Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 22 Mar 1928, 1, p. 1

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% -' The question of the ordination of . women to the full status of themin- y istry of the Word and Sacraments. “ ‘was, discussed at 1e hon Wednes. ‘ day afternoon. P _ bytery a reedl j " ‘that- the noble~ and {self-semi cing ' 51-} work of the women-3f the church had '2? ' not received dire notice and considerâ€" ' ation in the p .. «Presbytery. there-- fore recommended thatth’e Order of . ' Deacone-sees be ‘venfi higher stands . ing in the churc l-and the-diacOnate "i155? be considered a form at ordination ,j;_.f',.15ii ,‘instead of simply a. form of “getting apart,” as; formerly. Further, Prea- \ ' '. 'hytery recommended. that women she I eligible to hold the oflice offélder and ,tosit in all the courteof the church. However,‘ because. there is no great '9 demand on the pert~ of the woman of‘ ,i"_..the,! church; because the United; ‘1’ij Chumhis young,” ‘ d this Would be: ‘ a.‘ very serious stje to take so. soon; after ' the consummation??? ‘iunion'; and Manage thought is taken for the utnre in the hope that, wider union tent,- and because it is desired to do 'ntithing that ”ht in any way close _-the_door to any'sister communion, the li-Presbytery . of Cochrane Wherefore deemed it inadvfiebhe at this time td recommend the ‘ fun ordinatiOn of women to the ministry of the church: 3.13%}; _ '\ ~ ' I. " ' . '4’; Cochnane Presbytery of ,thethited vii Church 1 of Canada ., convened . in 'the. s... UmtedChurch, Timmin's, on Tuesday, "‘ “Marchâ€"13th. at . 7 30 pm, ,Rev Hutton. 91’ .Momeith Needed... -T-hQBG ’ "pieeeni '.in¢1uded':- ev. :0. A. "Jones; Sachem ;‘ Rev-g Wm» Farmer." ; "end Wm. Farmer, Jr., of 'Connanght ;‘ Rev. J. (A. Irwin, of Hearst;"Rev. 'F. J. vowles‘ [and Mrs. Littie, of Iroquois Falls; Dr. ’J. L. Little/{3f Matheson; Mr. "L. .E. Y~anHorne, of Monteith; Rev. I’van E.'Kennedy find G. C. Mur- ». phy, of Schumacher; Rev. D. G. Davis,” of Smooth Rock Falls; Rev. F. J. Baine and I. Herman, of So’nth Pronpine; Rev. J. D. Parks and E. L. ,Longmore, of. Timmins.’ Miss Quick, .‘. lieâ€"Ilfif'z-ngreehxtery Deaconess, was made a [gigji'eorre's‘ponding member. Rev. J. D. Byrii'es, preeldent 'of Toronto Confer? i“ zenee, A and? Superintendent of Missions a; *i‘i'xg'for Northern Ontario, and Rev. J. p, . 331C Coburn, Secretary of'fithe Depart- ”figment .of ,aSociarl Service and Evangel- ism, honoured the Presbytery with their presence and sage couhsel.. . The regular routine business was dealt With, including the repmts from the idifi'erent charges within the bounds of the Presbvtmy for the 319311;} a like increase in finances. .The “(Presbytery allotment fer the Main-l gWin-=3»itenance and Ex tension Fund of the church was met in full. Increasedi F atlvity in every department was ap- ’ parent and a vote of optimism was 1?; struck by all who spoke on the church’s yWork. The future of the. 1 U11 ted Church in Northern Ontario 1% pears very promising. A new Miss. _ , eiOn Field Will] he opened this year in ; f‘_.the Porcupii‘fe ”District in addition to isfife" Missing Fields at Nakxm Nelhe ' Lake and 1Sinoky Fans. The sub? not {if non ‘AnglmSaxon Work W Rev. D. G. Dhfiigpf; Smoqth: £06k Falls; and niayman (to Tbs appomt- f;;"';_‘ed) from Connaught Wers named to fféirepresent the Cochrane Presbytery at :iil_L;thez-':Ge'neral Council of the church to be held in Winnipeg. 1'10th October, t Presbytery «greet! to nude: .at- flatheson in September. Adjpfirned d'isqfiSsed at same let ‘recommanded for , rec anded for tfiepnnpose {fact ,mgout a survey of the district man attempt to find out the :possi~ to {establishing eventually an All Peofvle’s Mission oerhqrehgof All Nations, such as, is being“ partied ‘ ori adiv'éuccessfully in Saultv Ste. Marie ',;lid;-§udbury.' ' ' ~ . . ' '- REV J. ”C", ‘00an gave a very .in- filtere‘sting and inspiring address upon the.w°rk Of his (lament) 't0.n¢hil.lgg.~.. upon the gambling laws of our com: try,je_the/L1quor Control Act, and the} question' Of personal evangelism in: our?{_‘_ehurches.z 'Mr. Coburn sgid' he ,Wasfpleased to inform-the Presbytery ; that-.j;the United Church Know 'h'a-d' in‘ Ontario 3. home for delinquent" girls such as the church f al _ , _ y pOssessed in --other prafincesgga _-t}::;%isi-"}:looeted a}? Georgetowfir ° Presbytery went on reéord‘ as in 03)- position to cadet _ {military 1-min- ing in Schools and co); es.“ ‘ ~ ‘ » Dam; the week then verb four for the fire b ’ 7 .. Mthmeof' a”: M £ ” ._ . i dam!“ vent mike»; f _ 65" '97 x W“ CE: the other . attractions" - 0f the, rink. Skating and. hockey, of course, Were the big featuxes. - Under the. capable management of Mr. Alex Cadman- the tin]; Wes .well conducted and again has proved an“ asset of the townhdpr- ing' the Winter; 011 the other hand, Mr.fCudman has asked The Advance ’to express his appreciation to the public in general and many in par-\ fti‘cnl'ar for the support and ampera- i ti’on that" assisted in making the sea- ! son a success. Llount Anvhony de Bosdart, cousin of Luvhe King of Italy,‘has announced This ibetrothal to Josephine Fish daughter {of Mrs. Ch «les King Corsantrw-hom We met in .. ~ndon seine. years agbgljl 8me 01:03.38 and recreation, tho okat and hoe; k‘ey being" much enjoyed. here were savoral carmvals this year _t_o adq to m- “vi: "um ' Pan unifies w Tnmmns fink closer! (Wednesday) after a very1 ncc * season. 7136 public,“ a], 130 nd: the shat-mg -_a great mgana’of pleagu‘re mm unligfi'aunrma , There have been reports to the ef-i- feet that the Aconda has dropped, or intended to drop, some options on properties held 1n Kamiskotia, but the president of the Aeo'nda last week. made an official denial of this, saying that the Aconda proposed to stay in the Kamiskotia field "and was holding on to all its claims in the district. Mr D. B. Rochester, the spiesident of AcondK, furthel let it be known that not only was Aconda staying in K’amis kotia,- but that it had someient reason for so doing in the good results fol~ lowmg the. work done so fa1.A1bout .2100 ft. of diamond drilling has been done and about 1111 (11111181 amount re- mains to be done on the diamond drill contracts let, on the ,Aoondla There are two diamond d11lls now at wo1k at the Acond-‘a ‘Kamiskotia property. The Aco'nda Will not only continue the present programme and cauy it tlnohgh to completion, but a still more extended programme of exploration and‘ develOpment has been planned and Will be carried out. 1 ' 7.- Assays are understood to be very ~'euti‘sfactory and all other indications appear to point to mas from the work earned Out at the Aeonda pm- perties‘ in the Kaxmskotia area. No” il‘rn‘bh m Any Reports About: Acon' " ' ...Wi€fidré,wixig“ mm .Any , ; Kamskotia. . Claims, says. .- ReSults frOm the work'so" ’far havel been very satisfactory. In the latest. drill report, the information is given that en hole No. 6 the drill passed, through 50 feet of sulphites, while on" No. >7Idrill two bodies of sulphites Were passed through. No. 8 hole has been started a hundred feet feet south of 'No. 6 and hole No. 9 has been: started a hundred feet north ‘of No.3 RINK BROKEN INTO AGAIN . ON TUESDAY EVENING work of some boy or boys, Batu to the main part of ythe rial was gained through a pwindOw. Anothex wmdow was utilized tmsecnre a forced came into he ofliee where the cash would be apt, if thoraaerean) Bat them was no ml! loft on the premises so thé Burglar or burglars had the Jmuble £11: for nothmg ‘ \othing else was taken firom the rink, :Ttates, boots and so on Ming unmol’este‘d. It is th. , t; t-Qat it, was a boy, or. 151' Who gamed entry} to the rink nesday. evening or W edaosdax mormng , . _ mm, in M, Thurs- left this ( Q Mm. F d Sexto: t of day) M the _ _ I!“ ““0de a“ "’3' W33 ‘ m The skating rink was again broken into on Tuesday evening but so far as known there was nothing taken. The attempt “as evidently inade “ith the idea of gettino any cash that might be left?" p‘n {he premises 11111 there was no cash left to get. It. is thong-1111311111 this piece of house- breekmg, 0111-1111: breekmg, 1"“ the 25:36:: COUSIN 0F ENG TO WED , . ' Mlfixnm lll’rlnus ‘ ~|l‘ 'l .‘ k . .‘y. '-< - . nq nest Into t-ej 01: {flat Disaster Re-o 1 s ’ .‘LvomOI‘l‘OW The inquest into the deaths in the Hailinger disaster on Feb. 10th, will be resumed by Cordner H E. Mont- gornery and the jury of twelve at the Oddfellows’ hall on Friday of this week (tomorrow) commencing at 10 a. 111. ‘Mr. Peter White K. C., counsel for the Royal Commission of Enquiry, will be present at the inquest to assist the Crown Attorney in the cage, and L01e1s of good music will be pleas- ed With the programme to be given at the hand concert 011 Sunday evening, March 25th, at the Goldfields theatre; aftei the church services. As usual, there will 'be a number of attractive selections by the band, while «extra, interest and variety Will be giyen to the .programme by vecal and instruâ€" mental numbers by popular local artists. The artists expected for Sunday evening are sure to delight all Who hear them, and music-lovgrmL be particularly interested. The; band has some new selections that Will fi11d Corbner’s Enquiry Resumes 61'! Friday at 10 a.m.,m in ' I.0.0.F. Hall. Mr. PeterWhite,K0 willbePreaentto Astaist Crown Attorney and to Watch the Case Generally. , i 1319.0 no doubt to see if any further evidence is- elicited that might help the Rbyal' Comrnis‘sion in makmg their findings on the disaster, There "haVe been the usual street \rumoum that there - might 'be sensational evidence at the in nest in regard Ito .the- disaster or to c ditions at the mine, but these rumours ‘are discounted'by" the fact that if there were any such evidenceE to be presented it would have‘ been .mueh easier 'to have presented such infermation 'to the Royal Commission, the scope of that investigefiOnheing much wider. The Coroneikflnquest SPEBIM FREIGMMME EDIE BM"! BflMBEflE [IN BUMIIM Arrangements Made for Attractive List of Numbers for Event in » ~ Goldfields Theatre After the \ Church Services ‘gen.¢r'a1 favour. The event Sunday evading is one of the regular band concerts held eve1y. two weeks» throughout the winter months The purpose of these cencerts is chiefly to- allow Opportunity for all the people in town to hear the band just as they are able to hear it during the Sum: mer menths when it is possible to hold outdoor concerts. The last 0 the regular band concerts (on arch 11th) p1 oved one of the most popular ones held this season. Some of those Kirkland Lake now has the newest of the Kiwanis Clu’bs for the North Land. -"'l"'he following are the officers North Land. The following arethe as elected’last week :â€" Honorary ])resident-â€"'â€"Har1 y" Oak'es. Rresidentâ€"R. J. C a.rter Vice presidentâ€"Gerald D. ()’Mear:1 Secretalyâ€"Dr. E. C. McKee. Treasurerâ€"G. A. Goddard. District trust'eeâ€"A. G.Maedo11ald. ' Board“ or directox‘sâ€"Wdlter Little, C. E. Rogers, Dr. Neelands, Rev. J. F. .Anderson, K. F. DeLohg, Chas. W. Tresidder 811d M. G. Hunt. - . imattenda-nce claimed it: was “tth best for :11. long titpe.” {At any rate! .the good_',cpowd present sgemgg to 9117‘ MC SUUu,ULU "u ysvuvuu uvwmuv; vv jay it an the way through.- The con- cert on Sunday evening next should prove even more acceptable, and should attract a big crowd. " - KIRKLAND LAKE KIWANIS ' . ~ ' CLUB OFFICERS FOR YEAR W‘f‘ fifiifl will be confined. to the evidence relating tenths cause of death .oig‘,,‘the men dying in the disaster, while the Connnission" was «open to receive any eVi‘dence in any {way hearing on safety et-the,mines,-as well as touching on the accident itself. If furt‘her‘evi- deuce comes to light. [at the inquest, this will nodoubt be hrought before the CommissiOn also. It is under- stoOd. that, further sittings of the Royal Commission will be held next month at . Toronto and Haileybury. Alt tt‘heglatter lace, it is understood, evidenee will e taken from leading mine-managers with a view towork- ing out measures for [the maximum of safetyin the mines of the North. III II 1 I, II InIIII , : III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII As an extension of the good work being carded on in the district (11mm; the P391 feW ,months by Miss?» Halley? Provinc1a1 Health Nurse, there Will be, free cl1nies for< Ghildreh at San». maieher and Sowth Porcupine next Week. The «311111168 W111 119‘ under the very 0 petth direction of D1; J. '1. ' ‘Phair,0§‘om 11119 Provmeml Dept. of He'aflt‘hfi creme. The chmes at Schw- mwdher :will be held 1.11 11he McIntyre. In additiOn to Mr. ’White it is un- derstood that Mr. A. G. Slag‘ht, solici- tor for: .the Holii‘nger at the Com~. mission, will also be present at the inquest toninrrovu Mr. Gordon, of Hfiiley‘bnry, representing the men, is also likely to be present. V! .L- Riv “v-“ -” :w’lâ€"râ€"w â€"_-â€"- â€"â€"'d v . ~11“;1v1:1ouw 31 Tuesday and q Wednesday, rcupine ' ' and Friday, March 29th and 30th. . The hours for the chmcs a1e;morn-! ing 9 to 12â€"; afternoon 2 to 5. Ati these clinics theqe will be free phy- sie‘al examination given of all ehildren and young- people 11p to the age. of 18 years. This 18 a‘ great opportunrty, for parents to receive valuable advice without ecst on the physical condition of their :‘ehildren.a Dr Phair is an authonty on such matters and the c‘hhics should prove of unusual bene‘é- fit. Often, children are retarded in their development and progress by minor defects, not perhaps readily percewed by {the layman, but quite $1: videmt m the ease of examination b3 ports. The defects may yield ver3 easily to treatment when kntwn and thus the ehild may be relieved from an unnecessary handicap In caSes where the health is apparently perfect it as nice to have ‘the assurance of medical specialists that all is as well as it appears. ”'Dhe free clknies thus 4 are of value as regards both the phy- Sically fit and those not so well :3?! advice given in regard to the he h of '-ehildren is a feature of these clin- ies, and the people of Schumacher and South Porcupine would do well _to (take very general adVantag‘ei of the opportunity next week; 'I‘h'Ose~ who have ndted 1111c simply Wonderful work accomplished‘ far the health of the children in Timmins‘bythe public health- nurses here and the clinics *held will agree that the H clinics are of special value and wdv’éntdge. "eé ‘fixaminabion for Children Up to :the\Age of 18 Under Aus ices Dept. of Health. ' In the Memorial Cup serigs Ottawa Gunnpgs ”Ontario Champion's? Were do: -A~f.eated5 to) ,3. Two mare games are. «yet to be ‘played in this. Marie‘s! for .the junjgrgchqmpjopship of Canada. ‘ oh To lworom r03 mm on? IIIIIIIII mu III III Mr. Barrow of Lsgibn Headquarters; Ottawa, to be Mona the Speakers for the » Occasion. Lest nigit ht in the Allen Clipfl' 891mg. finals ‘1: l{llwontreal Victories defeofléd’, the Rite ener Green Shirts bye score of 8 to" a. The Victories won the round by 10-3 0\ er the Ontario chain- pions The Montreal team now meets the Western champions in the final battle for the amateur championship of Canada, and possession of the A1- Ian Cup. n A - p... n ‘.u )Arrangements are 11on well under way for the Vimy Banquet to be held under .the auspices 0f the Tinimins Post of the Canadian Legion.;:. The event Will be helfi 111 the Opdfellows hall 011 Easter Monday, April 9th. It 1s a coincidence that this IS the first time since the battle of Vimy itself that the date, April 9th, has fallen on Easter Monday The observance this year of the ViIn-‘y event Will ac- coulingl) have double force in re.- “calling memories to those who were in the engagement, while to all other Canadian soldiens the Vimy obSer- \ance has come by consent to be the Canadian ex-SOldier’ s special occa- sion to remember the War and review the days of the conflict. ' It is expected that the Vimy Ban- quet in in: I O. O. F. hali' here On April. 9th Will 9 a specially noteworthy! event. There ‘Wil‘l be a musicaY pro- gramme of m “11!; as well as a nam- her of good speakers and. an 3mm tive m'enu. Mrs. J. A. HoWse Will/ do the catering for the occasion, which is guarantee that this part of the: evening will be up to a high standard The musical pregraanme is also sure to be good. The list of speakers be 53 arranged fer Will be pleasing to 12‘ Among these, it is expected to have lustrwmental in securing adJustment 0f many pensions for the returned Sol- diets, being a member of filie Adjust- ment Boardp He will give first-hand informaltion 01} the subjecti'find his address is sure to be of very great: interest; » , A ' Wuheummw BBMEB KlllEB BY fill ..... It w’oulidvbefwell for (ax-servicemefi and others interested to secure their tickets as early as possible, as the number of tickets on sale will be .hmJlted. Tickets may be secured from [any of the committee 6f {the Legion or from Sauve’ s Pharinwcy. ' ’ . K . . s. Slimmer, san'A'ust‘rian resident in t- ,camp‘ fer years, and a sealer at th" Hollinger'Mine, met death at 11.15 Friday morning. He was scal- ing and a porltion bf rock did not come dewn with the \prying of the_'b‘a'1_‘s. So' far «as can be learned S'huster walked under the rock to get to ‘the other side to see if the loose rock could the handle better from that side. \Vhila he as walking under the strip of rock it evidently became; loose and fell.”v Helwas (buried be'-‘ neabh the falling rock and‘w'as dead when taken out. The deceased was. an experienced ' mm at scaling and it is accordingly surprising that? he? should have walked under the rock that was being sealed. He wasabout 41 years of age, and single, _ An inguest. ,will ,be hand into the death; as required in iall. cases at? fatal accidents at the mines. ‘ A’s ~willbe the case each week 'dur- ing theiabsence ‘of Magistrate's. At- kinSon, Messrs »_H. E. Mantgomery find" 1“. MC. EVans, Justices of the Peaé‘e, presided at. police court this week 11ch here and a't‘ South 'Porcw pine, . . - j. ‘ ONLY A. FEW GASES THIS WEEK AT roman COURT 'Atâ€" the Tingling court there were only a few minor cases.' F u? drunks were assessed the custom‘ rv $10.00 and. goats; of $19.50 each. The oniy other case of “an importancewas that againetrPoter- boi's. ' This‘was a man Holmanm young, who has been: hanging .arbnqdr 1Q ' local billiatd K . huste‘r, 'Ahétfifli,‘ 'Mee'tS'Death on He Walks Under Rock ' . Being. Scaled. . . The catering for the occasion was in the capable hands of M.1‘s J. A. Howse and the food-service were of the best- This part of the pr0-. gramme was much enjoyed by a1! pres- 'ent, and was fol lowing by a p10- gramme of short addresses, musical numbers and novelties, equally enjOy- ed. G A M'ae'a‘onald,pre51dent of the *hand,o¢c11pieil the chair. Br1ef ' but very appropriate and pleasing atl- dresses were given by Mayor Long- more, Mr. C. G Williams, Councillor ’P.Dougall,Counci1101 R.R.ichardsm1, Councillor C. P Ramgay, D1, M53111- nis, Mr. A. Prout’; vice-presi t 31’ the. band, Mr. F. J. Wolno, the band leader, Mr. A. Wilford, deputy band; leader, Mr. S. Johns, and Mr. Jas Cowan. All the addresses Were vow interesting- and well touched with humour and story. Mr. Williams referred to the value of the band and the way the ’band fresponded to short netice ycalls for public service, i11~ stancing the case of the unveiling of the war. memorial when the band had been gathered on only a hour or 1;) gof notiCe, yet gave fine service. Dr. ,McInms, who pointed out that it “would bee. ull town indeed Without a band, We erred also to the way the -' band turned out to give :pjll-bllc ser- vice Mayor Longmore expressed his, pleasure at the harmony in the band 1321111 e11: that the bani} Was worthy of ' '2 for 113g 0 ' ervmes Coun~ mllor "f Bengali made a panticuiarly The annual ”get t 1.111811” 011' “family 'thering” oft Timins Citizens’ and was held in the Odd- fellows 11am! on cRunway evening, March 17£11. About; W)“; 7.41% mean bers of the hand “me It fer. the occasiOn,w1iile among the guests we1e‘-â€"-â€"Mayor" E. L. Longmore and Councillors 1P. Dougall, 11. Richard- 8011 and C. P. Ramsay, Mr C. G. Wil- Hams, Dr. J. A. McInnis and Mr. J. ~ Cowan Messages of regret at ibeing unable to attend were .reeeiv ed from members of the 1011111 council, past presidents of the band, and 01/119115. .Rnchardson was equally efiechvcmln “a very piousmg, brief Wressx Gounâ€"_ cillor Rmnmy expressed apflmcgdfi “sf-W =de the band’ 5 services. M Plout took occasion to. express it thanks of the band to Rev. :j .ed now; Whidh was a. gram; . to some of tho fOrm‘er quarters the band; Mr, F. -‘J.«Hornhy, touched on the finances of {he hand, wméli [were in a. sound. condition- The pug;- sident exlpressea thanks to the tofix’bifi the Hollinger, the public and 1]“ _; '1 artists fer generous assistenee fiii‘ stfiipontjo the Band, and to 'the lame er, deputy, oflieers and memhl'érs'f‘ 6f; the band for’ the harmony and an achieved in the band.” ”Bend Leedéii Woln‘o referred to the number” idfi concerts given each year and the “ting; harmony in the band. In addi’tionffitge the addresses there was a. very pleas- ing musical programme. ,_-,0ne" of We b' hits of the night was the vocal so 0 by “little - L19yd_ thne, the the band had tq'occupy Throng ' the addresses there was when or ' given to the ban51 leader tariff" and interest. Bandmaster Whlno 111/ his address gave the credit .to the r ~~ of the band for the mogress and barman): achieved; The secretary ht “gang” all joining in the chorus. . FA fiiccOlo solo 'by Bandsman ‘Chefi‘y brought deserved encore. '- Another very fine number was a vocal solo-iT-‘b’y Bandsman J. B. Pare, who ‘was ea; thusiastically eucored, and -responded.? with a ,very pleasing solo in Freiieh. A pianoforte éolo‘ by Mr. Shoneiaee lighted all, Mr. Shane showing luau;- self an artist at the {jinnof Ban s’-_ man iStan Julius w iii fine voice arid his wellopresente‘ .3010 was greatly appreciated. The pianoforte sologrby Band-small Carl Johns was another tag the musical treats of the evening an was much enjoyed. Mr. Jas. (Tower), always a friend-of the band, who i’h“:a [brief address in response to the cal], _'spoke of the harmony in the bahd‘, “was also prevailed upon to give om; rof his humorous songs and won ‘v'ery “hearty a‘iiplanse. /_T.he~gathering apps-- Eeluded with “Aul Lang Syne" did “God Save the King,” a numha :staying on after for-a :ti’iue when-cu {jolly 'on afiter fol:â€" a't- time :whezihgia {Wu J.; B. : Pare leafliug the" morn) STRIKES GOOD, ' c d P. nil!

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