Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 10 Dec 1925, 1, p. 15

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District of Cochrane, to wit: In the Second Division Court of the District of Cochrane. Between : Defendant. Under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the aboveâ€" named Court, in the aboveâ€"mentioned cause, and to me directed, I have seized and will offer for sale by pubâ€" lie auction, at my office, in the Town of Cochrane; in the District of Cochâ€" rane, on Thursday, the 17th day of December, A.D. 1925, at the hour of one o‘clock in the afternoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of reâ€" demption of the aboveâ€"named defenâ€" dant, Wasil Sowchuk, in, to and out of the following described lands and tenements, viz: Pareel 1750, Whitney and Tisdale, situated in the Township of Tisdale, in the District of Cochâ€" rane and Province of Ontario, nameâ€" ly : Lot No. 543, Plan Mâ€"30 (Sudbury), now deposited in the office of Lands and Titles at Haileybury. Subject to the following building and other restrictions: 1. Any building erected on the sald lot shall stand back at least 15 feet from the street line and shall front on the street on which the lot proâ€" perly fronts. # y 2. No business shall be carried on the said lot and any building erected thereon shall be used as a dwelling house only and exclusively. 2P Cl houdh.d i l .A .4 _ As8 Excepting and reserving unto Noah Anthony Timmins, his heirs, execuâ€" tors, administrators or assigns, all mines, veins, seams and beds of coal, iron, cobalt, silver and other minerals and certain surface easements. Saving and excepting the reservaâ€" tions and exceptions contained in the original patent from the Crown. ' JOHN D. MACKAY, Sheriff of the District of Cochrane. Sheriff‘s Office, District of Cochrane, 14th day of September, A.D. 1925. 46â€"49 To wit: In the Second Division Court of the District of Cochrane, Between: , Defendant. Under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the aboveâ€" named Court, in the aboveâ€"mentioned cause, and to me directed, I have seized and will offer for sale by pubâ€" lic auction at my office, in the Town of Cochrane, in the District of Cochâ€" rane, on Thursday, the 17th day of December, A.D. 1925, at the hour of two o‘clock in the afternoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the aboveâ€"named deâ€" fendant Louis Shub, in, to and out of the following described lands and tenements, viz: Parcel 144, Whitney and Tisdale Situated in the Township of Tisâ€" dale in the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario, namely : Lot No. 347 on the north side of Fourth Avâ€" enue, as shown on Plan Mâ€"30 (Sudâ€" bury), now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Haileybury. Sfi.bject to the following restrictions which shall be deemed to be restrieâ€" tions running with the said lands: _ (1) Any building erected on said lands shall stand back at least fifteen feet from the steet line and shall front on the street on which the lot fronts. (2) No business shall be carried on on the said lot without the consent in writing of the vendor, and any building erected thereon shall be used for the purpose of a dwelling house only. =p (3) Any latrine erected on the said lot shall be provided with sanitary arâ€" rangements as requested by the Local Board of Health. It is understood and agreed that all mines, veins seams and beds of coal, iron, cobalt, gold, silver and other minerals and certain surface easeâ€" ments have been reserved. ALLIED PORCUPINE GOLD MINES LITMITED Saving .and excepting the reservaâ€" tions and exceptions contained in the original Patent from the Crown. JOHN D. MACKAY, Sheriff of the District of Cochrane. Sheriff‘s Office, District of Cochrane, 15th day of September, A.D. 1925. 406â€"49 In the Second Division Court of the District of Cochrane Betwee MARSHALLâ€"ECCLESTO\IE Between : . REAMSBOTTOM EDWARDS, . Defendants. Under and by virtue of Writs of Execution issued out of the aboveâ€" named Court in the aboveâ€"mentioned eauses, and to me: rected, I have seized and will offer for sale by public auction, at my Office in the Town of Cochrane, in the District of Cochrane, on Thursday, the 17th day of December, A.D. 1925, at the hour ALLIED PORCUPINE GOLD MINES LIMITED. SHERIFF‘S SALE OF SHERIFF‘S SALE OF SHANKMAN BROTHERS, and WASIL SOWCHUK, S. E. SOMERVILLE, District of Cochrane LOUIS SHUB, and and Defendants. Plaintiffs Plaintiff, Plaintiff, Plaintiff, of 1.30 o‘clock in the afternoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the aboveâ€"named deâ€" fendants, Allied Poreupine Gold Mines Limited, in, to and out of the followâ€" ing described lands and tenements, viz.: Parcel 1224, Whitney and Tisdale Situate in the Township of Whitâ€" ney in the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario, namely, the north west part of broken lot number Three in the Fifth Concession of the said Township of Whitney, described as follows: Commeneing at a point in the north limit of the said broken lot at the distance of twenty chains meaâ€" sured west along the said limut from the northeast angle of the lot, thence south parallel with the east limit of the lot, twenty chains; thence west parellel with the north limit of the lot fourteen chains more or less to high water mark on the east shore of Three Nations Lake; thence northerly and northeasterly following the said high water mark to its intersection with the north limit of the lot; thence east along the north limit five chains, thirtyâ€"five links more or less to the place of beginning, containing by adâ€" measurement nineteen and oneâ€"half acres more or less. Saving and exâ€" cepting the reservations and excepâ€" tions contained in the original patent from the Crown, namely: Five per cent, of the agcreage reserved for roads and the right to lay out the same where the Crown or its offcers may deem necessary. All pine trees standâ€" ing or being on@the said land, toâ€" gether with the right to enter upon the said lands to remove said timber, as provided by section 112 of ‘‘The Mining Act of Ontario,‘‘ and the free use and passage and enjoyment, etc., also right of access to all shores of all rivers, ete. The title to said land is subject to the conditions conâ€" tained in the patent imposed by virâ€" tue of 7 Geo. V., Chap. 11 (Ontario), requiring that all ores or minerals raised or removed shall be treated and refined within Canada, and that in default thereof the said land shall re vert to His Majesty. Parcel 1223, Whitney and Tisdale. Situate in the Township of W hitney in the District of Cochrane and Proâ€" vince of Ontario, namely : The southâ€" west part of the north part of broken lot number Three in the Fifth Conâ€" cession of the said Township of Whitâ€" ney, described as follows: Commeneâ€" ing at a point within the said lot which point is distant twenty chains measured south parallel with the east limit of the lot from a point in the north limit twenty chains west from the northeast angle of the lot, thence south astronomically twenty chains; thence west parallel with the north limâ€" it of the lot one chain more or less to high water mark on the east bank of Three Nations Lake, thence northwestâ€" erly along the said high water mark to its intersection with a line drawn through the point of commencement parallel with the north limit of the lot; thence east along the line so drawn fourteen chains more or less to place of beginning, containing by adâ€" measurement fourteen acres more or i l less. _ Saving and excepting the roâ€" servations and exceptions contained in the original patent from the Crown, namely : Five per cent. of the acreage reserved for roads and the right to lay out the same where the Crown or its officers may deem necessary, all pine trees standing or being on said land together with the right to enter upon said land to remove said timber, as provided by Section 112 of ‘‘The Mining Act of Ontario,‘‘ and the free use, passage and enjoyment, â€" ete., also right of access to the shores of all rivers, ete. â€" The title to said land is subject to the condition contained in the Patent imposed by virtue of 7 Geo., V. Chap. 11 (Ontario), requiring that all ores and minerals raised or removed therefrom shall be treated and refined within Canada, and that in default thereof the said land shall reâ€" vert to His Majesty. JOHN D. MACKAY, Sheriff of the District of Cochrane. Sheriff‘s Office, District of Cochrane, this 16th day of September, A.D., 1925. â€"46â€"49 McCoy‘s Cod Liver Extract Tablets Fine For Thin Underdeveloped Kids It‘s your duty, Mother to see that the frail, peaked, sickly youngster grows up to be strong in body, keen in mind and robust in health. Children Love Them Because They Are Sugar Coated and as Easy To Take as Candy. Extracted from the livers of the lowly codfish are the health, weight and strength producing vitamines that are found in MeCoy‘s Cod Liver Exâ€" tract Tablets, which are sold by pharmacists all over North and South America. Doctors know about them and so does any druggist anywhere, and if your children need building up ask for these tablets toâ€"day if you want to give your loved ones a good appeâ€" tite and put pounds of good healthy flesh on their bones. But be sure and get McCoy‘s _ They are not expensiveâ€"60 tabletsâ€"60 cents and if you are not pleased with the improvement after 30 daysâ€"your money back. A very sickly child, age 9, gained 12 pounds in seven months and is strong and healthy. One skinny worman gained 9 pounds in 24 days. â€"43 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO. Friends in Timmins and South Poreupine heard last week with much regret of the death of Mr. Jack Wilâ€" son, formerly Chief of Police at Timâ€" mins. The deceased was first in the mining game, and then joined the Provincial Police, being stationed for some time at South Poreupine. He resigned from the Provincial Foree to accept the position ofâ€" Chief of Police at Timmins, in suceession to Mr. John Clark. In ‘turn, he was suceâ€" ceeded here as Chief by the present head of the Police Foree, Mr. M. Greer. The late Mr. Wilson was wideâ€" ly known in the North and had many friends who will regret his death. A widow and family of small children survive and to these will be extended the sincere sympathy of all. In reâ€" ference to the death, The Northern Newps, of Cobalt, last week says :â€"â€" ‘"‘Jack Wilson, wellâ€"known former Cobalter, died this week in Elk Lake. He had been suffering from cancer for some time, and the end was not unexâ€" pected. Mr. Wilson was at one time _on the povineial police force, and latâ€" er was chief of police at Timmins, from which position he resigned to reâ€" turn to the mining game. His wife is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Tripp, formerly of Cobalt."‘ Dies of Cancer at Blk Lake Last Week, After Being Il Some Time â€" A despatch from Cochrane last week Savs that J. A. Clermont, barrister and solicitor, of that town, received word on Thursday of his appointment to the position of Miaster of Titles for the District of Cochrane. The posiâ€" tion carries a salary of $3,000.00 per year. Mr. Clermont went to Toronto last week on business in connection with the appointment. NEW MASTER OF TITLES COCHRANE DISTRICT Richard Koski, of Kirkland Lake, has the honour of being the first prisâ€" oner to be kept in the new District Jail at Haileybury. The Haileybury Jail opened officially on Thursday of last week, and Koski, who had been sentenced to one year at Burwash on a charge of assault, was placed in the new jail to await being taken to Burwash. USED KNIFE AT WEDDING AND GETS TWOâ€"YEARE TERM FIRST PRISONER IN THE NEW JAIL AT HAILEYBURY Mike Chanovski was found guilty of assault at Haileybury District Court last week and sentenced to Kingston for two years. Evidence showed that he started a row at a wedding party in Cobalt last October and in the trouble he used a knife. The jury took only fifteen minutes to decide on a verdict against Chanovski. He and two chums had gone to the wedding party without an invitation. Bishop Halle, head of the R. C. Diocese of Hearst, with jurisdiction over the most northerly outpost of missionary work of the church, has returned to his palace at Hearst after several weeks‘ absence in Quebec where he was under treatment as result of serious illness. His Lordship made a trip into James Bay regions this summer and the illness was beâ€" lieved to have been brought on by the unusual hardships of travel and exâ€" posure, which he was forced to endure. He is now understood to be almost back to his usunal good health. BISHOP HALLE TAKES UP HIS DUTIES AGAIN The following are the officers electâ€" ed for Poreupine Lodge, A, F. A. M. for 1926 :â€"â€" W. M.â€"Bro. W. H. Johns. 8. W.â€"Bro. A. Yeomans. Treasurerâ€"Bro. L. Ort. Secretaryâ€"Bro. R. C. Vaughan. Chaplainâ€"Bro. Watt. Tylerâ€"Bro. Day. Installation will take place on St, John‘s Night, Monday, Dec. 28th. R. Wor, Bro. R. LeHeup. of Haileyâ€" bury, will be the Installing officer. Fourth Degree downstairs with good musical programme. OFFICER§ ELECTED FOR PORCUPINE LODGE AF. A.M. CHRISTMAS PARCELS FOR THE UNITED STA‘TES A notice just received by the Timâ€" mins Post Office will be of special inâ€" terest to many in Timmins. This cirâ€" cular from the Dept. points out that those who post parcels of merchandise for the U. S. A., should understand that these parcels are sent by the Canadian Post Offices to a United States border customs office, and not direct to the office named in the adâ€" dress. At this border customs office the parcels are examined for customs duty. Owing to the immense volume of business at the Christmas period there is apt to be delay in the handling of the parcels. Furthermore there will be no Christmas day delivery in United States cities and the public are advised to post all Christmas parcels for the United States in exceptionally good time, PLEASANT BIRTHDAY PARTY a ON THURSDAY EVENING ‘Through an unfortunate error in The Advance last week, an error for which The Advance makes due apology to the young gentleman concerned, the name of Veikko Sillanpaa was omitted from the Honour Roll of Room 1 of Central Public School. What makes the omission the more Mrs. H. Parnell, 252 Pine street south, held a very enjoyable birthday party on Thursday, Dec. 3rd, many of her friends being invited to celeâ€" brate the birthday. There was a musical programme, and a good Cornâ€" nish spread for supper. As usual, Mrs. Parnell proved a sucessful hostâ€" ess and all present found the evening a delightful one. Mrs. Parnell was the recipent of many useful and valuâ€" able gifts to show the appreciation of her many friends. VEIKEO SILLANPAA HEAD CLASS IN ROOM 1100m 1 oT Céentral Publitc Sschool. What makes the omission the more unfortunate is the fact that Veikko Sillanpaa, though only in the class one month, actually headed the list, having the highest standing of any boy in Room I; §Sr. 1V., Boys.. The name was omitted from ithe list by one of those slips that oceasionally oceur around the best regulated offices, and The Advance, while making due exâ€" cuse for the omission, would also conâ€" gratulate Veikko SNillanpaa on his excellent showing. CALEDONIAN CHRISTMAS TREE ON DECEMBER 18TH The annual Christmas Tree of the Caledonian Society of Timmins will be held this year in the Hollinger Reâ€" creation Hall, on Friday evening, Dec. 18th. The regular night of the Caleâ€" donians would be Dec. 25th, but as this is Christmas Night, it was deâ€" cided at a recent meeting to change the date. Through the courtesy of the Hollinger Hall management, the date for the second December meeting wars accordingly changed to Dec. 18th, and on Friday evening of next week, Dec. 18thy the big event for the lads and lassies and the grownâ€"ups will be the Christmas Tree. This is always a big event at the Caledonians and this year it should be even better than ever. There will be a present on the tree for all the children of the memâ€" bers of the Society, and a pleasing programme of games, music, recitaâ€" tions, etc., will also add to the evenâ€" ing‘s pleasure for all. AWARDED DAMAGES FOR INJURY FROM AUTOMOBILE At the District Court at Hairleybary on Wednesday of last week a jury awarded William _ Blackburn, 86 years of age, a resident of Kirkland Lake, $425 damages against Charles Maki, and Vaino Pelto, occupants of a car which struck the plaintiff near the Lakeshore Mine on June 25, last. Blackburn was off work for 67 days with a fractured shoulder. Pelto who was arrested after the accident and convicted of reéckless driving claimed in court that Blackâ€" burn had stepped in front of his car. His previous experience in driving was limited to one month six years ago and he had taken over the wheel from Maki on the evening of the accident, shortly before the elderly victim was hurt. Witnesses for the plaintiff said that the car was sweryâ€" ing across the road and appeared to be out of control. More C.C.M.‘s Used by Hockey Players Than All Other M_z_i_!ies Combined 53 ET out into the wonderful winter outdoors. Put on your skates. Fly away across the glitâ€" tering ice. Feel again the joy of glowing cheeks, sparkling eyes, the tingle of health all over your body. Skate on C.C.M. Skates for exercise without fatigue; for betâ€" ter health and fewer pills and On With Your Skates Away With Pills and Tonics # .0 wetes? Â¥*. * @© *4 * 6 #* + < *4 + € + estes? #* #@ 4 #4 @ + #* @ *# #+* # + #* *# *# #+* # #* * *4 ®, h #+* *# La Â¥* *, # *4 * #© #4# # # *#* * #+ #* *, # *4 #4 # *# *#, *#* # + *4 # 4 *4 * # #* #* *#+* *4 * *# *# #*4 * © #4 * *#+ #, La ** <« ## # #* #* @ L *4 * # #* * # # wetee? ®@ 4 eatectoctect * 4+ *# Epelve MNVY1 : 4¢ £, t t .. * 8. .t ;t ,, L. Jt Jt 10. .0. 4. _0 .t e + #4 04 944844 040808 04848‘ * * *, o o o o s s io o o z* * ooc000000o3000000000000oooooooooooooooooo000030303030303030000000303o’o‘o‘o‘o’?o’o{xgv OOOA__O @ 0.-000000000.00.000000000000000000000000 20 0?0000000000 s *s 00000000 0000000000000000000900000000000000000000000000000‘0«00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000%0.00? o 0000.0 For Sure Results T‘ry Our Want Ad Column ; * # #, .@ #,. .@, #, . i o is o9 2s 282 282 282 2822822822829 u2s 28. 9. 8 2%.2%; *4 go..”tfloooflo"o.fiéo?o‘o ate ate atenteataate d Te atoate c cce TIMMINS BRANCH, = SoOUTH PORCUPINE BRANCH, Investments The Imperial Bank wishes to be helpful in the furtherance of its clients‘ interests. A Bond Department has been established for the pur« To my Friends and Pupils. This will serve to introduce pose of buying and selling the highest class of securities for our customers. The Bond Department will be glad to advise youthrough the Manager of our nearest Branch. who is taking my place until such time as my health is sufficiently improved to continue my work. I can recomâ€" mend him as a fine teacher and am convinced that he will carry on my work in the same manner as I would. Corner Third Ave. and Birch St. PHONE 14 Corner Third Avenue and Birch Street Phone 14 * i3 Timmins, Ont. STUDIO : Mr. Geo. Mlakin tonics. C.C.M. Skates are the choice of the hockey champions, the preference of most great skatâ€" ers. Speedy. Handsome. Beautiâ€" fully finished. Light, yet very strong. There are C.C.M. Skates for all purposes, hockey, pleasure, figure and speed skating. Skates for children, too. Frank Byck Prof. . F. SCHROEDER, A.L.G.M. Sincerely, T immins, Ont., Nov. 16th, 1925 Timmins, Ont., Canada. Thurs., Dec. 10th, 1925. from pure, choice, selected meats are our sausages. We want you to try them, for we know you will say they are the best real country pork sausages you ever ate. Our frankfurâ€" ters also are of best gquality. D. SUTHERLAND, Manager. J, PAUL MICHAUD, Manager.

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