Exquisite Toiletries Nationâ€" ally Advertised at the Prices Listed Below. Exceptionnel Face ... Exceptionnel Tissue Cream........ Exceptionnel Rouge (Waterproof) Exceptionnel Deodorant........... Exceptionnel Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Exceptionnel Toilet Water......... Exceptionnel Skin Whitener ... Exceptionnel Perfume ............ Exceptionnel Bath Salts........... Exceptionnel Brilliantine.......... AGONDA AT KAMISNOTMA HAS GOOD POSSIBILITIES Annual Meeting at Ottawa Hears Favouszable Reports on Kamisâ€" kotia Property. The annual meeting of the Aconda Mines was held at Ottawa on Thursâ€" day last. A large number of shareholdâ€" ers were present and according to the despatches last week the reports and other proceedings were considered as very satisfactory. Mr. D. B. Rochesâ€" ter, the president, gave a comprehenâ€" sive statement of the activities of the company from the trme of its incorâ€" poration, and presented reports, inâ€" cluding the balance sheets and finanâ€" cial statements, which were unantâ€" mously accepted. These showed that the company had on hand on the 31st of â€"March of this year $91,270.56 and that with the stock unsold in the treasury the company was in a strong treasury the company was in a sLtTOnsd financial position. Dr. Armstrong, the consulting enâ€" vineer of the company, was questionâ€" ed as to the possibilities of developing commercial ore bodies in the showings that were now being drilled at Kamâ€" iskotia. This question brought from Dr. Armstrong the following interestâ€" ing statement: ‘‘They are good. Out of the 13 exâ€" ploratory holes drilled, six indicate ore â€" mineralization, namely copper, zinc, gold, mineralized some of them over commercial widths. These ore sections occur as replacements within forty feet of disseminated and masâ€" sive pyrite or iron sulphides which has been traced by our drilling for a length of nearly 500 feet and which probably will ‘be found to be longer. All of the six or seven showings of ore which we trenched last Fall die within this zone. We know that we have structural conditions favourable to ore_â€" depositions. _ Our surface trenching and diamond drilling has shown the presence of ore of comâ€" mercial grade. With these two esâ€" sential â€" conditions fulfilled we feel sanguine and further explorations afâ€" ter the snow goes off we feel will meet with success."‘ Another question was asked to the effect of ‘‘How many claims in this THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO NAME ... ADDRESS Bring This Certificate With You Extra Coupons may be secured at the store Nationally Advertised in Saturday Evening Post, Harper‘s Bazaar, ete., to retail for a total of $10. Yours for the Gift Certificate beâ€" low and a small service charge of : $1.00 1.00 group have been thoroughly prospectâ€" ed so far?"‘ and Dr. Armstrong reâ€" plied : * Only four of the twentyâ€"one claims in this group ‘have been prospected and these not thoroughly, as the comâ€" pany did not option this group until late last fall, that is, only a few weeks before the snow came. It will be our first task immediately the ground is bare to intensively prospect the whole group. _ It is quite probable that furâ€" ther surface discoveries will be made as the number of diabase dykes with which the ore appears to be associâ€" ated cross the property."‘ The results of holes 13 and 14, which had not been previously reportâ€" ed, were given. No. 13 hole gave asâ€" says in gold, copper and zinc, of $3.25 over eight feet, $3.32 over five feet, $9.06 over 2% feet, and $15.30 over 14 feet, while hole No. 14 gave $8.20 over three feet, $26.50 over 1% feet, $7.98 over 3%4 feet and $12.80 over five feet. The results of these drills give a mineralized section over 150 feet in length of very encouraging reâ€" over eghnt fTeel $9.06 over 24 1%4 feet, while over three feet $7.98 over 3V%2 five feet. The g1Vve a feet in sults. The former directors, 1 Rochester, 8. 8. Holden, Gillivray, . E. Ryan, F. Joseph MeDonough and ( Logan were unanimously ANNUAL MEETING LAST WEEK OF HILL TOP MINE 3 The annual meeting of the Hillâ€" top (Gold Mines was held at Toronâ€" to last week. This property is an amailganation of the Kennedy Bosâ€" ton (¢iold Mines and the Douglas and Thorburn veteran claims, and is situâ€" ated in Catharine township about three miles from Boston Creek. There is a good mining plant on the property and considerable work has been done. The reports given to the shareâ€" holders of Hilltop Gold Mines, Limitâ€" ed, at the annual meeting were subâ€" stantially the same as those previousâ€" 15 1.25 15 2.175 .50 .50 ly mailed to them with the notice of the meeting. _ _ The mine was closed down during the last five months of 1927, said President A. M. Woolâ€" nough, but during September, Octoâ€" ber _ and November enough money was paid into the treasury to enable operations to be resumed. Outstandâ€" ing accounts were paid and an elecâ€" trical plant eapable of sinking to .9 7 NOTHING ELSE â€"‘TO Positively Only One Set to Customer Come Early PAY namelyv D VÂ¥ harles McD reâ€"elected. y 1. B A. Mac ** ' ?ff#}l?ffff???}fvffffv...tu}ff.}f?u..uzu.....fffff.x..i?ffffffffffï¬cï¬ff?x Now open for business at J. T. Hefferâ€" nan‘s Store, 46 Third Avenue, Timmins ## *4 #. *# *4 ##4 # # #4* * # #* ## # # #*4 *# # #* o +# #4 *# # #* #* ... e * * # + ## # # #4 # + #* # 4 *#* # LJ #* *#* #* #@ + #* #*# *# # #* * .. * +# #* *# < #* ## #4 # # #* # # ## ## # # #* # *s .® * "*.**s #* # # #* # a #* # # #* *# + ## * « #4 # # ## # # #4 #® # C #* * * 1,500 feet or lower was purchased Installation was completed on Mare 3lst and the work of pumping ou the mine started immediately. Th: was completed on Wednesday of las week, and further shaft sinking wa commenced, with a depth of 1,00 feet as the objective. The followin commenced, with a depth of 1,00f feet as the objective. The followin; were elected as directors for the en suing year: A. M. Woolnough, A. C Thorburn,., G. Tough, B. H. Birkei Thorburn, G. Tough, E. H. Birkett and A. J. Young. â€" These directors are the same as for last year, with the exception that E. H. Birkett takes the place of G. Wilkie. NIPISSING FISH AND GAME CLUB FORMED AT NORTH BAY Last week at North Bay, the Nipisâ€" sing Fish and Game Protective Asâ€" sociation was formed, and H. B. Valin elected president and 8. Richardson, secretaryâ€"treasurer. The purposes of the association are to see to the enforeement of the regulaâ€" tions regarding fish and game, and also for the organized observation of the habits, propagation ard seasons of all fish, game and birds, and from knowledge so obtained, the suggestâ€" ing to the authoritiee of the best means of providing for their increase and preservation. STILL PAYS DIVIDENDS AFTER HALF A CENTURY In view of the discussion recently at the annual meeting and elsewhere in regcard to Dome having two more vyears of life, the following from The Lnomemnur dlld Mining Jmmml says : be of interest. It refers to the famâ€" ous Homestake Mine in South Dakota. the Homestake in the Black Hills the end on more than one ucwwinn, according to the pessimists, but it is still going strong,â€"stronger than ever it would appear, and its end is still _going strong,â€"â€"stronger. than ever it would appear, and its end is as far away as it was four. years ago. Cobalt, it will be remembered, has been in sight of the end so often that people do mnot pay much attention to that sort of thing any more. In touching on the Homestake ease, The Engineering and Mining Jounal says: CA good mine dies hard. About four years ago it was whispered that the Hometake in the Black Hills of South Dakota, which had been paying dividends almost continuously since 1875, had become ‘‘a liquidating proâ€" position.‘‘ It took no elaborate calâ€" culation to discover, on the basis of published ore reserves, that at the then eurrent rate of production only suflicient ore remained to last for 111 more years. The price of t'hcl shares dropped to $35 in the summer of 1924, though in that year the comâ€" pany increased its dividends from $6 per year to $7, since maintaimed. That made«a nice yield, as any pres nc ts ts 1. e .2 un mm mss ue en entâ€"day Wall Street operator would readily admitâ€"something better than 20 per cent. on one‘s money. ‘‘Now comes the best Homestake report in years. _ Based on current production, the mine still boasts of 1114 years‘ ore reserves, as four years azo, though the actual tonnage is little less. The profits made by the 1114 years‘ ore reserves, as four years azo, though the actual tonnage is a little less. The profits made by the company in 1927 rose considerably â€" because the grade of ore treated inâ€" creased to $41.87 per ton, compared with only $4.10 last year, and from $3.0606 to $3.87 for the three years beâ€" fore that. No comment is made in the report as to whether the increased grade can be maintained or not; if so â€"if $4.87 is anything like the grade of the fifteenâ€"odd million tons of ore that remain in the mineâ€"the stockâ€" holders are a good deal better off than they had any right to expect. Some companies hold back information in their effort to keep bad news to themâ€" selves ; }\ would appear that the Homestake leans over backward in its conservatism, and prefers an occeasionâ€" al pleasant surprise for its stockholdâ€" town council is scheduled for day, May 14th, commencing .m The next regular meeting of anies Nnold DACK InIFoOoTInd4llol i1 eff(ï¬t to keep bad news to themâ€" : ib would appear that the JE THAT IT HAS BEEN SOLO FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS AND IS TOâ€"DAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVER BEFORE IS A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR IT8 NUMEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIES. are pro ly relieved by THOMAS‘ EC ECTRIC OIL the best Homestake Based on current mine still boasts of Watchmaking and Jeweller Phonograph Repairing All Work Guaranteed Internal and External Pains are promptly relieved by _ 4 »duiled for Mon at 4 â€"Rheumatic or Otherwise It was a highâ€"class pharmacist who saw â€" prescription after preseription fail to help hundreds of his customers to get rid of rheumatic swellings and stiff, inflamed joints. And it was this same man who asâ€" serted that a remedy could and would be compounded that would make creaky, â€" swollen, â€" tormented _ joints work with just as much smoothness as they ever did. Says: ‘‘When Gets inâ€" Joint Agony Gets Out.‘‘ Now â€" this preseription, _ rightly named Jointâ€"Ease, after being tested successfully on many obstinate cases, is offered through progressive pharâ€" macists to the millions of people who suffer from ailing joints that need limbering up. Swollen, â€"twingy, â€" inflamed, stiff, painâ€"tormented joints are usually caused by rhenumatism, but whatever the cause Jointâ€"Ease soaks right in, through skin and flesh and gets right to and corrects the trouble at its source. Remember Jointâ€"Ease is for ailâ€" ments of the joints, whether in ankle, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, spine or finger, and when you rub it on, you may expect speedy and gratifying reâ€" sults. It is now on ind druggists 1 tube. According to reports from Matheâ€" son the Blue Quartz Mine near there made a very lucky find recently and this has stirred up many who have claims in the vicinity to plan work on the properties. (Pilsworth‘s Old Stand) South Porcupine 1 Croz'pn Corks free with each tin Stiff, Swollen Joints SAVE MONEY Our pure malt extract with its flavour guarantee good results It‘s easy to make â€"â€" you can 1 go wrong. i1 you follow the simple instructions that come with A 214 Ib. 54 makes > gallo and costs $1.40 Buy a tin toâ€"day from your or wnite to SPECIAL For a Limited Time Only ST Reg. 65¢c. while they last 2 for 75c¢. LAWRENCE PRESERVING CY quUuEBEC. oUt mte s South End Pharmacy APEX RECORDS ALL NEW :t;;l;;k'cl § gallons, or 100 glasses 18 FRONWT STRCET CAaST TOROMTC . CA T NETTELFIELDOD CO sale at Moisley Ball very where for 60 cents and make your own beer its hop grocer or druggist