Fbr Sure'Ré‘éults' Try “Our W ant “Ad Cola-m a 000 ouzutgu3¥§$utuo®ogonooxtutuéututututu8n§§58u8u8x8§ .M .., < . ,. ‘ . 000 .. O O O O O O O 9 O v3.3.3... 3 3 3930309 i .u w I J ViOla Vloloncello . The new Dominion of Canada $45, 000,000 issue of 41/2% bonds, due February lst,1946, being oflered at once by a strong Canadian syndicate composed of The Bank of Montreal, ’ The IItoyal Bank o£~ Canada. The Cana- dian Bank of Commerce, Wood, Gundy and Company Limited, Dominion Securities Corporation Limited, A. E Ames Company, Limited; and Na- tional City Company, Limued. The? new issue is 'c-bns1dered ‘to be attrac-g tive, being oï¬ered at 97 arfd interest,"i yielding an interest return of 4. 73%. The details of the bonds are similar to previOus Victory†Loan and Re- funding Loan 1ssues, in that interest‘ '9 payable at any branch in Canaw .da ofa y chartered bank It is un-- derstoot? that the present ï¬nancing completes rthe Dominion Govern- ment ’s requirements for the current 1. .In view 61°. the pronounced shortage 6f Government and Mun1c1pal bonds! due to the s aller volume 01? ï¬nancmg' in 1926; Wit expected that 1111931163141 9111; oflermg will be quickly taken up' by investors. It Will be recalled that -in the case Of the Dominion Loan last September, orders from the larger buyer's exceeded the amOunt of the issue and it was found necessary to scale doWn these large app11cat1ons â€in order that bends might be retain-' ed to meet the private investOr de- mand.’. It 16 understood that the syn» ,1 d1cate oï¬ering the bonds Will again f'follow the pohc of d1stributmg them {as Widely as possible by giving small investors thrOughOut the country a full 0 ppOrtnnity to partlc1pate. In order that bonds Will\;be available, it ‘ expected that it Will again be ne- 1 cesary to 61161; larger buyers a less,"' ambunt than applied for.:.;-' \ The proceeds 61°. the issue are to be used for refundmg oses “and Will be applied tOWards' re eirmg $70, 000, - Q90 of short term Nntes, gand $25,- 000 000 (if Bgnds, maturmg April 1st Both issue's Were payable in United States flunds and the neW issue. is a11- pther step toWard meetmg the ï¬nan- 61:11 re mements 6f the Government by borrowmg at home rather than abroad In the present case ,the in- terest coupons, on- the. new b6nds Will be payable only 111 Canada, W}61’QS 1, .._. r . saw» «9 «3.3.». mi ; the bonds run for a longer term than any other direCt Dominion bond available in. the market Dealers are .urgm clients to forWard applications as quickly as posSible, in order Sure fukï¬lment of orders ib‘e‘ payable “91111 in Cape the- ’Notesmnd o’nds bei waggpgyabge ‘in Uigited sï¬ates' mas, ml mm"! mm»; ‘ ISSUE llf llllMlIlllN alums New Issue Considered as Attractive ' Oï¬â€˜ered at 97 and Interest, and “ Yield 4. 73 per Cent. .‘ded i we .hJ