es‘e *,*s%e Q.Oofo # . %0‘e «o o*s ooono.f.flo.MooMoon. + +# 3000000"00 L fusfecfesd esd ..~A. *.*0*% * #4 4 ';0000 IROQUOIS FALLS, PARIS HOTEL Now open for business. Firstâ€"class rooms, and steam henated All upâ€"toâ€"date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. " DARVO * t on Uthe ]a US T M ;' $ M hy d t s1X +; * 4+ n 4 t L e 19 xd k U . is x Wh *9i % + e 3 ts c t s c PS _ " h C + * .. A , Dec. 17th, 1925. THE COLUMBUS RUBBER CO. OF MONTREAL Limited 284 Yonge Street, Toronto Ask for * Darvo," a heavy rubber shoe with oil tanned leather top and reinforced ribbed, snagâ€" proofed bottom. ns 4* 8e stt an*a4*; 8t cat, ooouooo.. * "¢ "¢ °6 # GYPROC Advantages The Geo. Taylor Hardware Lumbermen! .®. .*, 0.0““ #° /# #4 > JAAA .“’“’““““ % "*%"°"%"%°"%"~s A ar E/ AT ENS TE 4 we* * ve*. # T #. .*, “.“.“'00 A 002.00..00:00 A oA L C200 e c a 1 a 9 ts m *estastastastactoetestectostocstos*. *.,¢ estes *# it @. ,*, “.03“ #* @ _ * 6e o{o +**e o +**a Gum Rubbers bâ€"4 @ 4o #* T #@ + #* T @ 4# °® w es an 2 @ 6 #4. T *, 4 *Â¥4, *4 T *, #4 T @ <4 Â¥4. 04 b< @ *4 t #4 T @ 4 #4 + + ## a"**"*s #4 +. #4 *4 : hi tocfecteos #* «# *# # #* % + # *4 L. Al #@ <@ *4 @ 4# *4 4 @ Ca *4 > 4 + Ca *4 â€"®@ # < #4 > *# 4 #* / * 4 ® # % 4@ insist on the famous "-" In the woods or on the riverâ€"you need the extra strength and comfort which are built into COLUMBUS Liambermen‘s Gum Rubbers. They are heavily reinforced with additional layers of fabric and rubber at all points of wear. MAIL ALL PARCELS AT ROOM 2, GOLDFIELDS ANNEX, As noted in The Advance last week the Timmins Post Office has made special arrangements for the better handling of the incoming and outâ€" going Christmas mails One of the plans adopted is to secure Room 2, Goldfields Annex (entrance on Fourth Avenue, just around the corner from the hotel). At Room 2, Goldfields Hotel Annex, during the Christmas season all parcels to be mailed from Timmins will be received for mailing. At Room 2, Goldfields Annex, there will be all facilities for mailing parâ€" cels,â€"weighing machines, stamps,. ete. " A§CHAIN OQOF SERVICE" There are many styles to choose fromâ€" two of the most popular are illustrated below. GYPROC is fireproof wallboard made of solid rockâ€"the finest material for farm buildings ever disâ€" covered. Its 18 separate and excluâ€" sive advantages increase the comâ€" fort, appearance and earning power of your farm. Hen houses and stables lined with Gyproc are practically vermin and moisture proof. This prevents disâ€" ease, makes hens lay and increases the milk output of your cows. Gyproc can‘t burn, warp or shrink. It protects stock from fire. It is durable and permanent. There are no cracks or creâ€" vices in Gyproc. Gyproc Joint Filler on the joints makes the wall airâ€"tight. Limited ns ns 280008 -00000000000ooocoooooooonoooocnoooo?\oo00o4000003030030303030‘000“30:\ THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO. All parcels coming in here for deliâ€" very will be given out as usual at the regular wickets at the post office The new quarters in the Annex are for outâ€" going parcels. The best thing to do is to pay no attention to what you have heard about your neighbor. He may have been hearing the same thing about you. I was just crazy to get married, but I did not know it till after I was married. The emptier the head the less it takes to fall it. JONEK LIMITED, Sudbury. Selling Agents Cobalt Cochrane New Liskeard Timmins i fl »«3000000 Woo DQDO #0*%°" a#"2*,* t a a*2 2®2 1*, vooflooooooooo e **a**0* * vatootostoctsectoctootes? r Nee ts e c estos? oonoomtmzooomzovoooooowoonoo“ # * "a" #.% Â¥0*," ele ’i‘ .‘..0.0 a"%%.% .zo # @ 44 GHANGES MADE BY ONTARIO AOGKEY ASSOSIATION One of the features of the meeting was the presence of eight pastâ€"presiâ€" dents of the association. They were: L. B. Duff of Welland, 1909 to 1911 ; H. E. Wettlaufer, Kitchener, 1911 to 1913; Chas. Farquharson, Stratford, 1913 to 1915; Jas. T. Sutherland, Kingston, 1915 to 1917 ; Sheriff J. W. The amendment ‘that the consolâ€" ation games in both the intermediate and junior be discontinued, was unâ€" animously carried, despite the fact that a battle was expected. (From The Broke Hustler)...... The power from Island Falls has been eased on gradually since Decemâ€" ber 5th, when it was first turned on, until on Friday it was getting close to capacity. Both twentyâ€"five cyele unâ€" its at Island Falls have been running steadily, except Sunday, since the day the current was turned on. The gate has been apened a little more each day and there are still several feet of head to go. F. W. Wiskin, Power Superintendent, and his crew, have been watching mighty carefullv for any trouble to dev elop but so far they have got through in fine shape and proven themselves right on the job. It was moved that any player livâ€" ing in a town which has no O. H. A. club or organized 0. H. A. rink used for hockey, may be permitted to play with his nearest 0. H. A. club on specâ€" ial permission of the O. H. A. execuâ€" tive committee. This motion also carried without discussion. The following amendments to the regulations were adopted : That all the changes to the regular Canadian Amateur Hockey Associâ€" ation and playing rules made by the organization at its last meeting be adopted and incorporated in the O. H. A. rule book as follows: New defence areaâ€"40 feet from the end of the rink instead of 20 feet from the goal line. In this area the old rule applies, viz., no offside for the defending teams. All rinks must be marked with defence lines at each 40 feet from end of rink. Players Hereafter May Play With Nearest O. H. A. Club on Seâ€" curing Permission. At the recert annual meeting of the Ontario Hockey Association, held at Toronto, there were many matters that will be of special interest to hockey fans in ‘this district. Sheriff J. F. Paxton, treasurer of the associâ€" ation, in his report showed the organâ€" ization has a cash balance of $10,907 in addition to $1,000 victory bonds. Last year the balance was $7,024. Every player must hold an amaâ€" teur card issued by the branch of the A. A. U. of Canada in which he plays. Goalkeeper may clear by. throwing puck back of net. No bodyâ€"checking on the forward line. _ Bodyâ€"checking only permisâ€" sible by defence men on the position back of the 40 foot line and they must not charge an opponent. FINE RECORD OF HORSE POWER FROM ISLAND FALLS The table of horse power at Island Falls and how it has gone up as the gate was opened : Dec, Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 5thâ€"8626 H.P. Island Falls. 6thâ€"10173 H. P. 8thâ€"13866 MP. 9thâ€"17413 H.P. 10thâ€"21773 H.P. 11thâ€"22333 H.P. All registration card duplicates are to be forwarded to the National Regâ€" istrar within 15 days of receipt by branch registrar. February 10th is the final date for registration with the national registrar. No playing certificate will ‘be issued after that date. No player shall be eligible to play unless he has been a bona fide and continuous resident of the city, town or district that the club represents since the 15th day of May preceding the date of the first game. Students alone excepted. The amendments to ‘thie ‘playing rule adopted were: Goalkeepers‘ padsâ€"Maximum with 12 inches lying fiat, instead of 14. All games are prohibited with teams of the United States A. H. A. but Canadian teams may be permitted to play college or university teams in the United States upon securing sancâ€" tion from their branch. All :of the~ C. A.. H.._A. must declare winners by March 5, senior and junior to allow winners to engage in Allan Cup and O. H. A. Memorial Cup eliminations. BELIEVES BIG COAL FIELDS i _ LIE NORTH OF COCHRANE. _An officer left this week for Fort William to bring back to Timmins a man named Dodovicco Serantola, who will be tried here on a of theft. The case arises / from the charge of theft pending against Mrs. Rossi. On this theft charge, preâ€" ferred by her husband, Mrs. Rossi was brought back from Fort William several days ago. The husband charged that Mrs. Rossi took a quantity of goods from his house here, as well as $300.00 in cash. Mrs. Rossi was given a hearing last week, but on account of her condition, the case was not finally disposed of. Evidence, however, seemed to impliâ€" cate Dodovicco Serantola in the illegâ€" al transferring of the goods from Timmins to Fort William. â€" Mrs. Rosâ€" s1 is said to have stayed with Seranâ€" tola in the West. Serantola will be brought back to Timmins to stand trial for the theft of some of the goods taken or for complicity in the matter. The recent investigations, followed by the organization of a company capitalized at $7,500,000.00, to develop the china clay deposits north of Cochâ€" rane has greatly gratified The Cochâ€" rane Northland Post. The Post has every right to be pleased at the pros:â€" pects now for the development of the china clay deposits, for The Post beâ€" lieved in the china elay possibilities when a company could not have been capitalized for 7,500 cents. _ But, though The Post now sees a further extension of the T. N. 0. towards the Bay, and in its mind‘s eye viâ€" sions wonderful things from the deâ€" velopment of the china clay industry, still The Post is not satisfied with even this, but continues to foresee the wonâ€" ders that are to come from the develâ€" opment of the great resources of the far North. ‘The Post last week says: MAN TO BE BROUGHT BAGK FROM FORT WiLIAM NOW _ gigantic prospect of developâ€" ment which is held out on the clay deposits will be repeated in many other things further along. Then there are the Belcher Islands alone, which hold out wonderful potentialiâ€" ties. Even now, with the difficult acâ€" cess, it is intended to spend nearly a quarter of a million of dollars on the development of these important iron deposits, and they are made a forceful argument to our western friends why the Hudson Bay Railway should be completed. _ Surely the same arguâ€" ment holds goodâ€"for our provincial line. Unquestionably the next surâ€" prise will come when the coal fields Charge of Theft Against Dodovicco Serantola Grows Out of Case Against Mrs. Rossi. Heavy Specific Gravity Genuine Russmn Mmeral Oil Therefore a safe, pleasant laxaâ€" tive and preventive of Conâ€" stipation. There is only one Parâ€"ol, so be sure that you get it when you ask for it. Look for the Red Circle. Sold byâ€" GOLDFIFLDS DRUG STORE Liibricéht ment holds goodâ€"for our provincial line. Unquestionably the next surâ€" prise will come when the coal fields north will foreshadow another great source of railway traffic for the T. N. 0.; and when we look back a few vyears hencee we will wonder why any government should have hesitated to branch out into the rich fields of inâ€" dustrial development of our northern empire.‘‘ It is easier to sit in the lap of luxâ€" ury ithan to stand up and be a man. Among the books with unhappy endings are cheque books. Timmins, Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between us, the undersigned, James Geils an4 Harry Herman, carrying on business as tailors, under the firm name of Geils Herman, in the Town of Timâ€" mins, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business in future will be carâ€" ried on by the said James Geils, who will pay and discharge all liabilities and debts, and receive all moneys payâ€" able to the said firm. Dated at Timmins this 16th day of November, 1925. Witness :â€"A C. Barrister, Solicitor, etc. ROOM 2 GORDON BLOCK TITMMINS8 P.0O. Box 1591 Phone 640 -m%wwémmmm~ %ARK Tï¬'%..g DO*} [) Officeâ€"Room 5, Gordon Block "C € , Chartered Accountant New and Secondâ€" Hand Store Best Prices on all Goodsl Purchased. Lowest Prices on alL‘J Goods Soll. 1 câ€"o HOLLINGER MINE Satisfaction assured you here whether you Buy or Sell. Give us a Trial. Goods Delivered Free. Don‘t Buy or Sell Before You See Mco, 36 Wilson Ave.., cor. Preston St Phone 610â€"J. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Mark this on the calendar friend Hubby says Taxi Tad. Take your wife for a ride through the suburbs and parks to celeâ€" brate the wedding anniversary. There‘s a joy in it that will please her and make life worth while â€"just eall No,. 11. William 0. Langdon HAMILTON‘STAXI] and Livery Service Glasgow Baritone Concerts and Parties Tom Richardson Kinds of Furniture, Bouzht,i Sold or Exchanged. | REASONABLE RATES N. GREENBERG JAMES GEILS H. HERMAN BHrown. Timmins, Ont.