tourists. Indeed, unless such a belt line of roads is bult, this part of the North need not hope to have anything like its due share of the tourist trade that will come to see the great North. Men who travel five hundred muiles on the one road do not care to turn avround and make the same route again very small proportion of the tourists who came as far as Cobalt or New Lisâ€" keard last year followed the highway to Timmins, Cochrane and Iroquois Falls. The belt line of roads would hold out the attraction of new country to be viewed all through their tour of the North. The cost of such a belt line would be very small in comparison to the assured advantages. A gentleman who imagined he was sarcastic asked The Advance recently if there were to be more articles about the belt line idea of roads for this North. â€" This gentleman is not really sareastic, as he thinks, but simply shortâ€" sighted. The proposed belt line of roads would open up a wonderful new country. rich in timber, scenery, fish, game, minerals and other wealth and beauty. It would bind the important centres of the North Land more elosely together. It would more than double the attraction of the North Land for tourists. Indeed, unless such a belt line of roads is bult, this part of the North need not hope to have anything like its due share of the tourist trade that will come to see the great North. Men who travel five hundred miles would be very small in comparison to judges pretend to think, then the law relteves women from all possibility of prosecution for any of the items in the criminal code where ‘‘any person"‘ is set out as lialble for penalties, but not a word is said about women. And even the Supreme Court would not ‘be supremely silly enough to go that far. The attempt of the Supreme Court judges to suggest that Sir John A. Maeâ€" donald and his confreres did not include women in their ideas of a **+person"‘ is particularly unjust. Those gallant gentlement were very ready to admit that the ladies were all most personable. <If the British North America Ace can be construed, even by Supreme Court judges, to leave the impression that women are not persons, the act should be amended to be sensible in this age of the world. If the Government does not want women to sit in the Senate, the Cabinet should have courage enough to say so, and amend the act to read that only male persons, on their father‘s side, are eligible, and that all women who are females and the mothers and sisters of *‘ be debarred. â€" If women were so deficient as the learned judgment would appear to suggest, the only proper place for them would be on the Supreme Court bench,â€"when Even if they do it onee they are not likelyv WHEN SOUTH PORCUPINE WAS FLOODED IN 1913 act suech The North Bay Nugget this week reproduces the following paragraph {rom The Nugget files of April 25th, 1913, which will be of interest, espeâ€" cially to South Poreupine people, who are this year again troubled by floods, for the first time in some years :â€"â€" «No train service has been run inâ€" to Timmins since Monday on accoun! of the high water in Poreupine la%e and river. From all appearances the train service will not be resumed until tomorrow. The water is now at the highest point ever known in the disâ€" triet and does not show any signs of receding. In South Poreupine apâ€" proximately 75 houses and places of business are partially under water.‘‘ of a section of the Britis supervision OT The disposal plant and olher works DeTore he takes up his new duties, and it would appear that if his services could be retained in an advisory capacity for the future this town would be advantaged by failure to remain at the scene of the accident to render all possible assisâ€" tance, or for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. It is also noted that a driver is liable to two years‘ imprisonment if in charge of an automobile, if by wanton or furious driving or racing or by other wilful misconduct, or by wilful neglect he causes any bodily harm to any Surely no driver wishes to kill or injure anyone, or even to lose his license. Aceordingly, all drivers should drive carefully and with consideration for others so that their minds may be free from remorse inâ€"case an accident does oceur. that only male persons, 0 who are females and the women were so deficient the only proper place for they grow old. 1 T There will be general regret in town at the announcement that Mr. C, R.| Murdock, town engineer, has resigned, and is leaving shortly for Kapuskasing to be town engineer and townsite manager at that wonderful new town. Al here will congratulate Kapuskasing on securing the services of an official like Mr. Murdock. He has given efficient, loyal and talented service to '['im-g mins, and is one of the very finest types of citizen. In Timmins he carned| many times his salary by his knowledge, experience, skill and loyalty to the| town‘s interests. The council here is planning to have him complete thei supervision of the disposal plant construction and other works before he takosi up his new duties, and it would appear that if his services could be retained| TIMMINS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 26TH, 1928 Mr. Jos. McDermott, of Cobalt, spent the weekâ€"end in town. If a man were actually to come Constable at Cochrane in OQctober ct for perpury 2 © Op what have von i for perjury iter we Thursday, April 26th, 1923 Merchants in Timmins who reeently nes MacePhail IULGS iterested in at Allento Canada Office 26 ording to re returnt 4n Member of the Canadiin Weekly Newspapers Association Published Every Thursiay by O W II e Yorrupine Advante decision of the Supreme Court in regard to the meaning to come alon Jollowin Subscription Kates : $2.00 per year United States _ â€" $3.00 per year worthl| TIMMINS3, ONTARIO. by the banks on whi Telephones n reportl( 19 The bank McIntyre Porcupine Mines, Limited (No Personal Ligbhility) DIVIDEND NO. 38 Notice is hereby given that a diviâ€" dend of five per ecent. (5%) on the issued Capital Stock of the Company will be paid on the lIst day of June, 1928, to shareholders of reeord at the close of business on May I1st, 1928. Bx order of the Board, Mr. Fred Hall, Sr., and sons, of South Poreupine, have completed a successful season‘s trapping in the Hoyle district. . They made their headquarters at Mr. Chas. Dawson‘s camp, and Mr. Dawson speaks very higechlyvy of them los to recommend it to others. Only a ‘ame as far as Cobalt or New Iasâ€" Timmins, Cochrane and Iroquois would the authorities prosecute him and swear that he killed Inspector money being displaye O#wner and Publisher Treasurer oronto, April 19t»h, 192 they were drawn, may no soupi we ceashin Advance recently of roads for this but simply shortâ€" a wonderful new other wealth and .and more elosely ) North Land for Residerrse 70 cheques that 111 a restau cash no Teyaro| . sc 30 S oo k C e y d a e it. they| PARENTS PAY FINES FOR ‘ O‘ wWRONG DONE BY YOUNGSTERS 21\‘ ,t Juvenile court here this week Avo‘\ boys were charged. with thefts {nmn a local store. _ The boys had been in previous trouble of somewhat |similar character, and it was decided | to impose a fine of $10.00 and costs leach upon the p#@rents, the idea no | doubt being that this might speed up | the parents to look after the lads | more carefully than in the past. |_WMr. W. H. Kearney, for some years |\ s\ charge of the Curtis Optical Co. Hmsmvs\ at Timmins, has left to take up residence in llalle_\bur. . The deâ€" | parture of Mr. Kearney will be viewâ€" | ed here with general regret, especially in musical circles. Mr. l\onno} is \not only a talented pianist and a musictan of marked: ability ‘but he has been specially generous with his [t is understood that the Qusbee Liquor Commussion is making arâ€" rangements at present to open a liquor store in Rouyn. _ The necesâ€" sary provision for opening a liquor store in Rouyn, which is a: mining camp, was made a years or so ago, it is said. With a liquor store at Kirkâ€" land Lake, which is also a mining camp, the people of Rouyn and the Quebec authorities no doubt feel thati it is not out of place to establish a Quebec liquor store in Rouyn, Quebec THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO INDEX FINGER CRUSHED IN THE GEARS OF MACHINE. GIFTED MUSICIAN LEAVES TO RESIDE IN HAILEYBURY Ir. J. T. Cuthbertson, one of the )ldâ€"time diamond drill experts of the Porcupine, is carrying his left arm in a sling due to an accident that hapâ€" pened â€" recently. While _ working around one of the drills recently his hand was drawn into one of the gears, the index finger lbeing torn off and the rest of his ‘hand slightly injured. It was necessary to amputate the index finger, ‘but the rest of the hand was not seriously hurt, and the injured hand is now well on the way to reâ€" covery. services and abtlhity and his interest in musical matters has been a distinet advantage to the town as wellias makâ€" inz him hosts of friends here. C. ARNOTT TAKES FIRST PLACE IN THE AVERAGES Heggart .. MeDonald . 8. MeMillan M. MeMuilla MceDougall Tomkinson Dearden Angelo IHeid:..; ; 10‘ 0) ""___ weans "heBest _ Tonkin Arnott ;. .3 . Totals=";... 4 /s Timmins wins I‘c ) tal § One of Canada‘s Leading Life Insurance Companies wants a whole time representative in Timmins and district. He must have integrity and the respect of the community, plus salesmanship ability. The Company gives him a free course on Salesmanship, and continuous competent instruction. No other business, without capital invested, gives the same opportunity for financial success to a man willing to pay the price in hard work. Applicant must give complete informaâ€" tion about himself in a letter asking for an interview. Box AB., Porcupine Advance, Timmins M.R.C.S., Eng. SURGEON Consultation by Appointment Office : 6 Marshall Block, ..... IlPD 018 SCHUMACHER TIMMINS P A MAN WANTED 206 206 177 328 1068 196 1030 196 190 193 611 710 604 614 184 300 3073 FFTH ARNUAL BANQUET YOUNE PEOPLES Young People of United Chur¢h Enjoy Very Delightful Evening at Event This Week. / The fifth annual banquet of the Young People‘s Society of the United Church, Timmins, was held on Tuesâ€" day evening in the church basement. The supper provided by the Ladies‘ Aid was a very pleasing one and greatly appreciated. After the supper an unusually inâ€" teresting programme of music and toasts was presented and much enâ€" joyed. There was a good attendance of members of the Y.P.S8., and their friends. Rev. J. D. Parks was toastâ€" master for the occasion, carrying that office with this usual wit and diploâ€" macy. The toast list was a pleasing one,| _ the speeches proposing and 1,, ing to the several toasts all being very| j “.If,- {{‘L*\ 1:_,,1-.‘\{).{?_‘ interesting and many witty and huâ€" \") \tf)ll(‘nrl)n:nl‘ill? IH)‘ morous touches being given. _ Comâ€" Bi 1«; ienss munity singing also featured the evenâ€", e ing, the pm'o-di(fs on some of the memâ€" 5 RrOOMED APARTM bers of the society meeting favour. The following was the list of toasts :â€"*‘‘The King,"" proposed by Mr. D. Twaddle, and responded to the singing of the National Anthem; â€" The Visitors, proposed by Miss W. (GARAGE FOR REN In neeé locality. A Apply after 7 p.m. lock street. â€" Famili need not apply. James, responded to by Mr. W. storage or public Swain; The President, proposed by| for about 10 cars. Mr. R.â€" Dunibar, reponded to ‘by Mr.) hise Livery. Apply K. Donahue; The Ladies, proposed by South or 53 Kirby 4 Mr. M. Johnson, reponded to by Miss: M. Wilsony The Men, proposed hylS'l‘AXl)AHD HOTEL Miss GHladys Hughes, responded to by| â€" Twentyâ€" rooms, A feature of the evening was the excellent music by the orchestra, Miss S. Payne, and Messrs D. and S. Payne! and H. DeMille. Another instruâ€" mental number particularly appreâ€" ciated was the violin solo by M mter' The piano solos by I\Il\\ D. Horwitz. Anne Sceott and Mrs. J. W. Palthful were talented numbers that delwhted all. Mr. G. A. Reid‘s vocal so]o was a treat to all and was greatly appre-- ciated. Monologues by Mr. J. Ralph added to the interest of the evening: and were enjoyed by alll. An outâ€" standing number~ on the programme! P.C." Box Timmins, Ont. *L7t.f. to 1265, TO _ RENTâ€"Niceâ€"large room with kitchenette. iences. children. furnished All convenâ€" Suitable for couple with no Apply to 35 Wilson Ave. â€"~17p. | HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"78 Maple St. Southâ€"Small house, all conveniâ€" ences, furnace with hot water tank, hardwood floors, fireplace, attractive sun porch. Apply F. J. Kehoe, Room 2, Homer L. Gbson Bldg. 9. 0 Magistrate Tucker, of Cochrane, will preside at police court here again on Saturday of this week. standing number~ on the programme was the saxaphone solo by Mr. H. Deâ€" Mille. The event was concluded by the singing of the Y.P.S. fgvourite song, **Follow the GHeam."*" Kingston Hotel Firstâ€"class dining room service. All White Help $8.00 for Meal Ticket of 21 Meals Weekly rates $10.50 and $12.00 Comfortable Clean Rooms Where Travellers and Tourists Make Their "Home" in Timmins Fine Meals | FURNISHED OFFICE TO LETâ€" | _ _ With services of stenographer. |\__Apply to 8. C. Platus, Reed Block. | «17â€"10, THREEâ€"ROOMED FLAT FOR RENT _Apply at 11 Cedar St. South. â€"17p YTTVS YOA SMTOLILMYV LNMH YOA In the Matter of the Estate of Jasâ€" per Webb, late of the Town of Timâ€" mins, in the District of Cochrane, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all perâ€" sons having any claims or demands against the late Jasper Webb, who died on or about Twentyâ€"second day of January, 1928, at the Town of Timâ€" mins, in the Province of Ontario, are required to send, post prepaid, or to deliver to the unrdersigned, solicitor for Sarah Webb, Executrix of the Estate of the said Jasper Webb, their OFPFICES TO RENXNTâ€"In Canadian Bank of Commercee Block. Apply _â€"to the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Titmmins. ~17 TO LETâ€"Store with sixâ€"room living apartment Al condition, all conâ€" veniences. â€"â€" For further informaâ€" tion apply to Box M.M., Advance Office. ~TAt.€:. names, addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and stateâ€" ments of their accounts and the naâ€" ture of the securties held by them, if any. And take notice that after the Twelfth day of May, A.D. 1928, the said Sarah Webb will proceed to disâ€" tribute the assets of the said Estate among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, and that the said Sarah Webb will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person whose claim she shall not then have received notice. Dated at Timmins, ths Twentyâ€" third day of April, A.D. 1928. WILLIA M O,. LANGDON, POR _ RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed good location. _ Apply to 21 St. N. POR RENTâ€"Twoâ€"roomed shack at 125 Commercial Ave. Apply to T. A. MacDonald, Homer L. Gibson Blds. ~10â€"17 Solicitor for Sarah Webb, Executrix ~17â€"10 FOR RENTâ€"SNixâ€"roomed house with all conveniences. â€" Centrally located Apply to 144 Kirby Ave. s â€"17p NEW TRANSFERâ€"1 Spruce street Stove wood for sale. Fozr transfe service or for stove wood, phone 6A47. J. Lapalme. ~46â€"47p.t.f. THREEâ€"ROOMED RENTâ€"Located North. Apply | Timmins. [HREE â€" ROOMED FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT.â€"Apply to, B. F. Lennan, 60 Elm St. north, corâ€" ner Elm Broadwavy. 15tt. HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"T78 Maple St. Southâ€"Small house, all conveniâ€" ences, furnace with hot water tank, hardwood floors, fireplace, attractive sun porch. Apply F. J. Kehoe, O RENXTâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed â€" furnished house. _ Has water, and centrally located. Apply to 81 Birch St. South. â€"~17p TO RENTâ€"FIVE ACKE FARM all well fenced and cleared ; good loam soil; equipped with (rood farm imâ€" plements. _ Will rent for summer season for $100. . Apply to Geo. Noseworthy, end of Laurier ave, across creoek. 15â€"17p Apply after 7 lock street. F need not apply i0OO0O MED APARTMENT TO RENT In nmieé locality. All conveniences. Apply after 7 p.m. to No. 6 Hemâ€" lock street. Families with children need not apply. â€"15p storage or public gari for about 10 cars. ./c bise Livery. Apply to South or 53 Kirhy Ave ‘W â€" FOR RENTâ€"â€"At 5 Third Ave.; ready for oecupanâ€" ‘y on May lst; reasonable rent. Apply~at‘above address. )VL WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Reasonâ€" ‘e price. â€" Also fourâ€"foot wood €urnace. Apply to H. Charleâ€" T04%Cedar~8St."North, Phone 41t.f. Located . 101 Apply | to :P.0O HOUSE 101 â€" Ceda: [â€"â€"Suitable for arage. Rooin Next to Hurtuâ€" to T Cedar 8t (Gbson Bldg. â€"17p ERE / a â€" house; 202 Spruce Box 1096, FOR SALEâ€"Oneâ€"ton Chevrole small imleage, good as new,. to 74 Fifth Ave. FOR SALEâ€"Orthophoniec victrolas at $115.00. Terms, $10 cash and $9 monthly. Apply at J. T. Hefferâ€" nan, 46 Third Ave. ~47t.f. HOUSEHOLD â€" FURNITURE FOR SALEâ€"Apply to 72 Birch street, south, after 6 p.m. â€" . â€"l17p POR â€" SALEâ€"One bed, ons FOR SALEâ€"60â€"F ator. Like n Will sell for $1 ROOMS TO RENTâ€"â€"All conveniences, Apply to Miss W. C. Brewer 113 Birch St., South. â€"~17p FOR _ SALEâ€"DeForestâ€"Crosley dio. $50.00 complete. _ Apply 172 Spruce St. North, _ POR SALEâ€"A ligh for delivery work Derasp, or G. T. CJ Ave. FPOR SALEâ€"Piano and chesterfield â€" Apply to 153 Maple St. North. â€"17; POR SALE POR SALEâ€"Pian Quebee he; ater, st erib, baby‘s co Apply to 95 Thir ROOM TO RENTâ€" Apply Mrs. Geil or phone 42W . HOUSE FOR SALKâ€"H and bath, with hot an« SEVENXâ€"ROOMED â€" â€" HOUSI SALE; conveniences up atr stairs: cellar; firstâ€"class c ROOMS FOR RENT INX PRIVATE HOMEâ€"All conveniences. Can be two in each room if preferred. Apâ€" ply to 11 Elm St. North. ~16ip STENOGRAPHER WANTsSs POST TIONX. _ Has Business College [ ploma, and some experience., Phon« 476.J., Timmins. [ 17 2. l“()“ SAIJ' fine males IEc. 1J POIj FPOR SALEâ€"Good Jack Pine taken From river last fall. Have stove lengths of 14 and 16 inches. Also 20 inch at $4.25 and 24 inch at $4.50 per cord. Apply at 77 Wilson Ave. or phone 683 W . 17â€"19p. FOR SALE CHEAPâ€"1 Hobart EB tric meat chopper, 1 horse pow 1 cheese cutter, 1 meat block, 1 frigerator, 2 counters, one lot shelving. Apply to The Fan (Grocery, Phone 573, or Box 1 Timmins. ~1¢ POR SALEâ€"‘ corner lot; h bath; furna« éte. ~Cash C Fifth avenue ROOMS TO REXTâ€"Clean POR SALI white I1ri FOR SALEâ€"2 white iron Simmons bed springs and one mattress, dressâ€" ing table, sliding couch and 6 kitâ€" chen chairs, 4 piece wicker set and WORK WANTEDâ€"By day or hour. Will do washing at home or go out. Will do nursing also. Apply to Mrs. Frank Rov, T9 First Ave., or phone 688W . ~17 20. Jt SALEâ€"60â€"Egg Buckeye Incubâ€" ator: Like . new. Cost $18.00. Will sell for $10.00. Apply to M. J. Caveney, Sandy Falls, P.O0. 15â€"18 by‘s ply to 13 JR SALEâ€"Vehicles for saleâ€"ont teamâ€"express; one teamâ€"dray, capa city one and half tons. Both in best condition. Primm reasonable. Unit ed Provision Co., Phone 79, South L Wween miles Apply macher 2 small rockers. _ Apply to 86 Wende Ave., mornings and evenings onlv. ~1‘f~ fortable. We $10 per month avenue, or ph l 11 U xd PRA able, 8 chairs, beds, dresser, range, eater, rugs, phonograph and dishes. \pply to 156 Pine S8t. South. â€"17p POSITION WANTED HOUSES FOR SALE reupine phone M) 1 and one dome shade Hemloek St. Ma; terms \LEâ€"35 laying hens and 3 iles, pure Wyandottes. Apply Derasp, on North Road beâ€" Tisdale and Mountjoy, 2 from town. "a Er s > h(‘:ltm‘, stove, h baby‘s cot, cu to 95 lhnd Ave l o 8 â€"Baby carriage and baâ€" In good condition. Apâ€" Floral Park. »17p with hot and cold water. s. â€" Apply after 4 p.m. to â€" St. South. 16â€"18p Wellâ€"furnished One car of good sound Cohbler potatoes, clean. s .P.0.B.. Uno: Park. . C. Hastings, Uno Park ()1 r: firstâ€"class Second ave; 1. Apply to mone 64. work. _ Apply to J. T. Chenier, 17 Wilson â€"â€"17p roomed house, on dward floors ; 3â€"pi 2 @arages, stabl ligcht horse suitable Un s term All conveniences 7 Eim St. Nort! bedroom sute heater, clhuld‘s cupboard, etco lass condition. ivenue, Schuâ€" 14â€"106p up and downâ€" 1sS s1X Schumachâ€" 17â€"18p Apply and ( 4 COâ€" $8 and /o Fift] ~17â€"197 folding Apply 16â€"18p Smouth 16â€"17h trucChK Apply 16â€"17 I)}(_‘i‘t rbles EO