People in Cochrane and others inâ€" terested particularly in the extension of the T. N. 0. north have been enthusiastic regarding the mineral wealth in the James Bay and Hudson Bay areas. _ Some others have been inclined to discount the claims made, but a report made by L. T. Burwash, M.E., FPR.G.S., for the Department of the Interior at Ottawa seems to fully support the most enthusiastic claims made for the territory along the James and Hudson Bays. Mr. Burwash made a trip to the far north last summer, his chief purâ€" pose being to report on the living conditions of the Eskimos, and. to see as to the desirability and practiâ€" cability of introducing domestic reinâ€" deer in the north as an assistance to bettering the conditions of the Eskiâ€" mos. His instructions also included investigation of mineral deposits and of bird life in the north. The outbound trip ‘by Mr. Burwash was made by way of the Canadian National and the T. N. 0. to Island Great Mineral Wealth in the Area Along Hudson Bay Shore Transportation Will Open Up District of Wonderful Potential Wealth. Suggests Report of Representative of Department of the Interior, Ottawa, After Visit Last Summer. Thursday, April 26th, 1928 Timmins Garage Co., Ltd TIMMINS, ONTARIO As Authorized Hupmobile Dealer! The service facilities of the Timmins Garage Co., Ltd. are modern and complete. Special equipment and tools supplied by the Hupp Motor Car Corporation and factoryâ€"trained mechanics, will assure efficient, satisfactory service and an indefinite continuance of the brilliant performance for which Hupp is famous For 20 years the name Hupmobile has been idenâ€" tified in the public mind with the highest manuâ€" facturing ideals in the automobile industry. Now, to this prestige of engineering and manuâ€" facturing skill, is added the prestige of the Century‘s advance in unusual and distinctive body styles. New and impressive beauty, new and brilliant qualities of performance now surround the entire Hupmobile Century line whether your choice falls on the striking new Hupmobile Cenâ€" tury Six or Eight or the equally luxurious Century 125 Eight â€" a car that has consistently led all straight eights in sales since first announced. In regard to navigation on the Abiâ€" tibi the report says:â€"‘‘In its present condition it will never be used as a At Blacksmith rapids several outâ€" croppings of coal was seen. It was expected that the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario track would have reached the foot of Coral rapids last Falls, 43 miles northerly from Cochâ€" rane; thence 30 miles along the unâ€" completed grade of the T. N. 0. and seven miles by portage road to the foot of the"® eanyon on the Abitib river. Leaving Abitibt canyon by canoe on July 12th, the party arrived at Moose Factory on July l4th. A synopsis of the report says that from the eanyon there was smooth water to Otter rapids, then a two mile portage. Sexton rapids was run, but a short portage was made at Coral rapids. No portage was made below Coral rapids. The Blacksmith and several other rapids beyond were run. Mr. Burwash estimates the possibilities of Otter rapids at 100,000 horseâ€"power. The Hupp Motor Car Corporation is pleased indeed, to announce the appointment of the Timmins Garage Co., Limited, as exclusive Hupmobile dealers for Timmins and vicinity. This appointment is of special significance to Timmins motorists, not only because of the interest which the new Hupmobile has aroused, but also, because it assures them a dealer relationship that has built a reputation for integrity and pleasant dealings during the many years that the company has been in business here. O‘DONNELL MACKIE, LIMITED, Distributors, Toronto Complete Hupmobile Service 851X and EIGHT Announcing _ The exploration included visits to Rupert House, Charlton island, South Twin island, Port Herrodier, Fort For the return trip Moose Factory was left on September 19. The route taken was up the Moose and Mattaâ€" gami rivers to Smoky falls. The Mattagami is the middle fork of the Moose. _ The Missinabi is the west fork and was the old ecanoe route from Michipicoten on Lake Superior to James Bay. From Moose to Smoky Falls took four days of strenuous upâ€" stream work with canoes; distance about 110 miles. _ The report says: ‘*While there are no portages on the Mattagami ‘below Smoky falls, in low water the river is shallow and swift and is no improvement on the Abitibi as a freight route."‘ Other matters were noted by the report. A twenty million dollar power development is being installed at Smoky falls to serve a pulp mill at Kapuskasing 352 miles south on the CN.R. A private railway connects Smoky falls with the National at Kapuskasing. There is a portage of eight miles from the river lbelow the falls to the end of steel. Operations were in progress on a china clay deposit at the lower end of Smoky falls portage. On the way up the river from Moose, caleite and coal deposits were noted. Some claims had been staked and there had been prospecting to a limited extent. waterway for the transport of freight,| George at the mouth of Big river, as it includes many rapids and is at points hardly deep enough to earry a lightly loaded canoe."‘ For the return trip Moose Factory was left on September 19. The route taken was up the Moose and Mattaâ€" gami rivers to Smoky falls. The Paul bay and Cape Jones harbour, all on the east shore of James bay, and Huskie harbour, Long Island sound, Otosko Harbour, Great ‘Whale river, Little Whale river and Richmond gulf on the east shore of Hudson bay. All the main land points mentioned are Mattagami is the middle fork of the| in the province of Quebec. The island Moose, fork and was the old canoe route from The Missinabi is the west| points are in the Northwest. Terriâ€" tories. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO ky falls to serve a pulp mill at kasing 32 miles south on the A private railway connects falls with the National at kasing.. There is a portage of Century Eight Coupe fourâ€"passenger, customâ€"equipped $2765 f. o. b. Windsor From Moose to Rupert along the south shore of James bay tht outâ€" bound trip was made by canoe. The direct distance is about 100 miles but to follow the coast line lengthens the trip considerably.~ Moose was left on the 18th, and Rupert was reached on the 21st. There was considerable deâ€" lay from weather conditions. Rupert was left at 11 a.m. on the 23rd, and Charlton island was reached at 8 p.m. of the same day. Aftter detailing the trip made on the Hudson bay schooner Maude to Charlton island, Richmond gulf, etc., the report proceeds to say that the small â€" Hudson bay schooner. Fort (GGeorge manned by Eskimos took Mr. Burwash from Great Whale river to Belcher islands. _ The Fort George had ‘been built at Moose. The voyage began on September 1. In eight hours‘ sailing a small sheltering isâ€" Richmond gult was the most northâ€" erly point reached by the expedition. The Belcher islands were visited from Great Whale river on the return trip; then Long Island sound, Huskie harâ€" bor, Fort George and Charlton island. Moose was reached on September 17. Fort George, 180 miles north from Rupert, is at the mouth of Big river a stream larger and longer than Ruâ€" Reference is made in the roport to agriculture in the far north, especialâ€" ly at Rupert House. The report inâ€" dicates that Rupert House is the most important Hudson bay post on the Quebec side of the bay. It is at the mouth of Rupert river, which tHows out of Lake Mistannini, two lmndred miles to the eastward. It was first established in 1668 by the forerunners of the Hudson bay company. Revilâ€" lions also have a post there. At one time a farm was operated by the Hudâ€" son bay company. Potatoes are now grown successfully and the farm may ! be reâ€"established. The officer in charge has established a canoe facâ€" tory. Canoes 16 to 20 feet in length are bmilt of cedar and covered with canvas. The inland winter transport operated from Rupert uses two tracâ€" tors, the freight bding lhauled on heavy flat sleighs. The report conâ€" tains a photograph of a tractor driven by a gasoline engine and rolling on three steel gasoline barrels, the conâ€" struction of Mr. Watts, the Hudson| by officer in charge. This homemade} machine preceds the tractors. | Fort Charlton on Charlton island has the most southerly habor in James bay. It is large enough to accommoâ€" date oceanâ€"going vessels. It is a disâ€" tributing post for the Hudson bay company, but the post is closed in‘ winter. land twelve miles east of the main group was reached. |4 sixty cent boxes of MeCoy‘s Cod \ Liver Extract Tablets or 2 one dollar |boxes any thin, underweight man or woman doesn‘t gain at least 5 pounds and feel completely satisfied with the | marked improvement in healthâ€"your !'drugeist is authorized to return the purchase price. Ask Moisley Ball, F. M. Burke, Sauve‘s Pharmaey or any good drugâ€" gist. o oo m That‘s what the ginrls say about you fellows that need a few more pounds of good solid flesh and have never tried MeCoy‘s Cod_ Liver Extract Tablets. A New Jersey man was just as bad as you, ‘but now he‘s got what the cirls call a manly figureâ€"he needed 28 more pounds and thanks to Mc Coy‘s he got them in just a couple of As the Churchill, the on which the party travelled in this part of the journey, was about to leave Richmon4 gulf, a prospecting party comprising Capt. Luey, Mr. Brookbank, Mr. Roâ€" berts and Mr. Rubie, visited the schooner. They had spent the sumâ€" mer prospecting between Richmond gulf and Little Whale river. They had met with much encouragement and had located a ‘block of claims. Mr. Brookbank had spent the previâ€" ous summer on the same ground.. He had located elaims which he had turnâ€" and Roman Catholic missions. _ The population is chiefly Indian, but Eskiâ€" mos who live in the vicinity of Cape Jones, the point which marks the enâ€" trance from James bay into Hudson bay, come to Fort George to trade. This post is well within the timber zone and vegetable gardens sppear to produce a fair return. Much of the land close to the settlement is coverâ€" ed by heavy spruce timber and »ould require draining before a success could be made of gardeninz. The party stopped at Huskie harâ€" bour, north of Cape Jones, fresh fish the report saying, always being ava‘lâ€" able there. This prospecting party reported that that district had great possibilities. In this respect, Mr. Burwash in his report says:â€"*‘*That large deposits of gsalena exist in this area has been known for many years. Years ago zalena was quarried and used as balâ€" last for the Hudson bay company‘s ships, but at the then price of lead, it had very little value.‘‘ The are; shows ‘""two varieties of _ galena one a dull black galena with lead values only, the other a bright netallice galena, which has in add®#tion to lead values shown as high as $35 in gold and 150 oz. of silver. These deâ€" posits lie close to the coast. It apâ€" pears to be certain that the galena in this area will run approximately 54 per cent. lead, to which must be addâ€" ed silver and gold values which on the surface appear to vary considerably. Taking the lead content only, the galenas are toâ€"day worth approxiâ€" mately $65 per ton, which is, when the location is considered, enough to justify a considerable expenditure on general reconnaissance and developâ€" ment work."‘ Mr. Burwash spent several days at the mouth of GreatWhale river, where there is an important Hudson bay post, which has an outpost on the Belcherâ€" islands. In the adjacent country the hills are low with many wide plateaus of glacial clays. The timber is seattered.. Grass and reinâ€" deer moss cover about twenty per cent. of the total area. ‘The small streams are stocked with brook trout and a similar fish weighing as much as three pounds is caught in the salt water along the coast. Great Whale river itself was at one time considerâ€" ed good fishing ground. It has fallen off badly for summer fiishing but is reported to be still good in spring and [all. _ White whales are still numerous near the mouth of Great Whale river, Fifty years ago the Hudson bay comâ€" pany‘s post was conducted solely as a whaling station. months ironclad ed over, to the Consolidated Smelters, which had sent in a party in 1927 to make an examination of the area. fall. ~Whit near the mi Fifty vears pert river. Port Herrodier is a smali harbor in a group of islands seven miles off, where vessels can lie saftely while awaiting the tide to taken them over the bar at the mouth of Big river to Fort George. At low water the depth on the bar is only six feet. The Hudson bay and Revillions both have trading posts and there are Anglican "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘""â€"the Enemy of Dyspepsia The gentle, natural stimulaâ€" tion of the bowels and digestive system by the fruit juice exrâ€" tractsand tonics in Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives soon heals bothersomeand painâ€" ful digestion. Try it. Sold by all druggistsâ€"25¢ and 50c per boxr. ST URSULE, QUE. â€"*‘"For ten years I could not digest food. Now I eat like a new man. Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives relieved me comâ€" pletely." Jos. Martin. Our way of living lays most of us open to recurrent attacks of dyspepsia and kindred ailâ€" ments. o remedy this, the ments. To remedy this, the regular use of Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives is highly recommended. (Co n t ] n U ed C ) 1i * N (l *X { ake 1at egetable gardens sppear to fair return. Much of the to the settlement is coverâ€" s all the risk â€"â€"Read this antee. If after taking boxes of MeCoy‘s Cod Tablets or 2 one dollar n, underweight man or t gain at least 5 pounds letely satisfied with the vement in healthâ€"your ruce timber and s oauld ng before a success of geardeninz. Bu: 5o Skinny w\