Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 22 Mar 1928, 2, p. 1

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Meets every lst and 3rd Monday of each month in the basement of nlican Chumh. ALL VISIJKTI G MEMBERS WELCOME M. GORDON. JEAN LANGMAN. The éaledonian Society of Timmins ; Meets every Second and Fourth Satm day night at 7.30 in the Oddfellow: Hall, South Porcupine. Members ad- ‘ mitted by card. Nonâ€"members 47 cents and 30: war tax total 50c., ad- “ mis'sion including refreshment-s Everybody W'elcome Wrap all Garbage in paper. Keep your Garbage can covered. Use plenty of Ohloride of Lime which can be procured at the Town Hall, free. Householders usingwell Water must boil it for at least 20 minutes. All outside toilets must be made 1y proof. “ REALITY ” Services :â€" Sunday 11 a.m.. Sundav School 10 am. Wednesday Meeting ........ 7.30 p.m Testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. Christian Science Meetings ODDPELLOWS’ HALL Subject : _ No. 742, Schuniacher Meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month in Schumacher _Orange Hall, Visiting mem‘bers welcome. L. WILLIAMS E. TOWNSEND, SECOND SECTION GOLDEN GLOW, -L.O.B.A President 8. R. Harrison, Bsq., M.R.S.C. L.R.C.P Vice-Presidents : Austin 15:. Neame, Esq. Dr. A. 8. Porter, M.G. Meets second Friday in each month in the Town Hall at 8 pan. All returned men gladly welcomed i322 George Taylor Hardware Phone 301 10 Third Ave. We do Electrical Work of every Why not let us solve your Radio Open to native-born Scots and Scotswomen and _ those of Scottish descent. Meetings every second and fourth Friday in the month in the Hollinger Recreation Hall. P. LARMER, President Meet: in the [igniting Recgeatiop Hulk first "WV" cc- v-uv 'â€" â€"__- -v __ and second Saturdus of each month Invitation may be obtained from Secretary or President upon application. or from members of the Committee. '1‘. H. RICHARDS. President MRS. T. RICHARDS, Seg.-Treas., Box 1037. J. A. TOWNSEND C. C. HICKS Meets in the Hollinger Recreation Hall every first and third Friday in the month. BERNARD B. ASH, President J. HALLAM, Secretary-Treasurer Meets on the Second and Fourth Thursday of each month at the Schu- macher )Orange Hall. All visiting . members welcome Schumacher L.O.L. No. 2975 Meetings held in Hollinger Recreation Hall, third Saturday of each month. Open to all of Cornish birth or Cor- nish Associate. ALFRED W. SNOW. President J. G. HARRIS. Sea-Trees» Schnxnncher, Ont. Anglican Church 1 ALL VISITING MEMBERS WELCOME A. G. Lux'rON. J. G. {39331 CORNISH SOCIAL CLUB Visitin brethren requesnea IO attend 8. T. ALKBR W. G. SMITH Meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month, in ihe Busemgnt of Meets every Friday evening in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Spruce St., North, Visiting brethrgn requeg‘tgd to attend "III“ lflflfif. l.fl.fl.f._, lo. 455 Vol. XIII. No. 12 T. FELLOWS. Sea-Treat, Box. 1716 23 Montgomery Avenue. Timmlns, Ont. GOLD STAR, L.O.B.A. No. 677, Timmins, Ont. CANADIAN LEGION TIMMINS BRANCH All-Britain Social Clfib LANCASHIRE CLUB THE CORNISH WELCOME CLUB ELECTRICAL ATTENTION HOUSEHOLDERS By Order of THE BOARD OF HEALTH TIMMINS L.O.L. D"; CUTHELL.‘ Secretary 'Timmfns, Ont. E's-255%} Two rinks, composed of E. H. Hill, H. Jackson, W. Ecclestone anl I. Solomon, skip, and A. Hattie, R. H. Hall, J. W'. \Vatt, and J.‘ R. Todd, skip, played at South Porcupine on Saturday night for the 'T. N. O. trophy, but the. South Porcupine rinks were too good for them and the trophy still remains there. The Northern Miner sayszâ€" . “The Northern Miner understands on the best of authority that negotia- tions for the continuation of the Nipissing Central to the Horne smel- ter and Noranda Mine “have ended satisfactorily. Due to trouble in securing.r right of way, the Ontario- owned railroad was stopped about a mile from the smelter and shipments over the line ‘had to be transported that. distance by lteam or truck. W'hen a spur is-built to connect with No- randa’s tracks it will be possible to make direct shipments over the N. C. R. Construotion is to be started at once.” NIPISSING CENTRAL TO CONNECT WITH . NORANDA After the game a, banquet was he}d in the Goldale Cafe, this feature 110- ang greatly enjoyed by all. The Holly Recs” being the winning team, were presented with the t10ph\, the cup kindly donated by Homer L. Gib- son Co. Arrow Clubâ€"D. Brown, centre; M. Ab1ams, left wing; H. Garne1, right wing; C. Jones, left deience; \. P111- telance, right defence; C Chanette, R. Hou‘le, subs. Refereeâ€"Bob \Vebb. Unfortunatelv Ken \eu ton was not able to play as he sprained his ankle on the day of the Dog Race. The final quarter was not as strong in scoring as the previous one, but good checking was staged. The fans were very excited and were giving both, teams the best of «support. This quarter ended, Rec, 6 points, Arrows, 4. The final score was 31 to 11 in favour of the Bees. The line-up was as follows :-â€" Holly Recsâ€"V. Ray, centre; Capt. H. Boyd, left wing; McGrath, right wing; H. Farrell, right defence; J. Elrick, léft defence; R. Hudson. K. Newton, subs. In the. third quarter, the Arrows got going and scored three baskets. H. Houle did some very ‘good work. The Recs. showed snappy combination. This quarter ended, Recs, 1:? points. and the Arrows, 6 points. Combination was staged in the second quarter, which was veiv eflec- tive on the part of the Recs. D Brown got a flee shot and scored tln: first point for the Arrows. Thi; quarter ended: Recs., 10; Arrows, 1. V. Ray started the scoring when R. Houle fouled him, Ray getting a free shot. Captain H. Boyd of the Recs. was tthe star player of the evening. The first quarter ended with the Bees. showing three points and the Arrows having nothing. a The cleanest and fastest game of basketball for many a day was stag- ed last Thnrday evening when, the Holly Recs. Senior team defeated the Arrow Club to the tune of 31 to 11. thus winning the undisputed right to the handsome trophy kindly given by Homer L. Gibson Co. llllllV REES. WI "NIH" fIIR MM Ill HERE Presented with Homer LXYGibson Cup After Lively Match Last Thurs- day Night Phone 499-500 ’ CRACK SPRINTER COMES BACK AFTER LONE REST“- Last summer (iharleV' Paddock, (‘ a'lifornian collegian', decided not to do an) serious training until this spring ,because he felt That he had grown somewhat stale from almost continuous racing. Now, with the United States Olepic trials in view, “the fastest lhuman” has resumed training and is seen in the picture as he “on the 220- yard event all: Palo Alto. His famous leap at the tape is contrary to the ideas of foremost coaches ev er)- “here, but he wins, arid breaks iecolds. The time for this eV,ent VV 111ch he won easilV_ “as 21 and 2-5 seconds " TIMMIN S, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 22ND, 1928 “Karam’s “padded” shipment was held up and examined at North Bay by Game Overseer A. E. Pennell. I t was supposed to contain 140 beaver, 4 fisher, 5 cross fox, 1“ red fox, 20 lynx and 25 skunk. \Vhen the ofii~ cer found that these numbers had grown considerably en route, and that in addition, the bale contained 6 otter weasel, on which he “forgot” to pay the royalties required by” Ontario game regulations. Karam’s forget- fulness cost him more than the proâ€" verbial “pretty penny,” too. Yes- terday he was fined $500. His bale of furs, valued at. $8,000 or more, is in the Department of Game and Fish- eries, and will remain there. “It’s the biggest seizure we’ve made in the last two or three years,” said Donald Monnaild, deputy of the department last night. ' HBAVY PINE IMPOSED ON . COCHRANE FUR DEALER Oh Saturday of last week The T0- ronto Globe had the following:â€" “‘W-hen M. Kal'am, a Cochrane dealer, this week consigned a bale of furs to a Montreal firm for export purposes, he included in the shipment 40 beaver, 3 fisher, 1 (Toss fox, 8 red fox, 12 lynx, 6 otter, 26 skunk and 1 Journwlist (interrupted \by (shatterbox wife): “Darling. I wish you’d re- member that it is I who am paid so much per thousand words.” m _ _ “Passing Show, London Through our engineers, and staffs in all important mining icenters--we render a reliable, miningzservice in addition to our brokerage service hf;’”""’ rm One evening last week the Nipissing Central snow plough was derailed on the spur line near the Haileybui'y pumping station and caused consider- able trouble before it could be re- placed on'the tracks. The plough was being, used to clear a new fall of snow from the tracks. GOLD RANGE MINES STOP OPERATIONS FOR A TIME. \Vork on :the GJOld Range Mines property near Boston Creek has stopped for the present. It is under- stood, however, that the stopping: of operations is only temporary and that work will likely be resumed on an extended scale in the course of Ithe next month or two. The idea of the early renewal of \work at the property seems to be strOng’ly supported by the fact that a complete mining: planthas been purchased, this plant being new at Boston Creek. The intention is to take "the plant in to the property in't'he spring and renew work to bring the property to the producing Stage. and 1 Weasel, not mentioned in the shipper’ s declaration, he put the cus- Bomarv “mo and two together.” As a result, Karam is a sadder but”: wiser man today.” HOMER L. GIBSON "-CO. 67 YONGE STREET BRANCHES 1‘1!!nt BELLEVILLE COBALT KIRKLAND LAKE 8CD! NORTH BAY : COCH RARE Privute Wim to 311 Branches “A lengthy memorial is being drafted by the special committee ap- pointed by the Temiskaming Assn- ciated Boards of Trade to investigate indigent cases in unorganized Iterri- tory, which will he presented to the legislature at an early date. The committee at work on the question includes Mayor N. J. McAulay and George T. Smith of Haileyhury, and Wesley McKnight of New Liskeard.” with this “indigent question” it may well be said that it is very true, in; deed, that “the poor we have always with gs.” In the column in The North Bay Nugget. reproducing ex- tracts from The Cobalt Nugget of fifteen years ago, there recently apâ€" peared the following paragraph :â€" INDIGENT PROBLEM NOT A NEW ONE BY ANY MEANS In the report. in The Advance last. week of the Northern Ontario Asso- ciated Boards of Trade. reference was made to what is no“ knmxn as the indigent question. At the meetimr mention was made of the fact that the Associated Boards of Trade has been endeavouring for a number of years to have something done in this mat- ter to avoid the :injustice from which so mam municipalities in the North ha\e suffered. It may 1101; be gener-. ally lealized how long this questlofp has been before the Associated Beam and how many efforts have been made to 1ight the matte1. In connection; TORONTO, ONT. After a very pleasing lunch was sc-:_jw:edhall gamed m the danging. Mr. Shonev’s orchestra supplied‘tlie musxc. ' McDoug‘all . . . . 177' Sauve ........ 180 Reid . .. ....... Roberts . . . . . . Cohen ...... ' . . 247 Skelly ........ 189 Angelo ........ 315 BNJOYABLE WRIST DRIVE BY THE ALL-BRITISH CLUB TheAllâ€"Britain Social Club held a very enjoyable whist drive and dance. on Friday evening last, all present having a very "pleasant time. The prize winners at whist were zâ€"ladics, first, Mrs. Blackman; second, Miss Shirley Payne; third, Mrs. G. Jop- son; gentlemen, first, Mr. R. H.Grny; second, Mr. Kitchener Brag ; third, Mr. H. Rescor. Angrignon . . . . S. MacMi‘llan . . Starr Tonkin . Arnott . . . . . . . Heg‘g'art . . . . Timmins bowling team played in Suhnmaeher last week in the Porcu- pine league art?! the boys surely upset the dope rightly and properly when they won every gume.and came back with four nice juicy points. Led by Cohen with 725 the team was baekwl by nice steady bowling from the rest of the boys. Starr was the only one for Sclunnaeher who had over the 60'.) mark, the reSt, all being below that. The. following sumnffiry tells the story :â€" . SUHUMAOHER Local Team Does the Unexpected, and Takes Four Points from Schu- macher at Schumacher IIMMIIS. Bl] 5 MAKE NICE WIN I XIIISIHIBI SL'DBURY ROUYN - 997 TIMMI} 1008 1096 1110 3214 186 188 169 250 229 176 175 156 970 1030 234 210 196 218 157 2997 631 180 204 208 725 581 685 579 418 689 576 57! 156 Mmlel sanitation is essential to health and efficiency in your manu- facturing plant. Equip your build- ing with approved ventilwtbrs and «lust, onllomm-s, and increased pro- «luotinn will pay for the outlay speedily. Let us have your plans and specifivations and we will make and install the necessary equip- ment quickly and at moderate ex» Satisfaction assured ‘ you here Whether you Buy or Sell. Give us a Trial. Goods Delivered Free. Don’t Buy or 8811 Before You See 'Me. 86 Wilson Ave... cor. Preston 8t 4». Phone BIO-J. Best Prices on all Goods Purchased. Lowest Prices on all All Kinds of Furniture, Bought. " ’ Sold or 'Bxchan‘ged. New and Second- ; Hand. Stare Smith Elston limited Plumbing. Heating 5 Sheet Metal Contact“. Phone 327 7| THIRD AVE. "WINS, 0U; TENTS "‘i’ACK BAGS FLAGS monnnown ' HAVERSACKS nouns SNOWBHOES SKIIB DOG SLEIGHS DOG HARNESS TOBOGGANS nonse- TARPAULINS BLANKETS Ask your Local' Dealer for Prices, or send your order direct to J. J. Turner Sons, Ltd. PETBRBOROUGH, ONT. AgentS Everywhere BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC Room 2,‘ Homer L. Gibson Bldg. (forEneyly office of Platus Lewis) DR. P. Q. RAVARY Specialist of New X’oxk and Montreal Hospitals Eyes, Ears. Nose and Throat 60% Third Avenue Timmi.‘ Eyes Tested ~We Manufacture and carry in stock AWNINGB W. D. Cuthbertson, L.A. CONSULTING AUDITOR Office Systems Installed Income Tax Adjuster Room 2, Marshall-Ecclestone Block P.O. Box 833\ Timmins, Ont. Barrister, §ol_i9_itor, â€" Notary '1 C. Pla'tus; w"BIA. Public 5 REED BLOCK, TIMMINS MODERN SHEET METAL WORK. Frank J. Kehoe N. GREENBERG 27 FOURTH‘AV'E. PRICE FIVE CENTS Goods Sold. {IIâ€"H W W 5553

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