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Carson, of Timmins, was the intalling officer, assisted by the following :â€" Grand S.W., H. H. Costain, P.G.; Grand Rece. See., T. A. Gibbons, P.G; Grand Fin Secretary, T. A. Gibbons; Grand Treasurer, W. MceHugh, P.G. (Timmins); Grand Marshal, Rupert Richardson, P.G. (Timmins); Grand Chaplain, A. Urquhart (Timmins) ; frand I.G., W. Smith, P.G. (Timâ€" mins). The officers who were installâ€" ed are: J.P.N.G., P. Andrew; N.G., H. Boyle; V.G., L. Sauder; R.S., J. V. Stone; F.S8., 8. Sky; Treasurer, T. A. Gibbons; R.S.N.G., G. Starling; L.S. N.G., E. Uren; R.S.V.G., K. Mitchell, Jr.; LS.V.G,, E. J. Hill; Chaplain, . Cox; Warden, A. Eady ; Conductor, G. Rintimaki; R.S.S8., C. J. Edgecombe; T LC _ csAaKkoen‘" Cox; Warden, A. Eady ; Rintimaki; R.S.S8., C. J. Aiken;‘ LG;, O.(G., D. Hughes, P.G. Lunch and a pleasant social time followed. Mr. and Mrs. Seaman, of the Anâ€" kerite Mine, are leaving this week on a trip to Montreai. Mr. J. B. Hutchinson, of the Dome, is on a business trip to Toronto. Mr. Evan Gill left for outside noints for a few weeks on Friday Mrs. Olton, of the Ankerite Mins, was called to Toronto this week owâ€" ing to the death of her sisterâ€"inâ€"law I_IULULLun, _ _J UILLILILEGILI EL _ EKAE N/ M NS dicdle Al e NeCl C Four coaches were necessary to take the Poreupine Hockey Club and their supporters to Iroquois Falls. They were also accompanied by the Porâ€" cupine Goldfields Band, which enlivenâ€" ed the trip by several of their seleecâ€" tions in each coach, on the way down. Some say they won the game. Anyâ€" way the boys went on the ice with a confident stride, and from the minute that Saunders, assisted by Jemmett, made the first goal with another one hy Spence following fast, their supâ€" porters were wild in their applause and their confidence of the outecome was never shaken. The Falls team did not seem to get past centre ice and their long shots were so elosely watchâ€" ced and shied off that they did no harm. The only qualm the fans had was when Spence‘s skate broke and he was out of the game till the next period. ‘‘What would happen withâ€" out Gordie there!‘‘ But the others held the fort and the period ended 2â€"0 favour of Poreupine Hockey Club. in on Low°rs. L1lI1GC E «bLLis ({ICUfJIC ALIC V NA knew before how much noise Porenâ€" pine could make. By the time the uproar subsided the spasm was over to a tune of 5â€"1, in favour of Poreupine. The third period found the Poreupine team wellâ€"massed on the defensive, the Falls boys working hard and in nice combination, which dwindled sadâ€" ly at the blue line of the Poreupine defence area. Saunders, Gagnon and Murray broke away and got the rubâ€" ber through once more for Poreupine. Soon Huggins for the Falls got in a surprise one on Thornton. The gong sounded with the seore 6â€"2 favour Poreupine. Fans of the week before say that the platform was crowded there with Falls people, many of whom ‘*booed‘‘ the losers as their train pulled out. Last Thursday two lone Falls citizens stood quietly on the platform as the happy throng deâ€" parted on the special. The game was wellâ€"handled by K. Buchan, of North Bay, as referee. The penalties were for Poreupine:â€"Cain, 1; Murray, 1; for Eskimos, Cybulski, 2; Mason, 1. Lineâ€"up :â€"Poreupineâ€"goal, _ Thornâ€" ton; defence, Cain and Murray; cenâ€" i tre, Jemmett; wings, Saunders and Snence: â€" subs.. Gagnon. _ Iroquois 1,ineâ€"up :â€"â€"P OPCupiineâ€" m ton; defence, Cain and ] tre, Jemmett; wings, S Spence; subs., Gagnot Fallsâ€"goal, Powers; del and Fraser; centre, Cyb Wimperis and Chireoski son and Huggins. The Bridge Club met o last at the home of Mrs. Dome Mines, Mrs. Rowe last at the home of Mrs. G. A. Rowe Dome Mines, Mrs. Rowe and Mrs. J MceCaffrey being joint hostesses. Th g but in eieven IniLt sisted by Gagnon ored another; then J ceâ€"off near the goal g If., Seareely a mint hen Murray got the r on Powers. The Pa new before how mus« ne could make. B on after the start of "imperis seored a ni alls. Things were g but in eleven mir sisted byv (G@ag@non ignon â€" _and then Jemmé goal got on i minute hs t the rubber ‘he Palls pe Mrs, W. Wilson and Mrs. W. Taylor each winning a first and Mrs. H. Hall, and Miss A. Sullivan winning the consolation prizes, which ware single hyacinths. A very enjoyable time was spent, there being many out from town as well as guests from the surâ€" rounding mines. Mrs. Dupont, of the Ankerite Mine, is now able to be out of the hospital here. Mrs. Ross Dixon, of Connaught, was a visitor in town this week. Mrs. Heath, of Kirkland Lake, spent the weekâ€"end with Miss B. M. C. Shaw. Mrs. MceNulty was called to Bonâ€" field this week owing to the accidental death of her_ brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. Thomas MeNulty, who was killed by a train while walking on the railroad to his home. We regret that Mr. John Bell, of the Ankerite Mine, is ill in the Dome Hospital with a troublesome eye. __ In Curling Cireleseâ€"the rink skipâ€" ped by W. Brooks has won the Galâ€" lagher Cup but he is not yet in possesâ€" sion of it. The formal presentation will take place later. In the semiâ€" finals, H. Boyle‘s rink defeated Dr. Russell‘s, which in turn was defeated by that of Brooks, consisting of the following:â€"skip, Brooks; viceâ€"slip, J. Gallacher;y second, R. on ons omm lead, L. Taylor. P]m has been started for the Lang Shield and is to consist of a numker of suddenâ€"death games. Mrs. F. Laforest left for Toronto on Sunday to visit with her daughter, Alma. The Poreupine Goldfields Band wish to thank the Schumacher Fire Deâ€" partment for coming in and with the Poreupine Fire Brigade helping to make their earnival a success. They are also indebted to a number of merâ€" honey, _ Banning. _ Timminsâ€"Goai, Boulley ; defence, Kr upka and Emar ; centre, O‘Connor; wings, Audson and Gld,llOILa.ldO, subs., Ostrowsky and Laflarme. In the first two periods the Poreupine boys had the best of the battle but in the third they seemâ€" ed to tire while the Timmins boys seemed to be just waking up to what they could do. Their 1)1‘1(4109\ with Troquois Falls Juniors have certainly se * /. ++ * 4 #4 * â€"inâ€"law, â€" Mr. as killed by a the railroad given them stamina, and two or three of them are remarkably fast. Maâ€" honey scored the first goal for Poreuâ€" pine and MeNab the second; Timmins also getting a counter; that stanza ended 2â€"1 favour the home team. In the second period the Poreupine deâ€" also getting a counter; that stanza ended 2â€"1 favour the home team. In the second period the Poreupine deâ€" fence seemed much stronger than that of the visitors and they kept their goalie better protected. . MeNab at centre secured the puck for Mahoney and Banning who took it forward, Banning making the counter, the periâ€" od ending 3â€"1 favour of Poreupine still. Then came the third attack still. Then came the third attack. In less than a minute Gallonardo notched one for the visitors. Things looked better for them and they livenâ€" ed considerably and got down to some pretty combination work. _ Some of their passes from behind were cleverly worked. â€" Anyway in short order they piled up three more goals making the final seore 5â€"3 favour of Timmins. One goal looked very doubtful to the fans but the goal umpire claimed it had crossed the fatal line and the reâ€" feree allowed it, so ‘nuff sed! O nor certainly starred for Timmins with Giallonardo and Hudson giving him good support. Krupka also did some classy work at times. For the home team MeNab starred and seemâ€" ed better able to stay on the job right through than some of the others who weakened towards the last. _ Lloyd put up a great game in goal or there would have been a greater deficit for the home boys. The game was ably refereed by Jimmie Jamieson. Only two players on each team were penâ€" alized. â€" The Timmins boys maccounting for goals were Krupka, O‘Connor and Hallonardo. (By Geo. Straatman) Praise in songs your Californi [taly‘s coast or Florida. Where in the mountains grc maple, I sing in praise of Canada. Beautiful land of lakes and rivers, Snowpiked mountains in the west, Huntingâ€"grounds, romantic sceneries, Where is the land more natureâ€" blessed ? prairies, Beside your shores the oceans flow, When gentle breezes sweep your forâ€" The goldenâ€" wheat See his falling water masses Powerful in their harmony, Speeding light in thousand flashes, Driving wheels of industry. Look upon the golden North Land, Look on Western harvest time! And upon th‘ Annapolis Valley When the blossoms in their prime Look upon the grand St. Lawrence, And its name in history‘s page, Swimming castles, friendly racing, To and fro from age to age. Canada, the land of plenty, Plenty in the east and west, Wealth by millions lightly hidden In the North Land‘s treasure ehest raise in songs the Mississippi, Or the bonny Doon ; 10o0k upon our sport Niagara, Jumning, tumbling, night and noon Praise in songs your Califorma Italy‘s coast or Florida! Under the maple leaf, my challeng ‘*The best of all is Canada.‘"‘ Kellogg‘s Pep per package ....... Quaker Corn Flakes 3 packages for .... Cream of Wheat per package ....... CANADA THE BEST OF ALL Their perfume set 103 Pine Street South 95 Sixth Avenue my heart aglow. rows~ in ~ YVYOuLr ecrows the 14¢ 28¢ 25¢ x3