Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 22 Jul 1926, 2, p. 8

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[ _ VACATION DAYS Rnenenenenenenenenenen SPECIAL S | v SAen4Achenonenenencng ‘g}fl.%nd o 2N d Phone 325 Thursday, July 22nd, 1926 Our merchandise is all high grade and not bought for sale purposes. â€" From now until the last of August you can buy your requirements here for much less than you will be asked for inferior merchandise. In order to reduce our stock as much as possible before moving, we are offering our entire stock at greatly reâ€" duced prices. DRESSES Everything that aids the expression of personal taste is offered the purâ€" chaser of our Dresses. The newest colours used are most alluring. The smartness appeals to the most discriminating in the importance _ of _ correct gowning. 20 p.c. Discount on Doherty Silk Dresses, Fugi Floriswah, Voile and Flannel Dresses 20 p.c. Discount on Sheets, Pillow Cases, Stamped Goods. Madeira, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Colâ€" lars, Scarfs, Parasols and Manarch Y arns. 20 p.c. Discount on Ready â€" to â€" Wear Blouses Slips Underwear in Silk or Cotton Night Gowns Pajamas Corsets Brassieres Gloves in Chamoisette Silk or Kid Raincoats, etc. SEE OUR TABLE OF GOODS AT / Price Nemo Corsets, Midâ€" dies, Blouses, White Pique Skirts, Sweatâ€" ers, Silk Underskirts, Summer Dress Goods, Ete. _eens, Art Sateens, 20 p.c. Discount oN DRY GOODS Silks, Broadcloths, Satâ€" Creâ€" tonne, Curtain Net, Sheetâ€" ing, Pillow Cotton, Linens, bleached and unbleached Cheesecloth, Ticking, Cottons, Flannelettes, Ginghams, Laces, etc. /4 PRICE on balance of Coats and Suits, also several Dresses to clear at Half Price. We have just signed a lease for a store which will give us a great deal more floor space than we have at present. chaser of our Dresses. The newest colours used are most alluring. The smartness appeals to the most discriminating in the importance _ of _ correct gowning. â€" AT RINN BROTHERS â€" Commencing Thursday, July 22 SnenehAocneonenen.â€" on Sheets, Pillow Cases, Stamped Goods. Madeira, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Colâ€" lars, Scarfs, Parasols and Monarch Y arns. In order to avoid n]oving our large stock of shoes, we have marked them at remarkably low prices. 25 p.c. Discount on all Shoes, "Hurlibut excepted," including our best Shoes, such as Hartt, Vassar, Hagar, etc. This is a genuine sale w1th one object in wew, namely to reduce our stock to a minimum for moving purposes. on Summer Millinery including New ~Felts Discontinued Lines to Clear 20 p.c. DISCOUNT 25c¢. palr Rinn Brothers «* TERMSâ€"Strictly Cash on Ready â€" to â€" Wear Blouses Slips Underwear in Silk or Cotton Night Gowns Brassieres Gloves in Chamoisette Silk or Kid Raincoats, etc. HOSIERY Odd lines of Silk Hosiery including Monarch Green Stripe 75c¢. pair $1.00 each SEEF THEM at THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO. _â€"HOSIERY venus :.....:... $1.35 pair Milo .::...?..+:. $1.65 pair Mercury .... $1.75 pair Mercuryâ€"all silk $2.25 CHAMOISETTE GLOVES Clearing at 35¢. palr veuveue d day evening, July 14th,. â€" These new ntfi(*ers are viz:â€"C. Patriarch, Bro. R. . Vaughan; Senior Warden, Bro. J. H (nhbuns, Junior Warden, Bro Sol. Sky ; Treasurer, Bro. Maxwell Smith; H. P. Bro. Robt. Cox; Financidl Seeâ€" retary, Bro. Geo. Starling; Recording Secretary, Bro. J. G. Harris; Ist Watch, Bro, Dan Hughes ; 2nd Watch, Bro. Alex Hogg; 3rd Watch, Bro. Frank Reynolds; 4th Watch, Bro. Ed,. Uren; Inside Sentinel, Bro. Peter Varker;â€" Outside Sentmel Bro.: It. (ountr\mdn, Guide, Bro. J. R. Newâ€" man; lst Guard of Tent, Bro. A. D. Eady; 2nd Guard of Tent, Bro. F. Williams. The installing officers were D.D.G.P. Bro. Levi Sauder, D.D.G., Warden, Bro. Geo. Starling, D.D.G. Seribe, Bro. Dan Hughes, D.D.G. Treasurer J. G. Harris, D.D.G. Semor Warden, Bro. N. 8. Hartling, D.D.G. H.P. Bro., H. H. Costain.> After the installation â€" ceremonies there were several happy speechs. P.G.P. Robt. MceWilliams was presented with a jewel on the expiration of his term of office. G.P. L. Sauder made the preâ€" sentation extolling the attention Bro. MceWilliams always paid to Lodge atâ€" fairs.. ‘ N.: C: \dughdn, (Geo,. btarlmU and Max Smith were also among the speakers of the newlyâ€"installed offiâ€" cers, Bro. Wm. Smith, of Timmins, was present and very nicely replied to the weleome he was given after hmis South Porcupine, Ont., July 21st, 1926, Special to The Advance. At the regular meeting of Golden Encampment, No. 107, South Poreuâ€" pine, 1.0.0.F., the officers for the enâ€" stung term were installed on Wednesâ€" Mrs. Fred Starr and her daughter, Mrs. A. Laffin, are visiting friends in Cobalt and Englehart. Mrs. O‘Grady, of Pembroke, is the ecuest of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Cosâ€" tello 1.0.0.F. Officers Installed ‘.\ at South Porcupine Last Week Master Bobby MeWilliams, of the Dome, is entering the Imperial Bank here as a Junior. Mr. Jim Wilson, who has been ledgerâ€"keeper here for some time has been transferred to the Timmins branch of the Imperial Bank. Mr. (GHieo. N. Moore, of Timmins, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. The Misses Ball, of Barrie, sisters of Harry Ball, Timmins, have arrived to snend two weeks at his cottage . in Encampment Officers installed.. Rebekah Installation of Officers. Dr. and Mrs. Barry to Take Up Residence in Schumacher. Music Pupils Do Well. . Cow Has Leg Broken on Track. Other Items from South Porcupine Correspondent. Mr. (Gteo. N. Moore, of ‘Timmins, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. The Misses Ball, of Barrie, sisters of Harry Ball, Timmins, have arrived to spend two weeks at his cottage . in (Golden City. Mr O. Gillette, of the Dome, reâ€" turned Saturday evening. Mrs. Gilâ€" lette intends to spend the summer in the South. Mrs. Garrety and little daughter, Patricia, are lei\mu this week for a visit to friends in the South. â€" While away she will also attend the Fall Millinery Openings in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dennis, of the Dome Extension, and little daughter have returned to the Dome after a holiday in Toronto. Miss Dorothy Dowsett, of the Dome, left this week to visit friends in Lonâ€" don, St. Thomas and other parts of Southern Ontario. Quite a good many of the adherents of the United Church are availing themselves of the privilege of attendâ€" ing service at St. Paul‘s Anglican Church during the absence of Reyv. F. Bain. On Sunday evening the serâ€" vice was taken by Mr. Geo, Banks, who passed with highest honours at Wycliffe College this spring. _ Mr. Banks‘ practical, helpful talk was much appreciated. While not attendâ€" ing Wyeliffe, Mr. Banks works in the Dome mill. Dr. and Mrs. Barry left on Sunday for a holiday at Hamilton and other southern parts. On their return they will take up residence in Schumacher. We regret. very much to lose such esâ€" timable citizens but the Dr‘s practice has been located at Sehumacher for some time and we hope that South Mr. and Mrs. Colin Watt returned from Toronto to the Dome Saturday evening. Miss Rose Burns returned on Monâ€" day evening from (Glenroy, Ont. Durâ€" ing her holiday she motored through many of the prettier sections of Easâ€" tern Ontario. Mrs. S. Slotnick, is expected home this week after spending a month in Chicago, Ill. Poreupine will not seem so far away but that they will often be back to see the friends made while here. Mrs. Barry was always ready to help along any good cause, giving of her talent anrd time in a most pleasing and unâ€" selfish manner whether the occasion was one of either major or minor imâ€" portance. Miss Petronella Smith left on Monâ€" pJ OY The two music pupils of Miss E. Wilson, who went down to New Lisâ€" keard for their junior pianoforte exâ€" aminations, have_both done very well. Word came yesterday that Rose Bucoâ€" vetsky passed with a 65% standing and Juhn Sharpe took honours with an 85% standing. We congratulate our twu young townspeople. Mrs. Wm. Hamilton and three children, of Kirkland Lake, spent part of last week, the guests of Mrs. J. M. Hendry. _ Master James Hendry, of Haileybury is holidaying for a couple of weeks with his uncle J. M. Hendry. of weeks with his uncle J. M. Hendry. Mr. Gordon MeKinley has had a cement basement, the full size of lus house on Bloor street finished this week. He intends making still furâ€" ther improvements, having the seâ€" cond storey finished more fully, ete. On Friday evening the new officers of the Rebekah Lodge, South Poreuâ€" pine were installed, the following beâ€" ing the officers in charge of the work : D.D. President, Miss Margaret Johnâ€" son (Matheson); D.(G@. Warden, Mrs. Browin* (Matheson); D.G. Marshal, Mrs. Hugh Boyle (South Poreupine) ; D. G,. Secretary, Mrs. 8. Wilson (Timmins); D. G. Treasurer, Mrs. Rutherford (Timmins). Those inâ€" stalled were:â€"â€"Noble Grand, Mrs. A. (Timmins) ; D. G. Treasurer, Mrs. Rutherford (Timmins). Those inâ€" stalled were:â€"Noble Grand, Mrs. A. Yeomans; Viceâ€"grand, Mrs. T. Gibâ€" bons; Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. Hogo; Financial Secretary, Mrs. W. Freeman; Treasurer, Mrs. 0. Orr; J. P.N.G., Mrs. J» Costain; R.S.N.G., Mrs. Hughes; LS.N.G. Mrs. S. Wilâ€" son; R.S.V.G., Alice Tompkinson; L. S.V.G. Sarah Slotnick; Warden, Geneâ€" vieve MceJanet; Conductor, Beatrice Brinton ; Chaplain, Mrs. Cox ; L. Guarâ€" dian, Mrs. Sheppard; Outside Guarâ€" dian, L. Sauder; Pianist, Mrs. F. Reyâ€" nolds. â€" The retiring Noble Grand was presented with the Past Grand‘s jewel and also was made the recipient of a special presentation â€"by the Past Grands of this Lodge and Sister Jekylls, a Past Grand of Cobalt Lodge. _ Mrs. Max Smith made the presentation, speaking feelingly . of how well Mrs. Costain had filled her office and of her faithfulness in atâ€" tending, never having missed a single meeting. .Mrs. Costain very fittingly replied, stating how she would value the ivory clock which she had received as a special memento of her term of office, A large nuimber of visitors were present from Timmins and Schuâ€" macher and after the regular work of the lodge was,over all sat down to the sumptuous repast which was spread in the‘ banaueting hall. week,. ther i cond s Mr. F tractor a splendid outing for any young boy or girl, study and recreation being pleasantly combined and camp condiâ€" tions., twilight talks, schedule of outâ€" ings all being carefully planned ahead of time. AFTERNOON TEA AND SALBE OF HOME COOKING, AUG. 7 The L.O.B.A. announce a Sale of Home Cooking and Afternoon Tea to be held on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 7th. Further particulars â€" will be given later. In the meantime it may hbe said that the auspices under which the event is held guarantee a pleasâ€" ing and successful affair. \“X‘,Sfii\‘“‘“““fi\?flSSS%SSS%\'SW%S:; 3454 44 P LUMBER a TIMBERS We have supplied the Mining and Building trade with Lumber for TL EC O o ahe a2!TAasma Aakintn atinn â€" an i# AAFr AYÂ¥ lfl("'PfiRf‘ CSSSS\K““XXXSXX?SS%SSXXS“X%S‘SK“S%SWfi gssxmxswxxxxsssmsmsxsssssswmssxsmsg 7‘ “ ‘;‘ ‘ V . ‘- w as # # w # # # # 'x“ the‘ banqueting We have supplied the Mining and Building trade with Lumber f0 some years with excellent satisfaction, and now with our increast milling capacity we are in a better position than ever to serve ol customers, both old and new. Inquiries solicited for any quantitiese of Lumber Timbers HAWK LAKE LUMBER CO., LTD. arley of Timmins, is the conâ€" TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH Where you can get Cold Baths, Hot Baths, Massages, Etc. Treatments are very beneficial in cases of rheumatism, heart and kidney trouble; also for nervous disorders, 38 Fourth Ave., or P.O. Box 868, Timmins, Ont. Mills atâ€"Monteith, Ont., T. N. 0. Rly. Wasach, Ont., T. N. 0. Rly. Island Falls Jct., Ont., T. N. O. Riy. Representativeâ€"ROBERT CRAWFPORD, Schumacher, Ont. COME TO AARNIO‘S HEALTH HOME Stock will be carried in Yard at Timmins after June l1st. British Columbia Fir and Cedar Stock Carried Carload lots will be shipped direct as in the past. Head Officer Cochrane, Ont. | P.D.F.L. STRIVING TO HAVE _ G00D sPORT AND FOoTBALL At an emergent meeting of the Comumittee after the mateh on Tuesâ€" day, a player was censured for a threatening attitude towards the reâ€" feree, and a motion was passed that the next offender would be suspended at the discretion of the P.D.E.L These strong measures are being taken for the good of football ansg for good sport. In this connection it may also be well _to mention that spectators should bear in mind to leave the oflicials and the players alike alone during play. This would also better football all round and make for betâ€" ter sportsmanship. CALEDONIAN DANCE ON PRIDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK court upon a pleasant evening. The committee in charge are sparing no pains to make this a specially enjoyâ€" able dance, The proceeds will go to the defraying of the expenses ot the annual picnic to Golden Citv, Great Rejoicing by Rheumatic Cripples Market will open at the Skating Rink Saturday, August 7th, 1926, and will continue to be open every Tuesddv and Saturdayâ€"following until further notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a diviâ€" dend of five per cent. (5%)‘on the issued Capital Stock of the Company will be paid on the lIst day of Sepâ€" tember, 1926, to shareholders of reâ€" cord at the close of business August, 2nd. 1926. By order of the Board. BALMER NEILLY, Treasurer Dated at Toronto, July 15th, 1926. Anyone having prize money due them for 1925 fair, can have same by applying to the Secretary Mcintyre Porcupine Mines, Limited (No Personal Liability) If So Crippled You Can‘t Use Arms or Legs, Rheuma Will Help You or Nothing to Pay. wear a satislNedt smile on your lace Luâ€" morrow. It‘s a remedy that is astonishing the whole country, and it‘s just as good for gout, sciatica and lumbago as for rheumatism. , It drives the poisonous waste from the joints and musclesâ€"that‘s the secret of Rheuma‘s success. | But we don‘t ask you to take our word for it; go to Moisley Ball or any druggist and get a bottle of Rheuma toâ€"day ; if it doesn‘t do as we word for it; go to Moisley Ball or any druggist and get a bottle of Rheuma toâ€"day ; if it doesn‘t do as we promise get your money backe _ It will be there waiting for vyou. od _ evening ill be served Porcupine Agricultural Society 1e a bottle of Rheuma toâ€"day and i satisfied smile on your face toâ€" H and all pleasant J. M. NICOLSON, MONTGOMERY or Dimension LC Porcupine, Ont at 9 p.m. been securâ€" a firstâ€"class red. â€"Lunch ending may for Clerk

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