Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 2 Sep 1925, 1, p. 6

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‘m i THE MYSTERIOUS MR. RAFFLES f Is COMING TO TIMMINS * #4 *%.% *4 #.% #* %.% *+ *4 *# # #4 + “. ®# .0 * + o"** *4 * + #4 + 4 #+* # 4 *4 #@ 4 #4 * 4 ** # 4 ## *# + #*4 + # #* * + ++ * + #4 *# + #* + # $# # 4 *4 #* * # 4# *# #4 * _ #4 * 4 #4 #* * #* # 4 #* # #4 # 4 04 * + #4 $ # *4 # #4, #, 4. #* + "e .. ##* ®# 4 *4 w + uis is 2 282 t “'“.00. Cns + “.“.“.“.“.“’“'“. “. *# * # + *5 #* 4 #* # # #* *# .0 #" _ * . .# ..”. #* * # #* # ## m L #*4 # + ##4 + *# ## * # #* #. *# A#, # # #4 # *# #4 * 4 #4 th. att, ut .“.“.4 * .0 #* *4 %.% *4 #.% *4 4 #* ##* * + #* # # ##4 * # *4 * #+* * 4 #+ C * ##_4 # .“ .d ftee # + *4 h .'I HE A LTH HO MBE 33 FOURTH AVENUE, TIMMINS Massaging, all kinds of Bathings and other forms of Natural Cure treatments are given in this HEALTH HOME, by the trained Natural Cure Nurses. Rheumatism, Nerve, Heart and Kidncy troubles have been handled successfully, also Eye and Ear sorenesses. Many relieved patients in Timmins can prove that our system of Natural Cure is sure in its results. A few places in the Health Home for outsiders. MAIL ADDRESS:â€"BOX 868, TIMMINS, ONT. MRS. ALMA AARNIO â€"â€" PROPRIETOR A Big Reward will be offered for his Capture. We have several Used Cars in Extra Good Condition at Greatly Reduced Prices. Small Cash Payment. Balance on Easy Terms. 30 day guarantee. Drop around and see these Bargains. PAY WHILE YOU RIDE. Carnation is just pure, fresh milk, evaporated to double richness, kept safe by sterilization. Nothing is added. Some of the natural water is taken awayâ€"all the food value left in. Carnation Milk Products Co., Limited, Aylmer, Ont. #* # # *# *#*,% .00000.000000000000.0.0.0000000000000000 “.“.“.“ .“ .“ .“ .“.0‘.“ .“.“.“.“.“.“.“ .“ .“ .“ .“ .“ '“ .“.“ .“ .“ .“’00 .00.“ .“ .“ .“ .00.“ .“.“ .“.“ .0 #* a onoo # #. _@. *#. * C Y .0.‘0....‘. "xvs 000:0‘0'000.0.'0:0:0:0:0:.‘030:0:.:‘:0:0..00"’....0.0..0.. ...“.%OA k n nAAA #4 0000.0 0000'."0 0:0..0 When Bakeday Comes Dep end on Carnation arnation Milk "From Contented Cows" The Label is Red and W hite Ontario Teachers Pay Their Fifth Visit to the North Land Welcomed to Timmins Last Thursday by Mayor and Others. Visit to Hollinger Mine and Other Points of Interest. Ladies‘ Aid Provide Excellent Breakfast and Dinner.....Teachers and Town Alike Enjoy the Visit. Land and be of striking advantage also to the teachers. Apart from the members of the excecutive, the same teacher does not take in the tour a second year. In this way it is hoped to give all the teachers of all Ontario an insight inâ€" to the possibilities of the North Land. [t is worthy of note that the teachers thoroughly enjoy the tours, and also that the towns visited now look forâ€" ward with much pleasure these visits from the teachers. It is now established as a fact that the tours have done much good in. spreading the truth about the North Land. Mr. Bryson said last week that he beâ€" lieved the effect of the tours to hbe very bencficial indeed in â€" making enerally known the cireumstances and advantages of the North Land. Mr. Chas. (G¢. Fraser, the genial secretary, now â€" considered an old friend by hundreds of people in dozens of different towns of the North, adds to Mr. Bryson‘s idea the suggestion that the tours have been of greatest interest and pleasure to the teachers. It is certain that the firstâ€"hand knowâ€" ledge thus gained by the Ontarmio teaehets \\11] mean that the story of Northern Ontario will receive bpecml attention and interest in the schools of Ontario. The effect will be adâ€" The Ontario School Teachers, on their fifth annual tour of ‘the North Land, reached Timmins on Thursday morning at an early â€" hour. These Teacherb Tours of the North originâ€" ated through the efforts of Mr. A E. Bryson, now of Toronto, but formerly of Cobalt Public School, who desired that the people of the South should have a correct and complete impresâ€" sion of this North Land and its wonâ€" derful resources. Mr. Bryson interâ€" ested other teachers and also public men and others in the plan, and now the Tour is looked upon as a perman. ent feature and one that will confer very great benefit upon this North THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO The Aid_ of the _ Byrnes Church had provided a very attracâ€" tive breakfast for the visitors, and at noon the ladies again fairly excelled themselves in the splendid. dinner so well served to the party, numbering close to two hundred, in the basement of the Central Publie Sehool. directors of each car. His Worship Mayor Mcelnanis wel. comed the teachers here on Thursday morning, other citizens assisting in this agreeable task. There were a number of automobiles to take them around town and to the Hollinger Mine, after they had been shown the motion picture of the story of gold from its stage in the ore in the earth to its beauty inâ€" ornament â€" and its alue in coin. At the Hollinger vantageous and _ cumulative, _ and will be even more valuable five years or ten years from now than toâ€" dav The teachers travelled: by specml train of eight cars, six of them being Pullmans. _ A nurse and physician accompanied the party. _ Elsewhere in this issue will be found a full list of those in the party, together with the names of the committee and the directors of each ear. alue in coin. At the Hollinger Mine. the party of teachers were shown the surface _ and through the mill and cther parts of the plant. y Mr. Chas. E6. Kelly, of Hamilton, was the presiding officer for the ocâ€" casion, and proved an expert at the work.â€" After dinner Mr. Kelly called upon Mr. G. Roy Fenwick, musical director, to lead some â€" community singing. Mr. Fenwick, has proved a decided expert in his line, the choral singing being one of the features of thc fl"ithermw Pupils at the schools should have watched this feature to learn how to put heart and vim +and entbhusiasm â€" into_ singny}z. ‘‘*Little Liza Jane55 was rendered in specially enthusiastic way. His Worship the Mayor, Dr. J. A. MclInnis, in a characteristic speech, Mary Blake‘s Carnation Recipe Book is a splendid help to betâ€" ter baking and a great help to all housewives. Beautifully illustrated, 1ts pages are packed with useful suggestions and inâ€" formation. Send the couâ€" pon today. It‘s free. M eanâ€" while, try these recipes: 3 tablespoons butter, %{ cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 4 cup water, l4 cup Carnation Milk, 1 cup flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder. Cream butter and sugar, add yolk of egg, vanilla. Add water and Carnation Milk alternately with the sifted flour and baking powder. â€" Beat well, fold in the beaten white of egg. Bake in quick oven. 14 cup shortening, !4 cup sugar, 14 cup molasses, 1 egg, l cup water, 14 cup Carnation Milk, 2 cups fAour, 4 teaspoon soda, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaâ€" spoon ‘cinnamon, !4 teaspoon cloves, 14 teaspoom ginger, 1% teaspoon salt. _ Cream shortening and sugar, add molasses and well beaten egg. Add Carnation Milk and water and flour, soda and baking powder sifted together. Add spices and beat well,. Bake in greased pan in moderate oven about twenty minutes,. This serves eight people. This coupon entitles you to one copy of Mary Blake‘s ‘C‘:ook B__ogk . w 2 which contains over 100 carefully tested recipes. Cut out this couâ€" pon and mail to Carnation Milk Products Company, Ltd., Aylmer, Street Name City and Prov. CARNATION GINGERBREAD ONE EGG CARNATION CAKE 41 At 1.15 p.m. the party left for Iroâ€" quois Falls. New Liskeard, Haileyâ€" bury, Cobalt and Temagami were alâ€" so visited on the trip south. Previâ€" ous to coming here the party visited Sudbury, Creighton, Coniston,. Sault Ste. Marie, the Ggawa Canyon, Hearst, Kapuskasing and Cochrane. })lll'.\', Cobalt and 'lj(‘lllt'lg:l!lli were alâ€" The Bazaar conducted in the Tmuâ€" so visited on the trip south. Previâ€"|mins Rink last week by the R. C,. ous to (V‘vUnlin(Q' h(,’l'(;' thL‘ l)fll’t.\’ \’i%iiod ('hulch pr(_)\'ed a very S\l(‘(_‘eSSfill sudbury, Creighton, Coniston, Sml]t\evcnt The weather was excellent, Ste. Marie, the Ggawa Canyon, Hearst,| and the attendance and interest good. Kapuskasing ‘md Cochrane. The gross receipts of the Bazaar TOP vYET TO BE ADDED To totalled $6,138.45. The Church exâ€" presses appreciation and thanks to esw ROADE\?_ THE NIVEE all who assisted in making the event Some holes may be noted in the new | successful, with special appreciation road to the River, but there is no| for the Tlmnuns Band and the Orchesâ€" cause for alarm over these small (le-gfl' | pressions. The fact is that another| â€" The different articles were won by coat of dressing has yet to be added ) the following numbers:â€"Ivory Clock, to the road to the river to complete it, by No. 916; Box_ ofâ€"Cutlery, 1829; and any apparent little depressions Rocking Chair, 3386; Diamond Ring, now will be all smoothed out by the 1106; Wooden Chair, 2008 Floor new top dressing to be applied. Inâ€"| Lamp, 1659; Silver Tea Set, 511; stead of keeping on rolling the road Mantle Clock, 838; China Tea Set, and letting it harden before applying 1‘)71' Silver Tea Set, 738; Toy Car, the top (hessm the contr utomtz Doll, 125; Toilet Set, 2158 opened the road to traffic to do thelBedromn Sulte 1536; Man‘s Suite, rolling down. As soon as the road to 2373; W ashmg Machine, 1764. South End is completed, the final e coat will be put on the River Road,| Next regular meeting of Town and it will be as smooth and as finishâ€"| Council Monday â€" afternoon, Sept. ed a pavement as could be desired. !14th, commencing at 4 p.m. Attractive List of Prizes and Presents for the Youngsters. It Will be a Big Day for All the Kiddies. Goldfields_ Band in Attendance. Other Items of "Dome Foam." Dome Mines, Sept. Ist. Special to The Advance. Bruce Ross, who has been on the Mine Engineering staff and who was a decided acquisition to the Softball team left for his home in Coniston, where he will stay for a short vacaâ€" tion before going back to MceGill. Bruce will graduate in 1926. Fine Programme for Kiddies‘ Day at the Dome on Saturday Mr. R. Wallace, our genial butcher, has gone to the Old Country for a t wo months holiday. Mrs. Wallace and young Bob are with him. We envy him his trip and wish him bon voyage. Mr. Dave Wallace is the new butâ€" cher. He is taking Bob‘s place for the holidays. Mr. Tom Gibbons who ‘has been troubled with an infected thumb, caused by a wood splinter, and who was reported last week as recovering, has had to have the hand reâ€"opened and he is now in the Dome Hospital. Tough luck, Tommy. Mr. R. Matthews, who pounds the typewriter, is away on A vacation to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hogg, of ilroâ€" quois Falls were visitors to relatives last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. MceCaffrey and family have arrived home from a holiday spent at Utterson, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Richards are back from an extensive and pleasant motor trip out to the Pacific Coast along the Lincoln Highway. Mr. L. P. Marcell and Doctor Kirkâ€" up went out early on the morning of the 1st for ducks. We haven‘t heard what the slaughter was, but we will wager that they both had a good time. Mrs: Tom Parsons is away to her former home in Rossendale, Sask. In a letter received by Mr. Parsons the information was given â€" that Reg. Humphreys and Lloyd had secured harvesting jobs at Rossendale. The plans for the Field Day on Saturday next are fairly well matured. The various committees have spent Tom Hogg, of Iroâ€" IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS IN TOWNSHRIP Of DENTON Five Feet of Highâ€"grade Ore Struck at 216 Feet on Hazeltonâ€" Porcupine. The recent placer gold discoveries southâ€"west of Timmins have centered special attention on that section of country. It is pleasing to note that results from work on .some of the but _ noâ€"serious â€" development _ has hitherto been ecarried on southâ€"west of the producing area of Timmins district _ There is also the further fact that development is taking place tieing on to the Beanlandâ€"Hurst proâ€" perty on which Prof., Whitman reâ€" commended serious development work only a short time ago. counliy, iIS picasiny 10 I10LC LiddAL results from work on ,some of the claims in the airea appears to justifyv special consideration, apart from any promise there may be in the placer finds. The Hazeltonâ€"Poreupine Gold Mines, Limited, who have undertaken an extensive diamond drill campaign, have struck five feet highâ€"grade ore at a depth of 216 feet, in their No. 1 vein.â€" This argues well, in view GROSS RECEIPTS FROM BAZAMAR WERE $0135.45 Event by St. Anthony‘s R. C. Church Proved Successful. of the fact that ths ore was cut in their first hole. Drilling is progressing very satisâ€" factorily at the Hazelton, the second hole now being started. Further imâ€" portant results are expected shortly. The active developments on properâ€" ties like the Hazelton is very imporâ€" tant to the country southwest of Timâ€" mins, in view of the fact that it has been known for several years that geolozical~conditions are favourable, considerable time in their efforts to make the oceasion a success. The presents and prizes are here and every child under 16 will receive a gift valued at one dollar whether or not he or she wins a race. The Poreuâ€" pine Goldfields Band will be in atâ€" tendance, not all of them, because of the number who work in stores, but enough to ensure that the music will be worth listening to. The first event will start promptly at one o‘clock and will continue until all 25 events have been completed. It wilt be a day that the kiddies will talk about for months to come. Mr. R. Gegg, more popularly and affectionately known to everybody as has gone to take up a position with the Goudreau Gold Mine where Mr. H. Leslie is Superintenâ€" dent. We are sorry to lose Dick as his cheery smile was always in evidence, and we trust that he will win ropid recognition of lhis eapahilâ€" ities in his new venture. Quite an innovation in the line of sport was held here recently, a novelty for this year at least. The Melntyre hardâ€"ball team played the South cupineâ€"Dome team, and the following players, though they have been playâ€" ing more softball than hardball proved themselves the winners of a dandy game:â€"Reid, pitcher; â€" Longworth, catcher; 1st base, Parnell; 2nd base, J. Fell; 3rd base, Mason; shortâ€"stop, Sheaff ; centreâ€"field, Fidoc; rightâ€"field, Michaelson ; leftâ€"field, Burke. We hope to see more of these hardball games. _ Mrs. Jim Murray and family are back from their lengthy vacation. Mrs. D. Hughes and family have arrived home from a vacation spent in Minnesota State. Miss Audrey Bray, who has had a very severe bout of illness, and who has been in the Dome Hospital for the past two weeks, has gotten past the crisis and in now convalescent.

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