thené "'éus"tb_n flnd th M LA -. 1ont oh ' the ne oo f i tï¬ronghgat thelr team had. been bea- Schumacher vs. men f'; n‘. some. hï¬tle attentxon wex’e} ten 5 goals tq 1 by the Town A. .. Ry: . Dome:=â€"The. foot- l ball matchâ€"held on Wednesday last ~"o| between Schumacher. and. Dome was PX 2e \'.'.".:'\;--,‘ m i ce 000 ul on 9 i M ) C esP ‘_f-.; remain "he wfll regpect se “‘f hls general ‘regard ‘ ~This is attitude takgxi\éby Thg 'J,‘o:ontoa(flobe,, though th ‘heï¬ of «* : the Jeaturer @meeded to exâ€" . ifl‘e: Bfli} Sunday 1dea about law- id. /: ~.,reaL cauise: for »tlf‘é .: ‘rsregar of law must be 0: other â€" sonrces> th@n flblmd- The Umted 56ates,xf or exâ€" am L’le, ewdenced“ A pC g ular digrespect or law years before there was a Volâ€" t 'v.wiyh â€"--â€"-vâ€"_v .â€"â€"%o leg islate men_ mf would :mot be able to prove‘t! ’,‘,at restrictlve ,I-ii-fleglslatlon is more liable: q}sewhere, were it not for: the mdlf ; ‘ference and. negleot of the nonâ€" inker® and. the non-voter.:v When "For law years before there was a Volâ€" ‘stead Act. there aro any. two glmes to be blamed for the curron d rd for lawâ€"a. disregard allâ€"too eonmmon and too â€"widespreadâ€"â€"the clasges are. nqt the blindpiggers and Atheir eus’tbmexs ‘‘The blind. piggers and theu" patrons ‘are . effects not are more !iKely: to *t‘i;;;rrvotes Probably ‘those who will mot think or yvote are‘the more ‘blameâ€" worthy of the two. « Those who flesn'e by propagands ana. 'QS.-!S‘BMB. foree their ideas into restrictive legislation; and the big body of cifizens who do mot trouble to think at all, or. ‘at least who do not back their th,mkmg with â€"As long as he keptâ€" to Billy. Sunday’s *1de‘a lawâ€"breakmg and citizenâ€" the majority of throughful peoâ€" an agreement. : . ranslated Enghsh this idea is: that a good n wï¬l obey the laws df t‘he land of jsre ing ’cha law, the ood citizen will stm‘e ‘by all lawful means bjgcttonable laws ;am‘gndeï¬ or’rgpealed, but that so long § _pigs. iground this season.. The . â€" did not leave/down a strong team, but I ge ‘q.f Toyal ‘proved. too goodifor them and eventuâ€" x ik o| o hoz .. [ally ran out winners by 1 to mone, ' 'flle ldea .of‘\ lgb,w-break bi;mg disâ€"| the goal being a.great effort by . ‘Ned. dJoyal and d degenerate citizens is 8 pet Hitt and the sGorer was heartily: aheerâ€" pinion of Billy: “@@91 ~And by theled when he scored, thus keeping. the E8BE J Wï¬hfpom AB: ‘the ‘gup in (Bchnumacher.. The enp is to be ttA. presented to the club_ at the. nexi;| E/ home game which will probably be| s M,@, 8 _hel‘ next: week against Holly Recs. | : GCivie hphgla:y in C!.‘lsdale lagt Wedâ€" 6: nesdny, proved a great day for Schuâ€" j ‘macher, the. Field Day put on by the .MeIn‘tyre Athletic Club being a splenâ€" ~| did one and carried through with the greateat efficiency. The weather. man was in the best ‘of humour and all enâ€" x j‘oved the programme of sports. ‘The '-.-dance in the Mcelntyre Hall at night was also. a big enjoyable suecess ‘Special features of the sports were the ‘threeâ€"mile: raqe and the one-mxle' relay racé, .â€", ; s The followmg is a hst of fhe events and, ‘prize winners:â€" _ ~*â€" Billy Sunday â€"o EC Alaa, by the way, 1(: _ma,y,be notea aï¬m the Ieï¬t re on Thursday one__man "said;=â€"*"‘ ’lfh }.; A1 Of disroga \__g tha law, the good: citize ~_,jt1;1ve by all lawful meai}s "to _ bé% objgc fonable: laws amg ’lded or’!‘f' egaled; bu;t that so long| }awz" B ynll respéect é'eï¬ei'afl Trhonrd. a his hbma in Lancashire, 6 left town hSt Wki than 1t is to. murder your mother-m law, espécxally 1f»you have curly. Hair, Even in Canada, a inan may be ï¬n $5.00 and costs for assault,. .while the féearsome guilt ofâ€"carrying a bot- tle on his. hipâ€"ithe. penalty may. ‘be $1,000,00 and costs. Some one has ‘made the eplgrammatic remark that if ‘you want the law respected ybu must make 1t~a?espectable ‘ > There is a lamgntable dlsregard for Jdaw,. . If every. bhndplggen-wvere to |poison himself after poisoning all his enstomers, the few. people le t would ‘still show dxsrespect for law : change.of, mind and action comes to. the: pubhc. .. One. big. trouble nowaâ€" ‘days is that exerybody wants to: legi late to ;;_;Q.;the'_ other ‘fellow a , ' cording to one‘s oW personal st';" When, laws . a.rawmafle and. enforced with ‘less of personal animus, and all ‘of pubhc :good in mind, ‘al good em- ‘zens will respect all laws. ‘ ‘.l ? ;personal opinions rather than. the. eommon ,hand at the same tlme, We py es es murder and thuggery are. allowed to escape linpunighed and even glorified 18 it any wonder that law falls in the A.pubhc esteem T AIn.some Atates.ofâ€"the Union. it is A more. serious ;breach ithe law to believe in a acientific ‘theory' U j e n ---’---. m‘b‘. k taa ‘h "faddlsts to tm:n personal taates, often -mnocent and moï¬enswe, into crimes ‘on the calendar, it is impossible. AtHat anything olse should happen but the _evelopment af.a disregard for law. ‘When: there is fxerce enff)rcement of 4"‘ Gu'ls, 8 yearsâ€"â€"-lst Aura Wamo 4 2nd, T.; FTompkinson 3+ Bbys, ;3.;- years-,eilst,}J Vlezï¬me, 3 mm»m d es Te t t i ie is t g \’.l.'.’l.'u.lullun. s ho 18. PMH‘ION‘JVAN TED as. J’axuto 0r1 Pozt, ‘or «im ar p081txon of trust . tho |â€" : Thirdâ€"class engineer‘s papers. ughtâ€"[ ,penenced. Apply to °P. 0. Box _ 3294, 1‘mumns, ‘Ont. +â€"29:32 p. / your: new Chmese coe 4s '8péak goo Emshw, e ie ,? ut “No, he Speaks bl‘okgn chma 142. 2 j > Royal Ghbnon TPC ‘.@xth :of. Coehta McGarty gave a very enlxghtenmg-addmss on the: mméral wealth of theâ€"James Bay ;area. .â€"â€" He enumerated some of the Ini jerals foundâ€"in â€"thisâ€" partâ€" of the North Qnd the list . wag an imposing :qne inc. udmg . dxamondg_v_ Mr, MaCart said that diamonds had been Tï¬u‘nd * *tha’ area referred to. q" _ Texas, spent a week here, the goests of their son, Mr.; L. Heil, and their «pJV,VU.: : mom.m Rive: â€"roomed. _ Imuse on Rlver 'daughter, Mrs. V. 1W‘oodbury, i;em; Road.s 32750 Pï¬l'- mnmzh. GN ; _mg ito thSouth on Snpday, ) Re ,sl Estate ; se y ~ uind s ts m "i:;'- i@ ‘Block, Tlmmm' 8. s on w c t s o s e ce o o n e SW en o 1 2 _ .. en .c acsident of their son;Joseph. â€"32 p}. Ee ; TING ADDRESS ON®. â€"> | / Sally amippedâ€"im basement of MERESJAMBS**{BAF mms .. hotel. Atmpiy St Charles § Hotel’ Timmins. . > _ ?21.0 he, speeml guest ab. the Klwasms en ta ns ‘[FOR RENT-â€"-Ba*semenf 86 ft. by 30 luncheon yesterday was: Mr. McCarty,|" $6; o. fb;,,lngha evervent ex,x cesy‘It the owner of: the chima clay deposits| _ !"5 /C MS, U comveniences, Ib . Softballâ€"South Porcupme beaï¬ Sch‘;jj.'aeher .8 to 5. .. Bageballâ€"-â€"fl’ollinger won: f:;onp ’M'¢ Hop-é.t\gp and . J umpâ€"-f[st D. Brown 38 ft., 7 in.,; 2nd E. Davidson. . ' ©~920 Yards Openâ€"ist, J. E. M"ac» Grath, 26 minutes; 2nd, .Hnn One Mfle Open--â€"-Ist _JM.: M'acMfl-r Ian,_ 5 min., 8 see.; 2nd, S; Bonnell; ~Shot Putâ€"ist, E. Dtmdson, 34 fi:., 6in.; 2nd, J. Tï¬omas es ts Niemi; 2nd, Mrs.> a S 2nzSack Rce-vâ€"lst, Charhe Hamilton 5 d, W. iz .8 . Mile. Road Raceâ€"-:-,M. Maemlhn nd Blï¬ganley Bonnell dead. héatr* 31' ~ 100 Yards Open.--lst, G-. B. Mc- Grath Ind, R. Honey, Jed, F.' 100 Ya.rdsâ€"â€"Ball Play‘em Gfly-r- E,;-_ ngrignon ;. Ind, C, M wDOnalJa , Running High Jumpâ€"â€"lst E. Damdr- son, 6 ft., 5 2nd, D Browm 14 ears-- J I-ang d FQB RENTâ€"-z roofns: wlth ‘buth:; 1# y ht’ Bn P Reason@ble rent. . Central location. Gn'ls, 16 yearsâ€"-lst Elm Henderq Apply _ to, 66 Thqrd Ave. rmm ,son, ‘nd, Lilly Ls MTour. Bgch 3 .go -Boyls, 16 yem-aist,w Mair, 2n pa thRE Qlï¬ trm’ 1““ ~~L. ~D8 reasona £ t: cen ocaâ€" S’%‘“ ~L“‘f°"“1“» I'm Wm i. ‘ton." Applv toâ€" 6’3†Ahird Avenne ; and Berï¬ha eJ ; Boy yem-â€"-lst, Charlie Hamilâ€" 4y . Gedin. zfdfl 21151 y wfleges. A l 205 Pi:m St. B. Gn:ls, 14 yeprs-â€"lst, Elaw Henda::â€" t3 pr pp y 39. 1. ’t;f . a L____.. . 4. . Hendareon Oe mt ;dlï¬ on. ¢ /. Ldlgfl“â€"'m Mn : Aol iemi; 2nd Mre. ï¬renhee' 4 s e bath 4: reasonable reut centrï¬l loca-: <\‘Hon. Apply to 66 'fhlrfl ‘Avenus, e‘arner Birch _ 32 t.f, TO RENT : 4â€"roomed, house, wi'th . water on premises; $30 per month. ~ Apply 102 Birch. St North. â€"32.p f’; srno E TO:; RENTâ€"suitable for resâ€" B~ tauran.t or any‘ other, Alâ€" ‘so 2 or 3â€"roomed apartments. Ag)-' ply to Jospe‘s Gloethmg store, oppo-. :|â€" site Maelnibyre _ Recreat;mn _flal 4. Sehumgcher es _ ~3]. Avenue. _.T.M.Ompen month, _ . _ ;TO R’EN Tâ€"Poolroom' 3 pool tablesv: w and 1 large ‘table. â€"~ I[‘wo-j chm barber SHOP m connechon, .nc'.1a- U ty mss o m ME s ic hi 2 ) -_.L C "f?v;i've Eo.;n;ï¬ â€˜iwuse:“;xear Fiver. Smtqble for. rooming and boarding. -FOR ‘RENTâ€"Basement 860 ft., by 30 _ it; 12 ft,, high;: ‘glP eonveniences. It . ig at presenï¬dewdhihutnamï¬erem /ted separixal ‘or‘ together. Centralâ€" ly locatedâ€"_ atc Cadar. St. f _Apply "to: Q:> ]Deaam'mn, iWindsor . Hotel, Tlmmms: «_ 20.32. p. f'ro RENTâ€"Large _ furnished room; :; suitable: for tvzo lg'enit;;lenï¬mx;3 ;l all ; canvemen,ces. pp y 0 sam '«:':_‘,t North. _ <82p, SHACK FOR B.EN‘Tâ€"-App‘ly iB. Lenâ€" ~man, 60, bomer of Elm and Broadâ€" Mw .-0_ 4 td t "22 e; ;FOR RENTâ€"5:1'oomed Apartment j ba ;.:vvand sun room. ‘Opposite Mcâ€" Intyre Recreation Halt." ~Also Furâ€" * mture Aforâ€" Sale.~ Party " leaving ipseEEL RoTEâ€"ROOM . BOARD, BYâ€" DAY ‘Oh WEERK â€"Hot and cold water; free bath. We uitable: LOr zroomifo 60.00 per month. . . WOl'k, Jai Tt Apply ‘iO M W};u-(:l m Street North, or ley, mzt/z?f sam ; P.:O; Box 1537, Timmins. -31-32 ‘p. Bilingual:; 13. yeers experience. Ap planxév. S., Advance . Ofï¬ce .=d2p town. â€"Apply Joépe Clothing e c ho o oo o oi t o w i ie in o n ied wed h '-FOIQ SALEâ€"-Crysler Sédazr,:24 'mï¬dél, 5~passenger, good running:eopdition ‘‘spare tire, bumpers and smb’bers, §# condxl;lon as new.. Bargam:for / Apply P. 0. Box 58, Schmmmoher® . TREAN HORSES WEIGHTâ€"3000 ib.; _ FLOWERING â€"SHRUEBS,‘" CORâ€" f _-“RANT | BUSHES AND; PERENT-i ; ~sented by MrS. E. J. 0 ] '12§, Sputh Poi'eflpma, “.I%Iï¬me_3 (')1095 ; elec#;x.ub; _hgvaï¬â€˜er»,‘ thq-f J‘#.rhnrner -‘01 stojz, with_oven =â€"tub, fruit sealers e *Mu,st bebld once., No â€"reamenable offar reâ€" .i fused.. Apply "14 Elmâ€"St. _ South : ~new double wagon; single wagon in :‘ good shape; smgle and donble harâ€" smgle gleighs,; alsn Aâ€"roomed > vhouse ""and 2 lots â€" and furmtm"ga c\ All to:be sold cheap for quick '*B t McA_rthur, 93# FOR SaALB: OR EXRHANGEâ€"Good fivespomed honse on: fortyâ€"tbot lcst FIVE CLAIMS: FOR S?EE in‘ the . Placer . Field, Keefersanda Hillary Towgshxps App]y to Wm" 'Empey, ~ Queen‘s Hotel . FROR _ SALEâ€"â€"Threeâ€"hurnerâ€". Phurifan: : »Oil Stove, in ‘good condition,. excel> ~ lent bargain:~ ~Applyâ€"48â€" Tamaraels POR SALEâ€" ‘quare timber ; 8!"x 377 E(z}md 6†x‘6", : In €ll engths A = ply to O. Des,)ardlns, WindSor. Fioâ€" . tel, Trmmins._ . 20â€"38 p. . Apply. doulle® §§€§° . Park,.end of Road. ’FOR SALEâ€"B idWicke M'aopm ~"Gramophone® a;% Eelsbrds. A’sppiy TWIN CARRIAGBE AND SLINGFE ~FOR SALE. $7.00" taltes : both; <Apply. 14 Elm St.: South. 3132 p; HOUSEHULD FUORNITURE FOR ‘Saleâ€"Apply to 6 Hemlock S{;reet OR SALEâ€"Ford T;'uck eheap for‘ cash; also Baker‘ ‘s Oven"ah“bak«--} ‘ing. eqmpment c0 mplete. o,n ,ea.gyg terms.. . Apply M.. ‘ 'ter, Ku'kland Lake Ont .;‘5,: -32"33 Timming. _ ie k it c ant range, .Was‘her, ete quarter "cut" oak dining and mah ogm bedtoony suites, Kroehler Dwan, *ete:, etc} 67 FTamarck street,. i 89 w. inIng. â€" Street, or phone 237. to‘~@ Measines Avent(t jz M T Aay ce :.nâ€"'yo hok w t e w C s« ql.'q-.â€"..-_ . se o ho oo i +8 t wl s CA 0o 1 1 h Ii’ ' ;yom,w"’ nt \‘Q\ 6. accérdmg to law. $2 00"1’01' the ‘geas m 101yea1:s uw $19Qw fm “-f; 3113’ debtb cbflï¬" ated! byâ€"obhes ‘~ourselves: oml!xn‘in g: 8}%6; and’ mï¬gh Ogdï¬n C 6 1 fw'j §" : "v .';:fi;'-"omn had uSiacond Av 'I,'mnnms PEN!ERF AND: Esthllatiom meeting ~w111! Be~ lhafd‘ Shturday evgmng - pir., in nߠ_ <vitation is g:t!ended alI'iilthmï¬Â«Ã© A‘Pply EE Eennanyn GQM # â€" and â€"Broadway." ;. A% ..... FOR SALEâ€"150 mers :Farm, good . . 1mpmvements weï¬ tmbsred 8Â¥% mlles fiomt ' - .‘-«‘-. se F‘O ‘:SALMne fh'sf-elass Bmines Lo Otr Rlo. _\f‘\A ply 0 J.Q’l Py 'r'. e K m> FOR SALEâ€"fn Northern: Ontario. an â€". «hen' ‘Matd, Apply‘ ....Hqto, Cedar Streetâ€" Sauh. VR CR s appoarance and :ab‘ility .ï¬t.;,! ED “" f ; ’Elec;hc Washxng Machines int Tims ; ~ w vicinity. _ Good ytaÂ¥ly . traet to man who can meakuÂ¥e‘® . ‘up fo nalifications, one who~ ebA _ > feï¬k rench preferable. Addrags: ) dvertiser ‘Box W. E., Porcupine: _ Apply i9 I\Iw w. _ Avenne. "I > 4» ts tm d 7R i i t o t ty ie s .. Wisgfl, almost wew. Apply to Box RH. Advance OfMfica, Timmains, _ Ifeean Wellâ€"es?; '.ï¬hï¬ï¬sï¬w flmdo of besi»«olass. Ownâ€" er retiring from bisiness. Apply ~A ds AlR o9 mmarm . o s t S ks o ie + .993 t 20 m