Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 5 Aug 1925, 1, p. 4

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~o -- I‘ E PUBBUPINE any“ 6 TOWN SHOULD RECEIVE ” N i PULL HALF OF ROYALTY. Published every wednesd‘y by The :11111111111111111111nt 111' the tax rat-11 . GOO. me ."111' the \‘1'1111 ha5 prompted 51111111'111' Owner and Publisher. heap 1111'5115 upon the Town Comm-.11 ~â€"~â€"â€"â€" 'lhe 111aiorit3 ot the people. howe\1r.1 mugs, - - ONTARIO .1111 111111111111 11. 1111111 11111 11111111111 in 11' p.1ilo5ophi11al 111:11111111'. like 1.1111111 511111115. 1111151111111; th111115elve5 with the thought that it 15 1111po55ild11 to 11::11111 1\p1n- .. ...- ..- WANTED Want to buy a num- ber of small and me- d1u1n sized rabbits. Subscription Rates: Canada - - $2.00 year 1 , . ., . 11111' 5 31111 11 .5 111l11: 1 1.1 1 ': m'ed 553395 â€"-â€"â€"‘ $100 year i'l \1'11 'v11111'5'a-41'1":1t 111i1":11'.1u'1al 11'1'1'1'11'1'1'11'11 PI’ICE‘S lllllSt be PERSON- .111 111.1 '1'111111111... 11.1.1111: 1.1' '1'11111111 1.1.1. able. Apply at once Member of the Canadian Weekly t..11~:11.111' Newspapers Association. ' ' urged 11111 1111111 ('1111111-il to 'loo5'1-111 tip in the 111111111' 111' 11xâ€" 1111111l11111'115. 'l'iti5 1111/111 p11111111l 11111,; BlChEtl'dS C019 '(it the 11.11 111331: had 111 11:11111111111"11\1111111115‘ (.JOltll'leldS Theatre. and 1-1111311111111-11115 11111l1 that the ('1111u~‘ ‘31 ‘.. oil had 511111.311 :1 111111l.'11113' 111 11111'11 11.\'~. 111111111111'115 rather than to provide :Ill' 111111111'1: 1'1111‘.'11ni11111-11.5. l’1':11'1i1':1|l3' 1' 111'13 .5'p11:1l11'1' 1'11ll11\vi11'.:' tool. :1. 5111115 -~â€"-~~5 - '15'"'*---â€""'~""'~"--~~-~ --*---' l:11' attitude. "l.1-1151111 up" \3'115111‘11 SHOULD PAY MUNICIPAL TA}. ES ON RESIDENCES 11111.55:1'11 111 the 111.111 1111111111 ’ ' ' ' ' ' WEDNESDAY -m--- ‘1 -1:11 111: 111 11511111 l111.5 11111 been :1 .5111"l1' Bulletin to Mr. Perkins of the Telephones: 01111111 ‘30. Residence 70. WEDNESDAY. -..-“ 5. --M-.~câ€"M d 1 1 l l ““"1. AUGUST 5th 1925.: i 1 1 ”...â€".1.... m -â€"-...r- -..â€"....__._. w - '.~ '.;..1.t-1 :1 11151 111151115111111'11'11'1 . """""' H" "W ""““"" .""" ""0 """'"" ‘H‘llll'l‘ ,lihiup i'ill'llll ”I 'il""l'lll(' 1(tt'1lllillllalllll'tl ll:\' Htllll“ t'lll}'.("l (Il' 'll'tlllll' 11111111'11111111 “111-their the law 1'11131111'11' 1"1 7'4”" ”“'l “WV" i" ‘l". 1111 11:1v11111111 111' 111111111-ipal 1:11.11. 1111 l'”“1l1' “"'l'l'l ' "11(“"‘>~"1‘11'.\' “Nil 'l<"-”'1‘ll’l"1 M155 A1111111111 .\l:11_:u:'.11'i511111111: the 1111311:.1111111 :1 1'.:il l""'l“'l"1~ '1‘” 11l“-'1".‘1" ""‘i'll‘i '1'"”‘1‘.'1'~ lam-.51 11111'1111111111115 ':11 the 'l'i'iiiuiu ""‘ll’W‘l l13'111'l1.1_1 11111- H the 1'1111111'il hucl li511'111'1l 111:1ll 1:”"l'11151111155 1'1-15111-515 11;:1 1:11; rate would he 100' ‘li55' - . . . . . .1 l1iiui1 l"1_\' 111' the 111105111 111111l11ll111'. 111111111111111l 11:151- 1'11 . . ., tn. . . -.1' 11115111115511111111111 l1:1.5' :111'11tpt11:1l .11t1 1111 111.111 '1111_111551\1 t1 . l l l , ,1 1, . ,. ,. ,. ; 4111111L1'21pi111' \\111 tl111'l111'.1 .1111: 11p~1111111111u .1111. .1. 1.111.1111111 time.l . l 1' l . l' . . .111'1111311111111111.1115:1~ 11111111 :15 11115~i1,1...1(”‘”“ ’ " ' ”' "”"" M” "”‘l‘ “' l l t 1 3 l ‘) l'a‘l. lo :1 \'.'Hl‘1l 11111 511111111111: :iuipl3' """'." l' ' .' 1' ‘I'1. \gl-J ' l). ‘ I ’_.1 ‘ . .. -'1l11111.5 1.11111-1'11111l:1\'.. :111111111115 111 1111~z 111:1! 11 the 111111115.” “‘5 "”21 MW ‘5'“ “111‘ “1 rim-13111111. take :1 1111'1'111'.11'11 1111.1 111 have 1111\‘1111 511'111115. 111111111111 \\:1ll15. l'."" llll"“l“-" l1115i111155 ‘ t'llt’f-it' lh" 1”" 'l":11v :11"."u11 that 11111 law 111 1'1-2111'11 t'l'm' 4'1"" "QM" “"""" '\"""."l""' “ l"""""' ‘h \"""1'" ‘l""‘ "’ l 1' 5111111‘ I. 1'11-1‘1l111'1115'1113111‘1ll).“1 11.-135' .1111l ;1i‘11“1'1115. lill ll11' 111111 l";':.'.:1. :5 111'11l ill”. the i1:;’_‘111""'1 '11'11111l'l\' .‘lll'il' 3'1 ‘11111 “11113111111111 1'111' t..1 11115111115~. 1.11 ('11ll111_1'1'. it: '111 11 1:11' 1'1111~ .41: "il\\ I.‘\'.‘ "H'- "li;11111i115 1'111'15 """" "' 11111 115 11'2'1._' p111? 1'1? ’11'11t1111' 11t11‘l'illlllll ‘ll' ill“ 11.11111111‘11“ .1.-11.513111 1‘111l11 111111). 1li11511 'l'l111 11111111 ('l'w‘l'll 111'1111111‘1,‘1' \3115‘ 11111 11:03:11 311 "'""'"" 1111'.. 0'" ""' ' H" ” "'"H'H’H‘ "" """" "' ‘\"""" A "" 1-..\'111' 11:15:15 lilze :'1-5i1l111111115 t'.,.. 1-111 511:1l11. then the t. '.1\ 111111141151 he hi11l1. \li55 [1..-1|... ”...-(1.1...- lt 11.11 own 15 to live like :1 modern. 1113 the 1'::111pa3'1'1'5 will have 111 p:13 like modern 11itizen5. l‘nle55 th1'1uj4'l11 111' modern improve- 1.11 radu: '1111 111' ’tlw-Vl‘t‘s, l." the 1l1‘1'15‘11111 15 11111 111 l;1\'11::1‘ 111 1.5.11 1111111111ipaliti1'511111 law in 11111111111 1:1l11111}..1'111l .511 that 11111111 11111rl. ' ' 5p111'iul i111p111'::1111'.1 111 plo3e1l in 1111111111111 111 l’ latu5 13; l.11\\i5 1 l"1:u'1'i5t1'i'5 A" .\‘11l11'llHl'5‘. 'l‘iuuuin5. (1111. M1151 111' the miller L‘tllllluyees ttl' 'l‘11111ni115' and l)i5tri1-t are graduate5 11-1' 5’11111l1l 1111 113151111115 1.1:13' 1.111 1'11ii'l3' 111111511111: 15 ”1' 11111111 the tax rate. 1151111111 to pay it. 1 » ‘ . " 1-" "‘.. ‘ ‘ .1 l'l1111'e i5 111111 \vav. however. that the . , . . . “”‘Uflm ill} 1\‘{1l1'- [’11 ”UH-1:1- 1" . . l' . - 1 . ll ‘. . 111 the l‘uuuun5 ”1151111155 College 1111:1111-1pal111115 111 the (1:15.11 111 t 111 111111111 ‘l’1| ‘l‘ “‘1“ " ‘l l V I" ‘l““' 1" ”The Hold “0.111 School " 'l‘lie . A - (' . ('1111111lian National ll:lilwa,‘1‘5 i5 11:11'ti- 7"" l“ 'l'“ l'”'"1""- 'l'-'11” i5 l13' :41'1'111'â€" .1.-,1...” flagrant. 1,, :1 111:1111'1'111' 3'...“ 1111.." :1 to” halt' ot' the royalty l'roiu .1... 1'111'1'15'1 1.1:..\-1-..1.....1 ‘1... ... 11:13'11 all the 111111115. A1 pre51'ut the munici- l‘zlill'uzlti }:l."'11[1(ll\' ll: 11 l11\\'ll 1155:1.5.5'1,11l l""".\' l't‘t‘t'th‘S Ullt.‘ lli‘ll' (’l' llllS l").\'3ll‘ i1": ll111 111"1ii11:1'13 \v:13'. (1111111'wi511. the l." 'l'“ "l'llt’l' llilll' 2'1””! l0 ”'0 PIN" l people 111' :1 2111111111131111113' not onlv have "”1“" But ""1”" “7"" ." "1l"""""' ll" 5 to hear their 511:11'11 ot'the l1111'1'l1111 111' 51.11'1‘111l l’." the l.)1'111‘3' (l”"t""”m'“l 111 . the. deficit each vear ot' the National regard to the halt' 111' the royalty 1111111- ”CNS ”‘1'." l’f’ madeltany 111111'. ll li’ailwav5. but 111' addition thev have i“! l” the town. "\"""""'"'-" '7” ”1'5"“ ""1‘ "" ""’ih" 1' -‘"'" are .""' enâ€"t the extra load in1'urred l13' ' added"Joker." the town'5 halt' i5 not 111 Wilmg HHW. 11111111110 I'OSUI‘VMIUH lull municipal taxation. Each town has """W‘l 'l‘"31"””-"“ 1“ 1111." .VGIUZ “0 "HM-1:11 1 l l i i t t Sill1l1'tll5 111' llli5 S1'l11111l 1'11ll113v 111111 1111111.. “Work hard. get 1'11511lt5." 'l‘hey 3:111 1'115ult5. “511111111.r i5 l111li11v- ing. ' ' 1111111 i111111 l'1111'11ll-1 Cla5- ('la55e5 at 1h11 College thr1‘1ug'h the 511111111111' 11111n1h5. phone or \\ rite. Near. lt'the (111311111111e111-1')\\'11e1lrail-.W'I" ”"5 ~l0k9" 1'0"""0'" ""‘1‘Tlmmlns Busmess College 1 . '- . . 1. . 11:11:111,11'ial growth in the iroduetion 111 33.13.. 13.1111 then .5l11111. the people 01 1 1 1. l l , l . . Over Economy Grocery 58 3rd Ave. 13111. 11111111111palitv have 511 much more' "“ 111111115 “”"‘ 1111.111 .111 "“1”“ 1“ 1.132.115 to l"‘."- in other “MOMS. the: 111311111111 to the "'.lo\\n "ll1e"lown 5'E M TERRY1 Supervismg Principah 111111111111111 oan 111u5t hear their 5l1arel'1'”“ll' l" hound 1”) in "l" ""”“'t" ("l Write BOX 22') l 111 the 11111111111 ot' the cost 01 Govern-ll ’111 111in115. and it 15 onl3 t'aii that: ment- owned railroads as citizens of." 111111111 51111ul1l not he undue. re5tri11ti111'15 (‘:111:1da.‘11111also :15 ratepayers of thei"" 1"" 111111111111 '“Hm‘in” ”ml" 0"” NOTICE TO CREDITORS; munhipalitv they are forced to pay a'pan5'11111.’ 'l‘he lentoval 111 the ioket‘ special fur‘thel contribution to the up-' 1 lau511 1n the royalty 1li511'ihuti1111' l , keep of the railwavs. The general would mean much t'_'oi 'linu1un5. 'lhot opinion is that railways employees 111:11'1'111 l1a5 been taken 1111 in the. 111151 are. paid well enounh to be able tolhv the Board 111 'l‘rade and 111'th11 bear the. taxation of the muniei :1lit3'i""‘l"" N “““M appeu' '" "0 "0”", -, - , .1 . in which they reside If thevali'e not poli1-3a11d ...)...1 work {.“. the "lown dud 111 1111 [113311511111 111"li5dale inf the Distri1t ot ('111hrane, 1111 the 14111 '1 . 1 1111;12:1in i11111'e55 1111111 the (zov'ein- f paid 5111111ientl3 “ell thev ought to. ' ' ' the 1la3 111 May 102:). and all other5 . - . hav - be. and it up to the Government‘ 1111-1111111 ‘1"‘"‘"‘S"'-‘. "" lettin ' ., 1151 . . 1'11 . t h .1 Owing} thl) to 1333' then] properly i "l H\\' n ‘5 l (1\ (l!’l‘1() lr(llll the IOV'lltV lllh ( .1i11151g1 8111 (ll ( I] l ( (l S (ill. 1. . . in the 11511111'11'11 herel13 notified to Th... 1a5e in legard to the T. Nil. <1.1p p:1111 with the 1.\'p:1n5ion at the 1 1 . 5111111 113' 11151 1111 111d or otherwise 1l - 0. Pailwa3 i5 not perhaps 511edaringt'm“C l l 1' ' in it in 1151i1ze.l1ut the principle re l "'0' "' "'0 undersigned, solicitor "'1 5 _ . . . . main tli15 '.ime the iailw'iv em 1 the adnunistratrix. on or before the S ‘ Rt ( -l 111} ' a _ (.)P’. ' . - . . 1 (:1 111 A 0 5t. 1.1-0 then. Plo3ee5 .5‘l111lll1l he Iiaid enouO'h to bet .\ot:111 111 :1 1115111111'ant: "Don '1; un ' ildi , 11,11 nd (les1ii11i11n5 ‘ IS: I‘ ' it's '1‘ . 1. f ' ' . 1%! able to 1111 1:'11 thei: share 111 municipal2’11111111 :11 11111'11'111'11111: you may 1111 old "‘ ' ‘ '7 b " , . l . ,, . 1|. 1 , and 11111 particulars 111: their 1112111115 taxation. "the . 1\' .\. 1). “NHL“ 11.211111 weak yourself some day.’ . 1' . 11 . 1 1.1.1 111' 11111111“, protit' 11:11111 year. hot 111.: North Land; 1‘....” .... l].\'1l1ango.’""""" " "1 11111'15 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 . . . , ' 1 ‘ I ' J\‘ ! n11.1111131p1'1llt3' pi'oht5 :1113' more 111.111 .1 1 111 tl11 51 1111'i1115 ‘1 it any) he] 11 13' ()l.ll('l‘ lllllllll'll‘ullltli" in the l’l'll\'ll 111“; ’”“-_”_"â€"-"‘-.’w*" is l‘( H" lllllllt‘(llill('l'\ “th1 the 51"“ by the 5111'plu5 attained 113' the rail-l K1111» -"l w'15' '15l'e1l the other 1l'1v 11'" ‘l1‘.\'_“l 1'1‘11‘1'11511 1.93011 lllt‘.‘"f_5]"l5 way. To relieve 'l'. 13' N t) ""-"l‘l9t_1“91"l,. l“ . . 1l 1. (1'1 ‘ '11: 1'11 .1 l' ‘lv th"'t‘ oi the 5:111l d1111ea5e1l “Ill. 111 1115111111- .1'1'11111 taxatiwn i5 111.111311leut 11.1 111:1l.in;t 1"l'l"l"" “1‘0“ .'i"“‘ ,,' " “ ‘l‘. " 111d :111111111151 1l1e partie' entitled 11111 North l.:1111l Munieipalitie5 (1111-, " ' "" "' ' "' """ 1':; ., lihoH'F‘N l1.1\in}>' "(RN 0an l” claim5 tribute more than their 51111111. to the roman.l'.,\11h:111g11 and 111ter115t5 111' whi1h notice shall 1-1'15'1 111' 11p:':':11i1111 01' the (,lovernuientâ€" hill“ ill?“ 0001'!‘1'01'6’1V01l. all otheha‘ "l'.. he 1'::11' and ,11151 and equitable: “("1111 excluded “W“ Th" 1"”“1 (ll-“d“- tl'1115e tirin11i11le5 should ohtziin: 'l'hel l"l'1‘tl :‘lt'l'l'illli "“1“.“ ."“”1 :11'11 1111111111. . . _ railways 5hould pay proper 5:11:11'i115: you. are th1'15'11 11hop5 lainh or veal?” Dated at 'l‘unnun5. (1111.. July lllll. to their 11111plo3'11e5. and railroad 11111- "Jim K111115011: "(‘an‘t you tell 113' 1025. 1 l>l113'e.11.5. like all other 1iti'/.en5' .5'houl1'l ”10 1115111?" F. J.. Kehoe, hear taii 5h:"11e111 the 11'1151 111 111:1iut1n- “N0." ~ Room 9 Gordon Block, Tlmmms Ont. 8.111'11 111 1111111111ipalitie5 in WW1 they “\Vhat 1litl'111'11111'11 111111..- it Solicitor for Caroline Lordon, live. B)‘ no other 11lan ran 11111115 he then '3" Administratrix of the estate of James fairly apportioned. 20-31 Lordon, deceased. l"all 'l‘er..1n l"or lull particular5. call. t” ”1.3.. 5., much by taxation each 1111' what the actual amount may 1111.' Phone 501 - In the estate of James Lordon, de- czased. 'l‘he ere1l11or5' 111' .11 :1111115 l.111don who malt“. Exchange. _ [I'fil/ ’( '.., , , .' 7/; Sr" 0 , (:’./1- ., ‘ o/l ""' ' 11110 34111 Of every 3911? is the gr at 1 Old- World seventeenth rent '115 r1-_.:;.:1~1\~,1 on 111.111 5,5,1? to day of the. l'reneh~1 35111113“ i 1 Osphere that 1‘ anadia 111 :15 a 11.11 1'11. 3" :'C'Z'. the l:-'111-'1.'-'.'.'i:'1'1 ‘tal-t' :19. 111-1' In 1:1-111131 city and Hex-3' hamlet otteould ill afford to 11159. either arti' "lmdli l": the .';ltl1-?'1~“1‘:"‘ 3 Quehm Province and in the eities and l 1111311.. or historieam . . . 1.1111 0111' Di et 11:1 1112.1.115 :"ti'l 1:111'1141'3'1' 1151'111 Que~ centres of til“: \0“ [allgl '.lltl 8:14:16"; ho“. 50111“lfllCI‘P.51.l.'lZl"‘1i“"-'11.1.1'.'11"'(‘.'?"“!1‘)1.11 1'11 1 1_.in"1 0 ll] lpln ”d in 131059- PHIL“ 01' OnldliO andétrom floats exhibited on th‘12 1>.-.:'~ .11.".."1'. 21:1 "1111;11:111'3' 115-112,.1-1'1' from the '. est where he has migrated St 51011. There 15 tho '1.....5. 1'11. , W. , _ . .' .~' _ ‘ .1 1 ' - . ' ‘ _. I , \ _ “ ‘. " ‘." V t \ 3333‘- 33173311" D1131 is more: 0313'" 11.121 farmer 11111 21.121.11.- .' ' '1 '- '. -.‘1 '112'. 2.. . . ., ,. .1, - 1' l‘MllI". '1' " ‘- "‘.l l“ l" “ 4 ‘1‘" b3 “15' (‘l‘tup‘ :1, .1.. ‘. 1.. 1 . _ ' “ L ‘ '.' .' "H.” ' . ' ' "1 e» 1 11- -... ... . .' . "" “ ‘ ' """"‘ 50 1111111 11 11“an MO 1.1111de an 11110111311 {01; ..-e r~...-,-..;,, ...1: o.....¢£‘.5. ' ,. 1 . _ , . :...11L' .n_.'_... , . '1..C 1:3 4 . ... 1. -.l. .1. , ... “.1, LL...‘.. .- ' -Suitahle 1111' 311460.00 per month. rHE PORACUPINE ADVANCE TIMMINS ONTARIO .-â€"-- “...â€"H ~â€".--.--.-~.‘â€" _ . I . .1 ii . HELP W ANTED l9 ' , ii WA '\"" "1\1l1"l 1'111‘ 111111111211 ”11115111 . tz 1 Work. Apply at J115p11'5t '111111111: .' 1 1. \111111 51'11111111111111'1'. -.11 5. WM :'. lg WHEN YOU WANT IT. 1121x1111-11.... ~- 1 . lll'_\'. APPLY lill‘t 1‘1l Bell. V1111)” ' l§ Read These Columns Every Week. It Will Pay You. _\........,....t ‘.. 11:11:11 11111111.. . . ---â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__.......___._. l WOO... W \YAN'll'ill _. ”11'! 1111' 1.11'111'1‘113 l. 1 15611- , 1 .. .. ,1, . ‘ . 1 ROOMS l ARTICLES FOR SALE i':":“‘5...".""'"~. "'1‘" .1. 11.... 11 g , . - 11'1' 15.. .1111: 1. 511.31,. l “l1 lil'i.\'l‘----‘ l1111 Ilâ€"t'oouu'd :1p:11'1~ l l \\'l X t'.\l1’lll.\t ll". ,\,\'ll 51,1le11 1' "'~ ~15“ ~ -~ ... -”. 1’ them. \\':1t111' and 81-w111':1§_:1-.A11'\ ' 1"1111 \Alli. $7.00 1:11.115 1111111,t\\ \.\ l"'.l ll -1':111v:1.5'.511t'. 111111111115 (111'.- 111 17171 Pine 5'1. 51.11111. 31110â€"Ill'pl Apply 11 Ha: >1. South. 411-313 11.; 51-1'3'111111'3 111' .\lu511-. (111.1111 5:1larv. . . . .. . . l . ”- . --.â€" -\1‘l' .\'11. 1' '1: 511111 .‘1 '111 1 ' -l‘tlli' l1l'..\ l-- l\'.'o 1'11111115. 1111'1115l11'1lzll'tlll “ ‘11'.l'.- 131:1-1111- ll111111'1' 1111.1' " " H ' " ' " '\' ".'.' ..1 "\ :11511 511:11-11 torrent: M1111: and 1111111- 1'1111 1.15:1}- .1\1~11. 111 11111111 .--11111. 1' " ' """"'"""' '\l'l".‘ 1" lll'l ('t‘tld‘ “'1. 111111 \':'1‘.\ 1'l11':!l'- itill (11l111' \l i ' i ‘ --.... 31111111. â€".'ll {1. \112‘111. ~.'1l "'l' WANTED l"tll1' 11111.\."1‘1~'_1 l1'11:1.5'1111:tlil11 1‘1'111. ('1'1111'11l l111':11111!1. A1111l,\' 1111313'l'hii'1l Ave. 1'111'11111' 1 1 t' 1111-1-11 .51. 410 1.1 1 ,1 1 1 1 1 1'11111115' with 11:1'1l1. 11'1111' NEXT -1 11.... .....11... 1.... .....p llill'tlH'HtHl ”111115. ll11l|111}:'111' water and 5iul1': (lnly 13 111111111115 1'1'11111 :1111l \'ip11111l .l1li111'5. ll11:151111:1lil11 l1’1-111. \pply S liii'l13'..'.\\11' \l1111~ 111:1. ~Iltl~.ll p. FOR RENT l'tllt’ lll'lN'l' Il-i'ooui ”11115111 1111' l1’11111 Apply lSIl l’iii11St..\'o1'th. -J’ p. Sll At' 1*. FOR lll'..\' l'~â€" Apply ll. l.11n~ nan. 110. t‘orner 111l".l111 and l-ir11.11l~ way. ~22. 1h11"li111111i115 l1115i111155 ('11ll111111 i5 1111â€" '1"\\() ”(11.51‘5 1‘1)“ lll".\"‘l.~~~â€"1\ppl3' l1) ll l". l1(‘lll’l£lll. (ill ”1'3'111(l\\;1.\ (1,11- uer Broadway and lulu: 51.4711 S'l‘tllll'} 'l'() Rl'IN'l‘1 1511111111111 1111' 111.55 taurant 111' any other 111151111155. Alâ€" 511 ‘3 or I'l-roouied apart‘11111nt5. Ap- ply 11.1 .l115p11'5‘. (.‘lnlllitlg‘ 51111‘11. oppoâ€" 51111 Me'lntyre .l1'111'1'11ati1111 llall. Schuiuaeher. ~31. S('lll\l1‘\(lll"ll. 4'l‘l'l .-1‘\l'l \l l'.. .\"'l.All S( ll()()l.. l"(1l.’ ll l..\"l‘. 13311 l1ung'alow5; 1‘11a5onal1l11 111:111 inunedi: ite 1111upation. Apply to .l \\illiaiu5 "lown5ite Agent. Sehu~ 1iia1lier. ~ll p l'(lll‘ lll'l\"l‘â€"-l'la5emeut 811 1'1..l13 .".11 .‘_l ’ t'..t high; all 111111311nien1e5i1 i5 :11 pr1151nt 1l11vid111l hut can l1111'111â€" t111l 511partelv. 111' togetheh. l3 l1'1‘111ite1l at S ('111lar\ Apply 111 () l)e5,iardin5.' llotel "li111111i115' FOR RENT. l"o'ui loomed 11111151111111 l1:1tl1.\'ixtl. Avenue. 11140 00 per month. Twelve lloomed house. near 1"1iv11'. r01.nnin,1.r and hoarding. .\11llll1. \\ ind5or _1)()-:;1) I). l"ive roomed hou5e on llivre lload. 27.50 per month. SULLIVAN N'l'1\\"l‘O.\‘. ln5uranee and Real l'l5tat11 (entr: il-' l 1 l .__._..._.“”l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f l i '1 1 . 10 1111111 111 1111111113 1111' \'.'111'. 11113121.: 141.300 1111111111l3 :15 Alo'ot' 11111.". l'tlll RAH (l11111'5 .\'11ll\.,\' 1011110111.: 1111;15:1111111111p111111‘.) ‘il """""' "'\l"",",f" l'll”“'l""”'"- llt’l‘lt l11111‘1'11 \1111111 111." ""' ""' """ """ ""'l'l" “"‘“ J“ “ _ -..- ---.-. . . .. ...... ,-,,, _, _ 7, ' ll 1‘ lil‘l' Hill'lll‘t'tuu 111111 3].-.-h....1.._t1 'f, 1 5.11.1: .311 1....- 11.....1 11.11 '51""""" .""' """' 1111111113 ""'l """ ' .iil1 l1:1.'11 111.; 1l111511 11'111l115. (all 111' M3111: 1111\‘.'. .\t1[1l_\' 111 .ltlllll \\.tl- \1'1'111- 1'111' 1l1111. \\'l!ii1' l1111151' 11! 1'111l 111' “'il'lt‘l'”. l.l1l ltiii 1111. 1.111111 1111111i115 11111 ~10~1l 11'. “JPROPERTIES FOR SALE . ---..-“ “...... ’.A- . â€"~â€".~â€"M -....._â€"‘ .--»-.. .___. i1111'111'111at 11111. . ll11111phili'5 lung .‘5‘1, \\',, 'l'111'1111111. i"(ll1’ SAH': 15"1tuur1'1111111111". :1111l 0"\'1'1" In all 111121115. \p- --.-~____M____. \\ .111l5111' ll11â€"' t1l\ 111“. ll1"~"1.!ltll'11.5'. ‘1 .. 1113. 111111111115. â€"‘_’0~.l'_’ p. "'H ' AL'" 0" "'9 ‘\ "~18 ""1" 5'" :1: 511ital1le 1111 111:11hine 5hop. 2111:1211 ...-....â€" --w- . -_. - _... . - . .. -. __ -- r. _. - _._~ -..__V._.-._-..-.. .__..__â€"q_ (.\ 1 .\ A'.l\'ll 5' l"tlll .\' \l l (luaruiiâ€"l l1l.11l(511111h 5l111p Size 13. x 4;: it 1111111 51111.1'1'1'5. $10 11:11-11. 54p; perl Apply ll. 1‘. Lennon. 00 ('orner l'. 121 ' pair. Apply 111 PM, li11,\' '_’, l.’........1..t and Broadway. ,-1'_-,1 1' 1111:. -.'_1:1-:; ..,"‘f‘â€",â€",_â€""-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- ,1 â€"___________._._._________'lli>l.\li‘2. .‘..\'!11."11151‘11.,115,,.\11;13,' ='.: l"ili1' .‘5,\l,l': l"1'11111"1â€"li1‘lg1' ll11111l.. Sill ll l'llll‘(‘1l l' l.\l‘.. (l111‘ l111tl‘52,’ 1'111'11i1ur11 and 111151111155 1111' 511111,; '."3 l13' .33. 13 51111'113'5'. 1‘" 1'11111115. 51111115. \1111111. 171:; 1‘.-11.111 51. X11111. 1.11 11111 1.3- 511-, 1;..11111111 35 111-1' 1' 41-313 1‘ . 1111111 11:15l1. 11:11:1111'11 :15 rent. llou5'11 ' - - . _..__ t I'L’ l13 132. 0 1'11111115. lot T0 113' 1311; [1‘1111’ H.\l1l'I~-v~l)iuing' llooui Suite. 95180000 L") 1101‘ 1111111 1':1.5'h. lialan111- .5l1111l5‘. ‘5 , 1'111'1l .5'l11‘1l. l1113' shed. ' l 1'1 11115 l00 l13' 50 11:11'h: t 11111'11111' _pr11p111't31': well on property; l $3,000.00. 271 per 1111111. 11:15h. hal- t 11111111 :15 1'11111. l1i11'l111n1'}:1|1i11et an: Applyt 11 l' h: cheap: :11511 kitchen 51ov11. St. North. ~â€"â€".â€"_-A~~. ---“. ----.- .- ,- _-_. o .--: "“‘.... . 7* .. - « l"tll1' i\‘.\l1l“1"'()ll(‘ lied. ll :15 1'11111. ”1111511. 20 113' 10, 1 51:1l1le 18 l13' H. "' 113' l2: u11111l 11.5 new. W'” >1” tllt'Illu regular11:11'11'11i11 on ('111111'111'1111 llill" 1""."' '.'"""1"l" 1'.\|111lv 111 M15 l1’. Si11un5. 111 Maple. l’l'lt‘i’N‘ 11,0115“)! 1'11' ‘."l]"““':"‘3“ 111 31111111 Routh. -31 ll . 'l' " 1 ‘ “t ”1 H113- 1111r 1111 1"111111113'. \ppl3 R “ill‘l‘” l” l)..() lit)\' 08 S 11” P 1 I“()l: \1\[Jl1 ” l llll' ll})lnl. 1,“‘“l\1l(1l]{‘n lltlll' V0 llldl‘ ()ntu I’hunti 1““ \“lllll l)1l1( lllllll“. ti1'all3 1111\3'111 11:51-01:155 1111111011111. 0.; '31 -â€"k "' n 1 Appl3 111 Ill Pine Street nor.th PUBLIC NOTICE 'l'AKl". .\'()'l‘l('l'3 that the un1ler~ signed will 111.11 I111 1'e5pon5ihle for any 1leht5 contracted l13' otl1er5 than our5elve5 on Alll'llllf: ('lai1n5 .\'o. l’. 87158 and l". 871111. in Ogden 'l‘owu- 5l1ip. ~‘ll 1.) l"( ”1' ~l'11'1l1‘1111111 “1 115l15l1111tlt and l)1'115.5'1.11.' 1111' 511111. Appl3 to 1.1 \V ilson Avenue. ~31. ".-.'I-\l| l‘tlll MAll' Davenport. lled.l.eath(.1r, nearly new. I'lleetric. (lrill. A nuinher 111' other articles (‘all he- tween ‘.3 and 8 'l"hui51lay at Lady Lam" 1111' St ore 31 p. Signed A. Brazeau Sr. 1 . A. Brazeau. Jr. 'l 11111111115. 11111.. July 127. 10125. ~30 '1. ‘Wlilt’tll'l‘ 3111111 11.; _. " _) "l‘l.'AM lltllx’Sllfi new douhle w :111'"1111 5i1111'l11 wagon in . .. . ‘ .\(ll l('l.'.'~1'~-A11vone 1"1110'ht on ill" / _ (Y .1 ‘ . I 1 ( .. ' v ‘ 1’" 5inhl1. 1111i (l1)11)lL ll "11 prop1'1rty. i\111'1l1 ”a” lml .l. also 4-1‘11omed . . . )lount 11v. '- ' 1' - ‘ 111,W J c . ' .‘ l‘l‘lt \‘ltll out 1.111111115511111 ' witl he pro5ecuted' .......____.._.â€"_.... ...â€".....-‘__ ..-. __ .... --A--.....~. . _ -5.-.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"5_â€" good .5'hap11: 111155: 5111;3111 5leigh5: oi 11'1 . 1' '1 11' any hou511 and 311115 and 1 1“ ‘ 1 \11 111 I111 511l1l cheap tor qui1k sale. \larshall-l'3e1'le5tone Block, Ti1m11in5.i ,1. 1;. .\l1.\itl11u. 9;; Hollinger ilf'1'11l'1‘lmg 111 law. It you want 11'» 1' l1a11e ~30- {1'32 lllt'k .11‘1111. l 511” 1‘11'l11115: :11‘lult5, ' ' 3142.00 1111' the 511:151111: child 1'1'11. 1'1'1111'14 POSITIONS WANTED .l"()ll THE BEST IN 'l‘lll1‘llt5‘ W 30111-5 1111. $1.00 for tho 51-:15111‘1. l"l.()\\'l'll{l.\'(‘1 Sl'llll'RS. ("Ull- ""“'l’l‘ l’“”§~'l”"’-"1 l”'“l”‘l1‘i”‘1'- WAX'l‘l'll)â€"-llou5eworl.' or 111111111 RANT lll‘Slll'IS AND l’l'lill'lV- “3 "331'- “'”l'l\'~ ditll)‘. APPLY 1” ll. ll‘illl<- .\‘lAl.S 111' all kind5'. try 1'}. D. Smith ~~~-â€"â€"~â€"--~----~5~5-51-â€"-â€"~â€"5~â€"â€"5~-â€"~â€"5â€"~â€"-â€"â€" l113'.l ll 2‘ 1’l1al5a'1‘11 Street, \111'1l1.111' 1Q $11115 (11151311114111 1881.)) llep' '11 NOTICE l'-()- BUN l0 37 lHHHHIH- -31-"; 31. 5111111111 113' 31115. 1'. Hamilton. l’.:o.'\' ,__,,___ ' (1)1": [1 111111. \\'1',\‘\"|',\' spngp ‘1'-'3' NW" l"’“"'l”“"~ 1'111’1‘".(iil"- "l'l111 Bohrd 1:1' 'l'ru511111z. 'liuuuiua 'l'lUN :15 11'111111'al 111:1i1l A1111iv 111,‘ "' ‘3" 5"l.""""" N'h'm's' ""'l ."""(""" 'l""' ]1_()_ llox 111.)"11111111115 .... 1'11:i1' ”1'; -_-__._. “ '“t"”f“‘"'"’"”"””‘"“‘t111110115 1111 Wood to he delivered 111 1‘11 15 Maple St. 51111111. -31 p_'l'('ll \Al 13(111111-111 Mixer. (loold tdit'teremt S1l1ool5. . Sl11pl1v and Muir. «l 11. p. envu 1'1 l’ri1115 to 1111 51101111111111 not |:1111:' \\'(,)MAN \VUl'ld) LIKE l’tlSl '1' It) \1 in pm 11111 11111111111111. $1) 0000. 'than Aug '151h. COOKING for 311 111' 40 1111111. 111' :'15 '1' Apply l1.'.1rlip::11l11. B113; 7171. Smith ’attieulars :15 to quantities. 11111141115, 111111k'5 helper. Would 1111111111 l’111'1upin11. 0111.. l’hone 1015 South 11111.. may he obtained on application f where. 'Appl3' to 37 llollingerl l’oieupine. £3831 to the Secretary. t lame. - ll p. l --â€"~-~~~ â€" -----â€" ~~ '----'--â€"-~-â€"--~---- J. A. Walsh :3 'â€"“~â€"*â€"-~ â€"â€""-----â€"-â€"-- ll“()ll MAI l' -~â€"~'l‘w11 {lâ€"horse power ‘31-'32 17 Maple Street SOch- Y(1l.'i\ \('r LADY lllflSllll'ZB l’()\l- 1 t'rude ()il l"n1:ine5 1111' 5:110. Al5o ---~--- 'l‘l(..1.\' ot' clerical nature, 111'1'115p1111-l two '... h111511~p1m111 envines ot" the NURSING l 5ihility: 5peaking hoth language5z1 5:111:11 kind. Also Samnill llqttip- g graduate) 1'11'91111111'11al School. Ad- ment'. t‘\'\'ill 51111 at a big bargain. NURSIN(l-â€"5l’r:i11t.i11al nurse. with t tl‘r1155_ Box I\. M. Advance Office Apply 111 (1 (‘harpentieri5 Barber's ten years experience. de5ire5 l"”-“' f; l11nmin5. "'1 1‘1 Bit". 111' l’.”. Box ‘111. (onnatlfllln ition. Apply to l’.(). Box 83. 'l‘im- i: 111'151’1'1115' w.\.\'1'11:11 .1. 1111111.... ..1- "n" , ,1 __ _, _ "" "' 11111111 (1111- '3‘111 l’orter. or 5i1nilar po5'ition 1111' 11'1151. . , , ,. . . ,1 , . ,. " r1 - , .,.' ,.~.. .. . . .. 1,_ .l' l.¢ll.\l ll h’l'. ltlli’ SAl.l<.5â€"-l\,lt11hen :g‘ 1'11'1'11'i‘1'1'ni1i1'1'lfih 035:3?" 1‘11"'l"','(l," ’22:. 51113'11. almo51 new: dining): tahle TENDERS WANTED '- 1254.11.11.15115.11111. 439â€"3211 111111 111.111.. ""”""' """ “”33”“ 513.11.11111 '1113511111115 1111111111511: 1.. i ROOM AND BOARD BOARD. BY DAY 0R \\‘l"l“'l\'. Hot and cold water" t'ree. hath. \\ e' handle the best brands (11' 4.1. \V‘hen on 30111' wa3 to the River. step in and sample a bottle, at i11e- (old hem. l)1"1n 1 tore'et. the place. on the cor- ner of Mountjoy and “‘il5on Ave. Phone. 1375 “'. “'11:. lla55. proprieâ€" tor. \Vhat you want, when you 11111 it ~2Hâ€"fllp. __.â€".â€".-~.â€"..- --..“â€" â€"~...â€"...- .... -â€".--â€"...â€".._... ...-.... ..~ GOLDWIN HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY PARLORS Specialists in Hair Tinting and Ladies’ Hair Cutting Open to ‘11 pm. by appointment 13 PINE ST. Phone 173W UP STAIRS ~.â€"-â€".â€".- .--h.. _â€"vâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"’.. - ...â€"...- ".-.“..-- me .... Aw>.“._w...._. .,__«.-_ ‘..-.u. ,. . .-.. . '.. ,,_.__..fi__-. A man 111:1;1111111al ho5pital 5:11 11:11‘1_1_:lin;: :1 5111'k with :1 pi111111 111' 511'i11;: over :1 iluWé'l' 111-d. A 3'15111'11' apâ€" 111'11121'111'11, and \x'i5hiug‘ to 1111 ati'ahh 1'11111:11"5:11d: “How many have you 11111121113” "Your'de 1111 11111111." '1'.‘::5 11111 1'11- le'. “â€" ..._.- w..-.....__v.â€"A l'ixva 11:1-. "11 ..11111...».;,.. . .1' 1|. _ ' .. . {A . ~ - - 11 .;1'_....- '..“ ‘ l1; 7" -,' ‘.‘A w. .1.. . . , . .... Christian Science Meetings tahle. kitchen 11al1inet . ele11t1iei iron. ' ' ).' , . .1. r' ' . _ hahy hath. 11l1111tri1' heater; three- V" H' """""r"‘ "5"" l‘1111m1n5. "" - ,1 , , , tario will he received until 1‘.? p...1n burner 1111 5tove. v.11h 1131111. wash 1 ' :\llf_’tlSl 15' 1.1l1 1.1271 1"1111 1hr.1 ereltion 111 11111. fruit 511aler5 1.1.111. Must be sold ' 11ne-5t.111"e3 :11111'111151111111111 building: . cl (l‘l (lvll(( . .\(l ltdntltlfllllP‘ (‘ff('.l‘ 1" 70. x :‘(l‘ '1‘”, Tintnlins lfl)dg(‘ I.().().I"_ 11151111 Apply 111 Mm St. South \v“ 41311 'l‘imminr'. ~3 ~32 ‘1. . - ‘ ' ’ Separate. sealed tenders thl he reâ€" 1111ived for the heating: and plumhin'z HOUSES FOR SALE required in 5aid l'1uildinj.‘z. ~ .21'1W'111mWa-«w- ' ' Vi." .' 1 1 . . Ham and Sl'11111iti11:1ti1'1n5' may he 1111- H”? S.~\l.l'l-~â€"l"our 1'111'11111’11l 111111511 1111 tained truth A. (l. ('ar5on. l'l5'q. Sixth Ave.. and Autoinohile l.111v11.5'1 111' any t11ud111' not n11111;-,-- 9.42.1100. 'l‘111'n‘15'. Sullivan A" \'11'\\ t5 5:11'il3' 1111111111110 ton. Alar5hall-l'I1'1'l1151111111 l’ 11111 1].,1 \\. ll. l’i'i11'h111'd. 'l'immin5. -.ll' "11.111'1111111 lllde. 13111111101111". l l.ll.tl.l". .\'11. 171.”. FOR SAldellig harg'ain. 8~1°11111111'1lt ~~~~~~ 1111' l1111151‘1. Well 1i1115l1111l. “'111111‘ and '1. :'inlt."~111:1ll payuu-nt. laianee! LOTS FOR S*ALE """""" "" """" "'." "'m'k """"""'1l"1)l1’ 5' .'\l.l. (11111 1i1'51-â€"11|:15~' l’1u51111155 ' l111'111 i5 :1, 5111131. ,","',',.l""'.""""""1 L“: 1111' 5:1111, Apr” 111 ,1, 5.. :1 :1ppl3- 111 l ,11. l1:1.\' 15.32. """"".""1i1'"'i trough. .\'11. 1; (.th. Street North. """"' ""'L' ""1 11' l’.“. llox 71115. 'l'1111111in5', --Ill~' l“('ll1' \' ..’\l l'. ~-l"11'111‘ l111:5. all I'l'1:11'111l' .,_-_*_-_,-_..-._..-., lAll’llUV'l'll) Ul'l'S l"()ll L5A11l'l: 1'i111lt'11 Mark loan: garden: 5111i 1111n‘. Willi '1‘1111111 l1111;511. 111 li11l1l:1l11 'l‘owu5iti'. A hi1: bargain 1111' only? 51110000 11:1511. l"ur11i1ur11 i1: l1111131': large 1...“; ......- 111111155171 down; 111::3' :1l5o l11- 11111'11ha5111l v1-1'3' 11l111apâ€"1i With payment '111' H00 down. 1.3;, l_\'. .\l‘l'l,\',.'." 'lfh .l"lll|1’l'1 l': "'1 15111111113". with two 1'11111115' huilt 11" P “113' l'.!Hâ€"l. l11111111115'. ~.ll l"'i11.1;{:0011193001111511.3125111111111113‘. \Vhy pay rent ,5'l111w 1'11" i‘.. l 1'1111111 l111115'1' on lot. NOTICES and nothing l111'1 11. tit'1’1:11115t (11111111111 1111' 1 2111111 garden :1 hit: part 111' l13'i!:::. 11l' 111111111111- whiI-i. 5:1v115 will he held 111 1h" 11m- pai'fy had $110 wort'; (1l)l)l1‘l£l.l.(1\\'f\". HALL. . 1111' 1...,” .. h... H”... t}... tim' 5312 H" Mm" H "' "1'1"" Nm'h" 51111111.]; 1'1i1111 .111, 1 111 111.311 3'111'1‘ 1117111111"; dl l (1. ill. 1 K1' 1:111:111d 11111111 11 llol 211211? 1111115 '1Q‘ V1 1 1’ 9 .".. Will be' .-‘...1F(lay A..g1.sugxt)liirit8ubiect f 1:11-11 11. 11111111 Park. 51111 W, .. - ’ i '1... ., :1 WU . '1'1., ‘.\1-d111151lax :11'1111'1111111'1 :11 1. p.111. :11. \""‘”’ H" " ' “ RAM" "1“ all" 'l'aotai'avl.‘ St. 1 ’1-341‘1 " -'1 '3'"

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