. . Defendant. \. _ Under and by virtue of a Writ of )P Wxecution issued out of the aboveâ€" named Court, in the aboveâ€"mentioned cause, and to me directed, I have seized and will offer for sale by pubâ€" lic auction at my office, in the Town of Cochrane, in the District of Cochâ€" rane, on Thursday, the 17th day of December, A.D. 1925, at the hour of two o‘clock in the afternoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the aboveâ€"named deâ€" fendant Louis Shub, in, to and out of the following described lands and tenements, viz: Parcel 144, Whitney and Tisdale Situated in the Township of Tisâ€" dale in the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario, namely : Lot No, 347 on the north side of Fourth Avâ€" enue, as shown on Plan Mâ€"30 (Sudâ€" bury), now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Harleybury. tween : w REAMSBOTTOM EDWARDS, Plamtlff ALLIED PORCUPINE GOLD MINES ~LIMITED (1) Any building erected on said lands shall stand back at least fifteen feet from the steet line and shall front on the street on which the lot fronts. (2) No business shall be earried on on the said lot without the consent in writing of the vendor, and any building erected thereon shall be used for the purpose of a dwelling housé onlv,. In the Second Division Court of the District of Cochrane, Between: , Subject to the restrictions which shall be deemed to be restricâ€" tions running with the said lands: (3) Any latrine erected on the said lot shall be provided with sanitary arâ€" rangements as requested by the Local Board of Health. It is understood and agreed that all mines, veins seams and beds of coal, iron, cobailt, gold, silver and other minerals and certain surface easeâ€" ments have been reserved. Saving and excepting the reservaâ€" tions and exceptions®contained in the original Patent from the Crown. JOHN D. MACKAY, Sheriff of the District‘of Cochrane. Sheriff‘s Office, District of Cochrane, 15th day of September, A.D. 1925. of Cochrane, in the District of Cochâ€" rane, on Thursday, the l7th day of December, A.D. 1925, at the hour of one o‘clock in the afternoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of reâ€" demption of the aboveâ€"named defenâ€" dant, Wasil Sowchuk, in, to and out of the following desceribed lands and tenements, viz: Parcel 1750, Whitney and Tisdale, situated in the Township of Tisdale, in the District of Cochâ€" rane and Province of Ontario, nameâ€" ly : Lot No. 543, Plan Mâ€"30 (Sudbury), now deposited in the office of Lands and Titles at Haileybury. Subject to the following bulding and other restrictions: 1. Any building ereeted on the said lot shall stand back at least 15 feet from the street line and shall front on the street on \\hl(h the lot proâ€" perly Â¥ronts. 2. No business shall be carried on the said lot and any building erected thereon shall be used as a dwelling house onlyv and exclusivelyv. Excepting andad reserving unto Noah Anthony Timmins, his heirs, execuâ€" tors, administrators or Assigns, all mines, veins, seams and beds of coal, iron, cobalt, silver and other minerals and certain surface easements. Saving and excepting the reservaâ€" tions and exceptions contained in the orizinal patent from the Crown. Sheriff of the District of Cochrane Sheriff‘s Office, District of Cochrane 14th day of September, A.D. 1925 T( ) wit causes, ani TCO Ine direci2d, 1 seized and will offer for sale by public auction, at my Office in the Town of Cochrane, in the District of Cochrane, on Thursday, the 17th day Defendant. Under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the aboveâ€" named Court, in the aboveâ€"mentioned cause, and to me directed, I have seized and will offer for sale by pubâ€" lie auction, at my office, in the Town Defendants.| Under and by virtue of Writs of EFxecution issued out of the aboveâ€" named Court in the aboveâ€"mentioned ecauses, and to me directed, I seized and will offer for sale by public auction, at my Office in the Town of Cochrane, in the District of| Between : District of Cochrane, to wit: In the Second Division Court of the District of Cochrane. ALLIED PORCUPINE GOLD MINES LI MITED. *4 SHERIFF‘S SALE OF LANDS t ween : the Secomd Division District of Cof MARSHALLâ€"ECCLESTONT SHANXNKMAXNX BROTHERS, S. E. SOMERVILLE, District of Cochrane LOUIS SHUB, JOHN D. MACK and and anid ion Court of the Cockhrane Defendants nto Nogah Plaintiffs Plaintiff, Plaintiff 46â€"49 1925,. From the Crown, namely!: Pive per cent, of the acreage reserved for roads and the right to lay out the same where the Crown or its offeers may deem necessary. â€" All pine trees standâ€" ing or being on the said land, toâ€" zcether with the right to enter upon the said lands to remove said timber, as provided by section 112 of ‘‘The Mining Act of Ontario,‘‘ and the free use and passage and enjoyment, etc., also right of access to all shores of all rivers, ete. The title to said land is subject to the conditions conâ€" tained in the patent imposed by virâ€" tue of 7 Geo. V., Chap. 11 (Ontario), requiring that all ores or minerals raised or removed shall be treated and refined within Canada, and that in default thereof the said land shall re vert to His Majesty. Parcel 1223, Whitney and Tisdale. Situate in the Township of Whitney in the District of Cochrane and Proâ€" vince of Ontario, namely: The southâ€" west part of the n01t11 part of broken lot number Three in the Fifth Conâ€" cession of the said Township of Whuitâ€" ney, described as follows: Commeneâ€" ing at a point within the said lot w lnch point is distant twenty chains measured south parallel with the east limit of the lot from a point in the north limit twenty chains west from the northeast angle of the lot, thence south astronomically twenty chains; thence west parallel with the north limâ€" it of the lot one chain more or less to high water mark on the east bank oft Three Nations Lake, thenceée northwestâ€" erly along the said high water mark to its intersection with a line drawn through the point of commencement pardllel with the north limit of the lot; thence east along the line so drawn fourteen chaing more or less to place of beginning, containing by adâ€" measurement fourteen acres more or less. â€" Saving and excepting the reâ€" servations and exceptions contained in the original patent from the Crown, namely : Five per cent. of the acreage reserved for roads and the right to liy out the same where the Crown or its officers may deem necessary, all pine trees standing or being on said land together with the right to enter upon said land to remove said timber, as provided by Section 112 of ‘*The Mining Act of Ontario,"‘ and the free use, passage and enjoyment, etc., also right of access to the shores‘ of all rivers, The title to said land is subject to the condition contained in the Patent imposed by virtue of 7 Geo. V. Chap. 11 (Ontario), requiring that all ores and minerals raised or removed therefrom shall be treated and refined within Canada, and that in default thereof the said land shall reâ€" vert to His Majesty. JOHN D. MACKAY, Sheriff of the District of Cochrane. Sheriff‘s Office, Mstrict of Cochrans, this 16th day of September, A.D., 10925. A6â€"40 (2) The cost of the work is $62,â€" 000 of which $36,800 is to be paid by the Corporation at large. The special rate per foot frontage is $10.61. The annual rate per foot frontage is 80c per foot. The special assessment is to be paid in (15) annual instalments. (3) â€" The estimated life time of the work is (15) years. (4) A Court of Revision will be held on the 14th, day of December 1925 at 3.30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Timmins, Ontario for the purpose of hearing complaints against the propored assessments or the acâ€" curacy of the frontage measurements or any other complaint which persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the Court. DATED this 11th day of November, Parcel 1224, Whitney and Tisdale Situate in the Township of W hitâ€" ney in fhe District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario, namely, the north west part of broken lot number Three in the Fifth Concession of the said Township of Whitney, desceribed as follows: Commencing at a point in the north limit of the said broken lot at the distance of twenty chains meaâ€" sured west along the said limit from the northeast angle of the lot, thence south parallel with the east limit of the lot, twenty chains; thence west parellel with the north limit of the acres ceptin tions â€" from TAKE NOTICE THAT : es (1) The Corporation of the Town of Timmins has constructed as a Local Improvement an Asphalt Pavement and Storm Sewer on streets in the Town of Timmins. (2) The cost of the work is $62,â€" pareliie!l with the norti lot fourteen chains m« high water mark on the 'l‘hxee Nations Lake; th and northeasterly follo high water mark to i1 with the north limit of east along the north lin thirtyvâ€"five links more â€" of December, A.D. 1925, at the hour of 1.30 o‘clock in the afternoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption .of the aboveâ€"named deâ€" fendants, Allied Poreupine Gold Mines Limited, in, to and out of the followâ€" ing described lands and tenements, vViz.: ~45â€"47 11 10€ ns containt m the Cr it, of the ax d the righ Notice of Court of Revision _ Byâ€"Law No. 296 H. E. MONTGOMERY, Clerkâ€"Treas, 1e( in rown, k on the east shore oIf Lake; thence northerly rly following the said irk to its intersection limit of the lot; thence north limit five chains, s more or less to the atilons And the orizinal excepâ€" patent halt to An eighty acre farm in Southern Ontario might be all right, for markets are close and there is a tinge of the market garden in the proposition, but in Northern Ontario where markets are far away and transportation costâ€" ly, it requires a much larger area for a farmer to make a success. With transportation eating up profits, it reâ€" quires greater production to make it possible to farm successfully. You might just as well establish a one hundred ton paper mill north of Cochâ€" rane and expect it to be a success, as to cut down the average farm to eighty acres and expect the farmer to live. With the high transportation on paper in the North, large production is necessary to proflts. It is the same with the farm. As it is, with these lots closed and no work done on them, bona fide settâ€" lers have to go far afield to get land. There are instances of men holding lots for as long as ten years withâ€" out doing a handsâ€"turn on them, but keeping ‘these lots out of the handn of men who wanted to farm them. That is the only solution to the agriâ€" cultural problém in Northern Ontario. To reduce the lots to eighty acres is not a solution of the problem, but would be a blackâ€"eye to agriculture in the North. If the Government wishes to conâ€" tinue its policy of encouraging the development of Northern Ontario, it should immediately cancel this ‘order and go back to the one hundred and an{ g0 Dack to the one hundred and sixty acres,. The reason for the change was given out as being that Northern Ontario wais not being settled as quickly as it ought to be. That‘s absolutely corâ€" rect, but the cure is not to cut down the homestead to eighty acres. The cure is to enforee the present regulaâ€" tions strictly. â€" The eurse of Northern Ontario toâ€"day is that lot after lot is held in the names of men who did nothing more than apply for it and make their first deposits. Ags long as they are allowed to hold the lots withâ€" out homestead duties, Northern Onâ€" tario agriculture will be backward in development. In some townships almost 50 p.c. of the lots are held by absentees and the homestead duties have not been done, If the Government would enforee the homestead rules, these lots would be thrown open and be: available for bona fide farmers. If that were done, Northern Ontario would soon become a solid farming country. farms. requires a larger arca than eighty acres. The clav belt is the richest agriâ€" cultural pdxt of the Province of Onâ€" tario0; in fact, of Canada. To develop this clay belt would bring greater riches to the Province than anything else the Government could do. The steps necessary to do it are simple:â€" Firstâ€"Too large a territory has been thrown open in the past for settlement. Don‘t open any more unâ€" til the open townships are pretty In just a few daysâ€"quicker than you ever dreamt ofâ€"these wonderful health building, tlesh creating tablets called MeCoy‘s Cod Liver Extract Tablets wil start to help any thm, underweight little one. After sickness and where rickets are suspected they are especially valuâ€" able. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO EIGHTY ACRE FARMGS NOT BIG ENOUGH FOR SFTTLERS Cod Liver Extract In Sugar Coated Tablets Puts On Flesh and Builds Them Up. Most people know that from the livers of the lowly eodfish vitamines of the first class are extractedâ€"the kind that help all feeble underweight men, women and children. Try these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail, puny child don‘t greatly benefitâ€"get vyour money don‘ back Broke Hustler Joinsâ€"in Objection to Recent Regulation There is another point. The farms in the clay belt are hard to clear. Very few settlers have eapital, so they are depcndent on pulp wood for the first few years, while clearing the farms. ‘This requires a larger area Is Your Child Thin and Weak? Ask any druggists for MeCoy‘s Cod Liver Extract Tabletsâ€"as easy to take as candy and 860 tablets, 60 cents. A very sickly child, Age 9, gaine 12 pounds in 7 months. A man about 45 years of age, whose identity is unknown was ®"killed at Cochrane on Monday when he was run over by a freight in the railway yards. The man evidently tried to pass beâ€" tween moving cars and . missed his footing. Both legs were cut off below the knees. _ A liquor license in his pocket gave the name of C. Jolhnson, Vancouver, but enquiry at Vancouver by the police brought back word that he was not known in the far western tity. An inquest is to be held on Saturday and perhaps before that time the identity of the unfortuate man may be known. question in detail and showing strong opposition to the wild plan. Boards of Trade in the North have also strongly opposed the proposal, while individuals in this country also have recistered their opinion in opposition tu the scheme. The Toronto Star apâ€" parently has some favour for the proâ€" posed scheme. Eveidently the plan is very much against the best interests of this country. If these four things are done, the fertility of the clay belt will ensure a rapid development of agriculture in Northern Ontario, with tremendous increase in revenue for the whole proâ€" vince, and an export of agricultural produce whieh will give a large trade balance abroad in our favour, which will help tremendously inâ€" keeping Canadian eurrency at par or a preâ€" mium in New York funds. The present government has done much for Northern Ontario. Let it cancel the eighty acre scheme and adopt the four principles outâ€"lined above and it will hage done the greatâ€" est thing possible for this the largest and most fertile part of the Province. All the newspapers of the North Land seem to be against the scheme proposed to the Ontario Associated Boards of Trade to create a sixth great lake by diverting the waters of the Nogoki and Albany rivers. The Northland Post, of Cochrane and The Broke Hustler, of ITroquois Falls, are among the newspapers taking up the Fourthâ€"The Province should adopt a colonization poliey for Northern Ontario which would bring farmers from other parts of Ontario or from Great Britain into the clay belt, with a scheme for furnishing financial aid in the early vears, THE NORTH LAND AGAINST WILD WATER POWER SCHEME Thirdâ€"Build the roads necessary to permit the farmer to get his proâ€" duce to market. Secondâ€"â€"Enforce the present homeâ€" stead laws"so that no land can be held without full homestead duties being done and even then don‘t allow land to lie unused. well taken by the bona fide farmers. AND ABROUT BOOTS for the BOY Hollinger Stores Ltd. EVERY HOLLINGER EMPLOYEE IS ENTITLED TO THE REGULAR DISCOUNTI N all weights and colour combinations, such well known makers as Warren Bros., and Wolsey, and priced to suit you, no mat ter what you wantâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" See windows for styles and prices. We have just received a shipment of Panco Soled Boys‘ Boots. These soles are guaranteed to outwear any leather sole. Bring them back and get your money if they don‘t. See them in the window. Sweater Coats has done . at eme â€"and outâ€"lined * 5* #. .od:“ #4 *# l Â¥* * + * # Â¥4 * 4 *#* # @ 4Â¥ # 4 *4 # < *# #4 * # #4 * # #4 ## *# *# *#4 # * *4 *, # *4 # © *#+* # *# #* *# *4 # * "% *4 *# w #4 ®, 4 Cas * # *4 # * *4 *# # #4 # 4# #* *# La *# * *# #* * 4 #4 * 4 *#* *# # #4 *# *4 *# # #4 * ® * *#* # + #4 * # #4 # #4 # «+ #4 # + *#* # + ## # #© ## * © #4 * 4 #4 * © 44 # ¢ #* * + #4 ® 4 6 .. * ® ,* The first 50 customers on Friday, Nov. 20th, will each receive Could you imagine someâ€" thing for nothing from a Scotsman? _ Hard to beâ€" lieve but nevertheless true. A visit to ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE 1 tin of mackerel (suffâ€" cient for 2.persons). Ladies join the smiling throng and don‘t forget the date nor yet the number. 103% Pime St., The New Idea Grocery Store 103% PINE S8T. SOUTH will convince you. New and Second Hand Furniture, Hardware, Clothing of all kinds Northern Ontario Furniture Exchanse 91 Third Avenue â€" â€" 14 Wilson Aven Golden Avenue, South Porcupine DON‘T BUY OR SELL BEFORE YOU SEE US. e cS n in ate ate a3e ate ab0 220020 ate atn ate aZe a in ateabe c Pn ons â€" Dealers in * â€" 3 STORES *** *4 **%% Basement, Gordon Block Baths at all hours while the shop is open. Shower or Tub, Hot or Cold, as you wish. 7 t * 5 5 5 5 4 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\W Boncilla 44444 The Boncilla Method of Facial Treatment consists of the use of Boncilla Clasmic (Beautifier), Boncilla Cold Cream, Boncilla Vanishing Cream and Boncilla Face Powder. It pays to use this complete method as many of our customers know. Ask for the ‘‘Boncilla‘‘ Method on your next visit to USE THE COMPLETE ‘‘BONâ€" CILLA‘‘ METHOD _ CARSON‘S BARBER SHOP 14 Wilson Avenue Thurs., Nov. 19th, 1925