Bank of Commerce Bldg Pine St. N. Tim Ontario Land Surveyor, CUivil Engineet Contract Mining Claim Assessment W ork. Land Surveys, Mine Surveys, Enâ€" gineering, Reports, Plans and Esâ€" timates. P.O. Building, Timmins. RESIDENCE PHONE 362â€"Wâ€"2 OFFICE PHONE 362â€"Wâ€"1 _ ilze Lanaa’mn fia.vor [:‘gr Sure Results Try Our Want Ad Column EALTHFUL, delicious, nutritious â€"AYLMER Tomato Soup! Rich in the food values of naturally ripened Canadian tomatoes! Medical science places tomatoes at the very top of health foods for young and old alikeâ€" and Canadian tomatoes are the finestâ€"flavored in the world. ch. Gillies, B.A.Sc.,0.L.8. \ I/Ic’ C C \q' fw/ RALTE â€"â€"~AYI in the food : Canadian tor Thursday, Feb. 2nd, 1928 BARRISTER, ETO. 3 C (a bre l ï¬ i * € C € x 13 ZLess / [ h l «hk > O . V .. w i SE 22 New Office Phone 330 Increased Productionâ€"Lower Costs Phone 588â€"Jâ€"2 i MA NJP LK Vimy Road, Timmins, Ont. Phone 88 South Porcupine _ J Â¥ FEEEDS IX SsTRIPED SsSAaC K Quaker Dairy Ration is scientifically _balanced TO PROâ€" DUCE MOST MILK FOR LEAST MONEY. Stimuâ€" lates to capacity the milk producing organs and constantly Tebuilds tissues. Keeps the cow in good condition by restoring to her the minerals and fats she puts into the milk. The protein, the carbohydrates and minerals being in exact balance, there is UR IJ:I‘I\A"‘LI\’J n"\A h. h. no waste. Quaker Dairy Ration is easily digested and quickly assimilated. You need not experiment with dairy feeds. Thousands of dairymen have proved that Quaker Dairy Ration increases the milk flow. Follow their experience. Low moisture conâ€" tent, because kiln dried. Most economical, because it PRODUCES MOST MILK FOR LEAST MONEY. You could not mix so good a feed even if you had all the ingreâ€" dients. Write us about your feeding problems. The advice of our experts is free. The Quaker Oats Company, Peterâ€" borough, Ontario. Also Quaker Schumacher Feed for and Quaker Fulâ€"Oâ€"Pep F« SOLD BY The Fizvor is Piner . /’Ah‘} : uy Iaae / belong on the daily menu at all seasons of the year. AYLMER Vegetable Soup is really a "vegeâ€" table dinner" in the form most friendly to the digestion. Serve it oiten to the children, for it is a "health dish‘‘ without a peer. You can serve a different Ayimer Soup cvery day in the weck. There are eight varieties. j. CHENIER FEED Products of the Forests Indispensable to Industry Wood Now Put to 4,500 Different Uses. _ More Lumber Used on Radio Cabinets Than in Building Houses at Certain Times. Much Wood Used in Motion Picture Inâ€" dustry. Forests Certainly Worth Conserving. As Mr. Alex Dewar, or Iroquois Falls. used to point out on every fitâ€" ting occasion, when he was president of the Northern Ontario Associated Boards of Trade, the North Land has been gifted by nature with capabiliâ€" ties for the three basic industriesâ€" lumbering, â€"mining and _ farming. Agriculture will necessarily wait more or less upon the development of the other two basic lines. The mining industry deals with what is termed a wasting asset. Once the mineral is taken from a mine the property is without value in the industry. Forâ€" tunately, the mining area of the North is so extensive and so rich at depth as to appear almost inexhaustâ€" ible. But all know that even though like the Rand, minerals taken from good condition by restoring to her the he puts into the milk. The protein, the minerals being in exact balance, there is â€" Dairy Ration is easily digested and Teed for cattle, hogs and horses, â€"Pep Feeds for Poultry. S1 40 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS_,_ONTARIO preaciing . â€" COnseLviALLi.. _/\ wealth, and the idea of the plan in regard to trees. d Finlayson should be given t The films of ths moving pieture inâ€" dustry are derived from the cellulose of wood; and were it not for the milâ€" lions of feet of lumber that go annnâ€" ally into all those castles, palaces, cities and landscapes of the makeâ€"beâ€" lieve world of the movie scenes, pi¢â€" tures would be searcer and dearer. Almost every new development in industry brings out new uses for wood Loan. do away with Almost every new developmene in industry brings out new uses for wood even when intended to do away with old ones: ~It means as mueh=to indusâ€" try as it does to housing. Even minâ€" ing and the metallurgical industries lean upon it, if for no other reason than because wood must be used for props and eribbing in tunnels and shafts. _ All our network of steam, and most of our electric railways rest upon wood crossâ€"ties; wooden freight cars prevail; boats and ships cannot do without wood; few bridges disâ€" pense with it entirely. The whole land is staked out with tens of millions of telegraph and telephone poles and billions of wood fenceâ€"posts. Look around you! Doors and winâ€" dow frames and sash are almost uniâ€" versally of wood, as is fully 85 per cent. of all household and office furnâ€" iture. The automobile industry conâ€" sumes huge quantities of lumber for body frams, wheels, floors, steering wheels and shipping cases. _ Other vehicles and most agrieultural impleâ€" mentsâ€"farming itselfâ€"and a host of tools find it indispenable. . Wood gives us chests, cases, trunks, barrels, boxes, crates, handles of all sorts, printing frames, signs, musical instruâ€" ments, airplanes, toys, toothpicks, pencils, pens, clothespins, pointers, sewing machines, the innumerable forms of woodenware, laundry appliâ€" ances, utensils, tanks and silos, refriâ€" gerators, gates, garden furniture, pulâ€" leys, shuttles, spools and bobbins, texâ€" tile and a great array of other machinâ€" ery, boot and shoe findings, saddles, even patterns and flashs for iron and | other foundries, forms for concrete work, ladders, building scaffolds, waâ€" ter conduits; and so on from ecradles | to colffins. You can no more play than you can work without wood. No new miracle of science promises to replace wood for mallets, bats, clubs, raequets, bilâ€" liard cues, bowls, pins, ete. Imagine Babe Ruth swatting a home run with a bat made of formaldehyde and phenol or some other new fangled product! The whirlpool of industrial and commercial change may yet deflect an enormous \olumo of demand to lumâ€" ber; the world may eagerly return to the material that can be produced forever without exhaustion, a material that is simply a usable physical form of elements that return to their disâ€" united condition. Eternally producâ€" ible wood, instead of being the target of substltutlon, may become the uniâ€" versal substitute to piece out the dwindling supplies of nonâ€"replaceable inorganic materials. PARTIGCULARS ABOUT TAE RAILWAY TD CHIBOUGAMOU Two Hundred and Ten Miles to be Constructed. Opens up Vast Reâ€" sources. Of Special Interest to South Porcupine People "Rddie Boiger, who was one of the | engineers on the construction of the Nipissing Central from Cheminis to. Rouyn last year, has been appointed . Chief Engineer for the construction of the Quebeceâ€"Chibougamau Railway, which will extend from Chicoutimi to Chibougamau. The road, which is beâ€" ing financed by English capital, will in addition to tapping the rich minâ€" eral belt in the Chibougamau country, open up vast timber resources in the intervening territory. Mr. Bolger is at Chicoutimi now arranging for the start of the construction. _ The disâ€" tance from Chicoutimi to Chibougaâ€" mau is roughly 210 miles. The job will probably be done in two jumps, the first leg of which will be around Lake St. John, north, and join the exâ€" tension from St. Felicien, later proâ€" ceeding northâ€"west through the pulp and timber country to the gold fields of Chibougamau.‘‘ Some folks a ing necessities haven‘t a fur Brandon Sun. cUSTOMS ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Office: Room 2, Post Office Block, Timming Drug Store, Timmins, Marshallâ€" | | Samples may be left at Gordon‘s i Ecclestone Hardware, Schumacher. f Samples by mail promptly attended t | o. i @ause Phone 757â€"J, Schumacher | House Phone 0-%00000000..0.00000.00 ‘a 00000000000.0.00000000.000_00'0.00...0000'00.00'0006000OQOOOOQA -“â€"“-Q._-â€""â€"" beg Te oo m qo n e nc Geo. C. Murphy Goldfield‘s Block Timmins, Ont. ks are going right on buyâ€" ities and eats when they fur coat to their backs.â€" \"1‘ 000000000000000000000000 * uat oat petaotectactactedtadtectocte 3uoouoouooooooooooooÂ¥ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooouoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.oo.3.3. «*% Insurance of every description and Real Estate Fire Insurance at Reduced Rates MORTGAGES ARRANGED KEEP EVES ON MINES, NOT 50 MUCH ON MARKETS ‘Small Investor‘‘ Gives Shrewd and Wellâ€"Considered Advice to Buyers of Stocks. Shrewd and wise is the advice given in a letter to The Northern Miner last week on the mining stock situation. This letter is worth the careful readâ€" ing and consideration of all. ‘The writer has a clear and wellâ€"founded philosophy and in many places hits the nail so squarely on the head that no further punch is required. The letter is signed **Small Investor."‘ and reads as follows :â€" ‘©Years ago when you and L were returning from the bush lot we struck icy patches of road, where is necesâ€" sary to give a cheery word and tighten up the lines in order to steady the faithful old team and save them from slipping and falling. The cowboy, as the night storm approaches, circles his beddedâ€"down cattle, while croonâ€" ing to them, to steady them and reâ€" store their ebbing confidence so that | thev won‘t stampede would appear that the very urgently needs factor. Builds the health that protects Gives body warmth and energy Serve it hot with warm milk Nor in the past have these same inâ€" stitutions proved themselves infallible to failure. "‘Steady up then and don‘t be stampeded. _ Hang on to what you have; let your motto be *‘ What we have, we hold,"‘ and if you can afford to buy do as they told us to do on Victory Bonds years ago, *‘ Buy till it hurts.‘‘ Mr. Small Investor, don‘t play into the hands of the pool and Look out for colds these days! e Day Phoneâ€"No. ampede. Just now it that the mining market needs this steadying Night Phoneâ€"No that we were inâ€" of buying two seem equally true a selling orgy, in are liable to be rush to liquidate. â€" made which in 104 237 the Big Operator, who has dumped into the market his accumulated holdings in an effort to beat the values down. If he ‘achieves his aim he stampedes the crowd into sacrificing an® then sets in on another spell of accumulation to later peddle out his stock at advanced prices if confidence is restored and the market rises. If you hold tight, his source will dry up and with possibilities that he has sold short your stock will return to norâ€" maley quicker than you perhaps exâ€" pect. _ Restore confidence which at present is lacking or like the beddedâ€" down herd, if the stampede starts there is only one finish. And Mr. Big Operator, remember the dead cattle at the bottom of the cliff don‘t come back. If the confidence of the investâ€" ing public is too far abused, you stand to lose as much as they. More than that, the great mining industry deâ€" pending as it does on the funds of the investing public for exploration, ete., will receive a severe blow. Mr. Small Investor, keep you eyes on the mines and not much on the markets. Were I a Timmins, an Errington or a Whitâ€" ney my ideas might have some weight, but I am only a small investor trying to read between the lines."‘ § ANKERITE MILL TO HAVE CAPACITY OF 1000 TONS In a short article discussing the affairs of the Ankerite Mine, The Northern Miner last week says :â€" * As the result.of meetings held reâ€" cently by officials of Poreupine Goldâ€" field Co., which controls the Ankerite mine at Poreupine, it is almost asâ€" sured that milling capacity will be inâ€" creased to 1,000 tons daily, instead of 500 tons, as previously contemplated, The present milling rate is around 200 odd tons. _ Diamond drilling operaâ€" tions from the 475â€"foot level on No. 3 vein are proving up a large tonnage of milling ore. Results of diamond drill hole No. 613, put down about 100 feet along the strike from the last hole have just been received. penetratâ€" ed 33 feet of mineralization, of which four feet runs $16, 9 feet, $10.30;, 14 feet, $8; or 19 feet, $7 per ton. The balance of the zone is lower grade. The management believes that best economyâ€"lies in treatment of the largâ€" er body at $7 per ton."" field 3 mine at 1 sured that creased to 500 tons, AUTO DRIVER SHOULD BBE SCOBER AS ENGINE DRIVER Dr. E. L. Roberts by appointment. Office: Homer L. Gibson Bldg. Pine Street Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Fitting of Glasses @11 lementia proecoX 1le} permanentlv reliev e( ition by Winnipeg‘ er.â€"â€"North Bay Nusz Timmins 8 â€" and