r T s 0 h 33 o Ql‘he Chautauqua at. Matheson thls' {year" was not ‘a success ‘fAnrneially,; a- pub â€"| the ‘proceeds.not reaching % eamount turars’ Assoclatlon guaranteed and the sponsors for the o e o"f Ins "ï¬â€˜i'other’? ‘pventâ€"having to. Ap the: two hunâ€" ’;' xired odd"dollars lacking in etpts tof s eqnal the fla\um guaranteed ] -c'h ts $$\3i\i\vï¬ yole for Savemr of the. householders at the s to the i-‘D'oma Ex had ‘quite a seare wth- e8¢ \.,- r. M_rs Rnsaell retumad hox:s ~1 The Mrs. R (hb h st t i .e, C utatxon semed . them -whtle m was a e b.lï¬ldmg the High: Schyool is sur g . birthday, . ‘party last wosk. ’é’g;asma dancxgg with eats ‘galore‘| that the demolishing of the old an ‘kept the guests happy and 4t was after | the erection ‘of the new church will be 6 next morning before. the: tn'ed ut expedltmus and Agâ€"the jo ~erowd ;?Et P odifice : will. be a credit to ~the rs. ‘Truelufe has rgtumed ‘at.| town. and particularlyâ€"to the Anglican ter ‘a month‘s yvacation in Toronto. . . Church adherents, it is hoped ‘by the George Starling ran into a :cowâ€" Trustees that splendxd response will whxle nychng home on Monday eveï¬- ‘be:made. to the Qpeal for donations Sn a ont hisg knee wrenched painâ€" fOI‘ defray lng ‘the :cost: Of these lm' V . , Â¥ [F, ; ; cox, Sa id Kimberley, B;C.,_ and a inost wn;oyablq,tlme t , K R dxbson was hostess at ‘an e:w .Joyable ‘DBirthday . party â€" last woeok. Cardsand daneing with eats ‘ ‘ghlore! kept the guests happy and 4t was after 5 next morning hefore the tn'etl hnt jo ~crowd q "H. Truelufe hgs rqtumed afâ€" 'ter month‘s yacation in Toronto: . Geprge Starling ran into a coyv whxle ‘ eycling home on Monday evenâ€" Mr. H T Leslis left on‘ Sunday' ifor Goureau Gold Mmes where' he;mll take, charge of operatxons. s visitor this woelk. V. Woddbury 1s vmtmg in orontor . _ o "tee" 7.\ 'N".:‘ We t â€"~Notes of Infere: otes of Inferest _ Inferest _ t We c 0 "'.#-:i.«l‘ it c “ :,.; 2 es m complet-p igemer .,f,.,;;;.:so,'{_sthat we can will "see some gofld athle_ttc eventï¬.‘ ,Thexe wxll_ be speexal‘attentmn pald to $ Thb af IThs '.'_« : paré.de sh'a.rp qt one o"clock with upwi Ayards of one thousand meny?n line,, and it wil be well worth seeing. In| addition to: this prominent speakers| fz" The Tlast two. mnmgs were played da’rkness and ‘Girouard apparently had no intention of callng the game unless verdict: was reachedâ€" and Meâ€" Intzre acce%ted the ï¬rst opportumty tq presenh self to get the game over by. letting Nw ess go to 3rd on‘ A throw into centre field mfofloWed' that up with a. throw into left which allowed Nigkless® to score. ylth the‘ winning ta.Hy m‘the 10fln Score by In ' B H.; B. Tlmns5‘10003Q000-â€"-9 14. /6 ,Falls 3230001001-1015 C CA ~~Thereâ€" has been a tie up. on the eonstruction <of theâ€"water mains in town. cansed by the workmen going on strike: . Notâ€" knowing ; both sidesâ€"of the question we refrain from expressions of opinion regarding the merits or otherwise of the case. The concensus. of, opinion secured; was t£0 the effect that both sides could easily settle the differences.. The contracâ€" tors, Messrs Kern and Briggs have, it is ‘understood offered an incrdase to the same wage rate as now paid by Messrs Mascioh and Boyle who have not suffered any inconvenience from N. Ii'oqums Falls: mapagecL toâ€" squeeze out their 3rd winâ€"of the seagon on Saturday last, and at that the Miners forced. them to go :10 mmngp hefore â€gu'ung tham the verdlct e o ._..4_1.)._._ Lâ€"Lâ€".- DWA Indlfl'erenf Plaf'?’""“f‘ "'g and trhe' Ciown-llke Umpmngx f § --Gwouâ€ï¬rd Behind the fPJ\ate Largely Responstble for the d k. m.mb;: c3 â€" ~â€"<ali » PB g L m N , . C > B J Sn j S T M PM > Eks o e o B d uw of the goo mgonthe né\v-, £AOL _ 'ly flmshed Troad, and hd\re' been show-: WOns ing â€" off, â€" wh:,le \others > (innocently | 8109 enongh) ‘have not been taking the| dy, svproper preeauï¬bm A0 her |â€" § ing | d rdless of "the causes for | ASSAUIT ) JO 1s,. A180 | [he 'Speeding ‘the law â€" wilt be stnctly én.| with. Wï¬l:t by ard ~Lamaire;| Hile |forced, so watch your step. | The:laws) Jas. Shubb, Obi;a;ning money by j,'aléo ety | as taken from the Highway. Traffic pretences. â€" ‘In to_the ‘latter ind | Act, which governs a Township says : charge, Shubb was plaqeï¬ under arreat on Monday but was later allowedâ€"out "ba|‘No Motor Â¥ehicle shall be driven the| at ‘a greater speed than 12% miles|9" $2,000.00 bail. The case arises, it the|per hour where there are intersecting. is said, from. a friend of Shubb‘s roads or . curves which préevent the {vehicle having‘a clear view of traffic, and where there are no mtqrsectlom, or curves the speed limit is 25 miles|! per hqur, provided always, that at no [ time must a motor be driven to the danger of the public, whether within the speed not.‘"‘:~ Autmsts' | who â€"hbhave no ambition to receive a ticket ordering them to appear .beâ€" fore the Magistrate at his Thursdayf ‘‘At Home‘‘ are thereby waried â€"As o the law and the consequences for ' breakmg same. ~Messrs Masexoh and» Boyle have se-' cured the contract for the servwe conâ€" {nections between the mains ‘and the | dwellings, ‘stores, ,étc.. <<. There swere | { seven orâ€"eight terders in and several | were close fogether, the lowest tender | claiming that he‘ gave Shubb $140.00 for the‘purchase of a cow, and $40:00 for shipping same to‘ Mont#eal. . The cow was not sent to Montreal, and the man could not. get satlsfa;ctxon from Shubb, 80 the charge was lzud as noted There wï¬‚ï¬ â€˜be" mare than passmg ‘interest in the oase of Mrs. Geo. Boyâ€" chuk s3 laid by Mrs. Peter Bosack, Owingâ€"to the fact that My."Wes, ,Goxzdon will not be able to be present, many of the remanded gases will be: deferred agam untll oourt next Week. . _"» s# 1 L i " P t 8 B + ':. et 85y# \o6. 3 * y s «u800 ds nins ow ts it m h hy‘ ) 4 e > s * f 3 lt( ® s * wang ® sÂ¥ 0) A M ie t + .e f o+ is lp e % s »% Wl ue i * €24. . A % F id A e T s C : Je 2 C y uts 3 x fif x i : T M + * wPi s ® SX . 65 M s Bs : s Cas 4 2 \ h B Â¥ * en Y $ 4 h n ' T b' yog Iiver did"â€; s Thls week T Broke Hustler says Now that th9 dry weather has come, it important that. everybody who ?-goes into. the bush ahould be. very,. ‘xer carefu} about fires. _ Last year and thxs year s6 far@wa*hgwe egcaped: ‘fires. in this district only. of the wet weather. .. t rest of the ‘scason is j_ _ and the flxe sï¬ax:ts, God_; 6rmgqr€ï¬tmmï¬h‘ making sure that there is poâ€" ,ppq.gk lecfgï¬-:;-_«:; ; A minute‘s ca;elqssnggg canh roy: half : A‘â€"--_ Le" ADVISZBS OARE ABOï¬'I' f I'IRE TN TH’B BU SH NOW .[,-uu 0 J 3. RIDS." M ,Benson Fortlel', 3bo %@ “ Osborne, p P.,« â€" Flanders, p. .. _Mason,, i§3 .0. e «Juu.bunu, whe ko o<o /. t Nickless, cof, .. 6 Grattoï¬ 16. 4 o o ie e e y s 4 4 /.. . Anson, 2b. :; being accepted, : 0+ % * U s ce c N 9e L s Ne h N a *J t t enA 1. “ sthak, 250 yatds and 440 '.tards~ ‘race, ~boys!> and â€"girla‘‘_races 1X s y 2 puzzle ‘some; but it is eagy eneugh.to ‘explain. when it is reï¬nbetedugï¬ht s ‘the line read prope:ï¬ â€˜â€˜also. traingd 'dogs, ponies, etc., the i‘unmdea;ï¬le' «mule." > â€"apponned.. ‘gide up with care, exoept the: Q‘nnndaw â€"able mule.‘‘.. Evidently . thq mule, kicked being. a ratural mulq.L x2 > etc. »"'4 Ts1 % % l P es