Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 4 Mar 1926, 1, p. 8

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(‘3’ Be sure to come on time. . ~ S,ecofid't_ “Flbor of Goldfieidfs' Block .one' 656 for' 'L‘pronto," {Mr M Basins, of Kmfland Law was a Txmmms our thé week-en (Mr. HuculesAColemgedSfierars died on February 231111, at the home of‘ >h18 son, Mr. John“ H. Cole, ‘.Ma.t11e:ason.1a giri and Mrs Thos. Blackman re- t ed this week ,from a holiday visit to the south; ‘- A‘Jmeeting 6f the committee of - the Victorian Order of Nurses has been called for Friday evening at 8 pm, in\ the Grill‘ R0019? of the Empire Hotel. - ,. - , r , . Annuéu mpetihg Timins Fbotball 91111), on Monday, Much 8th, at 8 p.m. “m the Council Chamber. ' ,. g > Mrs. A. E. Br’azeau, Jr., success: fully; underwent an operation -. on Saint'day at the Providence Hospital; and her many friends will be please to know that she is, now making very satisfactory and pleasing Eprog'rc‘ass to complete recovez‘yfi‘2 , Br’azeau, Jr., success,- 9300mm mom r03; - 1.0.03. mom's.- ruin) ‘Aprogrmaenehrewmbe‘eld in the: _40.;0;F Hall on Tuesday- mn- x_ .{ gm, when: playing mll’ be M Cup mam Medal ‘th'e of the gvént bang for the ’_ ".\._“_ M,’Vfilt8 fBorn-iâ€"In Tunmms, but 5n Thurs- :: Feb 2555,19255011} and Mrs. 5*“; Mr. Arthur Parks had the misfhr-l t e last week to have his hands ' d face. rather badly burned with j at paste while at work in the-mine, . .He was taken to the hospital-Where heis doing nicely. His injurieSWere found to be. less serious than. might. 1-ho've. been, and all his manyffriends awill’jbe; pleased to L know. he ’ is makingfggod} __v. 4--- 1.- .._._-_.._-..L. \ 1 There will be a Euchre, Five Hund- red and Musical Pragramme in the Parish Hall, on Thursday evening, March 18th,, under the auspices of the R. C. Church Choir. The event is sure to be a pleasing one and ,the attendance should be large. fl Those interested should remember the meeting of the Dog Race 00mmit.- tee called fer Monday evening next. week, March 8th, at 8 o’clock, in the Council Chamber, to make final a1- rangments fOr the 9nnual Do'g Race and Carnival. . ._ JuSt a few lines to let you .abou’t Ship mg dogs to Huasons‘ shipped 11 gsin crates and 2 1f, . dog sleighs. 0It; cest me $87. 30; w c I paid the express company at T1111- _m1ns They charge $7. 25 per hundérd, for dogs in crates, so you are paying $7. 25 per hundred pounds of lumber of which the crates are made. j‘i’ It cost me $25. 00 have the en es made. There are two dogs 111‘ crate. If you sh1p the dogsg8 on chams, it will cost .$9 70 for‘teach dog {11,5111 Timmins tQ Hudson. It does not matter if it 1s the size of 'a eat it is the same price. They charge. ..' per hundred for dog sleighs, 8.11417 you cannot feed your 110313 on the way, “as the express: men in the car ill ;110t allow you 7' to feed ' degs th e. So the dogs must starve until i; ey get: to Hudson. They will {be near dead with hunger whsn brogregs .to - IBCQVI got there. I Was 8 ak otrer {the hone on Saturday pk 1%. Donne, eneral Passetxger Agent, ‘ Ni' . Toronto, and he told me‘ he CWO‘IEI not do anytthg. m the matter to a; ;.p sprOSp'eétors out. This kind of a hail-- up wouldép‘ut‘ a oOuntry on the Isrot There, are dozons of prospectors with Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King tom the peeple in Saskatchewan re- cently that Canada is at present very prosperous. Maybe 80, but if it’s the ease, then like the weather 1n the. west it’s so “dry” that you don’t notice it. . leteampofdogs,but1t there will be large numbers ofld ad gsat Hudson, if this dog rate is‘ not lowered. Put this in your} paper- and let other prospectors know what the, C. N. R is _=chargix_ig for clog teng baggage ears. The answer of The Advance to this 18 ‘ ‘Ptit on more beg- gage ears or Other ears.’ The inter- eats of the country and of the reilwe) alike demand thet the prospectoi-s, be! assisted in their eetiyiti‘ee, instead of handicapped by prohibitive rates. , a; ‘ morning on Ca busmess tnp to Ottawa and Montreal) v e, The Classes for Prospectors, under the direction of Dr. W. L. Goodwin, epen next Monday and continue until March 16th," inclusive. ‘ As noted élSewherb in this issue the ans‘Wei‘ of , thé C._N.13.. is that there fire toq mgny dog’teams' now going 'i‘pto _Red ' Lake F0 ‘beflcitandlleg rih pgeafpt- {rigâ€"[of vthe s_to1"e here, left last fireek for North Bay, having been trans- ferred. to the Woolworth “store in that KMr. Harold- Collins, whoihas been g member of the staff of the F. .W’, Woolworth Co., L_td., sineefthe 0pm}? to Red Lake 3 {a Yesterday The Advance ree’e ea? the following note from Mr. J'” ”L J ones who wrote it en route' to Réd Lake‘ _It speaks for itself and Bhdws city. Timmim, this (Thursday) evening. Dentists from all over the district” will be in attendance at thys helpful event. \ , John Jones Wzgites about the 3x110:- bitsnt Rates on Shipping Dogs » Through...t-he interest of the Ontario; Dept..of‘Hea1*th, Dr. C. A.” Corrigan, Orthodentist, is holdinga clinic with the defntists pf qu_'_t‘_h Tepiskam’ing at the neea for all friends to rally ro‘ d and see if the mgpector can not given a fair/deal m this matter r thn Jones says} â€"- - J ' i g' Immediately after the lunch, and prior to announcing the schedule forl the month of March, president C. G. Pirie welcomed the Club’s guests on behalf of the A. S. D. The next meet- ing Will be a Surprise Night. Messrs. Pickering and Belanger are looking after the details of this event. On St. Patrick’s Night it is the in- tention to hold an Irish evening, Misses Mary Boyd and Nellie Studlor and Messrs Shantz and Jacobs are looking after the programme for this evening. On March, 23rd the event of the evening is in charge of Miss Birdie Hill and Messrs. Pirie and Hogg arth. The feature Will be J u- .. venile Nig ht. The last meeting of the month g‘Will be Visitors’ Night, the evening 8‘ apart by the executive for the entertainment of the yoimg married friends of the members. The committee in charge 01‘} this event con- sists of Miss Mary Boyd and Messrs Pickering and Belanger ‘ 7 L At. yesterday 53 police court 57131189119 fiLeblanG was found guiltxw' (if «keeps ipg ”liquor-for figle.‘ .Hea lW‘asfi-‘flned' :-$50o.oo and goats, Or. Athrece ..montfih,' and. also a tepn gijppe ménth; war-mp; .3 ‘1.- nu "Y, 1"“. | ;,oW i_-'e"is"e15ctmg to ?e If ailI out in ja' and save: $500 00 5 There were; six unassuming nks It cost them $10. 00 and. ecsts .eae . ’ f The charge of assault preferred by. ‘Mrs.- PeterSen against Qtte Toke was withdrawn. . / 3 Thos. Riehardson, gm 9. charge of attempted eulelde, was! allowed to go wThe programme consisted of the usual foxtrots and weltzes, with a Paul .J ones early in the evening 'to; get the crowd acquainted. A Lucky Numiher foxtrot was much appreciated the holders of the lucky number being Mrs B. D. Kelly and Mr. K. C. Dick. Another enjoyable feature was the broom dance foxtrot. The dance broke up about one o ’.clo_ck._ TAKES ALL JAIL RATHER - ' w -- THAN $500. 00 AND MONTH utive'f ‘in' a “moat .;-*unenyiable7'[pesitionl The iexeeutige J Scarcelyc lies» ;a- friend leftei‘amqng", al-l,f.hé' (31111933 unless it is" North_,.Bay: Even Ir0fc1uois‘."F 'lthaS deserted ”the N,_O.H3A. ӎieepti: (e sup-f pert. ‘ .. In this; week .’s'._, Broke" Hustler there ..is.r_ a ieczatl;ipg“‘ editoriel, [on- the; absurd delinquencies, the ’Shiftleggzge‘ssg 'andfthe «leek 6f backbone of th‘eexec-fl utiv‘eg; and? that ' aftegi‘thg _N.O;H.A. eeceptedgthe story of». the; Falls ‘in. its ektiiety and practically dalleld. evéry- kdym km a... pack ' at 11cm, this sewn b theASJ). Club in tne Oddfelléw 3,, here last 31ight‘ wps an outstandug success and was the most enjdyable meeting hsld Since most enJOyable meeting 11¢! January Ibere was_ _a large dalumna- ance 61’: members With?» the? friedds- prqsent, and the lengthy: demands for encOres- was; suficient indication. M on_e__and all 2were-jexljo'yi__t_lg'_431191113301.ng’3". ..._ _._v .. ww-..- __ -v- .I.‘ Luncheon was served "during the 'eveninngisses Mary Boyd and Bit- die Hill looking after. this part of the programnie. The A. S .1). Club Orches- tra furnished the ‘be‘St of good music for the’ evening. ’ ‘ The meeting of the Club last night ’Was not usual visitor’ s n ight For the event last evening ~‘ eligibles to: membership could be mvibed‘, as well as those ineligible for membership,- the A. S D. for the first time at any of the weekly dances charging an ad- mission fee of one dollar. ' I on euep ended sentence He drank some 137801 a. couple; of weeke pgo,'. when feeling ‘blue and seeing red,- buff- he _18 now better again; ' 'An' â€" ‘ 011.511 vagrancy "charge 0 D. Da- gen‘ais drew a three months’ temi of free board and room,‘ ‘with work on 15116 side, .. ,. ,, N0.H.A APPABBNTLY nA’s ‘ MADE BAD MESS or THINGS Th;e 310139. of N. 0.11. A. hockey 111 this" North Land sees the N. 0: EA exec-3 ' . ~' I: V' ~ 'r' 'V _ - -‘ 1‘7 ' " . 9‘» T .‘s_ .'-:. ‘ .' V , 41"} {73574 ~‘ . ;':7‘.â€"._";n . 1:: ;‘1 1.'2:::Ja 12;“:"0’. A = n @244 Iâ€" ‘-.Mr 21‘ a?“ .II , , .r" L. - .1 . . ,..., *Fair ,; ":43 the ' and Hdry As}- tor, young, henntlfnl and accomplish- .941 has the leading feminine rote; "The full title of the play is; “Don Q. ,‘ on Of Zelda,” and it is a melodrama, - th a modern sto’ry {aid in Spain, with most of the action taking place at Madrid. There 18 heaps of action, with sword-play, athletics, _ stunts, Tijhnmoi' and.” remance. Very preten- tions scenic eflects, costumes, etc. ., are successfully handled. In fagt, it is a regular spectacular Fairbanks picture. The plot is founded upon “Don Q’s Love Story, ' All who like Deng las Fairbanks pictures will be delighted with the special next week. . I. , .-. . . . '. .- . . wwwwww ' vV‘JD UDDWIL$ ,regard for our customers characterlzes the work 111 our dispensary . .- ‘. mg Us Your; Fllms ‘ satxsfactory Work * ‘2 . ~ Druggi$t and Statmner ' .; New Post Office Pine Street, N., , .W " ,. Films developed and mm:- ed. .x Quick service and aRING’Yoflgprescriptiofis to us .if ydfieivfishuthem i‘t’o befilleq '- , carefully “and "accurately; "W e ,u-se only «ghexi'purést s'drugs‘ and ,our dispense-rs areT' all .gradu-‘ fate phammcista -.>_,sC"'af,jre..-m fill-g: , - ". fing' yoginidpctor’s-_prescriptibn f' é ‘ tal ~‘ nitbtpl = . AWLâ€"k gm twists, many thou a one -[ e or an twerhm _. J J J . mll deepl J . death of szsm‘last 1 . . Arthur Brymer‘, £6?" . ~ .. N. 0., maven kn‘ofintosmahyin‘ fh’e camp. H9 Was standmg on the J footplate of a shunting engme an r“ sthchmg operatmns when the 8'ch- dent occurred. His toot sli , » and .- he fell to the track bétwéfen the. loot)- JJ motive d the oat-.119 was lulled A instantly. , l J. The Ancient Order of Lion Tamers have opened a. branch in New Lia- kéard,ch1b rooms being openEd m the 01d Catholic church 011 the Hailey- *bury road; It is the intention to carry on work for lboy ys, 1110113 similar ,linés .to the Y M. C. A.

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