95%! . name is on the blank. It will be compounded correctly too, and the prices will be 5 2% right. And remember any prescription. any doctor can write, written on any 955' 3E druggist’s prescription blank can best be ï¬lled here. §If a prescription is corre-ctly written we can ï¬ll it, no matter what druggist’s $53 §Any Frescriptim - %%! % ï¬%%%%% THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIMMINS, ONTARIO WW wmmms‘ Mr. Wm. Dalzel! lvï¬'t un \Yednes- day last fo' :1 visit, Lu Ireland to see his mother. He will be avay ‘t'ér four or ï¬ve weeks. The New Liskeard Speaker last week sayszâ€"“Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Ep- lett and baby, of Timmins are visit- ing in town this week. Mr. Eplelt‘is manager of the 'l‘immins branch busi- ness â€1' the S. l). Eplett and Sons CO H Mrs. 'J'. A. Tremblav 9 Spruce St. south,â€"â€"a son. Mr. H. V. McCurdy left last week 1'()' at two weeks’ holiday, visiting friends at Lundvn. St. Marys and oth- er southern puinls. Mr. Alex M. Devur, editm' of the Broke Hustler, Iroquois Falls. and Mr. H. D. Duff of Cochrane mutm'ed in f'mm Iroquois Falls nn Wednesday last. The road is in very fair con- dition. ' Mr. A. I“. Kenning day for :1 lmliday \‘lisit at Pemln'ukc, Ont. \Irs. .Jas. (‘anzm left 011 Sunday Em a \isit to f1i¢'ll(i§ in '.l‘uruntu and nth- er points suuth. ' .VA'II'. and Mrs. A. turned last. Thursday their huneynmun trip Mr. J. M. Stewart returnml on Thursday evening from a month ’5 vacation at his old hume in Nova Scotia. Burn-In Timmins, Ont., on “’94.!- nesday, July 29th, 1925, to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Andrews re- turned to Timmins on Sunday of last week after a three weeks’ wedding tour through Southern and Eastern Ontario. Mr. and Mis. Andrews (the latter being formerly Miss Ruth Me- Caw) are receiving sineere good wishes from their many friends in town. MW‘“§$‘$W‘“$S§SSWWWWS Mr. and Mrs. D. Kester left on Saturday muming for a holiday \‘iSlt in the. suuth. Miss (‘eviliu Craig returned to her home at Svhumzu-her last week after Visiting: relatives at ('ubalt. Mrs. M. Salley and little Miss Irene Salley returned on Sunday from a holiday visit tn Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Luke :11 left last week for a visnt to '1‘ Detroit. and other points suuth Mrs. 'I‘. Duucet uf' Nurth Bay is visiting horpurents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ayotte. Mr. Juhn McFarlane. of New Lis- keard was a \‘lSltOl‘ tn Timmins lust Mrs. E. A. Lake is spending- a few weeks’ hulidays at ()rillia. Orange- ville and other [mints smuthï¬ a... I. â€w. WES: c». 13:23:. :45 a .3552; 1.52:. :17. 22.x. ‘AII'. E. H. Hill returned un Monday from 21 hriet’ imlidzi‘y visit in Humil- tun and uther puixits sout‘h.\ VENT W 8 9 ' Mr. J Toronto 331V Mr. J. visitor M rs Mrs. Hemming left on I‘lidm for ration in the South. Mr. and Mrs. W. Curtis are spend- ! :1 holiday \‘lSiI in the SUlltll.“a Timmins and DEsIIEcH Eoies rs, H. Dunc this week.‘ CURTIS OPTICAL C0. Open Evenings Open Evenings CURTIS OPTICAL C0. of being handicapped by eye-strain is vastly greater than the cost of correcting lenses. The correction of even a slight error of refraction often brings an amount of relief out of all pro- portion to the amount of error. You can have this demonstrated by having your eyes examined The Cost in Nervous Energy E. Meredith. of Toronto. was on business l'ust week. as! Levine, was a visitor to week. ‘ 11 11 is a visitor to North NV . Luke and Suns visnt tn 'l‘uruntu. l‘I. I.'1'quh:‘1rl‘ 1‘0â€" evening from in the south. left on 'l‘huls- t‘n his uld honw Opposite Goldï¬elds Hotel Opposite Gold ï¬elds Hotel | Mr. Wm. Rinn It 511 three weeks" wu- }()ntariu. 1111-1111111 \V. lthLlY. 11lll111'11l" The St. Vlzll‘V'h J11111'11al~ \1'g11<. St. M1111" 8 0111111111, returned hume 1111'll1111's11lz1y morning last after an extended visit t1) his 1l1‘111g‘hter, .‘vlrs. Ax'rh. Gillies. During his stay here Mr. l'ledy was kept 011111111911 to the hcmse 11.1114113111- l.' all the 111119.1111'ing to illness. Last week he 11.13 101111111: 111111111 better 11ml all will qi111e1'1'lv 1111111 l1i111 1111 91'11ly 111111 111111111140 1'1'1'11\'111'\. ,1 The police were called last night to the lower part of Sixth Avenue where a tight “as 1epoited as in prowess betueen a hi;y Swede and an Italian. The lat1e1so“ the police «.omiiw and made good his escape. The othe1 man who was out about the head and was shedding blood like rain, turned his attention to the police. but was prompth subdued and taken to the cooler, “here he “as giwn surgical attention. '3 PALMBR’S UNITED SHOWS AT SO. PORCUPINB AUG. 11 TO 15 Dr. G. 'l“. M? last work hum“: south. .' Miss Annie MuQuazl' Falls H13 :1 \‘coek-end mills. Mr. Thomas Dungaven and SUI]. of Turnntu, spent a few days in t'mvn thls week. The next regular meetin 'l‘immins 'l‘nwn (\mm'il i4 for Monday afternuun. A vommencing at 4 p.111. '-Born-â€"-In 'l‘immins, ()nt.. 011 Mon- day, August 3rd, 1925. to Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Muleski. (56 Third Aver- {I SO“. \Mr. Harry B. Austin ‘w?’ day for a. mmtinn in tho :mll broke and .Vluxflrm? \xiH In Mr. Chas. day morning the south. Z... 2:; 51.1.. ’5: . 12:33.: .537. c: . 73:22.5 Mr. Oscar King t'atmn in the smith .‘TIHH (‘0!!t‘ Chalmuu. Qm in 'l‘imnnns. mg n Nul'fh Th mins. Mr. P. Duugall war: :1 bush: tur tn North Bay «war the we Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. KPH) left nu dm morninv t'm Xunh Rm v thev will spend Old Home “'00 i’ut ure Mr. H. l'} week-end m 5' M1s.Beatt\' and children Hg relatiws in .\mth 11m H1 M 1'. (‘hzm' Luggut t‘ 1' 'l‘m'umn wherv h Miss 10111934!in :r :1 rumplv of -‘ 11th l3.:1'\ “NIH“ Mitchell returned m1 ;: Bldlizlcs' Risif M 'UI' UHIKUIIIO‘I‘. 101119 111 S S K ('1 [\m at an 01) lid Ill) UH pendix 01’ Iroquois 101‘ to rl‘im- H .‘IM‘H! ‘he Hailevhnry UK the svheduled 1g. 101.11, INNS \‘ lSl- a re \‘lSl lid l q[Uh reside nil ll lay f0? mt 1102')! ll \' I0] snvm 'I‘l hmue in the w h ere :1 va- 1H end l'l ‘0 nee fur ll a): 1‘1 ill! to lll