Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 16 Feb 1928, 1, p. 2

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U X‘S g For Best Values Phone 88, South Porcupine, Ont. g I B se 00000030 3500 0000 3000000 00500 00 30 0050 35 05 00 00 10500 3500 30 00510 05 35108515 35 35 0535 35 1535 350505 05 0595 050505050 0000 05 00 00 00 10 00 0000 00 05 00 05 00000000 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 05 t t 00 00 005 00 To n 00 0500 00 0000 35 00 0005 0005 050 l T aa* a 29 + t _A oh. t _1 0t t t .t ;t .% L M L M L L L L LE LE LC l u2t s a® s 2%, .*, 2 C 4 9 e 2 noredrsd*ed y 0.000000\.‘ 00000_000000-000000000000000000000000000. °9 ¢4, v4, 44040 04, 44. 44. 04 b4 t4 44 i4 000000000000’0000000000000?000"0 t vinih in n LV L LR LA LE n CS ..’...Q-n..fl." %fi.’o‘o ateafactiaate ote ate ate ate ate ote ate ate ate eb t ie 02003 nc Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Connections at Porquis Jc daily, for Troquois Falls. Triâ€"weekly service between Cochâ€" rane and Island Falls Jet., leaving Cochrane 8.30 a.m., arriving Island Falls Jet. 11.20 a.m. Tuesday, Thursâ€" day and Saturday; leaving Island Falls Jet. 12.20 p.m., arriving Cochâ€" rane 3.10 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,. See current timetable or apply to any T. N. 0. Railway Agent for full particulars. Trains Nos. 46 and 47â€"Through service daily, between Toronto and Timmins, also to Rouyo, Que., operâ€" ating Parlour Cafe Car service beâ€" tween North Bay and Timmin«<. Through Pullman Sleepers opcrated between Toronto and Timmins, also Canadian National Sleeper between Toronto and Rouyn, Que. _ These trains use Canadian National Railway. station at North Bay. Trains Nos. 17 and 18â€"Daily exâ€" cept Sunday service between North Bay and Cochrane, operating through Canadian Pacific Sleeper between Timmins and Montreal. These trains use Canadian Pacific Railway station at North Bay. Lake, daily except sunday. Connections at Englehart for Charlâ€" ton, daily except Sunday. Connections at Swastika, daily, with the Nipissing Central Railway for Kirkland Lake, Larder Lake, Chemâ€" inis, Rouyn, Que., and intermediate points. Local service, daily except Sunday, between Cobalt, Fountain Falls and Silver Centre. Local service, daily except Sunday between Englehart and Cobalt. Connections at Eaylton Jet., for Elk Lake, daily except Sunday. Connections at Englehart for Charlâ€" ton, daily except Sunday. The Continental Limited, Trains Nos, 1 and 2, between Montreal and ‘‘but a crop, and it is as greatmhse Vancoucer, daily, operating through Pullman Sleeper between Cochrane General Freight and Passenger Agent, North Bay, Ontario Thursday, Feb. 16th, 1928 DOMINION BANK BUILDING Opposite Goldfields Hotel Train Service INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES (Agents for Confederation Life Association). Funeral Director and Embalmer 12 Pine St. S. Phone 51 ; PARR, Houses and Lots for Sale on Terms. REAL ESTATE REPORT INOIGATES RIGH GLAY DEPOSNTS 1N NCRTR ture of *‘*stoneware.‘‘ ‘‘At the present time the Departâ€" ment is keeping a close eye on the area. No estimate of the worth of the deposits is obtainable, for their. value, as with minerals, depends entirely on how readily and how extensively they can be marketed. Just now the deâ€" posits are not readily accessible. But once the government constructs its Smoky Falls branch of the T. N. 0. â€"and commencement of the branch is not far distant, it is reported the whole field will be open to an aggresâ€" sive development. the recent report made by Ontario Government experts on the clay fields along the Mattagami north and west of Cochrane indicates there are very rich deposits. _ One despatch from Toronto says:â€" ‘*Fire clay deposits along the Matlâ€" tagami River, in the vicinity of Smoky Falls, have been proved by the Ontaâ€" rio Department of Mines to be of suen an extent and of so rich a quality that immediate setting aside of the area for purely government exploitaâ€" tion is anticipated. ‘*The presence of fire clay in this district has been known for several years, but not until Prof. Dyer and his geological party surveyed the situation last summer did the governâ€" ment realize the value of the deposits. Not only is it a good grade clay, but it is to be tound in several vanctuu and colours. As a matter of fact, it is the only find of any extent ever reâ€" ported in Ontario. ‘*This type of clay can be used, the Department of Mines points out, for a variety of purposes in which resistâ€" ance to fire is required. Lining of smelter furnaces is one use to which it particularly is adaptable. It is also utilized on a large seale for manufacâ€" ture of ‘‘stoneware."‘ Field Near Smoky Falls Said to be Unequalled in the Province ‘‘Premier Ferguson stated that he could not make any statement regardâ€" ing the date of the possible building of a branch of::the ‘I; N. QO. into 3 LICENSED EMBALMERS Aecordiu MOTOR EQUIPMENT PHONE 112 Residence PHONE 135 _to reports Trowm report made by sits along the Matlâ€" e vicinity of Smoky roved by the Ontaâ€" Mines to be of suen 5 PORCUPINE FEED TRANSFER ; # Coal, Wood Ice, Peed Transfer * * * *4 * * + E* ts t t * 5 3 5 ib 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 Washington was communicated with last week in regard to help in ‘the rescue work at the Hollinger mine, and generously agreed to the loan of one of the relief trains used in the Pennsylvania coal fields. At first it was hoped that the complete equipâ€" ment used in the Pittsburgh area for the coal mines could be shipped here by airship, but this proved impracâ€" ‘*dough."‘ gers. LLETT‘S FLAKE LYE Pittsburgh Special Made Run From Toronto in 12 Hours And Did Wonderful Work on Arrival Here. U.S. Departâ€" ment of Mines Gave Generous Assistance in the Work of Rescue at the Hollinger Mine. be disclosed until such time as the government was ready to take action on it. A despatch from Toronto last week said :â€"The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board has given judgment in a case of importance to mining comâ€" panies, in deciding against the appeal of the township of Tisdale in conneeâ€" tion with income taxation of the Dome and Mcelntyre Poreupine mines. The case involves income from securities in which reserve funds of the comâ€" panies are invested from time to time. Under provision of the Aect, which gives the municipality the right to asâ€" sess income from ‘‘mines and mineral work,"‘‘ the township sought to collect upon the income from securities, and was upheld by Court of Revision, but the district judge, upon appeal, found against the municipality, which subseâ€" quently brought the case to the Ontaâ€" rio Railway and Municipal Board. Head offices of these companies are in Toronto and York and the commisâ€" sioners rule that the township of Tisâ€" dale cannot assess income from seâ€" curities so domineiled. The issue is in the nature of a test case, and may possibly go to a court of appeal. W. St. Mary‘s Journalâ€"Argus:â€"Don‘t judge too quickly. It is difficult to get the goods on the modern girlâ€" that is, more than a yard or two. Smoky Falls, _ Aske report of the engines survey of the fire clay point, he replied that of a confidential natuw ‘‘When asked if he had any stateâ€" ment to make in connection with the application of Jesse Hammel for perâ€" mission to construct a railway, erect a power plant and for timber limits, he said that he knew nothing of the application. ‘‘It is quite possible that the application has been received by the clerk of the house, but no one is goinge to ereet a power plant up N. Tilley, K.C., and R. 8. Robertson of Fashen. Robertson and Atchison represented the mining companies. mnnu to ereet thvro ‘he added COURT RULING IN TISDALE INCOME TAX COLLECTION THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIMMINS, ONTARIO Be Sure You Get The Genume Waterbury (Connecticut) American Strange that men should call money CG. N. ROSS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Agents for:â€"Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Gilson Mifg. Co. Ltd., See the Gilson Parlour Furnace and Electric Washer before you buy. A full stock of dependable Harnessâ€" all hand made (only No. 1 leather used) Collars, Blankets, Storm Covers. Beat our price if you can. Complete line of Fullâ€"Oâ€"Pep Poultry Feed and Quaker Dairy Ration Officeâ€"Room 10, Reed Block Phone 640 P.O0. Box 1591, Timmins, Ont. Our cartage service is the best and our price is s right Dough sticks to your finâ€" sked regarding the neers who made a lay deposits at that hat this report was iture and could not Nood, Ice, Feed Transfer Harness and Repairs tical. The Government of the United States and all the officials concerned, however, showed the kindest spirit and great efficiency in hurrying the Pittsburgh relief train here. The reâ€" lief train reached Toronto on Saturâ€" day at 6.09 p.m., and five minutes later was on its way north with a change of engines. It had been brought from Buffalo by the Canadian National. Great time was made all the way along, but on the trip from Toronto to Timmins the record made by the Toronto train was beaten the trip of 475 miles being made in 12 hours, or about two hours less than the record set a few hours before by the Toronto special. The Canadian National and the T. N. 0. again did everything to facilitate the passage HAILEYBURY STILL HAS ITS ‘‘*RUNAWAY‘‘ INCIDENTS The Sudbury Star says:â€"‘* While very few men are being placed by the Sudbury branch of the Federal Employment Service at the present there is very little unemployment in Sudbury just now. _ Conditions are said to have improved in the last couple of weeks as many of the have moved out of town to other centres and very few ‘have been coming in."‘ A Russian physician named Boris, Married Doris, the pride of the chorus, With twins they were blessed, And I‘m here to attest They now have a wee Doc and Doris. â€"Exchange This is so much people are sometit that the horse lhas toâ€"day not .00 toâ€"day than twenty years ago, but, o# course, not as many proportionatelys to the increase of industry. The genâ€" eral adoption of motors has resulted in almost doing away with one exeitâ€" ing incident that used to be quite comâ€" mon in this country,â€"especially in the snappy cold weatherâ€"that being the runaway horse. . Years ago there were so many incidents of this type that the runaway horse was not considered Most of our troubles come from lack of kowledge. The township of Coleman has deâ€" cided to purchase a tractor ond plough for the keeping open of the highway between Cobalt and New Liskeard. issortment of groceries and r bottles on Tuesday morning am belonging to W. R. Lowâ€" imes inclli as disapp« a motol being t]lt‘l there were type that considered | news‘‘ all vay. â€" The ‘ribed such of Haleyâ€" râ€" unusual eet strewn ceries and ay morning N. R. Lowâ€" ‘obalt, l‘anl ed the load orner onto U 1\'\]\' *#, «**, /A o2 #, # # #* * # #4 *# # * c« 0! «* 11 t Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. | ROOM 2 [ GORDON BLOCK ‘TI MMIN 8 } Buffalqy Courierâ€"Express:â€"A young Canadian bank teller told a tale of beâ€" ing held up by bank robbers at noon. That night he confessed he had stolen That night he confessed he had stolen the money. _ The next day he was sentenced to prison. That is the sort of speedy justice which gives chills to ecriminals. * with which ‘the United States special reached here, the complete equipment of the apparatus and the efficiency and interest of the men in charge, will long be remembered with respect and gratitude for the wonderful work accomplished. ‘he trip made by the U.S8. relief train was a wonderful one, so was the equipment of the train and the experts in charge were noteworthy for effiâ€" ciency and their courage. Mr. W. Harrington, an expert from the Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C., was in charge of the equipment. The equipment consisted of gas masks of improved type, oxygen llelmets, oxyâ€" zen tanks, pulmotors, safety first aids, ete. _ An interesting feature of the equipment was the number of canaries carried, the birds being used to test the air for gases. Many of the birds dropped dead when going through the poisoned sections. _ The birds being more susceptible to the gases than men, it gave the workers in the reseue party time to go back to safety. The Toronto train was well equipped, but the United States Mines Department special was still better. One of the difficulties of the oxygen masks carâ€" ried by the Toronto train was that they did not allow the wearer to stay more than a very limited time in the danger zone. The Pittsburgh equipâ€" ment lengthened the time possible to stay in the dangerous area and so greatly facilitated the reseue work. The equipment on the Pittsburgh special was the type used in the coal mines where gases and fires that cause suffocating smoke are common. One of the difficulties here was that both fires and gases are practically unâ€" known in the gold mines of the North and so naturally there was not very complete preparations to handle the situation,â€"a situation completely unâ€" expected. â€" The Pittsburgh train, howâ€" ever, was all ready for just such emerâ€" gencies and the men in charge won unstinted praise for the way they knew their business and the way they did their work. There were scores of volunteers to assist them. Indeed all the way through there were far morel volunteers than could be used. The St. John Ambulance men, it should be said, were especially ready and most effective and useful in their work. The appliance carried by the Pittsâ€" burgh special for taking up gases and at the same time releasing oxygen into the air was especially useful in the work of clearing the mine. In Timmins and district the speed with which ‘the Lmte(l States special To rinatreateateataate ate ate a ts a ie n a in t Pn o2 0000 27 4000 °9 «_ _# C is 1i s ts t 1t 1t 2t 29 28e 28e 29e 281 18. 24208 288 # #. * xxo ooooooooooooooooooooo\“o.xozoooo’oooooooooooooooooooofoooonootooo’u. *4 # o eete« * t# Teafes #e * t #4 ## *®, LJ *4 #* #4 ## #.% ##4 #.% #* #4 # .# #4 \ ’. #4 ®@ “0 ......0..’."."'.00'000000000.00000000000..0000;- 0. ve, 44. +0 60. 40 40 va, oo be va, o9 orv, oa en _oa _ en a0 en _ o0 "ea nel es s s 5stt aa*ts a*, ie s is i i is in in 2e 28 .otfl: Snd ’..0. ’'0.'0@00.’0. 000’0000}'00'0 0'00'10000.00'00’00’0000ot....‘.‘.‘.’.‘.‘.’.’.‘o’ of the Pittsburgh special. The line was cleared for the free passage of the special and officials on the T. N. O. especially did great work in speeding up the passage of the Pittsburgh train. The special reached Timmins on Sunday morningâ€"a rem tun. _ smm‘ #46 %.% Â¥ 6 #+ ¢* #.% #* ## # * #* #4 #4 Â¥ % #4 % % #* #* *4 *# *# #+* #. *# #4 # *# #4 # # #4 * *# #* *# *# #4* * *# Cad #@ # #4 #4 * # #4 *# # #4% # # #4 * # #4 # 4# #* + + #4 ® # #4 # # *#+ *# # *#* * # #4 # 4 #4 #4 #@ + *# 4 Cad #© #4 *# -“. # # William 0. Langdon | Goldfield‘s Block Ssullivan Newton Timmins, Ont. P. O. Box 6 6) Excavations for Cellars, Sewers, Etc Contracts of all kinds taken EMPIRE BUILDING (Reâ€"decorated and with New Equipment) Bowling, Billiards, Cigars, Etc. â€" OPEN TO ALL â€" BEST ALLEY IN THE NORTH Insurance of every description and Real Estate Fire Insurance at Reduced Rates LEO at six remarkable | MASCIOL (.:;;":\‘}' M l ~_ Mclntyre rapaâ€"‘Cosmetics, my son, are Peach preserves."‘ anxiety they might cause. (When they did arrive home it was to find disâ€" tracted farailes who had been searchâ€" ing maybe hours for news of them. The men knew they were safe, and it had not struck them that their famiâ€" lres would consider anyvthing else. An.obstinate man does opinions, but they hold him t16 ANXIETY CAUSED BY SOME MEN NOT GOING HOME. Chiropractor Goldfields Theatre Bldg. Hours 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. Every Night is Ladies‘ Night King‘s Amusement Parlours Willie Recreation Hall SCHUMACHER More women are bowlâ€" ing toâ€"day than ever. Some bowl for the thrill, some for health, and others for reducing exercise. Bowling ansâ€" wers the purposes of all those underground at the men did not think of the Night Phoneâ€"No Day â€" Phoneâ€"No. Phone No. 321 apa, what are not hold CcOsSTme~â€" 104 237 151

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