Temiskaming Telephone Company Ltd. % $5,000" and Costs A judgment as above against you w_ould be very disturbing, unless you x ®, % esles? *# 4 * *# 4 #4 #4 44 w 4 ##4 *, # #4 +. # #* *# *4 #+% * 6 #4 . 4# ## *4 * LJ *4 # # #* *4 @ *# ## #+ # # *#+ @ 4 #* #+ #@ # #* $ %%??8?8%8"8":n8u8u..u8..3u.tu..utv.ntu.%%tufaht??i For Sure Results Try Our Want Ad Column A judgment as above against you would be very disturbing, unless you were protected, and possibly ruin you financially. Do not drive your car without Automobile Insurance. The cost is surprisingly small. Phone 104 Night 237 and 151 Sullivan Newton ZSBITT. THOMSON COMPANY People are learning that the only are JE@2MnmIng tlhat L1E UIY 11IC5l e comes vacuum packed. More and more of them know that no matter how lon it is stored vacuum packed Coffee wili aF ways be fresh when opened. Montreal Quebec Ottawa Hamilton London, Ont. Winnipeg Saskatoon Vancouver Canada Northern Power Price 984 and accrued interest to vield over 5.10% 5% Twentyâ€"five year Collateral Trust Sinking Fund Golid Bonds Series "A" Due May 1st, 1953 LIMITED Royal Bank Build‘ag, TORONTO, 2 *4 #* “.“.“ n 2 esn a* *o “.“.“ ‘“. @. * “.“ .“.“.“.“.4 * _%. _%. * o .“.“.“ .“‘“ .“ + “.“ o e se at, *, .*, 4 “.“ #4 #, .# a* *« ++ # 4# 44 # + #+ # # # 4 .. ‘s Insurance of Every Description orporation Limited Goldfields Hotel Block Timmins, Ont. 671 Floods at South Porcupine Blamed on Blocking of River Committee Investigates and Finds Pulpwood Piled in Porâ€" cupine Creek. Mr. W. L. McChesney, of Timmins, Marries South Porcupine Young Lady. Other News Items from Correspondent at South Porcupine. The water is steadily rising on Railroad street. Some of those who have property which has been subâ€" merged made a trip down to the Porâ€" cupine creek to size up the situation. They claim that about threeâ€"quarters of a mile from Golden City there are thirteen hundred cords of pulpwood in the creek. This makes a considerâ€" able congestion but farther down, just out from the Three Nations Mine conâ€" ditions are much worse. _ Here the water is dammed back to a width of two hundred and fifty feet and the pulpwood is piled solid from the botâ€" tom of the river to ten feet above the water level. All along up to this point the creek is full of pulpwood, it is claimed.. Below that there is not much wod in the creek and the water is flowing away freely, the creek there not occupying more than thirtyâ€"five feet in width. The party who went down took photos of the situation at various points and these are to be sent to the Provincial Government as soon as developed. Complamts have already been lodged with the governâ€" ment and an investigation asked as this damming up of the creek with pulpwood is judged to be one of the main causes of the flooded area aâ€" round Poreupine Lake. South Poreupine, April 24th, 1928. Special to The Advance. Word has been received in town of the death of Miss Hilda Smith at the Essex County Sanitorium, Sandwieh, on Friday, April 13th. Miss Smith was a resident of town until her health foreed her to go to the sanitoriâ€" um and there are many here who will regret her untimely demise. The Ladies‘ Guild of the United Church are iplanning their annual bazaar tea and sale of homeâ€"made cooking for Saturday, May 12th, this year. "Donations for this bazaar will be kindly received from any who feel inclined to help. Miss B. M. C. Shaw, principal of the public school, who was detained on her holidays through illness, is back and the work is going on as usuâ€" Bornâ€"In South Poreupine, on Satâ€" urday, April 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Nalph Turner,â€"a son. Bornâ€"On Sunday, April 22nd, in South Poreupine, at the Presbyterian hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Simpson,â€"a daughter. Dr. MceLaren and the stork were the busiest parties in South Poreuâ€" pine last Saturday piloting the above new arrivals, who all made their deâ€" but inside of twentyâ€"four hours. We extend to them a hearty weleome and congratulate the happy parents. Bornâ€"On Saturd Mr. and Mrs. J. Fi pine,â€"a son. The Oddfellows Lodge and Kitcheâ€" ner Rebekah Lodge, South Poreupine will march in a body to the United Church next Sunday for their annual church parade and sermon. All breâ€" thren and sisters are requested to be sure to be on time at the 1.0.0.F. hall on Sunday evening. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Miss Kathleen Pears returned to Toronto on Saturday after an extendâ€" ed visit with her friend, Miss Isabel MceWilliams. A group of five claims near the Seotâ€" tish Ontario, in Whitney north, owned by a party of South Pm('upme men have been sold to a mining company and the transfers are now on their way to Toronto. We hear rumours of several other deals of mining claims in Whitney but have not been able to fully wrlh' them yet. Owing to the water flooding their engines, Hamilton‘s sawmill is not being operated this week. The Porâ€" cupine Feed and Transfer are now doing business in the Reamsbottom block. It is said there is not an empâ€" tv house available now in the dry area wore a gray coat. â€" She carried a bouquet of roses. The bridesmaid alâ€" so was gowned in blue and eray. The happy young couple are taking up their‘ ro-.ulemo in Timmins, where the groom is associated with his father and brothers in the lumber business. The best wishes of a host of friends follow them to their new home and vye also extend our greetings. About seventyâ€"five of their friends from Timmins and Schumacher gave a surprise party to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farrell last week. A very jolly time was enjoyed. The Masons of South Poreupine are holding an *‘ Home*‘‘ in their hall on Thursday evening of this week. The funeral of the late Werner Isaacson was very largely attended on Sunday last. It took place at the rday, April 21st, to South Poreuâ€" nisn Cviony, and ailso a large number of English sympathizers. Mr. John Woirta, a Finnish teacher, was the main orator; Miss Martha Lehtonen, a Finnish elocutionist who has recentâ€" ly come out, gave a reading as did also Miss Ina Raine. _ There were about thirty cars besides large numâ€" bers of Finns on foot in the cortege which formed to go to the Poreupine cemetery. This was led by the Finâ€" nish band who played the Dead March as they slowly wended their way to the burying ground. Miss Laura Rose returned on Friâ€" day from a holiday at the parental home, Cobden. We are pleased to report Mining Recorder Donaghue as gaining in health, according to latest reports. Mrs. W. J. Berkeley, of Hamilton, is expected this week by her sister, Mrs. C. Melnnis, for a month‘s visit. Bornâ€"In _ South Poreupine, on Thursday, April 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Calyn,â€"a son. Mr. Grenier, of Golden City, is on a business trip to Toronto. Mr. F. C. Evans has been called to Ottawa owing to the serious illness of his mother there. Finn hall at one o‘celock and was atâ€" tended by practically all of the Finâ€" nish culom, and also a large number of English sympathizers. "Mr. John Woirta, a Finnish teacher, was the main orator; Miss Martha Lehtonen,. Mr. J. Bartlett, mining engineer, has been in town for past two weeks. Mrs. Clements and baby daughter have returned to their home at the Paymaster after wintering in Caliâ€" formia. ‘‘"SEVENTH HEAVEN,‘*‘* ONE OF THE SCREEN‘S TRIUMPHS In regard to the motion picture ‘‘Seventh Heaven,"‘‘ to ‘be shown at the (Goldfields theatre on Friday and Saturday of next week, May 4th and 5th, it is generally said by those who have viewed this picture that ‘‘all that has been elaimed for‘ it and more‘‘ will be the verdict of all who see it here. It is a marvellous love story, that for sheer simplicity and heart appeal can not be equalled. It carries to the height of stardom two new Fox Film finds, Janet Gaynor and Charlie Farrell. One reviewer says that these two give a performâ€" ance that surpasses in simple sincerity any that has yet ‘been done on the screen. The wistful beauty of Janet Gaynor smiling through her tears, weary of body and soul but still climbing hopefully with (‘hlco up the \\mdmg stairs to 7th Heaven is someâ€" thing many will go to see again and perhaps yet again. What marvelous photography in this scene and in the one in the garret beneath the stars with Paris stretchâ€" ing at the feet of the youthful pair. But speaking of photography some of ‘the best shots ever seen on the sereen are probalbly those showing the drive of the taxi cabs from the streets of Paris to the ‘battle front and holdâ€" ing in check the invasion of German army. Heaven"‘ is generally deâ€" seribed by the reviewers and motion picture fans as a marvellous picture. with a story that grips the heart and the imagination. _ It is the kind of picture that peple want to see for a second or third time. While agitating laws for 8 hours of work, why not agitate laws for 8 hours of sleep? UNLISTED MINING SHARES Bathurst Units Blue Quartz Brettâ€"Trethewey Can. Kirkland Eplettâ€"Metcalfe Grozelle Kirk. Gem Lake Holtrex Kingâ€"Kirkland Unlisted Department THE PIONEER BROKERS Arthur E. Moysey Co., Limited Estab. Timmins Phones 1904 Ont. 100â€"101 Private wires to New York, Montreal, Toronto, and connecting all our offices. Special cable facilities with London, England Bought â€" Sold â€"â€" Quoted . *4 t C*4 % % L* 5 133 Kirk. Hudson Bay Kirk. Gold Belt Kirk. Townsite Mandy Mines Marshay Zinc Moffatt Hall Morrissette Gold Northland Thursday, April 26th, 1928 Cold Lake Ore Chimney Ostrom Queenâ€"Lebel Robbâ€"Montbray Rouyn Gold Pan Thompsonâ€"Cadillac W alshâ€"K atrine Woodâ€"Kirkland