50““ Porcupine ‘7 South Poronpine Team Pu Uh One of the Best Interme- diate Hockey Bntflee S - edwin Recent Years "in the O. H. A. at Toronto. G Battle toWatch, Say Reports. ’At Toronto-on Saturday night the; South Porcupine hockey team made a great name for itself by the great gains put in the O.H.A. series for the Allen up. The Advance corres- pondent ,at South Porcupine, Mrs. F. Hamilton, accompanied the team to the South, and writing from Toronto this week says.:--“Our boys created such a favourable impression Satur- day night that Toronto fans are kick- ing about the second scheduled match being ‘taken to Niagara. I heard some say it was better then some of the pro. games that have been staged here. The boys are up against a team fully 200 lbs more weight than themselves, but after the first period of uncertainty, and getting used to this ice, they had the best of the play all through. Port Colborne’s strong man is the goalie. All our boys did well, but Murray was our spectacular man. I never saw our boys in better trim. ’ ’ Among the interesting and lengthy reports of the game .in the city papers, the following from The Toronto Globe gives a goodï¬â€˜picture of the game :â€" .12-L_ â€336112 of. the best intermediate struggles in recent years the Port NOX-A-PAIN TABLETS Ladies! A $1. 09 30; of CONSTIKATW During March BOTH FOR ........... Removes Dandruff, promotes the growth of hair and makes hair beautiful. Per bottle, reg. 75c . Dï¬ring March .......... 59c rich in vitamines and has not the objectionable taste of some Cod' Liver Oils. , A real flesh and strength builder.‘ ' ITALIAN {OLIVE The ï¬nest you can bu'y. Pure and unadulterated. A beautiful smooth taste of the Olives. -' “‘~ U805 \r viva v .vav TAKE BCdtlme P1115 Third Avenue Near the Station QUELQUES ‘FACE POWDER SATURDAY ONLY v -.._._._ _‘ Kills Headache Immediately Wlse Mother Hubbard Old Mother Hubbard, she went to the cupboard, ' To look for her BEDTIME PILLS, Her faith still unshaken, _ She knew that when taken They saved her\ big doctor’s bills. COD LIVER QIL and a 50c REGENT COLD CREAM PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED With. Port 91 PURE IMPORTED 69c J New Size Pwkues EOUBIGANT ’ 8 BBLL’S an: ’FÃ©ï¬ ~99c 69c Colbbrne OHA. ï¬nalists and South Porcupine, N. OHHAx winners, pl ved atie game, 2 to] 2, at the arena at- urday night. Those who missed the struggle missed one of the best games of the season. The opening period was Port Cul- borne’s, they outsooring the North- erners 2 to 1. Merrill counted ï¬rst for the Ports in 11.20 and Kilpatrick made -'t 2-0 two minutes later. South, Porcuiï¬ne scored five minutes later on a fine combination play from Spence to J emmett. The second period was a continual main from one to the other, both teams passing up gelden opportunities through missing passes in front of an open net, and others by over-anxious.- ness on the part of the puck-carrier through â€not working close enough in. The seséion ended with no goals, and on the play the Porcupine team ap- peared to have a slight edge. In this period Thornton, in the Northerner’s net, and Moore, for the Ports, made some great saves. Thornton pulled a ,new one on the, fans {by occasionally skating out of his net, one time nearly 20 feet» after a rolling puck when the. carrier had been unbalanced. by a Every Lady Customer Saturday will receive a. small parcel, con- taininz a sample of Harriet Hubbard Ayers’ Pace Powders and Graeme, also samples of 3 Flowers Creams and Pace Powders and other samples. These are all done up in neat little packages Value of each package $3.10, Absolutely Free Saturday. . $1.50 size HOT WATER 3 BOTTLES .......... $1.00 size NUJOL ..... 30c. size NINTHOLATUM/ 60c size PAPB’S DIAPEPSIN 0000000 50c. size IPAN A room PASTE .. 50c. Size ‘ PRUITATIVBS ..... $1.00 size 3 FLOWERS PAGE POWDER ,3. $1.00 size BNO ’8 FRUIT SALTS ....... BABYPANTS 75 ‘ - vzczï¬â€˜Ã©u name 386 Goldï¬eld Drug Co. FREE SATURDAY The Safe Drug Store 108 LUNG BALSAM FRIDAY - SATURDAY MONDAY ; . TUESDAY ' For Coughs and Colds a69c 89c 74c 19c 21c 38c 89c 33c 79c 19c check at" the’ Famine defence; The penalties in the» ï¬rst two ï¬eflods were evenly divided, one to each team in both frames. The third ‘period 'opened fast. Porcupine tore right in, and on a dashing rush by Murray, the stockv left defence player of the “Porkies f’ the red light glowed behind» Moore after two minutes of play. Murray was knocked out a few minutes later on a rush by Kilpatrick, but no penal- ty was given. Merrill was soon benched for tripping, following Mur- ray who are too energetic a check to Nixon. emmet got the gate "a while after, and the Pm‘ts buzzed around iThornton 'like a swarm of bees. He managed to weather the storm, how- ever, though at one time Morrill had three in succession on him. Just be- fore the :period ended Kilpatrick was penalized on a rush up the ice, and he started to argue with Referee Har- old Farlow, who promptly made at a ï¬ve-minute penalty, which banished him for the balance of the game. j â€" It 533 a great battle "to: watch. Both defences body-checked with plenty of vigour. The - All the Port Colborne team played well. Russell Cross, who partnered with Kilpatrick on the defence was especially strong. He is a great rush- er and made some brilliant forays. The forward line of Nixon, Mountain and J. Cuthlbea't did good work, the. latter giving a ï¬ne exhibition at mid- ice._ Mountain .W'QS great on. the at- 1 tack, but had -his hands full ""with his epponent most of the time. Merrill and Curtis Cross went well, the for- mer being at his best the last period. . ‘7 if " " .r 500. size X POND s CREAM. 7“. 50c. size VIOK’S 70c size SAL EEPATIGA, VAPO-RUB ..... 35c. size PALM OLIVE SHAVING CREAM 850. size NBS‘TLB’ FOOD ........ 600. size POMPBIAN 0000000000 50c. size GIN PILLS ...... 0000000000 50c. size 3 FLOWER CREAM ............ $1.00 size WATBRBURY’S GOD LIVER OIL... 600. size LISTBRINE, medium 25c. size BLAUD ’8 Ht 370 _ 34c 19c 47c 69c 23c 48c 48c 34c 89c 39c 37c mm [mm ll mum mm m. \ mm mm mm mm mm as m: Mott's Tum Took rom- Poinu, Considerable Progress and Develop- So Did Btu-1": and Helium. moat. ï¬nger _W§y. _ Prospects Weber’s -und Heirgart’s divided honours with 2 points each. Arnott’s took 4 from MdMillan; Starr’s won 4 mints from Angrig‘non’s; Magm- honours with 2 points each. Arnott’s The annuml report of the Dome took 4 from McMillan; Starr’s won .Mines, given out last week, indicates 4 points from Angrignon’s; 'MucMil- considerable. improvement in the Jan’s took. all 4 points from Hegâ€" position of the mine. There is eons- gart’s; Starr’s won 4 from Weber’s; derable progress and development un- Angrignon’s won 3, and McMillan der way, and the general prospects 1 point. are excellent. The usual conservative Arnott registered the highest league tone is maintained in the report", but. cross alley to date, with a beautiful, the facts and ï¬gures as given, indi- total, 954 in 3 games. This will take cates that the position of the mine some beatingï¬EGGART’S is improved. ' ' In the matter of the ï¬nancial state- Heggart.. .. ‘ ~ ~ 239' 224 156 619 ment, the ï¬gures show that the net Campbell.. ° ' °° 137 134 154 4“Ml excess of current assets over cur- COOPGI‘ - . ° - - - 172 227 218 61?, rent liabilities is $42083§6, as com- Dumy ’° -~ " 147 14’ pared with $3,234,179 the previous Smlth -- -~ -- .. 230 187 :11? vear. This includes dividend assur- Feldman . 885 973 ' WEBER’S Weber . . . . . . 165 187' Bonnell . . . . ,. 159 285 Cooke . . . . . , 154 1.11 Leng†.. .. ..180 179 Dr. \Veston .; . . 147 237 Heggart’s 2â€"Weber’s 2. MAOMILLAN’S C. McDonald . . 138 198 Moore .. .. .. 167 118 J. McDonald . . 152 205 Davis.. .. .. .. 173 223 Ma'cMillan .'. .. 1813\208 Jim McNeil. . . Joe niM‘cNei'l. . . Arnott . . . . . Naylor .. .. . Dummy,. .. . Arilott ’s 4â€"MacMillan ’s 0. ANGRIGNON’S Angrignon . . ., 208 203 MdMillan .. .. 199 169 - Ferguson . . . . 185. 198 Ellis. . ‘. . . . 196 125 Campbell . . . 122 263 J 1 1 J Dr. Honey .; Waddle f9. .. Welt .. .. . Tonkin .. .. Starr.. .. .. Bonnel‘l .. .. Rankin .. Cooke. . .. .. Weber .. .. Starr ’s 4-â€"Angrignon ’s 0. Haggart Cooper .. .. .. Feldman.. .. Campbell . . Yorke†22-2 144 .~2 150 . . 192 . 221 ' HEGGART ’S 209 146 144 134 215 McG: Proulx . . . . Gorieu . . Dr. Honey. \Velt. Tonkin . . Starr. . . . Jim McNeil. . . Ambler .. .. . Arnott . . . . . Joe McNeil . . . , Dummy .. .. . 948 821 ANGRIGNON’S Angrignon . . . . 242 221 MacMillan 151 227 Ferguson . . . . 147 142 Ellis... . . . . . 120 201 Campbell .. .. 217 254 For South Porcupine “Dutch†Cain and Murray, who teamed on the defence, showed some of the most rugged body-checking that has been witnessed here this winter. Jemmett was reflective/133 centre and “Eagle Eye†Spence, .n left wing, proved tricky, a good puck-carrier and a strong shot. McHutcheon was steady at all times, while Gagndn‘and Saun- ders did not weaken the forward line while they were on the ice: ‘ 1'". I I v- u.--v The second game at Niagara Falls Monday night will be a contest Worth while seeing, as both teams have speed in abundance and check stront- ly_at allmpg‘sitions. ' ‘I- 172‘-_- VOVW Sou-til Porcupineâ€"Thornton, goal; Cain and Murray, defence; Jemmett, centre; Spence and McHntcheon, wings; suintitutps, Gagnon and Saiun- Port Colborneâ€"-Moore, goal ; Kilpa- trick and R. Cross, defence; J. Cuth- bert, centre; Nixon and Mountain, wings; substitutes, Merrill and C. Croés. MacMillan’s 4-â€"Heggart’s VVEBER’S ang.. .. .. .. 189 153' )nnel‘l .. .. . . 281 163 mkin .. .. 148 167 )oke........ 87 151 'eber .. .. .. 156 153 Starr’s 4â€"1Weber’ s 0 ARNOTT’S . 877" 1054 S Angrigrgon ’s 3â€"Arnott ’s 1. 'ï¬oferée,’ Harold Farlow, Toronto. 813 952 ARNOTT’S . . . 148 172 . . 158 162 . 310' 308 , , 150 206 . .138 118 911 .S STARR’S . . 163 2 . . 154 .. 162 , , 274 . 243 lï¬h‘khll ST. 190 1099 865 996 1152 861 170 8â€"80â€" 1002 170 220 218 120 230 158 187' 111 179 237 999 172 162 308 206 118 222 182 243 255 250 966 958 153 163 167 151 153 921 1050 3070 1062 2931 _. 149 187 188 903 ‘2761 181 222 152 167 955 2759 154 177 219 124 219 200 336 183 124 823 2588 178 191 183 181 217 148 204 169 223 950 2819 95,1 3099 133 .203 178 133 865 2642 187 215 176 169 250 198 171 169 236 619 425 617 147 417 536 585 625 481 511 551 439 534 615 515 539 520 954 539 380 590 559 566 502 602 533 540 574 752 700 564 493 512 504 569 660 579 590 511 672 555 436 424 663 506 460 490 707 *V‘ DC. v- - "â€"â€"_ an increase of $175, 750. Surplus in- crease was $547 ,424. In th’e matter of the ï¬nancial state- ment, the ï¬gures show that; the net excess of current assets over cur- rent liabilities is 208,256, as com: pared with $3, ,179 the previous year. This includes dividend assuri ence fund of $2,350,573, which coni- pares with $2,219,431. Net income for the year amounted to $1,960,585, During 1927 629,580 tons of ore were hoisted, against 656,521 in 1926. Tonnage sent ‘to mill was 543,300, a- gainst 555,700. Bullion recovery was $4,031,744, against $3,940,090, average yield being $7.42, against $7.09 in 1926. Provision of $444247 was made for depreciation of plant. The latter AA AAA AAA is no“; carried at $2,968,936, against which is depreciation ’reserve of $1,- 793,190. General Manager H. D. DelPencier in his report says quite important adâ€" ditions ‘to the ore reserves have been“ opened up in the vicinity of working stopes. This called for considerable development work in the form of drifting, cross-cutting, sub-levels, etc. Other important developments out- lined by Mr. DePencier include ‘the opening up of some ore on the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th levels‘by cross-cutting and drifting in the greenstonés north of the sedimentary basin. A cross-cut on the 13th level has not yet reached the point where ore may The found. On the 8th level ore found is not important. On the ~9th level one shoot has been drifted on for 290 feet and had been st’oped to its upper limit. From this shoot 25,618 tons, averaging $6.89 have been drawn and 20,000 tons of hroken ore ,still remain. North of this shoot another small s'hoot has been found and driven on for 200 feet, averaging $5.31. At the 10th level this same .zone has beenl reached and opened up disclosing ore; for a length of 285 feet, with an average width of 30 feet. The aver- age of sampling done to date is$5.84 On the 11th level the same ore-shoot has been reached by 251 feet of cross- cutting. A stepe sill has ,been out here 320 feet. long and averaging 25 feet wide. This produced 5,650 tons, averaging $7.80 per ton. The same ore zone has 'been reached on the 12th level, drifting east and west, started at the end of the year. " The ore partiaflly opened up in the geenstone from the Sflh to 12th levels, together with additional ore found in the course of \stoping in the old stopes wzill I‘ll is estimated, equal the ore milled from the stopes during the vuv way at.“ v'_wvâ€"â€"' -â€"â€"â€"â€"._ The {broken ore in the st'opes now stands at 500, 000 tons. year as far as tonnage is concerned, but the gold content will be lower. Look 060d. Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway The Continental Limited, Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and -“ but a crop, and it is as greatmhéo Vaneoucer, daily, operating through Pullman Sleeper between Coehrano and Toronto. These trains use Cana- dian National Railways station at North Bay. Trains Nos, 4b and 47â€"Through service daily, between Toronto and ‘ Timmins, also to Rouyn, Qua, oper- ating Parlour Cafe Car service be- tween North Bay and Timmins. Through Pullman Sleepers operated between Toronto and .Timmins, also Canadian National Sleeper between“ Toronto and Rouyn, Que. These trains use Canadian National Railway. station at N drth Bav. Trains Nos. 17 and 18â€"Daily ex- cept Sunday service between North Bay and Cochrane, operating through Canadian Paciï¬c Sleeper between Timmins and Montreal. These' trains use Canadian, Paciï¬c Railway station at North Bay. Local service, daily except Sunday, between Cobalt, Fountain Falls and Silver Centre. Local service, daily except Sun'day between Englehaxj apd Cgbaltz Connectioï¬s at Earlton J ct., for Elk Lake, daily excepLSupglay.‘ n A. C Connections at Swastika, daily, with the Nipissing Central Railway for Kirkland Lake, Larder Lake, Ohem- inie, Rouyn, Que, and intermediate points. . - Q ~ A ‘ C. Cohnectvions a1; Englehzfrt for Charl- tox}, daily _except §und_a§. ‘ tCoï¬nections at Porquis J ct., daily, £01; Iroquqip F-alls._ . Tri- eekly service between Coch- rane and Island Falls J et., leaving Cochrane 8.30 a'.m., arriving Island. Falls Jet. 11.20‘a.m. Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday; leaving Island‘ Ealls Jet. 12.20 p.m., arriving Coch- rane 3.10 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. '“‘ See current timetable or apply to any T. N. 0. Railway Agent for fail particularg. General Freight and Passenger Agent, North Bay, Ontario Train Service