@wPick 0f the League Win the ' First Match of the Season Football Away on Saturday to Good Start. Good Crowd Good Match, Good Sport. Winners of Last Season’s P.D.F.L. Championship Not Good Enough for Pick of The «New Empire Theatre was not large enough to accommodate the crowd turning out Monday evening for the event under the auspices of the Altar Girls’ Society of St. Ar- thony’s church. It, was not only from the attendance viewpoint that the event was a success, for the crowded house enjoyed the plays}, dancing, music and specialties and gave the whole programme the greatest ap- preciation and praise on its merits. The French comedy, “Je Rend Mon 'l‘ahlier,†was general favour. The following young ladies took part :â€" Misses E. Legault, E. I’oitra, M. A. Major. E. Lanois. T. Lallamme, M. Bouchard, A. Joanis, L. Morin, L. Giroux, J. Giroux, U. Legros, I). Unit, B. lratton, I. Poirier, E. Poitra. Each of these took her part in very effective way and great credit is also due to the excellent work of the direc- tress, Mrs. \V. Gagne. The 11101111111gues and songs by Messrs James Mmrison and Jos Kollv mere ven enimuhle features at tiie pmgxannne, 111111 were specialh appreciated. The \entrilnquism was (lexerlv done and made :1 hi" hit. The musical numbers imluded “Just. 11 Sailor’s Sweetheart.’ " and “Puddlin Madelin’ Home ’hyMiss- as S. Murin. L. (riruux, B. Grattzm, M. 13111101111111, 1. Poiriex', R. (hinthier. 0. Legrus. D. Duff, E. Legault, M. A. canwnw HllUBE wm: mnsm WITH comm gener tum. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Plays Well Presented and Specialties the Best, at Event Under Aus- pices of Altar Girls’ Society The Irish Jig ‘by Misses Helen Chisholm and Margaret Easton, puâ€" pils of Mrs. R. B. Simms, delighted all with its grace and perfection of presentation. And Notiee is further given tha‘ after the Said date, the Public Trus tee will proceed'to distribute the es tate, having regard only to sucl claims of which he shall then have harl notice. Major. The work uf Messrs Tod Emery and I". Rudgers as direetnrs won very general almrociatiun and commenda- Miss Margaret Easton’s dancing ut' the Sailors" Hurnpipc was a ï¬nished piece 01' good “ark that “as \ery lwartih applauded on i_ts merits. Hunmmus songs by Mr. A. I. Chis- holm were particularly happy num- Dated at April, 1926. K. \V. Wright. Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall, 18-19 Toronto The match got going at a iair clip, but the lack of traininv $111111 told on This Year’s Players. THAT IT HA8 BEEN BOLD FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEA†AND IS TOâ€"DAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVER BEFORE IS A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR I" NUMEROUS CURATIVE OUALITIES. Toronto. this 28th (I Internal and External Pains re romptl r liev db THODadAS'? ECLé'c’i‘RIE o": L A a)‘ .0 00. 00°00 O O. O. O O .0 O O O. O O 00 O O .0 O O O. O O .0... O O O O . .00.â€...O °00°00’00°00°00’00°00°00’00 ’00 O O O... .0000. O. N O O O. O O 0..“ O O O .0. .0. O 00. 0.00.. O. O O .0 00.... 0O. “.00.â€...O“.“.00.O..“.OO.â€.OQ.“.â€.â€.~.â€.â€.~.00.00. 00.â€. 0..†O O... O Oâ€. 0-. .0 9 .00.“. O. O O O .00.â€. 00 O 0 00’ O N 0 0 00° 00. O N O O O. O O .0 O O 0-. O O .0 O O 00 O o .0. 00. A 00’ O .0 'I I O .0 .0 W“ 93'4â€? cow-zo- O O .0 O O .0 o '0 O â€N 9 a 00.00. ‘ O o O. O O O. O O O. O. O O 0...â€... O O O .0. O. O O O .0.†O O H O. 9 O O...“ O O O O O O ““0â€.“0 . . u .0 O O .0 O O O. O O O. O O 0-. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O .0 O O O. O. .0 O O O O .0 O O .0 O O 0'. O. O O O. O O .0 O O 0. O O O. O O .0 0|. 0 O O. O O 0. O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O. O the players and showed up things to- wards half time. There was some very good football, amd "Petterson and Satrang showed up specially well. though their shooting was off. About half way through the ï¬rst half, Satrang sent over a neat pass, which Morgan headed in for the ï¬rst goal of the season. The change-over was made without any further score. After the rest. the match livened up, with the League doing the press- ing. After nice combination. Kit- chen equalled with a fine shot. They tried the right again, but Stan. Heth- erington was on the job and broke it up and the Hollinger forwards gave the Cooper boys 3 trying time. When they did break through. they found Ewart and Street hard men to pass. The League again pressed. Robson got possession and passed to Good- man, who made a ï¬ne run and eco- tred. Jackson scored on the pass. i-lollinger went down again. Ewart cleared and Cooper sent the League otT' again. A t'ter some kicking around the Hollinger goal, Jackson got. a flying hall from Robson and headed in, making it three goals. The pace slackened up again, and there was a (ling~(long play. Just before the and came, Kitchen and Melâ€")ougall worked in. The latter put a nice centre in. and Jackson did the hat trick off this After the event a banquet was given at the Queen’s Hotel where a very happy time was enjoyed by a‘.l contributing to the programme and its undoubted su‘écess. hers on the all-round good pro- gramme. l The English comedy, “A Kiss in the Dark,†was cleverly presented. Mr. J. A. MacDonald showed his well- known talent as director, and each member of the cast gave most cap- able and pleasing presentation of their parts in this attractive and amusing play. Those taking part included: Misses U. Smythe, C. An- drews and I. Poirier, and Messrs l’. Maltais and E. Fortin. Proprietorâ€"“Vell we haff no car- bolic acid, but we haff razors, ropes and revolvers.†physician in Cochrane, but died in the doctor’s ofï¬ce before the bandages could be removed from his hand. His death was caused from sudden heart failure, due no doubt to his recent loss of blood.†pass Rev. Fr. Theriault Occupied the chair for the evening in his usual able and pleasing way. Customerâ€"“I want a quart of car- boch acid.†The Cochrane News last week says: “The very sad death occurred on Saturday afternoon of a young man by the name of Papineau aged twen- ty-four of Frederiekhouse. Mr. Papineau had sustained an injury to his hand and had come into see his Final score :- I'lullmger, 1 Takes up the Worker’s Task where he is Forced to Relinquish it. Merchants Casualty Insurance Co. W. S. MACPHERSON Head Ofï¬ce: Waterloo, Ont. DISTRICT MANAGER DOES NOT COVER FOR FIRST SEVEN DAYS â€"â€"1’ick of the League, The National “Disability†Policy HUME Bflflflfll flfl’flfll fflfl "If MllNTH [If M’Bll Fourth Classâ€"Marcella J. Lynch, Teacherâ€"Robert Miner, Luella Dug- gan. Lwlie Loyd, Annabell Taxlor, \\1111e McLean, Rena Della-\ edmn, l‘lo1ence Murphy, Mar} Hutchison, Vera Doran. Dave Taylor, Kenneth McCaffrey, Meta Melville. Third Class, Seniorâ€"Bella Zaitz, Ruby Richardson, Helena Murray, Geraldine Fulton, Leda Cox, Iona Andrew, Annie Zaitz, George Johns, Nellie Woods, Maud Tranter, Irene Armstrong and Percy Millions equal; Clarence McCaffrey, Romeo Beaudry, Francis ,Horne, Carson Yount’. Standing of Pupils in Various Classes for Past Month. Third Class, Juniorâ€"Sadie Mc- Dunald, Teacher Verbino Della-Ve- do‘ra; Nora ()ustain and Bogdon Dimitrufl’, equal; F'lussic Duggan, Margaret Loyd, Niln Della-Yedova. Sécond Clt‘lSSV, Seniorâ€"Lois Dennis, Norma McPhail, Jack Bray Ross Mc- Phail, Bobbie Hutchison. Seéond Class, Junior B.â€"Melville Murphy, Billie Tedoreac. Nick Zaitz, Dimiter Sankof’f, Hazel Duran. Second Class, Junior A.â€"Blanche \Iz rsliall, 'l‘eaeherâ€"Sidney Hughes, Ilarry MeLean, Hedle)’ Varker, Tom Parsons, Joe. \Voods, Peter Robertson, Joseph Cleary. First. Classâ€"Ceeilia Spitz, Grave Murray, Stewart Watt, Vermiglio ('aldarelli, Roddie Mel’hail; Ruth Roran and Franklin I‘Iall equal; li‘rank Parsons, George Young, Joe Mitchell, Arnold MeGinn, Nellie Eyre, Tom \Vebl), Stanley Millions, Annie Mel’hail, Andrew Taylor, Edmund Richardson. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO. SPECIAL BENEFITS Cash dividend of 50C 2 of premium returned after 10 years where no claims are paid. Pays one-half monthly indemnity for non- conï¬ning illness. Pays full monthly indemnity for quarantine. Evegy known disease covered. Goes into effect thirty days after date policy is issued. Pays full monthly indemnity for boils, felons, carbuncles and abscesses, although not conï¬ned to house. Pays full monthly indemnity in case of con- ï¬ning sickness. Bflflflfl [If TNMIE NEHING’ MflNflNV EVENING, MAN 13 Big Attendance Urgently Requested. Come and Bring Suggestions for Advantage of Town and Dis- trict. A regular meeting of the Timmins Board of Trade is called for Monday e\e11ing next, Mm 10th, at 8 p. n1., in the Council C hambei. Fourth ax enue. Matters of special importance to the town and district will be discuss- ed. and a large and interested attend- an1e is specialh desired. Members of the Board of Trade and others in- terested in the \\eli"'aIe of the toun and district are urged to be present and to contribute anv suggestions thex mav haxe for the general ad- vantage. The Board of Trade is an excellent clearing house for ideas, and how suggestions in the past many helpful plans l1a\e been e\ol\- ed. If \ou haw anxthing to offer for the good of the to“ 11, be present 011 Monday night and help along the general welfare. At present the Timmins Board of Trade has about eighty members. There should be several times this number in a town this size. It is not so much the membership fee that is desired as the hearty co-operation and working interest of all. The fee has been reduced to $3 ()0 pe1 vear, to put it within the easv reach oi? all. Join the Board of Trade. Attend the 111eetings, and help on the pm- 2, .ms and beneï¬t of the town and 1list1i1‘3t.As a starter be present at the meeting on Monday evening next, May 10th, in the. Council Chamber. at 8 p.111. SICKNESS Greater Quality at Low Cost very pleasant social evening in the Hollinger Hall last Saturday evening. Dancing was one of the features of the enjoyable evening. The Presi- dent, Mr. “'heeler referred to those coming to the events without being members or having proper invitation. This class sometimes crowded the Hall, and, of course, this was not. fair to others and could not be allow- ed to continue. Good advice, accord- irngly, to those wishing to enjoy an evening at; the Lancashire Club is not to go unless with an invitation, as no invitations will be given at the door. ANOTHER ENJOYABLE LANCASHIRB CLUB NIGHT The Lancashire Club held another Fourth Avenue Coach Sedan Landau J. A. MACDONALD TIMMINS GARAGE FUNERAL DIRECTOR Telephones 608-J and 608-W. J OS. BERINI, Prop. HEVROLET had its great- est year. During that time literally thousands of testimon- ial letters were received from satisï¬ed Chevrolet ownersâ€"a tremendous avalanche of evi- dence that the public possesses a genuine appreciation of the car and its performance. Chevrolet offers even greater values than before. With its never-failing standard of quality and the new LOWER prices, Chevrolet is demonstrating to the public, in greater degree than ever, its policy of “QUALITY AT Low COSTâ€. 78 THIRD AVENUE In 1926' Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the estate of Tony or Tonmk Richikuvski. late of the Town of Timmins. in the Dis- trict of Cochrane. Miner. who died on or about the 9th day of December. 19225, are required to forward their claims, duh prm en. to the undersign- ed. on or before the Blst «law of “an. 026. And notice is further given that after the said date, the public trustee will proceed to distribute the estate. having regard only to such claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated at Toronto, this 20th day of April, 1926. NOTICE TO CREDITORS K. \V. WRIGHT, Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall. To- ronto. -17-18. Thursday, May ï¬th,_ 1926 $965 $1085 $1145 Timmins