P.O. BOX 373, SCHUMACHER North T. N. O. Tracks, West of Station. Storm Sash Land Surveys, Mine Surveys, Enâ€" gineering, Reports, Plans and Esâ€" timates. You Know Where to Get Service for 40c a pint. 75¢ a quart. Banana Split 25¢. Sundaes 15¢ Anything you wish for here. 39 Fourth Ave. Opp. Fire Hall Juvenile Ballet, Ballroom and Deâ€" portment Class. PIANO AND THEORY TUITION For terms apply P.O. Building, Timmins. RESIDENCE PHONE 362â€"Wâ€"2 OFFICE PHONE* 362â€"Wâ€"1 First Ave. * IROQUOIS8 FPALLB. f PARIS HOTEL: Now open for business. Firstâ€"class rooms, and steam heated All upâ€"toâ€"date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. Most Potent and Economâ€" ical for Horses and Cattle Humane Alternaâ€" tive Invigorator Humane Humane Humane Humane 67% Balsam St., Timmins Oneâ€"yearâ€"old Plants....... 25c. Twoâ€"yearâ€"old Plants.......50c. F.0.B. Monteith. Come out to Monteith and see them growing. J. B. Broughton Son. MONTEITH GOLDWIN HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY PARLORS UP STAIRS SASH, FRAMES, DOORS, GENERAL WOODWORK. Northera Grown PERENNIALS Open to 8 p.m. by appointment Beautify your Home WITH Pupils Wanted Specialists in Hair Tinting and Ladies‘ Hair Cutting Trade Mark Registered Veterinary Ointment Spavin Remedy Fever Mixture Cough Elecuary Stimulating Liniment USE â€"â€" Schumacher 37â€"38. Hot Bed Sash Phone 173W Steamship Tickets All Lines Round Trip Third Cabin fares at a Reduced Rate, If you are taking a trip to the Old Country or wish to send for friends. «» Write, Phone or Call All Lines Represented BOX 70 HONE 19 Reduced Round Trip Third Cabin Rates $150.00 Return. Write, Phone or Call. Return portion good for One. Year. Vacation Tours 23 days $240.00 inâ€" LET ME GIVE YOU PARTICULARS Make + your reservations now for May and June. Hept. 25 | ... .. Monteclare Oct 16 [ Nov. ITS.â€".. .. ; ... Montealm Nov,. : A0 â€" . o s is uo Montrose To Belfast-â€"Glasgow Nept.. 24| Oct. 22 :......... Marburn Oct. 8 | Nov. . 5..... ........ Matagama To Cherbourgâ€"Southamptonâ€"Antwerp Hept. 23 |:â€"Oct. 21 ... .m Minnedosa Cet: 7| Nov.: .. Melita FROM QUEBEC To Liverpool Oct. : 2| Oct. 80. Montnairn e in s s a ks Montroyal To Cherbourgâ€"Southampton Nept. 30 ....... Empress of Scotland Nov: I1....;.... Empress of France To Cherbourgâ€"Southamptonâ€"Hamburg l4 ..;....,;.. Empress of France clusive. Educational Tours 37 days $330.00. College Tours $330.00 # y Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. GOLDFIELDS THEATRE BLDG. Phone 134 Timmins. o # § ~Jomkinso 0-4 \V‘) e 718 14 ographer «i Willam 0. Langdon Toner A. MacDonald s 200 Box 68 R. RICHARDSON, Agent. Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Our portraiture is arâ€" tistically in â€" earnest. It will show your smilâ€" ing personality and shows the depth of your â€" real â€" character. Our studio is politely accommodatingly comâ€" fortable. The Gift of x Photoâ€" graph is a Handshake from the Heart. Phone, Call or Write J. K. Moore FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool T. N. 0. Station. KÂ¥ The annual meeting of the Northâ€" etn Ontario Associated ~Boards of Trade was held at Cochrane on Thursâ€" day of last week. The attendance was not as large as st some recent meetings, but interest being very keen. Agriculture, Roads, Disposal of Slash, and other questions were dealt with. An outstanding feature of the meeting was the address by Mr. Sinton, of the Northern Developâ€" ment Branch, this address being reâ€" ferred to more fully elsewhere in this issue. Another outstanding address was that by Mr. Smith Ballantyne, of the Kapuskasing Experimental Farm. More extended reference to this adâ€" dress will also be found elsewhere in this issue of The Advance, The meeting was so impressed with the value of this address that it was unâ€" animously dacided to have it issued in pamphlet form as one of the best advertisements possible for the deâ€" velopment of the North. The following were among the deleâ€" gates registered:â€"Alee Dewar of Iroquois Falls, President; B. L. Cope of Smooth Rock Falls, Viceâ€"Presiâ€" dent; and G. V. Ryckman of Iroquois Falls, Secretaryâ€"Treasurer; â€" Haileyâ€" buryâ€"Geo. T. Smith; Timminsâ€"F. M. Wallingford and G@. A. Macdonald ; Iroquois Fallsâ€"A. A. Sutton, T. H. Wilkes, F. E. Woods, L. R. Eades; Smooth Rock Fallsâ€"W. H. Killaby, W . S. Merchant, P. Fraser; Kapuskaâ€" singâ€"Smith Ballantyne, Rev. Father Lajoie, T. J. Ripley; Cochraneâ€"S. J. Dempsay, Arthur Stevens, A. D. Mecâ€" Innis, T. H. Carter: Others present included Mr. Sinton, Chief Engineer of the Northern Development Branch, and Mr. H. D. Duff, the local engineer. Associated Boards Reâ€"Elect Officers by Acclamation President Alec Dewar and Other Officers Highly Comâ€" mended for Good Work. Important â€" Resolutions Passed at Annual Meeting. Two Outstanding Adâ€" dresses. Cochrane Hospitality Appreciated. After the reading and confirming of the minutes, and the passing of the report of the delegation that met the Provincial Cabinet in Toronto this summer, the question of Roads again came to the fore. Onceâ€" again the President expressed his opinion that more could be accomplished by not asking for too much in the » way of roads. On the other hand the idea was emphasized that the road probâ€" lem in the North Land is so big a question that it can only be apâ€" proached properly in terms of milâ€" lions and until the rest of the counâ€" try is educated to approach this big question of roads for settlers and think of it in terms of big money, little real advance can be made. Again it was emphasized that the big men of the South think nothing of millions for roads in the South, for hydro power plans and many other _purposes, and so why should they be affrighted at the thought of investing millions in this North for roads for settlers to make this the great land it may be. The necessity for burning slash was brought forward in capable way by the Cochrane Board, Mr. Stevens and others speaking to the motion. This resolution recommending the Government to take action in the matter to prevent fire danger was passed without dissent. A The proposal from a number of Boards of Trade in the South to hold a meeting west of the Great Lakes with the idea of getting greater coâ€" operation among the various Boards all over the country, was left to the new officers to.see if arringements eould be made to finarite a delegate, preferably Father Lajore. . Presidentâ€"Alec. Dewar, Iroquois Falls, Ontario. A. A. Sutton and T. H. Wilkes, of Iroquois Falls, brought up the question of unimproved lots and their effect in delaying the agrieultural deâ€" velopment of the country. Their moâ€" tion that this be taken up with the Government was passed. Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"B. L. Cope, Smooth Rock Falls, Ontario. Secretaryâ€"Treasurerâ€"To be named by the President. | When the business of election of officers was taken up there was sinâ€" cere appreciation expressed for the good work accomplished by the officers of the past year, and the deâ€" termination was expressed to reâ€" elect the list of officers for the ensuâ€" ing year. This was done by unanâ€" imous vote as follows :â€"â€" THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO After some discussion the report of the Roads Committee Chairman, Mr. B. L. Cope, was passed, with a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Cope for his earnest and able work as chairman and the efficient efforts he had given to roads in this North. _ A clause in his report suggesting his resignation from the ;g)ads Committee â€" was ordered deleted as his services were too valuable to allow him to drop the position. The President suggested the possiâ€" bility of the Associated Boards raisâ€" ing $200.00 a year to give to young farmers as prizes for grain growing and stock, to encourage interest, especially among the young people. On motion of T. H. Carter and Mr. A,. D. MeInnis, the suggestion was heartily endorsed and the executive asked to see if they could raise the money for these annual prizes. In the afternoon the delegates enâ€" joyed a visit to Cochrane Fair and a motor trip through the farming disâ€" trict adjacent to Cochrane. To most of the delegates the trip was a reveâ€" lation, the number of fine farms near Cochrane being very pleasing indeed to those interested in the developmment of the North Land. , A resolution from Timmins, that supplemental examinations be perâ€" mitted in Middle School Examinations as the present regulations worked a hardship was passed on resolution of (+. A. Macdonald and A. D. MeJnmis. In the evening Cochrane Board of Trade held a Smoker in the wellâ€" équipped Town Hall, where the sesâ€" sions of the Board had been held.‘ This Smoker,; while not largely attenâ€" ded, on account of counter attracâ€" tions, including the ‘Fair and the Fair Luncheon, was a very pleasant social event, and the interest, the atâ€" tendance and the enjoyment increasâ€" ed as the evening progressed.> Mr. Otto Thorning, Secretary of Cochrane Board of Trade, ‘opened the proâ€" gramme calling, upon Mr. Joseph Bradette, Acting Mayor, who in a neat and sincere speech of welcome extended the friendliness of Cochrane to the visitors. Mr. Thorning then asked Mr. Geo, Smith, of Cochraya, to take the chair, and all who know this former President of the Timmins G.W.V.A. will be certain that the position was effectively and agreeably filled. There was a generous supply of cigars, cigarettes, etc., and a very pleasing luncheon of sandwiches, cake and coffee was served during the evening. After the Fair Luncheon the directors and the judges joined“ the ‘gathering at the Town Hall, and a very pleasing and interesting meetâ€" ing was enjoyed by all. There were bright and helpful addresses, all with much of inspiration and thoughfulâ€" ness as well as being ‘‘easy to listen to,"‘‘ by Mr. S. J. Dempsay, of Cochâ€" rane; Mr. Alex Dewar, President of the Associated Boards; Mr. F. M. Wallingford, President of Timmins Board of Trade; Mr. David Smith, of Creemore, and Mr. J. B. Ray, ot Bracebridge, these latter two being judges at Cochrane Fair. An interesting special feature of the afternoon was a brief but helpâ€" ful address by Geo. T. Smith ° of Harlevbury. Announcement has been made by Hon. Charles Stewart,> Minister of Mines in the Dominion Government of the promotion by the â€"Civil Service Commission of Mr. L. L. Bolâ€" ton,. to the position of Assistantâ€" Deputy Minister. Mr. Bolton, who is an honor graduate in Science of Queen‘s University, Kingston, enterâ€" ed the department in 1915. Prior to that he served on geological parties for the Ontario Bureau of Mines and the Geological Suftvey of Canâ€" ada, and for seven years was geoloâ€" gist of the Mining Department of the Lake Superior Corporation, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. On entering the Mines Deparment, he was first on the staff of the Division of Mineral Resources and Statistics of the Mines Branch; from there he was transâ€" ferred in 1916 to the position of priâ€" vate secretary to Mr. G. R. MceConâ€" nell, then Deputy Minister of Mines. As the work of the department exâ€" panded, Mr. Bolton‘s duties mereased, with the resulit that he was desigâ€" nated as secretary of the department from 1919. Mr. Bolton‘s present proâ€" motion is the result of the service he has for several years past rendered in the conduct of the work of the departâ€" ment. A very sincere and hearty vote of: thanks was passed to the, Cochrane Board for the fine hospitality shown the delegates, special mention ibeing properly made of Mr. Otto Thorning, the capable and energetic Secretary of the Cochrane Boar« who did everyâ€" thing possible to make the visit pleasant. Mention might also be made of the kindness of Mr. A. Stevens who was tireless in his efforts to see that all the visiting delegates had an agreeable visit. NEW DEPUTY OF DOMINION .DEPARTMENT OF MINES BIG BARGAIN BASEMENT NOW IN ACTIVE OPERATION The upâ€"toâ€"date _ ‘‘Bargain Baseâ€" ment‘‘ installed by Chas. Pierce Sons, Ltd., in their store on Pine St., opened on Monday and is proving a big attraction and a great success. The Bargain Basement is a modern city touch that has taken on here in noteworthy fashion and promises to be unusually popular. The Basement used is a large one and equipped in very pleasing way. It proves a wery agreeable place for shopping and as the ‘‘bargains‘‘ are as absolutely true to name as the ‘*Basement,‘‘ the idea looks now like a real winner. The matter of the selection of the next place of meeting was left in the hands of the President. +. »#*,¢ w # *4 +. # *# #® *4 *# € #4 @ ¢ #+4 # #% #4 *# *4 *# * *# #* # #* * # #* * < #* # #© #* *# # #+* * ¢ *4 ¢ < *+ * ## * #% #4 *# 4 # 4# * «> #* + #© #4 # * *4 * h #* * #% #4 * 4# 4* # 4 #4 * 4 #4 C # #4 + #4 *, 4 #4 # *4 * # 4 #* 4# *4 * + #4 w *# #4 w #4 * % *4 @ L #4 *# # #@ # #% * «+ #* * <@ #* *# L *4 @ 4 #* #4 *# * # #* * *4 *# 4 #4 *# *4 * * "% *4 @ @ + *s %,. % .“.Q *4 * ## @ #% *4 #@ Cns # # *4 * 4 *4 * # *4 *# * *4 # # #* * # #* * # ## *# *# #4# *# # *#* *# *# *4 # *+* # #% *#* * ¢ *4 # #© *4 #@ Li #4 *# *# Cas *# # *4 *# % #4 * # *4 *# #4 @ % °* *4 *# # #+*. *4 # * "% *4 # © *4 \ *# *# *# #* * * "% #* # # #*4 *# #* # * "% *4 *# *4 + %#4 # #*% # t #4 #@ #% #* *# # *4 # #* @ *4 € @ @ 0'0.“ € *4 *# *4 * *4 # # #4 @ © *4 *# h #4 *# W ‘. l 9 s 9e zit * ;*, 5n 28222222222 2282282282 22228 2282 o n n i nalad nsP n 2e 222 222222 228202242 282242 224 na* 2 2%2 28. 18 00 ’000000000000000000000"00000 00000000000000000000 *#0. .0000000 00000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000.00000 io 0’00.00000000000000000000’ s**s**s s **,**, # * "a" 69 (% °6 * .â€0 I.W AVlwm OOA 284082000000 00404 00404 2800000 ote obe ataateateote ate ie ate ols ate ate oi ate * *# .‘00.“.00. “.“‘“.“.“.“.“.“.“.“.“.“.00.“.“.00.“.00. 1e 2s astas*taat. “.“.“. _ wa 44 000000“:0 *.,* * 00.“.“.“.“. # _ 2t *s # 00.“.“ #* 3 n s*e4*, ““. *Â¥ "% “.00 * * P% * # #*4 # #* *# 4 ¢+ â€"35 $ 0.0 * # n 24 1a * 2022 2t n it n at s 12208200248 082212082412 248248208202 2012012002 442022482 242242248248 28, 0’0000000000000’0"000000‘000000000‘0000000.‘00000000000000‘000’0000000000000000000000000000000000000.000000:000000000000000000000’:00’0‘0. INSURANCE, Care of THE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONT _ LIFE INSURANCE SALESMAN AND MANAGER WANTED 33 FOURTH AVENUE, TIMMINS Massaging, all kinds of Bathings and other forms of Natural Cure treatments are given in this HEALTH HOME, by the trained Natural Cure Nurses. Rheumatism, Nerve, Heart and Kidney troubles have been handled successfully, also Eye and Ear sorenesses. Many relieved patients in Timmins can prove that our system of Natural Cure is sure in its results. A few places in the Health Home for outsiders. MAIL ADDRESS:â€"BOX 868, TIMMINS, ONT. MRS. ALMA AARNIO Under the Auspices of the Altar Guild. To be held in the Basement of St. Matthew‘s Church, on TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER, 29th, 1925 by strong Life Company for the district of Timmins. Salary and commuission contract. Inquiriese strictly confidential. Highly qualified men, capable of real results, would be well adâ€" vised. to investigate this exceptional opportunity. Arrangements will be made for personal interview. Apply in first instance by mail stating qualifications. HE A L H O M E from 5.30 to 7.30 ad ad ind rnad 4nd ndlad M d