W(ap all Garbage in paper. Keep your Garbage can covered. Use plenty of Chlpride of Lime ~which can be procured at the Towun Hall, free. Houaseholders using well water must boil it for at least 20 minutes. All outside toilets must be made 4y proof. . Meets every Second and Fourth Satur day night at 7.30 in the Oddfellows Hall, South Poreupine. Members ad mitted by card. Nonâ€"mémbers 47 cents and 3e. war tax total 50ec., adâ€" mission including refreshments Everybody Welceome Services :â€" Sunday 11 a.m.., Sunday Sechool 10 a.m. Christian Science Meetings ODDFELLOWS‘ HALL Subject : President 8. R. Harrison, Esq., M.R.S.C. L.R.C.P Viceâ€"Presidents : Austin E. Neame, Esq. Dr. A. 8. Porter, M.C. GOLDEN GLOW, L.O.B.A No. 742, Schumacher Meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month in Schumacher Orange No. 677, Timmins, Ont. Meets every lst and 3rd Monaay of each month in the basement of Anglican Church. ALL VISITING MEMBERS WELCOME M. GORDON, JEAN LANGMAN, Meets second Friday in each month in the Town Hall at 8 p.m. All returned men gladly welcomed Hall, Visiting members welcome. L. WILLIAMS E. TOWNSEND, Open to nativeâ€"born Scots and Scotswomen and those of Scottish descent. Meetings every second and fourth Friday in the month in the Hollinger Recreation Hall. P. LARMER, President D. CUTHELL, Secretary The Caledonian Society of Timmins Vednesday Meeting........ Testimonies _ of aling Christian Seience. and second Saturdays of each month Invitation may be obtained from Secretary or President upon application, or from members of the Committee. T. H. RICHARDS, President MRS. T. RICHARDS, Sec.â€"Treas., Box 1037, Meets in the Hollinger Recreation Hall, first Schumacher L.O.E. No. 2975 Meets on the Second and Fourth Thursday of each month at the Schuâ€" macher Orange Hall. All visiting members welcome Meets in the Hollinger Recreation Hall every first and third Friday in the month. BERNARD B. ASH, President Meetings held in Hollinger Recreation Hall, third, Saturday of each month. Open to all of Cornish birth or Corâ€" nish Associate. ALFRED W. SNOW, President J. G. HARRIS, Sec.â€"Treas., Schumacher, Ont. Meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month, in the Basement of Anglican Church ALL VISITING MEMBERS WELCOME A. G. LUXTON CHER, £ â€" G. [IMMINS LODGE, 1.0.0.f. No. 453 Phone S$01l Meets every Friday evening in the Oddfellows‘ Hall, Spruce St., North, Visiting brethren requested to attend 6. T. WALKER W. G,. SMITH George Taylor Hardware Limited We do Electrical Work of, every description, contract or otherwise. Why not let us solve your Radio troubles. " PROBATION AFTER DEATH " ATTENTION _ HOUSEHOLDERS T. FELLOWS, Sec.â€"Treas., Box, 1716 23 Montgomery Avenue, Timmins, Ont. GOLD STAR, L.O.B.A. CANADIAN LEGION TIMMINS BRANCH Allâ€"Britain Social Club THE CORNISH WELCOME CLUB J. HALLAM, Secretaryâ€"Treasurer By Order of THE BOARD OF HEALTEH Timmins, Ont. 7.30 p.m. through It was expected to have Dr. Doolitâ€" tle, famous for his work for good roads in the Dominion, to address the club Monday, but the date for this speaker has been deferred. Dr. Dooâ€" little will be here on April 30th. A special meeting will likely ‘be held for that ocecasion. Reference was made duiring the luncheon to the Tnternational Kiwaâ€" nis convention to be held June 1l7th to 21st at Seattle. Four of the Timâ€" mins Kiwanis ~Club have already signified their intention to attend the convention this summer. Karl Eyre outlined the idea of vocational wunldanc@ explaining the plans Of the commlttov and asking the coâ€"operation of all to make these plans _ completely _ successful. The vocation guidance committee has the followinge members who will be glad to give any details or information at any time:â€"Dr. Lee Honey, distlict supervisor; Karl Eyre, hdlrman of committee: Rev. J. D. Parks, Dr. Brennan. The yAresident of the club, Mr. Chas. (G¢. Keddie, conducted proceedâ€" ings in his usual effective way. Amonw the visitors. were:=â€"Jos. B(*eman, secretary of the New Lisâ€" keard Kiwanis Club; D. A. Stewart, London, Ont.; Earl Ludlow, Toronto; Mr. Spence; Duncan McPhail, of the West Dome Lake Mines. Mr. Ludlow, a baritone of much talâ€" ent, favoured the gathering with a voâ€" eal solo, **Invictus,"" which was much appreciated. As a response to the enâ€" core given, Mr. Ludlow sang, ‘*‘Little (Grey Home in the West."‘ W. 0. LANGOON SPEAKG TO KIWANIS GLUB ON "LAW" The Kiwanis Club luncheon on Monday proved a specially interesting one, with several outstanding feaâ€" tures, . Among the special items were the address by Mr. W. 0. Langdon, solos by Mr. Ludlow, of Toronto, and the outline by Mr. Karl Eyre of the vocational guidance plan of the comâ€" mittee. Interesting Address at Monday‘s Luncheon. Solos by Mr. Ludlow, Toronto, Appreciated by Cluk The speaker of the day was Mr. Mining TIMMINS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 19TH, 1928 W : 0. Langdon, who.spoke on * Law," â€"a subject on which he is eminently fitted to speak. He traced the hisâ€" tory of law from earliest times, touching on ancient law, especially Roman law, which he pointed out was based on the customs qï¬gha various people in the wide. Romanâ€" Empire. Roman law was the basis of Eno'h-.}l law. Mr. Langdon @iited Blach stone‘s definition of law, and showed the difference between theâ€" common law and statutory law. Mr. Langdon added to the interest of his address by reading extracts from a‘law book of 1844, these extracts proving of rare interest. ‘*It was reported in the Porecupine Advance that a man who was furiousâ€" ly shovelling snow off the sidewalk was discovered to be a Scotchman, who had dropped a nickel early in the winter. But this isn‘t the cause of all the excitement among our local Scotciimen. _ _A recent report of a great discovery in the Land of the Heather ‘has set them all agog. Just imagine‘! â€" Quite close to Aberdeen it is said they have uncovered an 18 foot vein of oatmeal‘!"‘ A social by the Cornish Social Club will be held in Hollinger Recreation hall on Saturday, April 21st, at 8 p.m. Social is open to members only. Each member is entitled to bring one visiâ€" tor, and will the respon51ble for conâ€" duot of same. All members are reâ€" quested to hring refreshments. _ No charge at door. i The following is from the editorial (°olumns of The Kapuskasing (muâ€" ier: OATMEAL‘s NAE MINERAL IT‘S A RARE FLOO‘ER CORNISH SOCIAL EVENT sSATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 21 MOTHER QF MR. A. TUITE / _ DIES AT DUBLIN, IRELAND A\ Mr. Andrew Tuite, shift boss at the Dome Mines, receved the sad news this week that his aged mother had died at the old home at Clontarf, Duâ€" blin, Ireland, The sympathy of all will be extended to him in his loss. Through our engineers, and staffs in all important mining centersâ€"â€"we render a reliable mining service in addition to our brokerage service A special dance is announced for this (Thursday) evening, April 19th, under the auspices of the St. John Ambulance â€" Brigad Among â€" the dances will be novelty and mystery numbers that will prove of particular interest. _There will be the best of music and all other features of the evening will be of the very highest standards. ‘There is a‘firstâ€"elass plant on the property, and it is operating in full, Mr. Thompson told The Mail and Emâ€" pire. Awerew of 40 men, working in two.shafts, is on the ground, and there are sufficient supplies on hand to last until well after the opening of navigation. ~The company was finâ€" anced for a year in advance, said Mr. Thompson, and. prospects. appearsed bright for Thompsonâ€"Cadillae for the coming year. James Thompson, who ‘had just reâ€" turned from Rouyn, had an interestâ€" ing unofficial report of progress to make..~Whe No,. 1 shaft, which is now 150 feet deep, will he carried to 300 feet, he said.. Theecontractor who is doing the work has been making the record of 125 feet per month, and exâ€" peets to have the shaft finished ‘before the middle of May. .. No. 2 shaft, which is i6 present 100 feet deep, is the scene of â€" When the 300â€"foot level is reached in shaft No. 1 drifting along ‘the main orebody will be commenced. day nighn Toronto. Development of the Thompsonâ€" Cadillacâ€"has been so rapid that it has passed all expectations of the owners, according to the consensus of opinion at an informal meeting of the shareâ€" holders Held at the invitation of the Canadianâ€" enterprises, Ltd., Thursâ€" POULTRY BEING FEATURED IN THIS NORTH COUNTRY THOMPSONâ€"CADILLAC IS MAKING GOOD PROGRESS Evidence of the way poultry®is beâ€" ing featured in this North Land is given by, such items as. thdt. from Ixapus]\asmar last week, which it was moted that a bhlpment of 550 White Leghorn chicks had arrived there for the MceKay Poultry Farm at Harty, HoOoMER L. (G~IBsSON +CoO. night in the King Edward Hotel, BRANCHES M MINS BELLEVILLE COBALT ROUYN KIRKLAND LAKE sUDBURY wKORTH BAY COCH RANE ORTH BAY COCH RANE Private Wires to all Brapches Mr. Vineent Woodbury, of Timâ€" mins, is the author of a series of six interesting stories now running in The Canadian Magazine. These stories depict life in earlier days in the Porâ€" cupine .Camp, a dog of rare intelliâ€" gence and â€" fine 1)]11]()~051)h\ being chosen as the narrator of the various stories in series. . The. dog, ‘*Monk,"" has .4 happy faculty foy narration, and not only tells a tale of interest but also embellishes it with descriptive touches that show life in the Porcupine andsamples of linâ€" mour and philosophy that are sure to please. In the current issue of The Canadian Magazine, the fifth in the series of stories is ** Monk‘sâ€"Surprise dog‘s master was in hospital with a broken leg just before the big Porecupine Dog Race. *‘*‘You can heal a broken head,""‘ says Monk, ‘*but a broken leg is serlous.’ ‘ ~Monk attempts to cheer his master by bringâ€" ing him a pretty little striped anjmal that he (the dog) had killed. Everyâ€" boy flees from Monk and the skunk. This is Monk‘s Surprise Party. Mrs. Cross, who conduclzs the hospiâ€" tal where Monk‘s master is recoverâ€" ing from his broken Jeg, is naturally doubly **Cross‘‘ at Monk‘s Surprise Party,â€"cross by aggravation as well as by nomenclature. _ The story deâ€" seribes Mrs. Cross, as ‘‘a little overâ€" done in the face, a few pounds above good running order, and cut exacting like around the checkbones, which means clean sheets and pillow cases. and â€"education.‘‘ References â€" are made in the story to the Hollinger, the Poreupine "Crown, Sandy }‘dâ€s, Timmins and other actual placo in this dlstrwts, but, of course, the characters are all imaginary, or comâ€" posite. The next issue of the magaâ€" zine is to contain the sixth and last story of the series, which is to depict the Poreupine Dog Race and Monk‘s part on the great winter event. NATIONAL MAGAZINE . FEATURES LOGAL WBITER Mr. Vincent Wmury, Autli\o’r of : Beries of Stories in The Canadian Magazine TORONTO,!ONT. i ECCC C o. C C C CC CS L* T 53X to bathe when the fixtures in the bath room are so inviting as those pictured here; when you know the plumbing is such as to make it both pleasurable and healthful. Let us help you make the bath room the centre of home health and sanitaâ€" tion. Smith EAston Limited Don‘t Buy or Sell Before You Satisfaction assured you here whether you Buy or Sell. Give us a Trial. Goods Delivered Free. Best Prices on all Goods Purchased. Lowest Priges on all All Kinds of Furniture, Bought, Sold or Exchanged. New and Secondâ€" Hand Store DR. P. Q. RAVARY Bpecialist of New York and Montreal Hospitals ~ Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat 50/ Third Avénue Timmins BEByes Tested TENTS PACK BAGS FLAGS EIDERDOWN HAVERSACKS ROBES SNOWSsSHOES SKIIS DOG SLEIGHS . DOG HARNESS TOBOGGANS HORSE TARPAULINS BLANKETS Ask your Local Dealeg for Prices, or send your order direct to J. J. Turner Sons, Ltd. PETERBOROUGH, ONT. Agents Everywhere BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETCO Room 2, Homer L. Gibson Bldg. (formerly office of Platus Lev;is) Phone 327 71 THIRD AVE. TIMMINS CONT. W. D. Cuthbertson, L.A. CONSULTING AUDITOR Office Systems Installed Barrister, Solicitor, "~ N oti;y- Public 5 REED BLOCK, TLIMMINS income Tax Adjuster Room 2, Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Block Plumbing, Hesting Sheet Metal Contractors We Manufacture and carry in stock AWNINGS Wilson Ave.., cor. Preston 8t Phone 610â€"J. Frank J. Kehoe Dr. L. Gagnon Veterinary Office Dentistry a Specialty 27 FOURTH AVE. Goods Sold. 833 Timmins, Ont.