Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Office 26 HAILEYBURY‘S WONDERFPUL PROGRESS SINCE 1922 annivers that devi in 1922 : attractiv the ment fire, Fir: may sent sent time,. In The Advance of October, 11th, 1922, there was an article urging the Government to assist Haileyâ€" bury by reâ€"building the County Buildâ€" ings there, and also by giving aid, so that the town would not need to «dleâ€" fault in regard to any of its debenâ€" ture indebtedness.. "If ‘ Haileybury is not assisted to prosperity again,‘‘ said The Advance, ""the debenture debt_ must perforee be defaulted. Such Hefault would be a serious blow to the eredit of the ; pioneer municiâ€" palities of the North. â€" It would be a N Y # w 3k 0. 4) . ho t s l ])dlltlts U L LIIC A.NVA UAA., °70 * A B ds t disgrace to the Province. It \\ould be a slur on the settlers who made this new rich land of value to the South. â€" Haileybury must be reâ€"built. Haileybury must be assisted. Haileyâ€" bury must _ have . a fair chance. Every town in the North Land and every good citizen _ of the Province should ~insist that Haileybury be giyâ€" per U +1 440. Looking back over the three years, it is pleasing to see how generously Haileybury was assisted and â€" how nobly Haileybury helped itself, With the exception of the armouries, â€" all the Government buildings have been: reâ€"built. In practically every case they are better than before the fire. Arrangements were made _ to assiust Haileybury in the matter of its debenâ€" ture indebtedness. The Housing Act was made to apply to Haileybury in its â€" afterâ€"the fire â€" conditions. For these aids no one. should withhold eredit from the Drury Government. Haileybury was helped all right, but the true secret of the return of Haileybury to its place among the thriving towns of the North Land rest; with the courage and faith of the people of Haileybury. In another artitle in The Advance of October, 1922, there appeared this paragraph :â€"‘‘ Haileybury will be reâ€" built and will arise a bigger and betâ€" ter town. Haileybury â€" people are showing the greatest courage and resourcefulness in making plans and en a fair opportunity to live again and grow and pay its way and prosâ€" _ 20 . oo getting preparations under way for the reâ€"establishment of. the town. ‘There were 741 houses burned . at Haileybury and only 71 house ° left. Such a blow might well discourage 2R 2C any town, and would assuredly disâ€" courage most towns. But the people of Haileybury have shown that faith and courage are their outstanding characteristics, and already they are busy planning the building of a new and better town on the site of the deâ€" vastated one."‘ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th,‘1925 in this October of 1925, Hairleybury is fally reâ€"established. There have been over 500 new â€"buildings erected since the in general the new buildings are superior to the . ones destroyed in 1922. The town is betâ€" ter planned. It is healthier; as free as it is possible to make a town from fire menace; it is broader and better ‘designed. _ There are homes, . and flowers.and gardens once again in Haileybury. Only the generouseâ€"rows trees of the former town are misâ€" sing. The reâ€"building of Haileybury is one of the great epics of this North Land. Every town in the North should be proud to know that it is neighbour to Haileyburyâ€"the town that by unrivalled courage, determinâ€" ation, energy, initiative, and faith reâ€" built on the ashes of effort lost and ambition destroyved, a bigger and a better town. Canada â€" United States In Tke Toronto Star Weekly last Saturday there was a fullâ€"page illusâ€" trated article on Haileybury, ‘*Risen: in Beauty From Its Own Graveyard."‘ The illustraion showed the new $250,â€" 000 court house, the Masonic Temple, opened within a year of the fire, the fire hall and municipal buildings, one of the fine new houses, and the fireâ€" proof business section on Ferguson Avenue. Thesarticle itself effectiveâ€" Je se sw Published every Thursday by ly describes the reâ€"building of Harleyâ€" bury. **Three years ago,""‘ says the writer, Haileybury was a smear of smoking ashes. Worthless, absolutely worthless.. Toâ€"day it is a town worth a million and a half. You cannot keep back the people who can reproâ€" duce wealth like that.‘‘ > error: He hn 3. k css The Star Weekly: article is symâ€" pathetie and thoughtful. In â€"one particular, however,, the writer is in S t_‘.-.l“-.l‘-n-" Owner andâ€" Publisher. Subscription Rates: Telephones : describes theRHaileybury Residence 70. $3,00 as the third ONTARIO W se m;m“ year year of October, 1922, as appearing as,. A town ‘*dead, and gone, almm alt trace of _ it wipedâ€" out.‘‘~ Laughter was absent as from a land of dead hopes, the writer suggests. As a matâ€" ter of fact, it was because the people of Haileybury held their great courage of cheerfulness, that the town has made the unrivalled recovery that has been accomplished in three short years. They mourned for their dead but all the other burdens of fate could not take the smile from their faces. Homeless! and cheerful! Ruined and cheerful! Haileybury was destroyed, but a better Haileybury could be built, and the work was undertaken with disregard for hardship and a smile for all misfortune. It was the spirit of the people of Haileybury that triumphed. f Congratulations will be extended to Haileybury on what has been accomâ€" plished and admiration . can not be withheld for the fine spirit that made TWO THOUSARD OUOLLAR FINE PAID UP THIS WEEK the miracle possible The $2,000.00 fine imposed last week on the Whiston Drug Store for illeâ€" gally keeping liquor was paid up in full toâ€"day, a total of $2,012.50 being handed over.. Last week the fine was not paid forthwith and the store was taken into possession by the bailiff for the Town. _ The payingr~of the fine settles the matter and releases the store. There were five drunks taxed $10 and costs each this morning. _ One other is going down, not being able to raise the fine. A warrant for the arâ€" rest of another was issued as he did not appear to answer to the charge. Other Cases _ h _A A.s not appear to answer to the charge. H. Richardson failed to appear to answer to the charge of having liquor in a public place, and a bench warâ€" rant was issued for his arrest, _ Bs CBPRA 9 TAE AJ. Gabr\ clezuk, _ charged _ with wounding and injuring a dog, was reâ€" Annual Dome Shops Dance To Be A Masquerade Event 8. B Atlanta, Ge()rgia, and the other night he stayed up too late and he got H.E.L.L. Mr. ‘*Bill"‘ Munro has been the recipient of many envious congratuâ€" lations because of his double barrelâ€" ed luck in the Soccer Draw. Mr. Len. Trueluffe is laid up with a bad cold, the too rapid change from the Southern Cotton fields in the Minstrel Show, to our climate, is lamed.. We wish him a rapid reâ€" covery. _ Mahy former friends were pleased to welcome Mrs. Ray O‘Neill back to the Camp again. 4 €* * *# % Mrs. Flewellen is home again after visitinge her brother at Kirkland Lake. There was an eqidemic last week of stiff and strained neceks caused by concentrated ‘*Peeping Tom"‘ tactics on the part of the sufferers. The cause was the too rare a sight of such a crowd of beautiful school teachers who visited the plant last Wednesday. The young ladies were interested spectators of the pouring of the gold bullion into bricks at the refinery and they were conducted to all the points of imterest on this property by the various guides who sure looked as if they liked their job. Mr. W. Parnell left for his holidays during . which he will visit several of the crowing towns on the Transeonâ€" tinental. Mr. Stewart Crawford has returned from his vacation, having visited his old home and other points east. ' Those who on every polling day, start kicking because their names are not on the voters‘ list and are preâ€" vented from easting their ballot on that account, are advised that nobody can be blamed but themselves if such a thing happens on the Federal tion Day. Mrs. Nathan Henry is only too anxious that the Dome list will be 100 p.c. camplete. _ It is up to the voter to see that his name is on the list. Call around to Mr. John Mason‘s house and register. Do it toâ€"day. Mr. W. Thompson is up from Toâ€" ronto visiting his brother. The boys of the Electrical and Machine Shops are well starfed on their plans for their Annual Invitaâ€" tion Dancee. â€" Judging from the past successes these gentlemen have had, this dance is going to be the event of the season. This year it will take the |form of a Masquerade Dance and is zoing to be held on Friday evening, October 30th. so get out your dancing pumps, get your costume ready and don‘t Forget the date." Dome Mines, Oct. 7th. Special to We were glad to see our old friend, wwz'w' at This Week‘s Police Court. wWANTEDâ€"PLUMBERS AND TINâ€" SMITH. â€" Apply L‘Eeuyer, Smith Elston, Limited, Timmins. ~40, POSITION WANTED House by Finn Girl. P.O0. Box 122, Timmins. FOR SALEâ€"Victrola; cost $285.00; will sacrifice for $95.00. Apply 13 Pine Street. ~40, uhss manded to next week. + Two theft charges against:â€"a woman who is said to have stripped a couple: of clothes lines while under the in= fluence of liquor were also remanded to next week. ° A number of boys, charged with the theft of varfous things from breycles to auto fires were digmissed with warnings. + Rainey Larivere, charged with theft of zoods from Gray‘s Drug Store a few evenings ago, was given a two months‘ term. Mr. W. 0. Langdon made a very earnest plea for the young man who is about 21 years: of age. Magistrate Atkinson pointed out that Larivere had already served a term, and it did not seem to be reasonable to let him off in this case. ‘The. senâ€" tence, however, was lenient, to give him oppartunity to go straight. FOR RENTâ€"4â€"roomed house; pracâ€" tically all furnished ; Gillies Lake section ; $42.00°â€" Apply Sullivan Newton, Insurance and Real Estate. FOR ~â€"RENTâ€"Restaurant 12 Furnished Rooms. A good going business. None need apply unless they understand business. Apply Box 1604, Timmins, Ont. ~40. WANTED. For Apply!to Phone 501. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO A couple of cases for wages due were settled out of court. Matti Lahti, out and around ‘again after his severe accident in the mine. In his jovial way, Matti claimed that after stopping the other man in the manner he did, that a place on the Dome Football Team was what he hankered for. ‘ bted OW eC Mrs. Rolland who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. reâ€" turned home to Montreal ~y 1 * V AAL AALXQXA _ AA M Tt Mr. Sam Phillips has been under the weather recently. We are glad that he is holding us own. Those Firsf Aid men who think that it is too much trouble to:attend the meeting‘s, and who figure that they don‘t need practice should take a leaf® out of the book of Mr. Pat Murphy, Jr., who while he was conâ€" $ a * j 4 on oo . ioi sA 72 don‘t need practice should take a leaf® out of the book of Mr. Pat Murphy, Jr., who while he was conâ€" fined to the house with a bad ~cold sent over for some bandages, etc., so that he could be practising at home. On Tuesday evening Dr. Kirkup gave practical demonstrations of fracture bandaging and members are requested to turn out in foree for his next lecâ€" ture on Tuesday the 20th. At a first aid examination, a candidate was asked what was the first thing to do when a man was struck by lightning an@ his angswer was: *‘ Turn off the current."" < This didn‘t happen at the Dome. The following is the official Dome School Report for September :â€" Fourth Classâ€"Marcella J. Lynrci, teacher.â€"Luella Duggan, Lesiie Loyd, Robert Miner, Florenes Murphy, Ben 6i 1 ols n i i it mm s Fourth Classâ€"Marceli@a J, LNZACL, teacher.â€"Luella Duggan, Lesiie Loyd, Robert Miner, Florenes Murphy, Ben Mitchell, Malcolm MeCaw, Willie Mecâ€" Lean., Mary Hutchmson, Annabel Tay «* o 7*% 4*/® LICCLLL, JHALAALL _" _ JA MA N O C t lor, Dave Taylor, Kenneth MeCaiffrey, Meta Melville, Vera Doran, Delâ€" laâ€" V edova. Third Class, Senior.â€"Bella ZLaitz, Helena Murray, Hilda Rowe, Annie Zaitz, °© Geraldine . Fulton, Francis Horne, Clarence MeCaffrey (equal) ; Jack MeCaw, George Johns, Romeo Beaudry, â€" Perey . Millions, Nellie Woods, Ruby Richardson, Trene Armâ€" strong, 1 Cox. Third Class Juniorâ€"Sadie, Mcâ€"Donâ€" ald, teacher.â€"Nilo Dellaâ€"Vedova, Bogâ€" Dimitroff, Verbino Dellaâ€"V edova, Flossie Dusgan, Lorne McCaw, James Miner. s o t o% t Second Class Jumor (b)..â€" BWY Cartonick, â€" Dimiter â€" Sankoff, Irvin Richardson, Morris Varker, Stella Zabiaka, Lois Denms. Second Class Junior (A).â€"Blanche Marshall, â€" teacher.â€"Hedley Varke? Joe Woods, Peter Robertson, Alice Evyre, Ida Tanney, Tom Parsons, Josâ€" eph MeCleary. 14 k1 ho i o0 N s e ts M M s oo i First Classâ€"Acnes Tanney, Mildred MeCaw, Frank Parsons, Grace Murâ€" ray, Roddie McPhail, Arnold, Mceâ€" Ginn, Tom Webb, Stewart Watt. Senior Primerâ€"Hilda M. Green, teacher.â€"Orry Costain, Vivian Meâ€" Caffrey, Helen Zaitz, Billie Miner, Alex McGinn, Renie Varkef; Mabel anney «LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION in â€" Private Apply â€" to ~40â€"41 p one â€" car. RUSSELL, HOTELâ€"ROOM AND BOARD, BY DAY OR WEEK. Hot and cold water; free bath. We handle the best brands of 4.4. When on=â€"your way to the River, step in and sample a bottle of iceâ€"cold beer. Tion‘t forget the place, on the corâ€" ner of Mountjoy and Wilson Ave. Phone 275 W. Wm. Hass, proprieâ€" tor. . What you want, when you want it. . â€"28â€"31p. MATERNITYâ€"Practical nurse open for engagements. . Terms reasonâ€" able. Apply 25 Laurier Ave., Timmins, Ont. â€"38 p. STENOGRAPHER WISHES POSIâ€" TION.â€" Experienced in typing and shorthand. References furnished on request.. Apply Box A. Z., Advance Office, Timmins. 40 42 p. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP AN EXPERIENCED, LADY »COOK DESIRES WORK,â€" either in resâ€" taurant or boarding house. Referâ€" ences, ‘if desired. Write to Mrs. D. Ctildner, Timmins, Ont. 40 p. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting beâ€" tween us the undersigned, Thomas Arthur Skelly and Walter Benjamin Ludford, carrying on business as Sign Painters and Painters under the firm name of Ludford Skelly in the town of Timmins, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnerâ€" ship are to be paid to Walter Benâ€" jamin Ludford aforesaid and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said Walter Benjamin Ludford by whom they will be settled. _Dated at Timmins, Ontario this 1st day pf September 1925. W. B. Ludford T. A. Skelly Tencers will be received by the underâ€" si~ned up to and including Saturâ€" day, October 17th, 1925, for the following works: 1st. Stumpmg, Grubbing and Burn ing 33 feet in width along centreâ€" line of Trunk Road location from Swastiâ€" ka to Kenogami Lake‘ appmumately Six Miles (6 miles). 2nd.â€" Stumping, Grubbing â€" and Burning 33 feet in width along centreâ€" line of T»unk Roadâ€" location .from Kenogami Lake north approximately Four Miles~(4 miles). 3rd. â€" Cutting and Burning approxiâ€" mately thirteen miles (13 miles) 66 feet in width from a point on the Trunk Road location approximately three miles (3 miles) north of Kenoâ€" cami Lake in Grenfell Township, in a northerly direction â€" on the west side of Sesekinika _ Lake _ and roughly through Lot 11 to the north boundary of Maisonville, thence due north between Lots 10 and 11, to Con. 6, Benoit Township, exceptingy, one mile or more alfeady eut. The above work to be finished before the 1st day of January, 1926. TENDERERS are required to state price per acra, o e o enA oi ind ie ie o on s 2 oT % " SPECJIFICATIONS AND FORM OF CONTRACT may be seen at the effice of the Department of Northern Development Swastika or New Liskeâ€" arcd. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE Mr. H. W. Warren has received inâ€" structions from the Public Trustee of Ontario, Administrator of the estate of Mike Lashuk, deceased, to offer the following \aluahle property for sale by Public Auction, to be held on Friâ€" da\ the 23rd day of October, 1925, at 117 Spruce Street South, Timmins, commencm«r at 2 p.m:. ~Parceel 1. All that piece or parcel of land known as Lot 115, in the POSITIONS WANTED Township of Tisdale, in the Disâ€" trict of Cochrane, shown‘on Plan Mâ€"33, Sudbury, and registered as Parcel 1288 in the Registry for Whitney and Tisdale. TERMS OF SALE :â€"Purchaser will be ‘Tequired to pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price at the time of sale and to sign an agreement to pay the balancee within thirty days thergafter on receipt of the deed. For further information and condiâ€" tions of sale, apply : DEAN KESTER, Timmins, ' Solicitor herein for the H. W. WARRENX,~ Public Trustee. Auctioneer, Timmins. 4042 THE lowest or any tender not TENDERS WANTED PUBLIC NOTICE cAÂ¥ WALNUT DINXING ROOM SUITE FOR SALE. Phone 14 M. â€"39â€"40. FURNITVRE FOR SALEâ€"Apply to 15 Elm Street North. 40 p. FURNITURE FOR SALEâ€"Bedroom and Dining room suites. Applv 13 â€" Gordon Block. â€"39 p FOR SALEâ€"1 â€" Woodland FOR SALEâ€"C. Melody . Saxophone or will exchange for E. Flat. H. B. Dennis, Dome Mines. FOR SALEâ€"Baby erib, with matâ€" tress ; Trimble Kiddieâ€"Koop typoé, Apply to 16 Elm St. South. A A 21 HOUSEHOLD SALE. Apply FOR SALEâ€"4 Valve Crossley Radio set including Homecharger and 1 set of Embassy headphones. Value $108, bargain at. $20.00, 30 Cambrai St. â€"30â€"40 p. FOR SALEâ€"Square timber, 8‘ x 8" also 6"‘‘ x 6"*.) About 10‘; 18°", I8‘, and . 20 feet long. Apply to 0. Desjardins, 11 Spruce _ Street South. â€"40â€"43 t. £. FURNITURE FOR SALEâ€"Chesterâ€" field _ Suite, _ Kitchen _ Cabinet, Library Suite, Davenette, Beds, Stoves, Ete., Ete. _ Apply 14% good FOR SALEâ€"One pool takic; condition. Big bargain i0z quick sale. . Apply to :K. :Box 1058, South Porcupine. Phone 128. 40â€"42 p. FOR â€" SALEâ€"StudeÂ¥aker â€" Automoâ€" bile; «* Special"‘*‘; brand new ; for salé at cut price, or would possibly exchange for smaller car in good condition. Bargain for one conâ€" sidering car of this design. Apply Drawer A. R., Advance Office, Timmins. â€"39. FTOR SALEâ€"Store fittings and fixâ€" tures, including Grocery Stock, etce., Cash Register,â€" Ham two ‘Computing Seales, 1 set Platform Scales, Cheese Cutter, 1 Show Case, and other items too numerous to mention. Apply to 75 Mountâ€" joy Street. _ â€"40 p. TO RENTâ€"Sixâ€"roomed House. Apâ€" ply 176 Birch Street North. â€"38â€"40p TO RENTâ€"6 roomed house in Schuâ€" macher. Apply â€" to P.O., Box 29, Schumacher, Ont. o â€"40, TO RENTâ€"3â€"room House; water and light; $15.00 per month Apply 0 Way Avenue. ~40â€"41 p. FLAT TO LET on Second. Avenue Schumacher. â€" Apply to W. Hamâ€" mond, Schumacher. 40 p. HOUSE TO RENTâ€"5 rooms; good well water and pump. Apply 25 Middleton â€" Avenue. â€"40. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT. FOR RENTâ€"1 Cement mixer by day or week. Apply to 0. Desjarlins, 11 Spruce Street South. â€"40â€"43 t.f. HOUSE TO RENTâ€"4â€"roomed hbhouse, wellâ€"finished, ete. Apply to 25 Way Avenue. â€"39 p. FOR RENTâ€"â€"La'rge insulated . wareâ€" house space on railway siding. Apâ€" ply Wim. Davies Company. Phone 525. â€"38 Wood â€" heater, $10.00. 30 Ca SHACK FOR RENTâ€"Clean, comâ€" TO RENTâ€"Furnished rooms in priâ€" vate house; with â€" housekeeping privileges; suitable for married couple. Apply 51 Fourth Avenue. â€"38 p. TOO RENTâ€"Twoâ€"room â€" shack; comâ€" fortable and warm; nice accommoâ€" dation. Suitable for one or two single men. Apply to 104 Elm St. North,. 40â€"42 p. TO RENTâ€"3â€"room Flat, in a new house, with conveniences, and heaiâ€" ed upstairs; hardwood floors. Also, Flat, in basement, with conâ€" Kirby Avenue FOR RENTâ€"Basement at Windsor Hotel. Can be rented . all in. one, size 89‘ x 30 ft.; or be partitioned and rent half. It is 12 ft. deep. Well lighted. Could be used _ as wholesale house or club room. Apâ€" ply to Windsor Hotel, Cedar Street Seuth, or 11 Spruce Street South. 40â€"43 p. t. £. Apply to Lane. fortable: almost new ; electric lights Reasonable rent. Apply 206 Elm Street south.. _ 40â€"41 p. Z2â€"room Piliat, in Dasemenil, veniences, and heated; â€" hardwood floor. Corner Seventh Avenue and Hemlock Street. 40â€"42 p>. ieater, _ good 30 Cambrai St FOR RENT B. Lennan, 37 Hollinger â€"38, ‘URNITTURE â€" FOR 25 Middleton Ave | 41 condition â€"39â€"40 p â€"30â€"40 p Queen 40 p. 30â€"40 BARBERâ€" WANTED for Saturday. Good wages. Apply H. Hatton, King‘s Amusement Parlours. â€"39. CANVASSER WANTEDâ€"Good salâ€" ary. Apply Birrell Bell, Violin Academy, St. Onge Block. GIRL WANTEDâ€"For General houseâ€" work. Apply Mrs. J,. Martin, 111 _ _ Spruce Street South. ~40â€"41 p. WANTEDâ€"Maid for general houseâ€" work.. Apply to 103 Birch Street South, or phone 345 J. ~40, WANTEDâ€"Canvasser, Timmins Conâ€" servatory of Musics Good salary. Apply No. 8 Balsam St. North,. WANXTED A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply â€" No. 2 W ANTEDâ€"Girl for _ storework. Experienced prefervred, and must be able to speak English â€" and Frenchy Only ‘those who desire a permanent «position‘ â€" need . apply. Apply to W. Ellies 14 Pine St. North. R ' â€"39, WI RE CANVAS FOR SALEâ€"200 Cords Dry mixed wood. _ Birech, Tamarack, Spruce and Balsam. Apply to A. L. T., P.0. Box 71, Timmins Ont. â€"38â€" 40p FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"18 Cedar St., FOR SALEâ€"St., Onge Building, foot of .Third Avenue; two good modern stores; plate fronts; steam heated ; 14 rooms upstairs in two sevenâ€" . room flats. Two lots, 100 x 65. _ Hall above, 45 by 35. Price â€"$8,500 Cash. Apply Dan St. Onge, _ or Mrs. Bouchard, Box 22, Kirkland > Lakg, Ont. . \~ L36â€"44 p. FOR SALEâ€"House and 2 corner lots on the hill. Newly decorated on the outside. Part cash and terms arranged for the balancee. Apply 6 Sixth _ Avenue. Corner â€" Spruce Street. ~40 t. 1. DOG LOSTâ€"Sm#ll white dog, tan ears, wireâ€"haired. Anyone found harbouring this dog after this notice will â€" be prusecuted Reward . for return. Apply No. 8 Maple Street, South.: .‘ ;_ «_ â€"40 p. WATCH â€" LOSTâ€"15â€"Jewel â€" Regina Watch lost somewhere â€" between Kimberley a1u« Kirby Avenue, near Maple _ Street. _ Finder â€" please return to Advance Office. Reward for return. â€"39 p. FOR SALEâ€"One hbiisiness _ corner lot, with 6â€"roomed house, lathed and plastered, hardwood floors, _ all modern conveniences; lot 30 ft., by 128 ft. Corner of Third Avenue and Elm Street, ~Tâ€"roomed house, with furnace and all modern conveniences, hardwood floors upâ€" stairs and downstairs, new house. Will sell on reasonable terms. Apâ€" _ply No. 3.Elm St. South. ~38 t. £: FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENTâ€" Housekeeping â€" privileges. _ Apply to 205 Pine St. South. â€"39 p Second Avenue ROOM TO LET, with heat and all other _ conveniences. Apply Timâ€" mins Provision Store corner Balsam and Fourth. ~â€"39â€"40 p. TO RENTâ€"Fourâ€"roomed apartment in the Gordon Block, all modern conveniences. Occupatmn Oct. Ist. Apply to A. F.«Kenning, opposite Post Office. â€"36 t. £. SERS to sell new Invention for reâ€" moving spots from clothing of any Liberal commussion to responsible _ parties. _ Apply at Stadelman‘s; Book and Music Store, Goldfields Theatre Block,. 3rd Ave. Timminsg. 40‘ t. € suitable for machine shop, garage, blacksmith shop. Size 28 x 42. Apply B. F. Lenn‘an, 60 Corner Elm and Broadway. , ,â€"12 WANTEDâ€"One or two Boarders. Four meals. â€"Apply 202 Elm Street South h ~38p. DANCINGâ€"If you want to learn to dance make your appointment for Kings Hall, Pine St. for any afterâ€" noon or evening. Private lesson, special price for party of 6 or more in class. Classes to be continued for short time only. C. E. Macâ€" Donald, . Phone 225, ceâ€"o Flower Shop. Box 6598 Timmins. ~30, FOUNDâ€"Lady‘s Kid (Gove for leff hand, found on Third Avenue. Owner may have same by ealling at The Advance Office. 40 n. c IN LOVM®(G MEMORY of my dear husband, George Muir Dewar, who died ()('tober 13th, 1918. LOST Wife and childremy