Thursday, April 19th, 1928 The Goldfield Drug ez . 0‘.I~ Arg. C 4 Thil’d AVC. ing and Cold Cream and £ s Face Powder. _ All nicely Near the Station packed by Richard Hudnut Jms /f'/ ‘ \‘ The Winning Number for the Cuckoo Clock was 60740 The Ticket was held by Mrs. R. Webber. Special 1 Cent Sale for Thursday â€" Friday â€" Saturday | 35¢. WHITE LINIMENT .......:...... 1350 GLYCERINE AND ROSE WATER .......... | $1.00 RUSSIAN The Company Starts operations with approxiâ€" mately $55,000 cash and 3,250,000 shares in the Treasury, with sufficient finances assured to justi. fy a large measure of success and still leave sufficient shares in the Treasury to carry the enâ€" terprise to a successful conclusion. % Diamond drilling operations have already been commenced on one of the most attractive holdings of the Company, results of which if comparable with expectations will undoubtedly cause a big demand for the Company‘s shares and a speedy distribution of the available Treasury offering. Total holdings of the Company average almost 3,000 acres in locations along the Sudbury range, several of which adjoin and are tied to well known producing properties of enormous wealth,. 35¢c, VINOLIA TALCUM POWDER ...... RUM, HONEY COD LIVER OIL.............. 50c. COLD OR VANISHING CREAM .... 50c. CLEANSING CREAM ...s>~;}.. EDW C. PRATT, MONTREAL, QUE. Late General Manager, Molson‘s Bank. Director Crown Trust Company. 50¢c. AROMATIC CASCARA 35¢c. Size 50c. BOTTLES PERKEFUME .:....;. $1.00 COTY‘S FACE POWDER ...... 35¢c. AFTERâ€"SHAVE LOTION $1.00 PURE COD LIVER 25¢. A. B. S. C. TABLETE Arthur E. Moysey Co., Limited .. STOCK BROKERS Estab. Timmins Phones 1904 : Ont. 100â€"101 Private wires to New Â¥ork, Montreal, Toronto, and connecting all our offices. McVittieâ€"Graham Mines Limited President WM. MeVITTIE, SUDBURY, ONTARIO, MINE OWNER Vice President and General Manager NORMAN R. FISHER, B.Se., M.E., M.LM.M., MONTREAL, QUE. President, Shields Development Co. Ltd., Moss Mines, Limited Directors The Safe Drug Store Special cable facilities with London, England RALPH E. ALLEN, ADVOCATE, MONTREAL,~QUE. Secretaryâ€"Treasurer LT.â€"COL JAMES COOPER, MONTREAL, QUE. 500,000 Preferred........$1 5,000,000 Common........... 1,750,000 Common........... 3,200,000 Common .......... THE P T ONEER BROKERS " F 2 * $1.01 z for 51(: | for o $1.01 2 * 3J6¢ CAPITALIZATIO afarrard 1 (M) (M) na for for for for for for 36¢ : ble .. .$100.00 par (all issued) ......... ++\ > s $L,00â€" par ................... Issued ................. Treasury Extensions of ore zones having been traced on to the McVittieâ€"Graham locations, geology and contacts being similar, there is every reason to anticipate large ore bodies will be encountered in ‘diamond drilling and prove the enormous potential values of the various locations, after which, equipment will be installed, shafts sunk, ore bodies opened up, concentrators and smelter will be built. The directors of the Company believe that they have in the MecVitticâ€"Graham Mines Limited, the makings of not only ox:j)l?ut several mines of quite considerable dimensions, and that their immediate endeavour will, be concentrated in proving their deductions. For full particulars, map, ete., write: One jar of our Dandruff Remover will absolutely clear the head of all Dandruff. If you are troubled with Dandruff you had better get rid of it before it removes your Hair. â€"A guarantee goes with every jar, money refunded if it doesn‘t remove Dandruff. ). E. LEIGHTON , M.E., MONTREAL, QUBE. President Canadian Association British Manufacturers. Brmg your Films to us and be convinced. Dandruff Removed for Ever Cameras, Printing and Developing NINE HOUR SERV ICE For Constipation Take Bedtime Pills "~ _ Morning Sample bottle of 3 Flowers Ferfume, tube of V anishâ€" ing and Cold Cream and Face Powder. All nicely packed by Richard Hudnut Price One Dollar Free Saturday THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO ................. 2 for 76¢ Voting on the telephone franchise byâ€"law will be on April 27th, which is Friday of next week. Mrs. C. T. Cook and daughter are visiting Mrs. Cook‘s daughter at fax, N.S.\ Borun#In Timmins, Ont., on Thursâ€" day, April 12th, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Halperin,â€"a daughter.\ \Mr. and Mrs, Henry Sherman, of New York, were visitors to the camp last week. \ Mr. R. LeHeup, superintendent of the District C.A.S., left this week for Toronto to attend a convention of Children‘s Aid â€"workers and agents. ‘\ _ There was curling at Timmins on April 16th this yearâ€"a regular game â€"while last year on April 15th, there was a regular foursome of golf here. ‘Miss Pearl Hart returned to her home in Cannington on Monday after an extended \'isi't to her sister, Mrs. Geo. 8. Drew.s home in Hamilton for some time past, home in Hamilton for ome time past, has â€"returned to Timimins where she gave such helpful service to the Bapâ€" tist church in its earlier days here. Tommy Stephens and ‘his Red Jackâ€" et orchestra will play at the regular Friday night dance at the McIntvre hall, Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Lang are spending a few weeks in Medicine Hat. Wilson will help to elect his brother in the election out there, the winning of elections apparently runâ€" ning in the family. . The W.M.S. of the United Church are observing the diamond Julnlev of the church‘s missionary work in Trâ€" nidad this (Thursday) evening by a special lecture and pictures on the work. Another feature of the evenâ€" ing will be a vocal solo by Miss Wilâ€" son#ind Mrs. DeMille. Last week Mr. R. LeHeup, superâ€" intendent of the Distriect C.A.S., reâ€" ceived a letter from England on some private business andâ€" enclosed in the létter was a elipping from The Dalton Néws, of â€" Daltonâ€"inâ€"Furness. _ The clipping said:â€"‘*A Swarthmoor man, Mr. Walter Keevan, with commendâ€" able thought for the folks at home, cabled at once regarding the Hollinâ€" disaster, saying that all Swarthâ€" moor and Ulverston at the mine STHLL OPPORTUNITY FOR TRAPPERS IN THE NORTH were safe."" Mr. H. A. Preston Receives Interestâ€" ing Letter from Wayne, Michigan Mr. H.â€"A. Preston is tireless in his writing to explam the possibilities of this North Land and to extol the atâ€" tractions of this country to those who love nature, the woods, the streams and the game life _ Recently, Mr. Preston wrote some articles for Unitâ€" ed States sporting journals, and as a result a couple in Wayne, Mich, wrote him. â€" The letter was addressed to ‘*Matheson, Ont., Can., Watchman at Mine, 14 \illes hom Matheson."" But it eventually was forwarded to Schumacher, after a try at Blk Lake. The letter will no doubt be of interâ€" est to many here, and so is given beâ€" low in full, with the e\ooptlon, of£ course, of the name :â€" Dear‘ Mr. Preston:â€"On behalf of my husband who is a dyedâ€"inâ€"theâ€"wool sportsman, and having read your very interesting article in one of the sports magazines, I‘m going to see if this letter reaches you and if you will be kind enough to reply. We feel that you know a great deal about Ontario, having lived there all your life, and we would appreciate your honest opinion réegarding trapâ€" ping possibilities. My husband and 1 have a place to rent down here, also we will have quite a little capital to begin with. â€" We would like to buy 400 acres of wilderness land that has lots of timber, a lake, and perhaps i little cleared land, and just rough it for a while, and, permanently, if we like it as well as we think we will. Neither of us has ever ltived_in the. city; we have no children; and we are ! used to country life; but we desire to get up where we will be away from icivilization. My husband and I would like to run a trap line in winter and your leseription of the territory surâ€" rounding the mine and town‘ at which you are employed leads us to believe it would be an ideal place to locate. In someâ€" magazines, ‘different men (trappers, supposedly) have said that Ontario is all trapped out. However, others write and say they made a sucâ€" \ cess of it. From personal observation I feel sure you can tell us whether the land adjacent. to Matheson has all been trapped out. It can‘t have been, ‘if, as you say, there are deer, bear 1 and caribou around there. Timmins and District Notes \{\ husband and I would appreciate receiving a nice long letter from you, regarding trapping, etc., and will feel that we have found a valuable friend in Northern Ontario, who it is posâ€" sible, we may meet soon. meg 9 stt d 4 _T , Sincerely yours, etc. Of course, Mr. Preston made prompt and full reply, and it will be interesting later to learn whether the Michigan couple come to this North on the plan cutlined, and if so what suceess meets them in the matter. Miss Pearl Hardy,~ of Hamilton, was a visitor to town last week. Mr. A. Stringer, of Kirkland Lake, was a Timmins visitor last week. The schools reâ€"opened on Monday morning after the Easter vaeation. Have you joined the Tinmmins Board of Trade yet this year? There is lots of work for the Board of Trade here this year and it will need the active ecoâ€"operation of all to make the year truly successful. Mrs. V. Cripps, of Timmins, was the guest of her sister, Mrg, T. Hoâ€" ward, at Hearst, recently) The Allâ€"British Social Club will hold a whist drive in the Hollinger Recreation ‘hall on Friday of this week. â€" Good prizes will be given. Twenty deals will be played ‘at the cards. Mr. E. M. Allworth left yesterday for Toronto to pay a visit of inâ€" spection to the noted Fess factory where the famous automatic oil heatâ€" ers are made. Mr. Allworth is the local agent for the Fess products. The L. 0. B. A., No. 677, Timmins, Ont., will hold a dance and euchre part\ in the Oddfellows‘ hall, on May Ist.. Italian orchestra in attendance Prizes given for euchre. _ The event starts at 8 p.m., and all attending may be sure of a good time and a dance for evervbodyv. RAEMARKABLE REGORD BV SGHUMAGCHER IN BOWLING Total of 3480 in Last Match in Por cupine League. Three Players Over 700 In their last inatch on their home drives the Schumacher team put up the remarkable total of 3480. Three of the players were over 700 and other two over 600. In their last game, when they rolled 1315, they came within 18 pins of Ineakmn the single game record of 1332 put up by Timâ€" mins. The last match of the series will be played on Friday night, April 30th, at 8 p.m. esns The leaders in the averages are:â€" MceDougall, 224; Starr, 2. ’3 iSs, Macâ€" Millan, 221; Arnott, 220; Heggart, 219. ~Most of the above bowlers will be bowling next Friday; come out and watch them. Tomkinson ... Totals /.. ./. 1053 1112 TIMMIN®S mkinson .... 164 164 agelo.:. : .. :..% 237 1lT8 celly: 147 115 190 â€" 287 is is 116 â€" 206 ;. 854 Schumacher wins 4. 240 Â¥)6ka) 152 193 211 963 2767 F21 724 (BY 686 717 350 367 603 922 180 Start Ibathing internally if you uffer in any way from rheumatism or constipation. _ End your painful affliction at once and increase your resistance against many other diseases caused by impure blood. Uric Acid was once blamed for eausing Rheumatismâ€"but. not nowaâ€" days. Science says rhenmatism is caused by germs settling in the joints and muscles, resulting in painful swelling and stiffness. These germs come from an infected and constipated colon,. The blood abâ€" sorbs these germs, carries them through the body, depositing them here and there. Sometimes they are left in the teeth and tonsils to breed more germsâ€"sometimes they remain in the joints. 2MA Drugs, salves and lotions won‘t help this kind of rheumatism, but higsh enemas will ‘‘flush out‘‘ the ecolon, sterilize its entire length and prevent poisons working througn to the blood. Informative free booklet, **Why We Should Bathe Internally,"" is obâ€" tainable at Sauve‘s Pharmacy, the Rexall Store, who will be pleased to show and explain the J.B.L. Cascade tto you, or write to Tyrrell‘s Hygienic Institute, 181 College St., Toronto. Can‘t be Cured by Drugsâ€"Internal Bathing Gives Quick Relief! Why Not Buy Your Soft Drinks made with the best Spring water of Northern Ontario? SPRING WATER BOTTLING WORKS Jos. Clusiau, prop. Telephone 60 P.O. Box 19 SOUTH PORCUPINE > Warehouse in Timmins at 106 BALSAM STREET SOUTH Rheumatism PERFECT BREAD AND ROLLS Our bread and rolls are made in compliance with timeâ€"proved reâ€" cipes and no homeâ€"made loaf or roll can surpass our particular proâ€" duct. We use the best and purest ingredients and we bake just the right way. You can get our breads and rolls fresh every day. Form the habit of serving them and give the family all that they care to eat. Third Ave,